Instanciate Firebreath plugin via JS in IE8 - internet-explorer-8

I'm trying to instanciate a plugin made with Firebreath in Internet Explorer 8 but with no luck so far. This is the code that I'm using:
var plugin = new ActiveXObject("my.plugin");
return true;
return false;
return false;
This works fine if I put this code in a html page and then open it from disk (also published in my local IIS); but as soon I publish it (it's a facebook application, so, running inside an IFRAME) I get this message (from the catch exception):
Automation server can't create object
I've tried messing around with IE security zones, but nothing happens, always the same message. Is there any workaround for this? I need to be able to get the plugin version (coded inside the plugin).
Thank you!


Visual Studio android emulator httprequest fails

So I've been working on a xamarin PCL project targeting android and windows store app and I've had this issue for about two weeks now. One of the very first things this app does is to make an http request to a yahoo service when the user tries to search for something.
Now, on the windows store app project, this works just fine. However, whenever I'm debugging the android project, this fails miserably. It times out and I get a TaskAbortedException.
I've navigated with the browser within the android emulator to the restful service url and I do get a response in the browser but nothing when I make the http request. I have tried everything I could think of but no cigar. I have researched this for weeks now and I have yet to find an answer. It should be noted that I'm making the request within the PCL project with HttpClient.
Here's the code where this happens:
var queryUrl = string.Format(QUERY_URL_TEMPLATE, TickerSearch);
var requestTask = httpClient.GetStringAsync(queryUrl);
requestTask.ContinueWith(t =>
var responseDto = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TickerSearchResultDto>(t.Result);
TickerSearchResults = responseDto.ResultSet.Result;
catch (Exception ex)
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Firefox extension creating different instance for two windows

I created a Firefox extension and chrome extension. In Chrome I am using background.cs, so it will get loaded only once for all Chrome instances, so if I will write simple alert in background it will show alert box only for once.
The same thing is not working with Firefox, it will show that alert message all the times when I will open new Firefox windows.
Is there anything like background in Firefox?
Either write a javascript module or switch to the Add-on SDK
A javascript module would be something like this
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Helper"];
this Helper = {
initialized: false,
init: function() {
// code here is executed only the first time init() is called
this.initialized = true;

Cross-subdomain AJAX works in Chrome, not IE

I have a local build of my site running at I'm making ajax requests to which is running on an AWS server and returns JSON. In Chrome, I can call the API no problem. But in IE, I get Access Denied.
After researching, it seems to be a cross-(sub)domain restriction. But I was under the impression that this restriction would apply to both browsers. Can anybody see what might be going wrong here and why it might work in some browsers and not others?
It looks like the problem was in the transport object that IE8+ wants you to use. jQuery uses either ActiveXObject (for IE) or XMLHttpRequest (all others), but IE 8 and above requires XDomainRequest for ajax.
What you can do is return a custom xhr object via $.ajaxSettings.xhr like this,
// override xhr for browser that use XDR
if ('XDomainRequest' in window && window.XDomainRequest !== null) {
// override default jQuery transport
jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr = function() {
try { return new XDomainRequest(); }
catch(e) {
// also, override the support check = true;
I pulled this code from a discussion on the subject here:
Definitely take a look at that if you think you're experiencing the same problem.

How to detect in Safari if an Application is Installed

I'm attempting to write a simple plugin in safari that only needs to check if an application I have developed is installed via javascript. The application launches using a custom uri.
My issue is very similiar to the one presented here, however I'm not developing against iphone\ipad and all I really want is a true\false outcome from my check so that I can present the user with a 'download application or 'launch application' link.
I already have a windows version that works using npruntime for firefox\chrome and ATL for IE which is described here
Launch Services is the API you need. See the example below:
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
bool check_scheme_handler(CFStringRef scheme){
CFStringRef handler=LSCopyDefaultHandlerForURLScheme(scheme);
return true;
CFShow(CFSTR("not found"));
return false;
int main(){
return 0;

ActiveX Object is not defined

Firebug is giving me the following error:
ActiveXObject is not defined
[Break on this error] var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XmlHttp");
I've read that ActiveX is a Microsoft framework and its mostly used in IE. All of the internal web pages at the place I work were designed and built specifically for IE 6, but now they want me to research what it would take to move to Firefox and Safari and other major browsers... and ActiveX does not work in Firefox.
So how do I get the ActiveX stuff to work in Firefox and Safari specifically on Mac (for starters)? I know there is a couple of plugins? that have made things easier... like FF ActiveX Host... but is there a programmatic solution to this?
If there is no solution, no plugin, for this problem, is it possible to rewrite the ActiveX pieces in Java?
I’m not a web guy but it seems like your web pages use AJAX.
So your problem is not using AcitveX in other browsers.
Try something like this:
var xmlhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
try {
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
} catch (e) {
try {
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} catch (e) {
xmlhttp = false;
The Plugin-API nearly every relevant browser besides IE supports is the NPAPI, see e.g. this introduction.
I am not aware of any transparent programmatic soutions for adapting ActiveX, especially since its a Windows only technology.
An alternative might be the FireBreath project, which eases working with the NPAPI as well as giving you an abstraction layer over NPAPI and ActiveX - the idea being that you have to write most central parts only once.
Disclaimer: i am one of the owners of the project and thus probably biased ;)
