joomla 2.5 'JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file' - joomla

I have installed joomla 2.5.4 in my system(window 7 64bit) but when I am trying to upload the package it is showing the error:
1.'JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file'.
2.'Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in
on line 32'
3.Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in E:\xampp\htdocs\joomla2.5.4\plugins\system\rokextender\rokextender.php
on line 32
4.Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in E:\xampp\htdocs\joomla2.5.4\plugins\system\rokextender\rokextender.php
on line 32
Can anybody help me to fix this error?

You almost certainly have a permissions problem (see this related SO answer), and it's specific to the RocketTheme Extender that they use with Gantry for some of their RT magic. I'd check all the permissions in Joomla to make sure they match the minimum requirements, and then check the RocketTheme Products Forum for anything specific to that plugin.

Fulfill the minimal Gantry requirements:
PHP 5.3 or bigger
Write rights on you folder.
Set the folder rights to 755.
Remark: You can also set this to 777, but your provider might protect your site from public access. This might generate strange errors, which have nothing to do with Joomla problems.


Magic Quotes runtime in Joomla 1.5

I have a live website on joomla 1.5 that has just gone blank. Both homepage and admin side.
The error log is showing magic quotes runtime error.
I have searched about it and as PHP new version has came out therefore it is causing problem.
How can I restore the website. So that I can upgrade to joomla 3.5
The only way to fix the problem is to ask your host to revert you to a previous PHP version since magic quotes no longer exists as of PHP 5.4. Some hosts have some .htaccess entries that will allow you to use a different version of PHP, but I'm not sure they will allow to revert to PHP 5.3 (or older) as these PHP versions are vulnerable.
Another way to fix the problem is to modify some core Joomla files (mainly the files using the magic_quotes_gpc function).

Joomla error ($this->app) after upgrade

I just upgrade my Joomla website from 3.1.1 to 3.3.6.
As found on I downloaded pack and uploaded all the files over my previous Joomla installation.
Unfortunately, I cannot login and the following error is displayed:
Fatal error: Call to a member function checkSession() on a non-object in /home/www/.../web/plugins/user/joomla/joomla.php on line 209
Line 209: $this->app->checkSession();
I did additional tests and it seems that all the "$this-app->..." command fail!
I opened the 3.1.1 joomla.php file and found another syntax:
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
Replacing the 3.3.6 syntax with this one solved my problem, but I can see that similar "calls" are done when logout, so I would need to change them as well.
It looks like the new syntax ($this->app->) is not working in joomla.php after upgrade to 3.3.6 and now I'm afraid similar errors can occurs in other scripts.
Does someone already get similar errors, is that a known problem with Joomla upgrade, how to solve this issue correctely?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Why on earth would you do this? For a long time now Joomla has had a built-in updater that does several things beyond just copying the files to the correct location, like updating the table definitions, adding new tables, data migration and removing old files.
My guess is that your database schema is now out of sync with the PHP. You'll have to role back to your backup as there is no clear way to say if records have been damaged etc.
Once you've restored your backup, use one of the methods described in the Upgrading from an Existing Version FAQ on Joomla's Doc's site.
As this question is about Joomla management and implementation details, you may get a better answer if you, try asking on the Joomla Q&A StackExhange site in the future.

Getting modules working in Joomla 3.1.4

I am experimenting with Joomla 3.1.4. Whenever I add a new module the template does not show at all in the front-end. The site is blank. On disabling the new module it starts showing properly again. Even a basic hello world type of module does not seem to work and nor does a third party extension I have tried.
I can see them in the extension manager and in the module manager and they have installed successfully. Frustrated with all this I decided to install a new 3.1 template which too installed successfully. However this template does not show anything in the front-end either with my module enabled. It almost seems that there is some sort of security restriction which is disabling the template from rendering whenever any change is made to the basic installation.
Can someone please give pointers to resolving this odd behaviour?
Probably one or some of the core files required for the modules to work are missing.
Head to Global configuration and make sure your Error reporting is set to development. Reload the page and update your question with the error message.
Why not try the newer Joomla 3.1.5 (Download page)? I know that 3.1.4 had at least one problem which could possibly cause server errors in conjunction with extensions (the most likely reason for the blank page that you see).
In general, when encountering a blank page, the first thing to do should be to check the error log of your webserver!

Bridging Ajaxplorer with Joomla 3.0

I have downloaded the latest releases of Joomla (3.0.2) and Ajaxplorer (4.2.3).
I am trying to bridge the two for authentication purposes and have run into a snag. The current auth bridge is for Joomla 1.6... So I went ahead and figured I would give it a shot. The normal way to implement the bridge was just fine except for two things.
The "DS" in the /joomla/plugins/user/ajaxplorer/ajaxplorer.php line 14 needed ' around it...still not sure why but it got rid of the errors so I'm hoping that I'm safe in assuming that it's no longer going to cause a problem.
Originally it looked like this:
require_once ( JPATH_ROOT .DS.'libraries'.DS.'joomla'.DS.'html'.DS.'parameter.php' );
But after getting the errors I changed it to:
require_once ( JPATH_ROOT .'DS'.'libraries'.'DS'.'joomla'.'DS'.'html'.'DS'.'parameter.php' );
All I did was add ' around the DS. Got rid of the errors.
The same file from above is calling for a file called parameter.php that doesn't exist. I have manually looked for the file but didn't find it in that directory or in any other directory. Here is the actual error that I got when trying to login or do anything with authentication.
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'C:\xampp\htdocs\joomlaDSlibrariesDSjoomlaDShtmlDSparameter.php' (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\joomla\plugins\user\ajaxplorer\ajaxplorer.php on line 14
Don't worry, this is only a test server, the file path is not the same as the one that would be published.
So the question is: Does anyone know what was in parameter.php or know what joomla used instead of parameter.php that I could point ajaxplorer.php to? I'd appreciate the help!
You actually have to problems:
First, from what I can see you've used DS in Joomla! 3.0
DS has been deprecated in 2.5 and removed in 3.0. Regardless of a sever on *unix or Windows, you can just use /.
So it should look like this (which does not work anyway):
require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/libraries/joomla/html/parameter.php';
Second, JParameter (which was inside parameter.php) has been removed. Suggested replacement is JForm or JRegistry.
I can't tell you how you can fix this, because I haven't worked yet with ajaxplorer. It's just clear that you need to digg a bit inside the plugin to make it work.
Also be aware that Joomla! 3.0 is a short time support release. Soon it will be 3.1 etc.. till 3.5 which will be the LTS.
I would suggest that you have a look at Joomla! 2.5 which is already supported by ajaxplorer.

Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Core_Helper_Cookie' not found magento

I created a theme on my own magento website, and uploaded it to another magento website, but when i go to the frontend of that website i get this
Fatal error: Class \\’Mage_Core_Helper_Cookie\\’ not found in /home/winterwa/public_html/app/Mage.php on line 516
I searched for a solution and tried this one described in this topic:
(cookie.php in app/code/core/mage/core/helper) but it didn\\’t help a thing.
Any suggestions/solutions for this??
It sounds like the two different Magento installs are running different versions of Magento. The file in question is only added to Magento in version 1.7. I can only assume that you have taken a fresh install of 1.7 and based your theme off of the default / base theme for this. Therefore when the theme gets added to an older version of Magento it is trying to load Blocks / Templates that you haven't overloaded and that just don't exist in the base template.
Unfortunately this won't be the easiest thing to fix. You will need to go through the layout/template files, removing references that add blocks or use helpers that don't exist for the current version of magento. For the issue you mention, you should be able to find by searching for helper('cookie') in your template files.
