Entity Framework 4.3.1 add-migration error: "model backing the context has changed" - entity-framework-4.3

I'm getting an error when trying to run the EF 4.3.1 add-migrations command:
"The model backing the ... context has changed since the database was created".
Here's one sequence that gets the error (although I've tried probably a dozen variants which also all fail)...
1) Start with a database that was created by EF Code First (ie, already contains a _MigrationHistory table with only the InitialCreate row).
2) The app's code data model and database are in-sync at this point (the database was created by CF when the app was started).
3) Because I have four DBContexts in my "Services" project, I didn't run 'enable-migrations' command (it doesn't handle multipe contexts). Instead, I manually created the Migrations folder in the Services project and the Configuration.cs file (included at end of this post). [I think I read this in a post somewhere]
4) With the database not yet changed, and the app stopped, I use the VS EDM editor to make a trivial change to my data model (add one property to an existing entity), and have it generate the new classes (but not modify the database, obviously). I then rebuild the solution and all looks OK (but don't delete the database or restart the app, of course).
5) I run the following PMC command (where "App" is the name of one of the classes in Configuration.cs):
PM> add-migration App_AddTrivial -conf App -project Services -startup Services -verbose
... which fails with the "The model ... has changed. Consider using Code First Migrations..." error.
What am I doing wrong? And does anyone else see the irony in the tool telling me to use what I'm already trying to use ;-)
What are the correct steps for setting-up a solution starting with a database that was created by EF CF? I've seen posts saying to run an initial migration with -ignorechanges, but I've tried that and it doesn't help. Actually, I've spent all DAY testing various permutations, and nothing works!
I must be doing something really stupid, but I don't know what!
namespace mynamespace
internal sealed class App : DbMigrationsConfiguration
public App()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
MigrationsNamespace = "Services.App.Repository.Migrations";
protected override void Seed(.Services.App.Repository.ModelContainer context)
internal sealed class Catalog : DbMigrationsConfiguration<Services.Catalog.Repository.ModelContainer>
public Catalog()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
MigrationsNamespace = "Services.Catalog.Repository.Migrations";
protected override void Seed(Services.Catalog.Repository.ModelContainer context)
internal sealed class Portfolio : DbMigrationsConfiguration<Services.PortfolioManagement.Repository.ModelContainer>
public Portfolio()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
MigrationsNamespace = "Services.PortfolioManagement.Repository.Migrations";
protected override void Seed(Services.PortfolioManagement.Repository.ModelContainer context)
internal sealed class Scheduler : DbMigrationsConfiguration<.Services.Scheduler.Repository.ModelContainer>
public Scheduler()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
MigrationsNamespace = "Services.Scheduler.Repository.Migrations";
protected override void Seed(Services.Scheduler.Repository.ModelContainer context)

When using EF Migrations you should have one data context per database. I know that it can grow really large, but by trying to split it you will run into several problems. One is the migration issue that you are experiencing. Later on you will probably be facing problems when trying to make queries joining tables from the different contexts. Don't go that way, it's against how EF is designed.


How to a raise a domain event for the entity when the entity is created in clean architecture

I have a project created using the clean architecture template.
If I want a domain event be raised when a new project is created, where do I add that?
If I have to raise an event whenever a new item be added to a project, I can accomplish that in the Project entity as shown here.
Similarly for MarkCompletion of a ToDoItem as done here.
But its not clear where do I put the code to raise an event when a new Project is created?
One option is doing something like the following in Create End Point here.
newProject.Events.Add(new ProjectCreatedEvent(newProject));
But this is in UI, away from the domain model, and so does not feel right.
The other option is using ef core interceptors. So when ever save changes is called, just raise event as appropriate something like here.
And if I add event in Project ctor, then this is triggered even in case of an update.
public Project(string name)
Name = Guard.Against.NullOrEmpty(name, nameof(name));
var newProjectCreatedEvent = new NewProjectCreatedEvent(this);
Are there any better options/patterns?
Any pointer is deeply appreciated.
When you need to raise a domain event on project creation I would create a factory method that publishes the event.
You can use a static method or implement a factory object.
public class Project : BaseEntity, IAggregateRoot
public static Project newProject(string name)
var project = new Project(name);
var newProjectCreatedEvent = new NewProjectCreatedEvent(project);
return project;
private Project(string name)
Name = Guard.Against.NullOrEmpty(name, nameof(name));

using signalR .net core client

I have set up a signalR website .net core. My function in my hub is:
public async Task Notify(int id) {
await Clients.All.InvokeAsync("Notified", id);
I have also tested this with the following js:
let connection = new signalR.HubConnection(myURL);
connection.on('Notified', data => {
console.log(4, data);
The js code seems to work fine and I see the log when I try connection.Invoke('Notify').
Now I have a console app that can needs to make the invoke. I am trying this in two ways and don't mind either solution:
1. A mvc controller within the signalR website that can take the id and invoke 'Notified'.
2. Use the client library Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client in the console app.
The way 1 I have only done in classic asp.net like this:
But couldn't find a way to do this in .net core.
Way 2 I have used the library and tried this so far:
var con = new HubConnectionBuilder();
var connection = con.Build();
This is the closest I have come to create a connection in the same way as the js code. However this code throws a null pointer when calling connection.InvokeAsync. The connection object is not null. It seems to be an internal object that is null. According to the stack trace the exception is thrown when a MoveNext() function is internally called.
Well looks like both are not currently possible. As of now I just used a forced way which is hopefully temporary.
I have created and used the following base class for hubs:
public abstract class MyHub : Hub
private static Dictionary<string, IHubClients> _clients = new Dictionary<string, IHubClients>();
public override Task OnConnectedAsync()
var c = base.OnConnectedAsync();
_clients.Add(Name, Clients);
return c;
public static IHubClients GetClients(string Name) {
return _clients.GetValueOrDefault(Name);
GlobalHost is gone. You need to inject IHubContext<THub> like in this sample.
This can be a bug in SignalR alpha1. Can you file an issue on https://github.com/aspnet/signalr and include a simplified repro?

MVVMCross - Navigate ViewModel

When I try to open a new viewmodel I'm receiving the following error:
Failed to load ViewModel for type EasyBudget.Core.ViewModels.GridCategoryViewModel from locator MvxDefaultViewModelLocator
It´s also shows:
No symbols found.
And shows that cannot find or open the PDB file.
My viewmodel:
public class HomeViewModel
: MvxViewModel
private Cirrious.MvvmCross.ViewModels.MvxCommand _listCommandCategory;
public System.Windows.Input.ICommand ListCommandCategory
_listCommandCategory = _listCommandCategory ?? new Cirrious.MvvmCross.ViewModels.MvxCommand(DoListCategory);
return _listCommandCategory;
private void DoListCategory()
And my other viewmodel:
public partial class GridCategoryView : MvxPhonePage
public GridCategoryView()
Does anyone knows what may I be forgeting?
Best regards
Wilton Ruffato Wonrath
I believe the problem will most likely be somewhere in the construction of the ViewModel:
perhaps the constructor itself isn't public?
perhaps one or more of the parameters for the constructor couldn't be found?
perhaps some code inside the constructor has thrown an exception
Where you posted 'my other viewmodel' you actually posted code only for your other view. Can you post the code for the ViewModel that accompanies that view?
If you enable your debugger to break on all Exceptions, then this will possibly help you to find the problem that occurs during loading (inside https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/blob/v3/Cirrious/Cirrious.MvvmCross/ViewModels/MvxDefaultViewModelLocator.cs).
If you want to a pdb for debugger symbols, then these can be found inside the folders of http://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross-Binaries - inside the VS2012/Release folders. We are also currently trying to work out how to distribute these via SymbolSource.org (first got the request/suggestion this week)
Finally, if you want to see trace from a Windows build and are using the release packages from nuget then you can do this by overriding CreateDebugTrace() in your Setup.cs file - e.g. try:
protected override IMvxTrace CreateDebugTrace()
return new MvxDebugTrace();
This will also allow you to add some debug trace to your Core code if you want to using:
Mvx.Trace(format, args...)
Mvx.Warning(format, args...)
Mvx.Error(format, args...)
Perhaps, you forgot about adding ViewModel type to your generic MvxPhonePage.
Try this:
public partial class GridCategoryView : MvxPhonePage<GridCategoryViewModel>

Getting DataContext error while saving form

I get this error when opening one specific form. The rest is working fine and I have no clue why this one isn't.
Error: An attempt has been made to Attach or Add an entity that is not new, perhaps having been loaded from another DataContext. This is not supported.
I get the error at _oDBConnection when I try to save. When I watch _oDBConnection while running through the code, it does not exist. Even when I open the main-window it does not exist. So this form is where the DataContext is built for the very first time.
Every class inherits from clsBase where the DataContext is built.
My collegue is the professional one who built it all. I am just expanding and using it (learned it by doing it). But now I'm stuck and he is on holiday. So keep it simple :-)
What can it be?
namespace Reservation
class clsPermanency : clsBase
private tblPermanency _oPermanency;
public tblPermanency PermanencyData
get { return _oPermanency; }
set { _oPermanency = value; }
public clsPermanency()
: base()
_oPermanency = new tblPermanency();
public clsPermanency(int iID)
: this()
_oPermanency = (from oPermanencyData in _oDBConnection.tblPermanencies
where oPermanencyData.ID == iID
select oPermanencyData).First();
if (_oPermanency == null)
throw new Exception("Permanentie niet gevonden");
public void save()
if (_oPermanency.ID == 0)
public class clsBase
protected DBReservationDataContext _oDBConnection;
protected int _iID;
public int ID
get { return _iID; }
public DBReservationDataContext DBConnection
get { return _oDBConnection; }
public clsBase()
_oDBConnection = new DBReservationDataContext();
Not a direct answer, but this is really bad design, sorry.
One context instance per class instance. Pretty incredible. How are you going to manage units of work and transactions? And what about memory consumption and performance?
Indirection: every entity instance (prefixed o) is wrapped in a cls class. What a hassle to make classes cooperate, if necessary, or to access their properties.
DRY: far from it. Does each clsBase derivative have the same methods as clsPermanency?
Constructors: you always have to call the base constructor. The constructor with int iID always causes a redundant new object to be created, which will certainly be a noticeable performance hit when dealing with larger numbers. A minor change in constructor logic may cause the sequence of constructor invocations to change. (Nested and inherited constructors are always tricky).
Exception handling: you need a try-catch everywhere where classes are created. (BTW: First() will throw its own exception if the record is not there).
Finally, not a real issue, but class and variable name prefixes are sooo 19xx.
What to do?
I don't think you can change your colleague's design in his absence. But I'd really talk to him about it in due time. Just study some linq-to-sql examples out there to pick up some regular patterns.
The exception indicates that somewhere between fetching the _oPermanency instance (in the Id-d constructor) and saving it a new _oDBConnection is created. The code as shown does not reveal how this could happen, but I assume there is more code than this. When you debug and check GetHashCode() of _oDBConnection instances you should be able to find where it happens.

Duplicate the behaviour of a data driven test

Right now, if you have a test that looks like this:
public void TestSomething()
string data = TestContext.DataRow["ColumnHeader"].ToString();
do something with the data
You'll get as many tests runs as you have data values when you execute this test.
What I'd like to do is duplicate this kind of behaviour in code while still having a datasource. For instance: let's say that I want to run this test against multiple deployed versions of a web service (this is a functional test, so nothing is being mocked - ie. it could very well be a codedui test against a web site deployed to multiple hosts).
public void TestSomething()
var svc = helper.GetService(/* external file - NOT a datasource */);
string data = TestContext.DataRow["ColumnHeader"].ToString();
do something with the data
Now, if I have 2 deployment locations listed in the external file, and 2 values in the datasource for the testmethod, I should get 4 tests.
You might be asking why I don't just add the values to the datasource. The data in the external file will be pulled in via the deployment items in the .testsettings for the test run, because they can and will be defined differently for each person running the tests and I don't want to force a rebuild of the test code in order to run the tests, or explode the number of data files for tests. Each test might/should be able to specify which locations it would like to test against (the types are known at compile-time, not the physical locations).
Likewise, creating a test for each deployment location isn't possible because the deployment locations can and will be dynamic in location, and in quantity.
Can anyone point me to some info that might help me solve this problem of mine?
UPDATE! This works for Visual Studio 2010 but does not seem to work on 2012 and 2013.
I had a similar problem where I had a bunch of files I wanted to use as test data in a data driven test. I solved it by generating a CSV file before executing the data driven test. The generation occurs in a static method decorated with the ClassInitialize attribute.
I guess you could basically do something similar and merge your current data source with your "external file" and output a new CSV data source that your data driven test use.
public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }
const string NameColumn = "NAME";
const string BaseResourceName = "MyAssembly.UnitTests.Regression.Source";
public static void Initialize(TestContext context)
var path = Path.Combine(context.TestDeploymentDir, "TestCases.csv");
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(path, false))
// Write column headers
string[] resourceNames = typeof(RegressionTests).Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
foreach (string resourceName in resourceNames)
if (resourceName.StartsWith(BaseResourceName))
[DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.CSV", "|DataDirectory|\\TestCases.csv", "TestCases#csv", DataAccessMethod.Random)]
public void RegressionTest()
var resourceName = TestContext.DataRow[NameColumn].ToString();
// Get testdata from resource and perform test.
