How to know Hive and Hadoop versions from command prompt? - hadoop

How can I find which Hive version I am using from the command prompt. Below is the details-
I am using Putty to connect to hive table and access records in the tables. So what I did is- I opened Putty and in the host name I typed- and then I click Open. And then I entered my username and password and then few commands to get to Hive sql. Below is the list what I did
$ bash
bash-3.00$ hive
Hive history file=/tmp/rkost/hive_job_log_rkost_201207010451_1212680168.txt
hive> set;
hive> select * from table LIMIT 1;
So is there any way from the command prompt I can find which hive version I am using and Hadoop version too?

$ hive --version
Hive version
EDIT: added another '-' before the version. Doesn't work for newer versions. Hope it works for all now.
Known to work in the following distributions:
HortonWorks distribution: $ hive --version Hive
CDH 5.3
It does not work:
CDH 4.3
HDinsight (Azure)

$ hadoop version
Hadoop 0.20.2-cdh3u4
Not sure you can get the Hive version from the command line, though. Maybe you could use something like the hive.hwi.war.file property or pull it out of the classpath, though.

You can not get hive version from command line.
You can checkout hadoop version as mentioned by Dave.
Also if you are using cloudera distribution, then look directly at the libs:
ls /usr/lib/hive/lib/ and check for hive library
You can also check the compatible versions here:

You CAN get version from command line(hive or beeline).
hive> select version();
1.1.0-cdh5.12.0 rUnknown
Time taken: 2.815 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)

The below works on Hadoop 2.7.2
hive --version
hadoop version
pig --version
sqoop version
oozie version

This should certainly work:
hive --version

hive -e "set hive.hwi.war.file;" | cut -d'-' -f3

Use the version flag from the CLI
[hadoop#usernode~]$ hadoop version
Hadoop 2.7.3-amzn-1
Subversion -r d94115f47e58e29d8113a887a1f5c9960c61ab83
Compiled by ec2-user on 2017-01-31T19:18Z
Compiled with protoc 2.5.0
From source with checksum 1833aada17b94cfb94ad40ccd02d3df8
This command was run using /usr/lib/hadoop/hadoop-common-2.7.3-amzn-1.jar
[hadoop#usernode ~]$ hive --version
Hive 1.0.0-amzn-8
Subversion git://ip-20-69-181-31/workspace/workspace/bigtop.release-rpm-4.8.4/build/hive/rpm/BUILD/apache-hive-1.0.0-amzn-8-src -r d94115f47e58e29d8113a887a1f5c9960c61ab83
Compiled by ec2-user on Tue Jan 31 19:51:34 UTC 2017
From source with checksum 298304aab1c4240a868146213f9ce15f

From the hive shell issue 'set'
The hive-cli.jar version is the hive version.
hive> set; /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-4.2.2-1.cdh4.2.2.p0.10/bin/../lib/hive/lib/hive-cli-**0.10.0**-cdh**4.2.2**.jar org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.CliDriver
The above example shows Hive version 0.10.0 for CDH version 4.2.2

hive --version
hadoop version

We can find hive version by
on linux shell : "hive --version"
on hive shell : " ! hive --version;"
above cmds works on hive 0.13 and above.
gives the hive version from hue hive editor it gives the the jar name which includes the version.

to identify hive version on a EC2 instance use
hive --version

Below command works , i tried this and got the current version as
/usr/bin/hive --version

If you are using beeline to connect to hive, then !dbinfo will give all the underlying database details and in the output getDatabaseProductVersion will have the hive database version.
Sample output:
getDatabaseProductVersion 1.2.1000.

If you are using hortonworks distro then using CLI you can get the version with the command:
hive --version

We can also get the version by looking at the version of the hive-metastore jar file.
For example:
$ ls /usr/lib/hive/lib/ | grep metastore

You can get Hive version
hive --version
if you want to know hive version and its related package versions.
rpm -qa|grep hive
Output will be like below.
Latter gives better understanding of hive and its dependents. Nevertheless rpm needs to be present.

Use the below command to get hive version
hive --service version

From your SSH connection to edge node, you can simply type
hive --version
Hive 1.2.1000.x.x.x.x-xx
This returns the Hive version for your distribution of Hadoop. Another approach is if you enter into beeline, you can find the version straight away.
Beeline version 1.2.1000.x.x.x.x-xx by Apache Hive

another way is to make a REST call, if you have WebHCat (part of Hive project) installed, is
curl -i
which will come back with JSON like
WebHCat docs has some details

Yes you can get version of your hive by using "hive command":
hive --service version
You can get a list of available service names by using following "hive command":
hive --service help

you can look for the jar file as soon as you login to hive

/usr/bin/hive --version worked for me.
[qa#ip-10-241-1-222 ~]$ /usr/bin/hive --version
Hive 0.13.1-cdh5.3.1
Subversion file:///data/1/jenkins/workspace/generic-package-rhel64-6-0/topdir/BUILD/hive-0.13.1-cdh5.3.1 -r Unknown
Compiled by jenkins on Tue Jan 27 16:38:55 PST 2015
From source with checksum 1bb86e4899928ce29cbcaec8cf43c9b6
[qa#ip-10-241-1-222 ~]$

On HDInsight I tried the hive --version, but it did not recognize the option or mention it in the help.
D:\Users\admin1>%hive_home%/bin/hive --version
Unrecognized option: --version
usage: hive
-d,--define <key=value> Variable subsitution to apply to hive
commands. e.g. -d A=B or --define A=B
--database <databasename> Specify the database to use
-e <quoted-query-string> SQL from command line
-f <filename> SQL from files
-H,--help Print help information
-h <hostname> connecting to Hive Server on remote host
--hiveconf <property=value> Use value for given property
--hivevar <key=value> Variable subsitution to apply to hive
commands. e.g. --hivevar A=B
-i <filename> Initialization SQL file
-p <port> connecting to Hive Server on port number
-S,--silent Silent mode in interactive shell
-v,--verbose Verbose mode (echo executed SQL to the
However when you login to the head node and start the hive console it prints out some helpful configuration information from which the version can be read:
Logging initialized using configuration in file:/C:/apps/dist/hive-
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/C:/apps/dist/hadoop-
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/C:/apps/dist/hbase-!/org/slf4
SLF4J: See for an explanation.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
hive> quit;
From this I would say I have Hive version 0.13 deployed, which is consistent with this list of versions

I was able to get the version of installed Hadoop 3.0.3 by the following command
$HADOOP_HOME/bin$ ./hadoop version
which gave me the following output
Hadoop 3.0.3
Source code repository -r 37fd7d752db73d984dc31e0cdfd590d252f5e075
Compiled by yzhang on 2018-05-31T17:12Z
Compiled with protoc 2.5.0
From source with checksum 736cdcefa911261ad56d2d120bf1fa
This command was run using /usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/hadoop-common-3.0.3.jar


Error when trying to execute start in HDP Sandbox 2.6

I installed Apache Kylin, following the official installation guide, in HDP sandbox 2.6
When I run the script, $KYLIN_HOME/bin/ start, I got the error below:
What can I do to fix this error?
Thanks in advance
Check if Hive service is up in your ambari, when Hive service is down Kylin cannot find it and gives the error. Check for .bash_profile as well. When those two issues are addressed kylin should be able to find location of hive dependency.
Kylin uses the script to setup the CLASSPATH. This script uses a Hive CLI command (I test it with beeline) to query Hive env vars and extract the CLASSPATH from them.
beeline connect to Hive using the properties at kylin_hive_conf.xml but for some reason (probably due to the Hive version included in HDP 2.6) some of the loaded Hive properties cannot be set when the connection is stablished.
The Hive properties that causes the issue can be discarded for connecting to Hive to query the CLASSPATH, so, to fix this issue:
Edit $KYLIN_HOME/conf/ and set kylin.source.hive.client=beeline
Open the script, go to line 34 aprox and modify the line
hive_env=${beeline_shell} ${hive_conf_properties} ${beeline_params} --outputformat=dsv -e "set;" 2>&1 | grep 'env:CLASSPATH'
Just remove ${hive_conf_properties}
Check Hive depedencies have been configured by running the command
Now $KYLIN_HOME/bin/ start should works.

Install Hive on windows: 'hive' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I have installed Hadoop 2.7.3 on Windows and I am able to start the cluster. Now I would like to have hive and went through the steps below:
1. Downloaded, unpacked it and started the startNetworkServer -h
2. Downloaded apache-hive-1.1.1-bin.tar.gz from mirror site and unpacked it. Created hive-site.xml to have below properties:
I have also setup HIVE_HOME and updated path. Also set HIVE_LIB and HIVE_BIN_PATH.
When I run hive from bin I get
'hive' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
The bin/hive appears as filetype File.
Please suggest. Not sure if the hive version is correct one.
Thank you.
If someone is still going through this problem; here's what i did to solve hive installation on windows.
My configurations are as below (latest as of date):
I am using Windows 10
Hadoop 2.9.1
derby 10.14
hive 2.3.4 (my hive version does not contain bin/hive.cmd; the necessary file to run hive on windows)
#wheeler above mentioned that Hive is for Linux. Here's the hack to make it work for windows.
My Hive installation version did not come with windows executable files. Hence the hack!
There are 3 files which you need to specifically download from *
save it in your %HIVE_HOME%/bin/ as hive.cmd
save it in your %HIVE_HOME%/bin/ext/ as cli.cmd
save it in your %HIVE_HOME%/bin/ext/util/ as execHiveCmd.cmd*
where %HIVE_HOME% is where Hive is installed.
Create tmp dir under your HIVE_HOME (on local machine and not on HDFS)
give 777 permissions to this tmp dir
Open your conf/hive-default.xml.template save it as conf/hive-site.xml
Then in this hive-site.xml, paste below properties at the top under
<value>{PUT YOUR HIVE HOME DIR PATH HERE}/tmp</value>
<!-- MY PATH WAS C:/BigData/hive/tmp -->
(check the indents)
- Run Hadoop services
Run derby
StartNetworkServer -h
Make sure you have all above services running
- go to cmd for HIVE_HOME/bin and run hive command
Version 1.1.1 of Apache Hive does not contain a version that can be executed on Windows (only Linux binaries):
However, version 2.1.1 does have Windows capabilities:
So even if you had your path correctly set, cmd wouldn't be able to find an executable it could run, since one doesn't exist in 1.1.1.
i also run into this problem. to get necessary file to run hive on windows i have downloaded hive-2.3.9 and hive-3.1.2 but none of them have this, we have two option:
Option 1: install hive-2.1.0 and set it up as i have tried,
Hadoop 2.8.0
hive 2.1.0
Option 2: download whole bin directory and replace with yours hive bin directory. for downloading bin we need wget utility for windows.
after that run this command(to understand how it works):
wget -r -np -nH --cut-dirs=3 -R index.html
your downloaded bin looks like:
after replacing it you are ready to go. so now my configurations are as below:
Hadoop 3.3.1
hive 2.3.9

hbase installation on single node

i have installed hadoop single node on ubuntu 12.04. Now I am trying to install hbase over it (version 0.94.18). But i get the following errors(even though i have extracted it in the /usr/local/hbase):
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.HBaseConfTool
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKServerTool
starting master, logging to /usr/lib/hbase/hbase-0.94.8/logs/hbase-hduser-master-ubuntu.out
nice: /usr/lib/hbase/hbase-0.94.8/bin/hbase: No such file or directory
cat: /usr/lib/hbase/hbase-0.94.8/conf/regionservers: No such file or directory
To resolve This Error
Download binary version of hbase
Edit conf file and hbase-site.xml
Set Up Hbase Home Directory
Start hbase By -
Explanation To above Error:
Could not find or load main class your downloaded version does not have required jar
Hi can you tell when it is coming this error.
I think you gave environment set wrong
You should enter bellow command:
export HBASE_HOME="/usr/lib/hbase/hbase-0.94.18"
Then try hbase it will work.
If you want shell script you can download this lik ::
It have hadoop, hive, hbase, pig.
It is not recommended to run hbase from the source distribution directly instead you have to download the binary distribution as they have mentioned in their official site, follow the same instructions and you will get it up.
You could try installing the version 0.94.27
Download it from : h-base 0.94.27 dowload
This one worked for me.
Follow the instruction specified in :
Hbase installation guide
sed "s/<\/configuration>/<property>\n<name>hbase.rootdir<\/name>\n<value>hdfs:\/\/'$c':54310\/hbase<\/value>\n<\/property>\n<property>\n<name>hbase.cluster.distributed<\/name>\n<value>true<\/value>\n<\/property>\n<property>\n<name><\/name>\n<value>2181<\/value>\n<\/property>\n<property>\n<name>hbase.zookeeper.quorum<\/name>\n<value>'$c'<\/value>\n<\/property>\n<\/configuration>/g" -i.bak hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml
sed 's/localhost/'$c'/g' hbase/conf/regionservers -i
sed 's/#\ export\ HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true/export\ HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true/g' hbase/conf/ -i
Yes just type this tree commands and you need change replace $c to your hostname.
Then try it will work.

Hadoop issue with Sqoop installation

I have Hadoop(pseudo distributed mode), Hive, sqoop and mysql installed in my local machine.
But when I am trying to run sqoop Its giving me the following error
Error: /usr/lib/hadoop does not exist!
Please set $HADOOP_COMMON_HOME to the root of your Hadoop installation.
Then I set the file with all the information. Beneath is the snapshot of the file.
Even after providing the hadoop hive path I face the same error.
I've installed
hadoop in /home/hduser/hadoop version 1.0.3
hive in /home/hduser/hive version 0.11.0
sqoop in /home/hduser/sqoop version 1.4.4
and mysql connector jar java-5.1.29
Could anybody please throw some light on what is going wrong is a template, meaning it doesn't by itself get sourced by the configurator. If you want it to have a custom conf and load it, make a copy as $SQOOP_HOME/conf/
Note: here is the relevant excerpt from bin/configure-sqoop for version 1.4.4:
if [ -f "${SQOOP_CONF_DIR}/" ]; then

Installing Hive (Hadoop) on windows (Cygwin)

I've just installed hadoop on windows using cygwin which works fine, and now I am installing Hive. I am running it as:
bin/hive -hiveconf
bin/hive -hiveconf
(both give the same problem) as I have found out there is a bug with the windows naming convension (
When I run the above command, Hive seems to load fine, but when I enter "show tables;" I get no response. This is the same for all queries. CREATE TABLE etc, there is no response
Its the same problem as this guy:
Any ideas?
I resolved a similar issue and successfully ran HIVE after starting all Hadoop daemons
Task Tracker
Running queries from files using hive -f <filename>, instead of writing queries directly at the HIVE command prompt. Additionally, you may also use bin/hive -e 'SHOW TABLES'
