421 Sorry, cleartext sessions are not accepted on this server. - ftp

I'm trying to access an ftp from my web browser, but I get the following error : 421 Sorry, cleartext sessions are not accepted on this server. Any ideas?

"421 Sorry, cleartext sessions are not accepted on this server" means that the server is using "FTP Over Explicit TLS/SSL". This is a Good Thing.
You might be able to fix it by giving the protocol "ftpes:" instead of "ftp:":
... or ...
You'll probably need to use another FTP client besides your default browser.
I don't know if newer versions of IE support FTP over SSL.
Filezilla might be a good choice:

In Filezilla.. under "File" click on the icon to open the "site manager".. then over to the right click on the "General" tab which is probably already open by default.
On the third line down where it says "Encryption".. choose "Require Explicit FTP over TLS"
That one worked fine for me.

Just add a ftpes:// before the domain name
for example Old One,
host : domain.com
username : xxx
pass : yyy
port : 21
Now the new.
host : ftpes://domain.com
username : xxx
pass : yyy
port : 21
Advanced Option,
Login to Web Host Manager
Go To : Service Configuration
Go To : FTP Server Configuration
Check that :
TLS Encryption Support : set to “Optional”
Try that, it will work.

I was also facing the same issue and resolved after doing the following thing. If you are using filezilla as ftp client, then try this.
Host: ftpes://mydomain.com
UserName: yourUsername
Password: yourPassword
You need to just modify the Host URL. add the ftpes:// before the domain name.
Basically this issue is only coming if you are trying to access you web server from your linux(Ubuntu) machine.
From windows system its working fine.

add a ftpes:// before the domain name

If this did not work with this changes do following change.
In Filezilla goto
Here Change transfer mode from Active to Passive and press OK and try connecting again.

Now-a-days, cpanel does not support FileZilla. You may find the reason here.
CPanel: After clicking on Configure FTP Client, you may find below
However, you can still be able to connect via FileZilla.
For my case, I followed below settings.
WHM Panel: Please follow the navigation. Log in to WHM Panel > Service Configuration > FTP Server Configuration
TLS Encryption Support: Optional
Allow Anonymous Logins: No
Allow Anonymous Uploads: No
FileZilla: Below is the settings for FileZilla.
In FileZilla settings (Edit > Settings), please make sure if Transfer Mode is set to Passive.
And I am able to connect to FTP successfully :)


Azure Logic App FTP Connector Issue: Invalid Connection

I am trying to setup FTP trigger using FTP Connector in Azure logic Apps. However, I can't make it to work. I have even tried to connect to public test FTP server but it still shows invalid connection.
Shown below are the connection details for Public FTP. The exception I face is Invalid Connection on designer. The Exception Detail is: Details: Ftp Password is empty or was not provided
I am not sure if I am missing anything. I have tried testing with other SFTP server on port 22 but in vain.
Thanks in advance for your kind help.
Is it FTP or SFTP? Or FTPS?
I see you're using port 22.
Did you try ticking Enable SSL? Disable Certificate Validation?
Did you try using SFTP - SSH connector?
I looked at the conenction again. I was provided an SFTP option, and that what I needed to use.
Changing from simple FTP to SFTP resolvd the issues.

How to connect to AWS EC2 instance using filezillla?

I have AWS EC2 instance. I am using filezilla 3.8.0 but I cannot connect instance, filezilla doesnt accept account type normal and asking password. When I type user name ubunbu and password blank I received following message:
Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
I inserted pem key and converted ppk key also. My staff can connect but I cant. What is wrong?
It happens in AWS EC2. As EC2 provide Connection through an SFTP need some other methods.
Firstly the CONNECTION will be in FTP as default. Need to change to SFTP.
Then instead of directly giving host name and password, it must be done in Site manager. Step by step procedure given below:
So the steps for troubleshooting:
Go to Filezilla's Settings
Add Key File (Give the ppk converted key file or FZ will convert the pem ket)
Then take File in Filezilla
Go to
Site Manager
New Site
Give any name (ec2-amazon)
In General, give host name 'Public DNS' (eg: ec2-34-423.ap-southeast...)
Change the Protocol to SFTP
Logon Type: Normal
User : ec2-user or ubuntu - depends
Clear Password
Hope you will be connected. Happy Hosting...:)
More specifically here's a screenshot of the dialog where you are supposed to add your ssh private key.
Try the following configuration in filezilla,
set Logon type = Interactive,Protocal = SFTP, and attach keyfile to filezilla SFTP setting from MenuBar -> Edit -> Settings ->SFTP -> Add Key File.
Hope this helps.
I was facing the same problem-
I follow up #Amith Ajith answer but found my setting was as it, is.
I choose a file as privatekey.pem which i generated.
Change "Transfer setting" as active
it worked for me.

Cannot connect Webstorm to FTP project

I am trying to connect my Webstorm to my web site, so i can work on the files over the network via FTP, but i can't seem to get my FTP connection to work.
If I connect to my website via Filezilla like this :
... it works perfect.
However when I try with Webstorm nothing seems to work. Here is a screenshot :
error :
Note :
username and password are identical in both cases.
On webstorm i have tried a number of things for the FTP host: www.blue-walrus.com, ftp.blue-walrus.com. And for Web server root URL, i have tried http://blue-walrus.com, and http://www.blue-walrus.com.
Where am i going wrong?
Please check if turning 'Passive mode' (Deployment/Advanced options) on makes any difference. If it doesn't, please try the following:
shut down WebStorm
delete the idea.log
enable debug logging for 'com.jetbrains.plugins.webDeployment'
category (see devnet.jetbrains.com/docs/DOC-1202 for details)
recreate your problem and send the idea.log to Jetbrains support

Windows Azure VM Filezilla FTP Setup

I am using Windows 2012 R2 VM machine in Azure. I have read multiple article to setup Filezilla server in this environment. However, I am not successful. Any one faced this issue? Any solution will be greatly appreciated.
Just remember to add Filezilla to Windows Firewall :-)
I'm dealing with the same thing right now. locally the FTP serv works great. remote I cannot establish a passive connection. Based on my research this is because Azure is not set up for Passive-FTP. I am uncertain if we can get FileZilla to operate in a active-FTP mode. Will post back if I ever get to the bottom of it. Mine currently connects and authenticates but 'cannot retrieve directory listing' when it tries to kick over to passive (transfer) mode.
In addition to checking the Virtual Machine endpoints are open, be sure to also add the appropriate Windows Firewall rules if you have Windows Firewall enabled on your Windows VM.
Yes, We can connect to Azure server via FileZilla Client.
Login to Azure portal: https://portal.azure.com
Click on App Services.
Select the Site and then click on Get publish profile.
Save the file and open it in notepad.exe.
The file contains 2 <publishProfile> sections. One is for Web Deploy and another for FTP.
Under the <publishProfile> section for FTP make a note of the following values:
publishUrl (hostname only)
userName --------------------------> This is the information you are looking for
Add the PublishUrl to Hostname, Username and password in their respective fields.
The link will give the detailed description of the steps flow with images.
Here is the link.

Connect to server via FTP with Notepad++

I am using Notepad++ (6.5.3 version) to edit my files. I want to connect to my server with Notepad++. I using this method:
Open Notepad++ -> Plugins -> NppFTP -> Show NppFTP window
In the NppFTP window:
Click settings button -> profile setting -> add name to site
-> add host name
-> username
-> pwd
click close.
Now i tried to connect my server in notepad++, but it give a following message
[NppFTP] Everything initialized
-> Quit
Unable to connect
Does anybody know how to solve this?
For me the plugin works only with plain FTP connection. Once I switch to FTPS or FTPES, the problem emerges. After diagnosing I've discovered that FTPS and FTPES modes cause plugin to send invalid commands to the server. I have filled a ticket at NPP FTP website. Please follow it to obtain the solution.
I had the same problem.
Under Profile Settings, in Connection Type, I changed it to SFTP from FTP and it worked! Hope it helps.
The problem you are facing is because of your ISP blocking port 21 when using FTPES. You can either use some VPN client or proxy server for bypassing this issue. Your connection will definitely work. I have already tested and resolved this issue for me.
