Configure Inetd settings for a particular FTP account - ftp

Currently in Inetd , the protocol settings for a particular protocol is same for all the uses who are connecting to system using it . like FTP or so .
Is there a way to configure inetd to have a different settings for a particular user only ?
for example , currenlty in inetd:
ftp stream tcp nowait/100/40/20 /usr/libexec/ftpd ftpd -l -r
Is there any way, to have configure new parameters ( nowait/300/50/40 for a particular FTP user only)

Well, the inetd.conf line is for enabling FTP when needed, and it always uses that settings. It is a global setting.
So the answer is no.


Ftp server in termux

How can I access termux files using ftp? I wants to write files using ftp, so i can use good editor for edit files.
My question is how can I set up my ftp server in termux?
You have to start ftp server in termux, for starting server you have to use tcpsvd for binding port.
tcpsvd -Ev localhost 8023 ftpd /sdcard
Now open ftp client or go to browser with ftp://localhost:8023
It will show all sdcard content, use more ftpd option to explore ftp.

Unable to Retrieve Directory Using ProFTPD(WHM)

Well, after looking for many solutions. I came here now.
I am setting up WHM/cPanel for hosting website. Everything was going smooth but I am stuck on FTP connection (Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead.)
Server Details:
CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
WHM/cPanel Version
FTP Server: PureFTPD
Acutal error while connecting
To fix this issue and get FTP working you need to open up more numbered ports so FTP can connect. I assume you are using CSF.
Login to WHM then go to CSF >> Firewall Configuration >>
allow TCP_In 30000:50000 and TCP_Out 30000:50000
Once you made the changes Restart the firewall
Now you need to make changes in FTP config file to use these ports, you will find this file to this location /etc/pure-ftpd.conf
Now you will see a line as follows and you will need to uncomment it
# Port range for passive connections replies. - for firewalling.
PassivePortRange 30000 50000
Restart FTP Service and should work.

Connecting to Oracle WebLogic Server Instance (Admin Server)

I have just started playing around with Oracle Weblogic. I am trying to do some scripting using WLST , a commandline tool. I have a test environment set up which has Weblogic 10.3 and Linux 2.6.18 on it. I have managed to log into wlst in the offline/interactive mode.
I now want to connect to the AdminServer in my domain. I am having issues doing so.
Following is the command that I am using:
wls:/offline> connect('username','password','localhost:7002')
Once the command is fired it just shows the cursor blinking and the operation does not timeout.
Using the console I have verified the state of the AdminServer , the user defined in security realm and the listen port of the server.
I am wondering why the above command did not work.
On the other hand I created a test managed server using the administration console and successfully made a connection through wlst using the same command.
Am I missing something ?
Thanks !!
I see two things.
On a default installation, port 7002 is a ssl port. It might not be configured and to use it you should specify the t3s protocol, instead of using default t3.
Also, the server is not listening on localhost. That server has an IP address, and chances are the admin server bound to it. It is not listening to
To tell, issue this command (Linux):
netstat -plan | grep 7001.*LISTEN
REM Windows
netstat -a -p tcp -n -o | findstr /R 7001.*LISTENING
You will see something like this (Linux):
tcp 0 0 ::ffff: :::* LISTEN 20993/java
You can use the IP address, but might as well use the fully qualified name given by:
Try again connecting :
Or if SSL is configured, this should work:
Mohan there could be missing in /etc/hosts file. Please check that other reason could be firewall on the Linux box would making issue.
can you show your connect command for managed server? That may hint us to identify issue.
Did you tried with the 1p addresss as well with t3:// protocol?

How can I dump and decrypt HTTPS traffic from the command line under linux?

I have a web application that I need to debug because I suspect that the request send is altered on its way to the server.
I want to dump the HTTPS traffic received on port localhost:443 and decrypt it so I can check the packages.
Obviously I do have the private hey from the server.
Is there a way to do this from the command line?
You can use ssldump.(it works on top of libpcap).
ssldump -r <File_Name>.pcap -k <Key_File>.key -d host <IP_Address>
You specify the following options with the ssldump utility:
-r: Read data from the <File_Name>.pcap file instead of from the network.
-k: Use <Key_File>.key file as the location for the SSL keyfile.
-d: Display the application data traffic.
You may refer the complete example here
You can import the SSL key in wireshark to decrypt https if Wireshark is compiled with SSL decryption support:

JMeter (Active?) FTP to VLTrader

I'm using JMeter to load test my communications application (Cleo VLTrader). I'm new to JMeter, and have been able to get HTTP communication working, but not FTP. When I attempt to use a JMeter FTP Request sampler, I can see on the server side that the JMeter is issuing a "PASV" command, and failing shortly thereafter due to a "502 PASV command not available" error.
How do I need to configure my JMeter FTP Request sampler to connect to my FTP server?
1. Sorry for this but just to ensure: have you ensured that FTP connection succeeds manually, i.e. not from FTP Request in jmeter script but via console/telnet connection or any FTP client utility?
2. FTP Passive mode
Possible cause:
Since your FTP Request fails during PASV command execution can suppose that the root cause is that your ftp server doesn't support passive mode while jmeter's FTP Request uses passive mode by default.
To ensure this try to switch into Passive mode after connecting to your ftp from console,
telnet your.ftp.server.url 21
USER yourusername
PASS yourpassword
ftp -d your.ftp.server.url
USER yourusername
PASS yourpassword
or using any ftp client utility which have option to select mode (active/passive) for connection.
If the same issue appears during this - well, the problem is that your ftp server doesn't support passive mode which is used by FTP Request.
See e.g. this for explanation of differences in both the modes.
Possible solution:
As per jmeter sources:
switch to passive mode is used by default and there is no possibility to set mode externally in FTP Request configuration screen.
But you can implement ftp request yourself, avoiding usage of FTP Request.
You can use FTPClient realization from Apache Commons Net and script ftp connection in BeanShell Sampler.
Very simplified this may look like:
FTPClient client = new FTPClient();
client.login(userName, userName);
// FTPClient uses 'active mode' by default
if (ftp_passive_mode) {
} else {
Maybe also I'm wrong and the reason of your issue hides in another place.
Hope this will help you to diagnose and solve your problem.
