Joomla site "Not found" error - joomla

I have a Joomla 2.5 site set up but when I try to access the domain I get an intermittent error on the screen just saying "Not found". It sometimes happends when visiting with www, sometimes with http:// and sometimes with http://www.
Here is the error:
I have done a thorough look into the domain and all the DNS and records are working as expected and resolving correctly all around the world making me think it must be a Joomla error of some kind.
I have also tried to enter the sites domain into the $live_url in the configuration file but it stil happends.
Any help or ideas greatly appreciated

In short, it's sometimes not finding your site, so not knowing if you host the site or you use a service...
We occasionally experience this if we haven't copied the site across all the servers on our load balancer - Perhaps checking if all your servers have the site, or if your host has load balancing and it didn't get propogated properly. Also be sure the apache or htaccess settings are the same to account for the www or not.

Either you installed Joomla to another directory or the DNS still haven't resolved. Try to ping your site to see which IP it's responding to.


Unable to set up custom domain on Heroku using Google Domains DNS?

To preface this, I am new to backend web development so I'm coming at this totally clueless. My past experience is with Netlify, which makes it pretty seamless to add a custom domain to a website with their free DNS service.
To start, I am working on a Flask application that ideally I would like to put on a subdomain of my website (i.e., not actually my real domain since it includes my real name) on a different host, in this case Heroku, while keeping my main website ( on Netlify. This required me to switch from using Netlify's DNS to using the DNS tools provided by Google Domains.
After deploying the app on the free domain, which went just fine, I tried setting up my domain for the website, following these steps:
On my website's dashboard, I went to Settings > Domains > Add domain and under domain entered, including the subdomain of course.
Copied the DNS Target Heroku gave me.
At my dashboard for my-website.whatever at, under DNS > Default name servers > Resource records, I added a custom record with the hostname (Google Domains automatically adds the .my-website.whatever), type CNAME, TTL 600, and in the Data field I pasted the DNS Target.
In my Ubuntu (WSL) terminal, when I type host, the output says is an alias for {bunch-of-random-characters}
Unfortunately, this has not been successful. When I try to visit the domain, I usually get an error such as DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN or alternatively ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT. I've also tried the same thing with just, and the same issues occur.
When I try to visit the site, most browsers will automatically append https://, which I would assume doesn't quite work since I do not have a cert set-up for my site, which I need to do manually.
Does the above error mean that there is a problem related to SSL, or is it something else? Is it because my browser forces https:// that I cannot see anything changing (i.e. would http:// work?)?
From what I can tell, I should be able to do all of this on the free-tire, but I have some confusion about a few details, and feel like I could be missing some other things:
Do I need a certificate/SSL for my custom domain to work at all with Heroku?
If it could possibly be an easier solution: Is there a better alternative to Heroku in my case?
With regards to setting up the cert, I tried following the tutorial here:
For certbot, as the tutorial explains, you are given two strings like so: <long-string>.<other-long-string>, and you need to serve a file at /.well-known/acme-challenge/ with the name <long-string> (no extension), but as an unrelated issue, I cannot get Flask to serve this file, even on a local dev server, and I just get a 404 message, which the certbot utility also reports. I can create another file, such as a simple .txt file, in that same directory, and it will serve just fine.
I'll admit, these issues feel a bit basic, but I genuinely am lost, and none of the guides or posts I see online seem to have any remedy or explanation for what is happening here.
If there is any more information I should share, please let me know.

I can access my heroku free subdomain site via a browser, but I can't ping to it in the terminal

I have this site at heroku that I am trying to ping. It says
Ping request could not find host Please check the name and try again.
even though I can still open the site on a browser. I thought it was an issue with heroku so I hosted it again on pythonanywhere but it still won't ping.
I'm sure there is a simple explanation for this but I tried Google and still no luck.
Is there a way I can get it to ping?
You might be wondering why I want it to do that when I can still browse to it. Well, it's because I need it to be visible to Open AI so that it can access some documents over there.
remove https:// prefix. ping is a different protocol and requires DNS only not protocol prefix.
heroku server still will probably not answer ping request as it is not required to.

Production redirect loop error on root domain, but not with www

I'd like when a user types the domain to not go into a loop and crash. I've searched for answers for a couple days now and can't seem to find the exact one.
Error from chrome: This webpage has a redirect loop - The webpage at >has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third->party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and >not a problem with your computer.
Rails 3.2.14 App with Ruby 2.0.0
Domain bought with godaddy
Hosting on Heroku with both domains setup and
Using AWS with route 53 and S3.
Let me know what relevant code you need to help or if this is something that is being caused by AWS or the like. I've tried an reversed several different things via my code, but can't seem to find anything that works.
you should log into your Heroku dashboard, click on the app and then click on the "Production Check" button. This will help you check for DNS issues among other.
Check your DNS Zone file with godaddy. How are you redirecting the sub domain www to the host domain?
On your rails app, how is your route.rb file handling the incoming traffic? do you have any redirection there?
Hope that helps..
There is a very good write up that goes through configuration settings between AWS, the domain registrar (in my case godaddy), and heroku here: I used this originally when I set up my site.
I wish I could say I know what the problem was, but I'm not totally sure what it was. My guess is that it had to do with APEX domains being unsupported by AWS and/or Heroku, and therefore I needed not to try to redirect. Here's the settings that worked for me:
Godaddy domain, transferred my DNS stuff to AWS (I had done that prior to the problem)
Heroku: you can either use the CL or you can access the settings for your app online. In either situation I set up my domains to be and
AWS: This is a little trickier. You need to make sure the settings for Route 53 and S3 are exactly like in the tutorial link above. Your bucket in S3 must redirect to
This isn't ideal and there are probably ways to get around this using different companies for hosting/DNS services, but with the Heroku/AWS combo this is what I had to do to stop the redirect loop.

Subdomain caching issue

I have set up a subdomain to point a specific IP on another server. I did this by creating the following A records:
abc 300 in A and 300 in A
My host confirms that this was done correctly, however (3 days later) the domain still resolves intermittently. That is, sometimes it resolves to the correct IP and I see the correct page and other times I see a 404 error or a default website page from cpanel.
My host suggests that it is a caching issue and if I perform a flushdns and clear my browser cache, this fixes the problem. But i am puzzled as to why it reoccurs.
Could there by something on the other server triggering it? Or is it just a matter of waiting a little longer for propagation?
Forgive me if the problem isn't clear. This stuff is not my forte.
A 404 error indicates an error on the webservers side - not on the DNS level. That means, that if you see a 404 error or the cPanel default site, DNS is working fine but the web server does not respond.
Check the web server logs and/or speak to your provider about the issue.
What was the TTL before you made your changes? I've seen 86,400 seconds (one day) and 604,800 (one week) as common choices in the past. (The important number is what the TTL was set to before you made your change, as that dictates how long stale data is held in DNS caches.)

My IP seems to be blocked by web hosting server

I have a strange problem, I just installed my php web site on a shared hosting, all services were working fine. But after configuring my app I just could visit my web site only once, other attempts gives:
"The server is taking too long to respond.".
But from other IP i can access, but only once, it seems all ip addressess beeing blocked after first visit(even ftp and other services get down, no access at all from the IP), can anyone help to explore this problem ? I don't think that it's my app problem, the app works fine on my local PC.
First thing to try would be a traceroute to determine where your traffic is being blocked.
In a windows command prompt:
At the moment, trying to access this address gives this:
Fatal error: Class 'mainController'
not found in
on line 181
I have tried it multiple times and it didn't block me. It might be that You have already solved this problem.
As far as I know, the behavior described by You could only be explained by a badly configured intelligent firewall. It may have been misconfigured by Your host.
If You visit a site at a certain host and suddenly You cannot access an ftp on this host, then it's either a (really bad) firewall or a (very mean) site that explicitly adds a firewall rule to ignore that address.
Some things that You might look into:
It might be something with identd too. What was the service You have configured on Your host? Was it by any chance any kind of server-controll panel (that might have an ability to controll a firewall)?
Is the blockade permanent, or does it go off after 24h, or does it only go off after rebooting the server? Does restarting some services makes the blockade go off?
Did You install any software that "protects Your server from portscanning"? It might be a bit too aggressive.
I wish You good luck in finding a source of this problem!
Chances are that if you can access it once that its actually working. The problem is more than likely in the php code than in the server.
