How do I provide custom Intellisense descriptions in Visual Studio - visual-studio-2010

Ok so let's say I have the following class in C#:
class Foo
public void Bar() { Console.WriteLine("FooBar"); }
In Visual Studio, whenever I instantiate my class and implement my method intellisense looks like this:
All this is showing is the name, return type and input parameters of my method. When viewing any method inside any of the .Net base classes using intellisense, a description is provided.
How do I add a description for my own methods to intellisense, so anybody who uses a *.dll I have written in the future can understand what my methods do without having to refer to external documentation?

Add xml documentation :
/// <summary>
/// Foos something
/// </summary>
public void Foo()


Xamarin WebView - Call C# Method

Is there a way in Xamarin's WebView that allows me to attach javascript events to my html elements and call C# method.
I could easily do this in Android by using JavaScriptInterface
<video width="320" height="240" controls="controls" poster='poster.gif'
How would I manage to this in Xamarin
Create a JavaScript Interface Class
Create a C# class that contains methods to be called from JavaScript.
If you are targeting Android API level 17 or later, this
JavaScript-to-C# interface class must annotate each
JavaScript-callable method with [JavascriptInterface] and [Export]
as shown in the following example. If you are targeting Android API
Level 16 or earlier, this interface class must implement
Java.Lang.IRunnable as explained in Android API Level 16 and
Earlier (later in this recipe):
Create a C# class that is derived from Java.Lang.Object. In the following example, we name our class MyJSInterface and implement a
method to display a toast when it is called from JavaScript:
public class MyJSInterface : Java.Lang.Object
Context context;
public MyJSInterface (Context context)
this.context = context;
public void ShowToast ()
Toast.MakeText (context, "Hello from C#", ToastLength.Short).Show ();
Annotate each method that is to be exposed to JavaScript with [Export] and [JavascriptInterface] (see IJavascriptInterface
for more information about the JavascriptInterface annotation). In
the following example, the ShowToast method is annotated so that it
can be called from JavaScript. Note that you must include the
Java.Interop and Android.Webkit using statements as shown in this
using Java.Interop;
using Android.Webkit;
public void ShowToast ()
Toast.MakeText(context, "Hello from C#", ToastLength.Short).Show();
Add a project reference to Mono.Android.Export (so you can use the [Export] annotation):
1.In Visual Studio, right-click References in the Solution Explorer and select Add Reference.... In Xamarin Studio,
right-click References in the Solution Pad and select Edit
2.In the search field, enter Mono.Android.Export. When you have located it, enable the check mark next to it and click OK.
Refer :

Implementing IntelliSense support for custom language (C++)

I wan to implement IntelliSense support for custom language. Actually it is a customize version of C++. i.e the methods resides in separate files
So my main class is like followings and it has import file MyClassMethods which has all the methods.
public class MyClass {
#import MyClassMethods
// my code goes here
So my MyClassMethods fiel looks like following and it has two methods,
public void testMethod1() {
public void testMethod2() {
Then at the end I want to have IntelliSense features when I working on MyClass. Example when I put dot character on that class in a required place I want to have testMethod1() and testMethod2() in the IntelliSense menu.
Is this possible to achieve and if so how can I achieve this?

Generating documentation using TypeLite

Is it possible to configure TypeLite to replicate documentation from the source to the target class, so that tooltip docs are available in Visual Studio?
Here's a basic example (configured as described in TypeLite quickstart):
public class Poco
/// <summary>
/// Documentation.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Remarks.
/// </remarks>
public string Name { get; set; }
Which generates the following:
interface Poco {
Name: string;
But I want:
interface Poco {
* Documentation.
* Remarks.
Name: string;
TypeLite supports generation of JDoc comments from Xml comments in C# classes. You need to call the WithJSDoc() fluent configuration method.
var ts = TypeScript.Definitions()
It requires XML files with documentation to be generated alongside your binaries.
This feature isn't supported in .NET portable projects.

why does this kill vs 2010

If you copy this into VS2010 it sobs and dies. Why?
A colleague sent this to me in a mail saying that this is why the dynamic keyword is dangerous and warning that it'd kill VS, I copied it into what I was working on and lo and behold, VS2010 crashed.(Destroying most of what I'd worked on that morning).
Warning , it'll kill VS without compiling or any other input, if it's there VS will crash.
namespace Crash
public class Foo
public static void Method(object o)
public class Bar
public Foo Foo { get; set; }
public static void Method(dynamic d)
Foo.Method(d); //This crashes VS instantly!
Someone has already logged a bug for this.
Conditions necessary to cause the crash:
The static method being called must be referenced via only the class name (i.e. without a namespace).
The method making the call must also be static, and the class it belongs to must have a non-static property with the same name as the class whose method is being called.
The dynamic value being passed to it can come from anywhere - it doesn't have to be an argument to the calling function as in the example.

Why is generated override code for generic method incorrect?

I have an abstract generic class
public abstract class Foo<TType>
with an abstract method
public abstract object DoSomething(TType arg = default(TType)) {}
Now, the inherited class
public class BabyFoo : Foo<string>
when I want to override DoSomething and start typing "override " to get the intellisense/generator to write a method skeleton I expected
public override object DoSomething(string arg = default(string))
or even
public override object DoSomething(string arg = null)
but it literally comes up with
public override object DoSomething(string arg = default(TType))
My initial thought is it is a VS2010 bug since optional params are new to c#, but can anybody tell me if there is perhaps a real reason why (reference types vs value types??) the IDE generates this code?
Just to clarify:
public abstract class Foo<TType>
public abstract object DoSomething(TType arg = default(TType));
public class BabyFoo : Foo<string>
// Expected:
public override object DoSomething(string arg = default(string))
// Actual:
public override object DoSomething(string arg = default(TType));
Unless there's something I'm missing, it's quite simply a bug in the Visual Studio IDE / code-gen. Changing the method signature to the "expected" one results in code that will compile, as the "actual" one refuses to compile thanks to being clearly invalid.
Having tried a few different types for TType as well as things like the where TType : new() constraint, I couldn't get VS to generate valid code with your DoSomething method.
Congratulations - you've (probably) found a bug in Visual Studio =)
There are always edge cases when it comes to code generation, I logged one for Visual Basic 2005/2008 a long time ago that was resolved WONT FIX as it was a really obscure one comparatively. Hopefully this one'll be fixed though!
