Installing and Using Pantomime Framework... Pantomime/Pantomime.h not found - xcode

I just downloaded and compiled Pantomime for SMTP use in my Cocoa Application. The first issue was that it is old... so I changed the build settings to use the most recent SDK as well as eliminate the old PPC build settings.
After those changes, everything compiled nicely (or at least appeared to do so.)
Next, I installed the Pantomime.framework into the /Library/Frameworks directory per Apple documentation recommendations.
Then, I imported the framework into my project under the Build Phases tab where it says "Link Binaries to Libraries".
So far everything seemed to work as it did with WebKit.framework, and ScriptingBridge.framework.
Finally, I added the following to my code:
#import <Pantomime/Pantomime.h>
I got as far as "Pa" when it auto completed the rest, so it apparently knows what I'm looking for. However, when I try to compile my code, I receive the following error:
Lexical or Preprocessor Issue "Pantomime/Pantomime.h" file not found.
All of the other frameworks seemed to work, but this one does not, and I really don't know why (I'm relatively new to working with frameworks.)
Anyone have any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here?

I've never used Pantomime, but this happens to me all the time with Xcode, so although I'm a newbie to development in general I'd wager it's just a bug with Xcode. Here's how I fix it:
In Xcode, hit command-1 to switch to the Navigator's file/folder view.
Reveal the Pantomime.h and .m files in the Finder, wherever you've stored them.
Drag them into the Navigator.
Xcode will prompt you to confirm adding again, and I usually leave it set as is to "copy files if needed".
Xcode will import. You should then delete the old references in the Navigator. It should work fine after that.

I have met this problem.
The solution is setting 'Build Settings' --> 'Header Search Path' Value where your pantomime is. Good luck!


Executable Not Found. is not a valid path to an executable file

Executable Not Found
Domain: DVTMachOErrorDomain
Code: 5
Recovery Suggestion: /Users/riber/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/digitalCurrency-hiyiyrokjaydkiagjimlwohehrtu/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ is not a valid path to an executable file. Please rebuild the project to ensure that all required executables are created. Check your project settings to ensure that a valid executable will be built.
System Information
macOS Version 11.4 (Build 20F71)
Xcode 12.5 (18205) (Build 12E262)
Timestamp: 2021-06-11T16:34:20+08:00
Check if all files are available.
Targets -> Build Phases -> Compile Sources
If you see faint files, then they need to be removed or added.
Under "Build Settings" - "Architectures" check that you don't have "arm64" excluded under "Excluded architectures" for release, as all new iOS devices use this architecture.
I'm also get the same error. Let me share how I fix it.
I write cpp code on vscode.
I deleted a .cpp/.h file that I didn't need anymore a few days ago.
Everything nice and happy when I working on vscode.
".app is not a valid path" appeared when i switched back to the xcode to verification function.
I was confused.
(I don't immediately remember my delete operation a few days ago)
The key isn't the dialog showed "Executable Not Found",
Switch to "Issue Navigator" and drag to the bottom...
Now the ERROR shows up in front of U:
Finally the solution is :
TARGETS -> Select your ‘Target' -> Build Phases -> Compile Sources :
Select the ".cpp" file that had been delete, then "Remove Items" by click the second "-" button in the lower left corner.
I fixed it by adding x86_64 to VALID_ARCHS. Build Setting search "VALID_ARCHS",check the x86_64 is there or not, add and run.It worked with me .
resolve it using pod install.
as Frank said, I also use RN in my app.
I have tried clean derived data & even reboot, still happening
Check the Executable File in the Info(.plist). It should be named the same as your Product in Products
I have this issue on a react native application and I can resolve it reinstalling cocoaPods.
pod install
Inside the ios folder on your react native project.
Check if you have any other info.plist-s added to project.
I had similar issue when I added some pod sources (MKStoreKit) to the project - it had several info plists for different platforms which interfered with original one. Deleting wrong info plists solved the issue.
I have to delete the 'DerivedData' folder:
$ rm -Rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
EDIT: I've found a solution...
The problem in my case was because of project configurations and Pods. In the long life of my project the configuration files for the schemes changed and Xcode, using the new build system, did not like.
To fix it, just go to the Project -> Info tab. Under Configurations change the Based on Configuration value of the Targets and set them to None. Please note that I've changed only the Targets.
Now close Xcode and launch pod install from the Terminal.
reopen Xcode and launch your project.
Old answer:
I may have found a workaround to this issue... not a solution but a workaround.
I have to work on a not really recent project that was built using the Legacy System that, as you may know, is deprecated now.
While I was using Xcode 12 everything was fine. Then I installed the Xcode 13 GM and I upgrated the project to the new building system and I started to experience this issue. I have the same problem with any Xcode 13.x version. With the betas I had not, as far as I can remember.
The strange thing is that "sometimes" (I could not reproduce it sorry), the new build system worked... but just for a while.
The building phase succeeds but then, then the app is installed on simulator OR on a real device, I have that annoying message that we know...
This morning I may have find a solution...
In Xcode go to File -> Workspace Settings, keep the Legacy Build System and check the box "Do not show a diagnostic issue about build system deprecation"
Now the app builds and can be installed.
Honestly I don't know it is an Xcode bug or not... maybe it is.
if you are using git, there's huge chance there might be conflict in .pbxproj due to multiple people adding stuffs together. During the resolution xcode might try to recover those 'lost references' it got confused and unable to resolve the once there references. find those 'recovered references' in project explorer and remove them if they are invalid
Had the same issue. I deleted the simulators and added them again.
Please make sure that your runner isn't missing AppDelegate.swift or Runner-Bridging-Header.h file.
In my case, my AppDelegate.swift file and Runner-Bridging-Header.h files were deleted, so I copy and paste both the files in ios>Runner folder again from some other project (usually both of these files are same in all projects, just need to add the code lines for firebase configurations).

AudioKit 4.11.2 Playgrounds: "No such module AudioKitPlaygrounds"

It has been a year since updating so I downloaded AudioKit 4.11.2 yesterday. I built all of the frameworks, including the AudioKit and AudioKitUI xcframeworks.
Then I began playing with the Playgrounds. Right away Xcode tells me the build failed because it can't find the AudioKit frameworks. It appears that the Search Paths that are set in the original project file need tweaking so I set it to "$(inherited)../Frameworks".
Now it builds but still will not run, saying on the import AudioKitPlaygrounds statement that there is No such module AudioKitPlaygrounds.
Odd, because that is the target of the build and it exists in the Derived Data Products folder.
Searching through StackOverflow shows that AudioKit has had similar problems like this in the past but none of the proposed solutions seemed relevant to my situation.
What other tricks are necessary to get the Playgrounds running? Shouldn't it build and run straight out of the box without messing with the project search paths?
My environment is:
macOS 10.15.6
Xcode 12.0.1
I ran through a similar problem with macOS 10.15.7, XCode 12.1 and AudioKit 4.11.2.
I got the same “No such module AudioKitPlaygrounds” message.
The "Build Active Scheme" option was unchecked in my File Inspector >> Playground Settings, so I checked it, rebuild the "Introduction and Hello World" .playground and it worked.
Edit (04/15/2021): David Thery gave a more complete answer in the following answers.
Also, make sure to:
run 'pod install' + automatically converting to swift5 in XCode
check "Build Active Scheme" as mentioned by Miguel FOR EACH single playgrounds you want to run.
run the playground with the play button in the editor, not the xcode main run button
If you want instead to use AudioKit in another XCode project, only two steps:
download AudioKit and AudioKitUI frameworks from here:
embed them in General > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded content, as shown on the screenshot below.
How did you build the frameworks? The assumption when it comes to the paths in other projects (including Playgrounds) is that they have been built via the and scripts in the Frameworks directory.
The end result should be a set of XCFrameworks in that same Frameworks directory, which is in turn referenced by examples and the playgrounds project.
To anyone still experiencing this issue, I just found a really simple solution. I was opening my playground files directly from 'Open Recent'. Problem is, Xcode doesn't automatically look at the parent directory and included files. Just close Xcode and open the AudioKitPlaygrounds.xcodeproj from finder. When you open your playground files from there they should work properly.

OBJECTIVEFLICKR: systemconfiguration.h not found

I'm implementing ObjectiveFlickr into my project and I'm very VERY new to all of this (C language and Xcode included).
I managed to fix a few compile errors and I'm down to this one that just popped up after I added some supporting files to get rid of the other errors:
systemconfiguration/systemconfiguration.h file not found
I have no idea what this means and have done much searching online before posting here, but the only resolution to another poster's issue was to re-install Xcode. I'm sort of doubting that will solve this problem as I've had no issue with Xcode up until this error.
Can anyone spare a tip or two in layman's terms to help me get past this? I've been searching for 24 hours and the only link to the Apple Developer forums isn't working, go figure.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
XCode can be very picky about where to look at in terms of header files.
If you got yourself a .framework folder, then click in your project, choose "Build Settings", then look for one called "Header Search Paths". Put the framework's path in there, and change the box on the right from "non-recursive" to "recursive". This should get the build going, and works for almost all third-party libraries.
If, on the other hand, you're trying to compile the library with your app, double-check to see if you didn't forgot to include some file in your XCode project, or if it is not marked for compilation in the project settings (.h files do not count, but maybe the source of your problem are some extra .c or .m that shouldn't be there).
If all else fails, since XCode projects compile into a "flat" directory tree, you could try removing the folder indicator from the #include: from "systemconfiguration/systemconfiguration.h" to "systemconfiguration.h", from the files where the .h is called. This worked in some cases of mine.
There is a framework in iOS called "Systemconfiguration.framework". Add it may help a lot.
Hope this may help you.
I had blanks for some reason in my code around the header decaration
#import < SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h >
I removed them and it worked.

Adding a Library to your build and link path in XCode

I am tryingo to build a GUI application using the JUCE framework on MAC OSX.
I have dowloaded all the API's and got a small hello World program running fine.
However, when I add files to my Xcode project I get compilation errors that say that the Juce library files don`t exist. I would like to know how to get the library API in the build and link path in XCode so that it finds the neccesary files for compilation.
What I would do on Visual Studio going to properties and adding aditional library dependencies, is what I need to do in XCode but I don't know how.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Old question but maybe a useful answer in the future....
If you have the "Hello World" up and runnning, it should already be linked to the library. Are you using the introjucer? This should help get everything up and running for you. If you are, you need to add classes etc to the introjucer, as this sets up Xcode / VStudio for you. If not, (Presuming XCode 3 as you are using leopard) goto Xcode > Preferences. Scroll along to source trees, and add the path to the juce folder in there.

How do I get MailCore to work correctly?

I'm trying to build MailCore into my app but I keep getting
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_CTCoreAccount", referenced from:
That is the only error I'm getting and CTCoreAccount is in the project.
In order to use mail core framework, visit the link follow step by step process and you are done.
I have an answer. It is not "The Answer" but I have an answer and it worked.
Eidt: For this: After a slew of issues, I've realized that "this" particular fix is that you need to add libmailcore.a to the frameworks. It keeeps getting deleted by XCode, or you may ahve added the MailCore Framework instead.
Started a fresh project, erased everything by removing application files to trash, then deleting references. "Added" via group (unsure if it matters) all my folers/files from the project I was trying to.
Had to tell it where the pch and Info.plist were, (essentially pointing it to my old project). Re-added all frameworks, and voila, it compiled.
I'm suspecting XCode 4.5 has different framework settings as far as library paths and valid flags for linker, etc. But nothing I tried regarding that fixed it. I would love to do this more direclty, old project is on 4.3, and won't be upgrading it if this is happening. Anyway, up and running, hope others are soon too. Would like real answer myself
