Remove duplicate lines without sorting [duplicate] - shell

This question already has answers here:
How to delete duplicate lines in a file without sorting it in Unix
(9 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have a utility script in Python:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
unique_lines = []
duplicate_lines = []
for line in sys.stdin:
if line in unique_lines:
# optionally do something with duplicate_lines
This simple functionality (uniq without needing to sort first, stable ordering) must be available as a simple UNIX utility, mustn't it? Maybe a combination of filters in a pipe?
Reason for asking: needing this functionality on a system on which I cannot execute Python from anywhere.

The UNIX Bash Scripting blog suggests:
awk '!x[$0]++'
This command is telling awk which lines to print. The variable $0 holds the entire contents of a line and square brackets are array access. So, for each line of the file, the node of the array x is incremented and the line printed if the content of that node was not (!) previously set.

A late answer - I just ran into a duplicate of this - but perhaps worth adding...
The principle behind #1_CR's answer can be written more concisely, using cat -n instead of awk to add line numbers:
cat -n file_name | sort -uk2 | sort -n | cut -f2-
Use cat -n to prepend line numbers
Use sort -u remove duplicate data (-k2 says 'start at field 2 for sort key')
Use sort -n to sort by prepended number
Use cut to remove the line numbering (-f2- says 'select field 2 till end')

To remove duplicate from 2 files :
awk '!a[$0]++' file1.csv file2.csv

Michael Hoffman's solution above is short and sweet. For larger files, a Schwartzian transform approach involving the addition of an index field using awk followed by multiple rounds of sort and uniq involves less memory overhead. The following snippet works in bash
awk '{print(NR"\t"$0)}' file_name | sort -t$'\t' -k2,2 | uniq --skip-fields 1 | sort -k1,1 -t$'\t' | cut -f2 -d$'\t'

Now you can check out this small tool written in Rust: uq.
It performs uniqueness filtering without having to sort the input first, therefore can apply on continuous stream.
There are two advantages of this tool over the top-voted awk solution and other shell-based solutions:
uq remembers the occurence of lines using their hash values, so it doesn't use as much memory use when the lines are long.
uq can keep the memory usage constant by setting a limit on the number of entries to store (when the limit is reached, there is a flag to control either to override or to die), while the awk solution could run into OOM when there are too many lines.

Thanks 1_CR! I needed a "uniq -u" (remove duplicates entirely) rather than uniq (leave 1 copy of duplicates). The awk and perl solutions can't really be modified to do this, your's can! I may have also needed the lower memory use since I will be uniq'ing like 100,000,000 lines 8-). Just in case anyone else needs it, I just put a "-u" in the uniq portion of the command:
awk '{print(NR"\t"$0)}' file_name | sort -t$'\t' -k2,2 | uniq -u --skip-fields 1 | sort -k1,1 -t$'\t' | cut -f2 -d$'\t'

I just wanted to remove all duplicates on following lines, not everywhere in the file. So I used:
awk '{
if ($0 != PREVLINE) print $0;

the uniq command works in an alias even


How to rewrite a bad shell script to understand how to perform similar tasks? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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So, I wrote a bad shell script (according to several questions, one of which I asked) and now I am wondering which way to go to perform the same, or similar, task(s).
I honestly have no clue about which tool may be best for what I need to achieve and I hope that, by understanding how to rewrite this piece of code, it will be easier to understand which way to go.
There we go:
# read reference file line by line
while read -r linE;
# field 2 will be grepped
pSeq=`echo $linE | cut -f2 -d" "`
# field 1 will be used as filename to store the grepped things
fName=`echo $linE | cut -f1 -d" "`
# grep the thing in a very big file
grep -i -B1 -A2 "^"$pSeq a_very_big_file.txt | sed 's/^--$//g' | awk 'NF' > $dir$fName".txt"
# grep the same thing in another very big file and store it in the same file as abovr
grep -i -B1 -A2 "^"$pSeq another_very_big_file.txt | sed 's/^--$//g' | awk 'NF' >> $dir$fName".txt"
done < reference_file.csv
At this point I am to achieve the same result, whithout using a while loop to read into the reference_file.csv? What is the best way to go, to solve similar problems?
EDIT: when I mentioned the two very_big_files, I am talking > 5GB.
EDIT II: these should be the format of the files:
object pattern
oj1 ptt1
oj2 ptt2
... ...
ojN pttN
a_very_big_file and another_very_big_file:
Basically, I search for pattern in the two files, then I need to get the line above and the two below each match. Of course, not all the lines in the two files match with the patterns in the reference_file.csv.
Global Maxima
Efficient bash scripts are typically very creative and nothing you can achieve by incrementally improving a naive solution.
The most important part of finding efficient solutions is to know your data. Every restriction you can make allows optimizations. Some examples that can make a huge difference:
- The input is sorted or data in different files has the same order.
- The elements in a list are unique.
- One of the files to be processed is way bigger than the others.
- The symbol X never appears in the input or only appears at special places.
- The order of the output does not matter.
When I try to find an efficient solution, my first goal is to make it work without an explicit loop. For this, I need to know the available tools. Then comes the creative part of combining these tools. To me, this is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle without knowing the final picture. A typical mistake here is similar to the XY problem: After you assembled some pieces, you might be fooled into thinking you'd know the final picture and search for a piece Y that does not exist in your toolbox. Frustrated, you implement Y yourself (typically by using a loop) and ruin the solution.
If there is no right piece for your current approach, either use a different approach or give up on bash and use a better scripting/programming language.
Local Maxima
Even though you might not be able to get the best solution by improving a bad solution, you still can improve it. For this you don't need to be very creative if you know some basic anti-patterns and their better alternatives. Here are some typical examples from your script:
Some of these might seem very small, but starting a new process is way more expensive than one might suppose. Inside a loop, the cost of starting a process is multiplied by the number of iterations.
Extract multiple fields from a line
Instead of calling cut for each individual field, use read to read them all at once:
while read -r line; do
field1=$(echo "$line" | cut -f1 -d" ")
field2=$(echo "$line" | cut -f2 -d" ")
done < file
while read -r field1 field2 otherFields; do
done < file
Combinations of grep, sed, awk
Everything grep (in its basic form) can do, sed can do better. And everything sed can do, awk can do better. If you have a pipe of these tools you can combine them into a single call.
Some examples of (in your case) equivalent commands, one per line:
sed 's/^--$//g' | awk 'NF'
sed '/^--$/d'
grep -vFxe--
grep -i -B1 -A2 "^$pSeq" | sed 's/^--$//g' | awk 'NF'
awk "/^$pSeq/"' {print last; c=3} c>0; {last=$0; c--}'
Multiple grep on the same file
You want to read files at most once, especially if they are big. With grep -f you can search multiple patterns in a single run over one file. If you just wanted to get all matches, you would replace your entire loop with
grep -i -B1 -A2 -f <(cut -f2 -d' ' reference_file | sed 's/^/^/') \
a_very_big_file another_very_big_file
But since you have to store different matches in different files ... (see next point)
Know when to give up and switch to another language
Dynamic output files
Your loop generates multiple files. The typical command line utils like cut, grep and so on only generate one output. I know only one standard tool that generates a variable number of output files: split. But that does not filter based on values, but on position. Therefore, a non-loop solution for your problem seems unlikely. However, you can optimize the loop by rewriting it in a different language, e.g. awk.
Loops in awk are faster ...
time awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<1000000;++i) print i}' >/dev/null # takes 0.2s
time for ((i=0;i<1000000;++i)); do echo $i; done >/dev/null # takes 3.3s
seq 1000000 > 1M
time awk '{print}' 1M >/dev/null # takes 0.1s
time while read -r l; do echo "$l"; done <1M >/dev/null # takes 5.4s
... but the main speedup will come from something different. awk has everything you need built into it, so you don't have to start new processes. Also ... (see next point)
Iterate the biggest file
Reduce the number of times you have to read the biggest files. So instead of iterating reference_file and reading both big files over and over, iterate over the big files once while holding reference_file in memory.
Final script
To replace your script, you can try the following awk script. This assumes that ...
the filenames (first column) in reference_file are unique
the two big files do not contain > except for the header
the patterns (second column) in reference_file are not prefixes of each other.
If this is not the case, simply remove the break.
awk -v dir="$dir" '
FNR==NR {max++; file[max]=$1; pat[max]=$2; next}
for (i=1;i<=max;i++)
if ($2~"^"pat[i]) {
printf ">%s", $0 > dir"/"file[i]
}' reference_file RS=\> FS=\\n a_very_big_file another_very_big_file

Can I use grep to extract a single column of a CSV file?

I'm trying to solve o problem I have to do as soon as possible.
I have a csv file, fields separated by ;.
I'm asked to make a shell command using grep to list only the third column, using regex. I can't use cut. It is an exercise.
My file is like this:
1;Evan;Bell;39;Obigod Manor;Ekjipih;TN;25008
2;Wayne;Watkins;22;Lanme Place;Cotoiwi;NC;86578
3;Danny;Vega;25;Fofci Center;Momahbih;MS;21027
4;Larry;Robinson;23;Bammek Boulevard;Gaizatoh;NE;27517
5;Myrtie;Black;20;Savon Square;Gokubpat;PA;92219
6;Nellie;Greene;23;Utebu Plaza;Rotvezri;VA;17526
7;Clyde;Reynolds;19;Lupow Ridge;Kedkuha;WI;29749
8;Calvin;Reyes;47;Paad Loop;Beejdij;KS;29247
9;Douglas;Graves;43;Gouk Square;Sekolim;NY;13226
10;Josephine;Estrada;48;Ocgig Pike;Beheho;WI;87305
11;Eugene;Matthews;26;Daew Drive;Riftemij;ME;93302
12;Stanley;Tucker;54;Cure View;Woocabu;OH;45475
13;Lina;Holloway;41;Sajric River;Furutwe;ME;62184
14;Hettie;Carlson;57;Zuheho Pike;Gokrobo;PA;89098
15;Maud;Phelps;57;Lafni Drive;Gokemu;MD;87066
16;Della;Roberson;53;Zafe Glen;Celoshuv;WV;56749
17;Cory;Roberson;56;Riltav Manor;Uwsupep;LA;07983
18;Stella;Hayes;30;Omki Square;Figjitu;GA;35813
19;Robert;Griffin;22;Kiroc Road;Wiregu;OH;39594
20;Clyde;Reynolds;19;Lupow Ridge;Kedkuha;WI;29749
21;Calvin;Reyes;47;Paad Loop;Beejdij;KS;29247
22;Douglas;Graves;43;Gouk Square;Sekolim;NY;13226
23;Josephine;Estrada;48;Ocgig Pike;Beheho;WI;87305
24;Eugene;Matthews;26;Daew Drive;Riftemij;ME;93302
I think I should use something like: cat < test.csv | grep 'regex'.
Right Tools For The Job: Using awk or cut
Assuming you want to match the third column against a specific field:
awk -F';' '$3 ~ /Foo/ { print $0 }' file.txt
...will print any line where the third field contains Foo. (Changing print $0 to print $3 would print only that third field).
If you just want to print the third column regardless, use cut: cut -d';' -f3 <file.txt
Wrong Tool For The Job: Using GNU grep
On a system where grep has the -o option, you can chain two instances together -- one to trim everything after the fourth column (and remove lines with less than four columns), another to take only the last remaining column (thus, the fourth):
grep -Eo '^[^;]*[;][^;]*[;][^;]*[;][^;]*' <<<"$str" \
| grep -Eo '[^;]+$'
To explain how that works:
^, outside of square brackets, matches only at the beginning of a line.
[^;]* matches any character except ; zero-or-more times.
[;] matches only the character ;.
...thus, each [^;]*[;] in the regex matches a single field, whether or not that field contains text. Putting four of those in the first stage means we're matching only fields, and grep -o tells grep to only emit content it was successfully able to match.
If you just need the 3rd field and it's always properly delimited with ';' why not use 'cut'?
cut -d';' -f3 <filename>
OP wasn't clear, maybe only want to look at the 3rd line?
head -3 <filename> | tail -1
OR.. Maybe just getting of list of the things that appear in the 3rd field?
Not clear what the intended use of 'grep' would be??
cut -d';' -f3 <filename> | sort -u
As the other answers have said, using grep is a bad/unfortunate idea.
The only way I can think of using grep is to pull out a specific row where the 3rd column == some value. E.g.,
grep '^\([^;]*;\)\{2\}Bell;' test.txt
1;Evan;Bell;39;Obigod Manor;Ekjipih;TN;25008
Or if the first column is the index (not counting it as a column):
grep '^\([^;]*;\)\{3\}39;' test.txt
1;Evan;Bell;39;Obigod Manor;Ekjipih;TN;25008
Even using grep in this case leads to a pretty ugly solution.
Edit: Didn't see Charles Duffy's answer... that's pretty clever.

Performant way of displaying the number of unique column entries in a set of files?

I'm attempting to pipe a large amount of files in to a sequence of commands which displays the number of unique entries in a given column of said files. I'm inexperienced with the shell, but after a short while I was able to come up with this:
awk '{print $5 }' | sort | uniq | wc - l
This sequence of commands works fine for a small amount of files, but takes an unacceptable amount of time to execute on my target set. Is there a set of commands that can accomplish this more efficiently?
You can count unique occurrences of values in the fifth field in a single pass with awk:
awk '{if (!seen[$5]++) ++ctr} END {print ctr}'
This creates an array of the values in the fifth field and increments the ctr variable if the value has never seen before. The END rule prints the value of the counter.
With GNU awk, you can alternatively just check the length of the associative array in the end:
awk '{seen[$5]++} END {print length(seen)}'
Benjamin has supplied the good oil, but depending on just how much data is to be stored in the array, it may pay to pass the data to wc anyway:
awk '!_[$5]++' file | wc -l
the sortest and fastest (i could) using awk but not far from previous version of #BenjaminW. I think a bit faster (difference could only be interesting on very huge file) because of test made earlier in the process
awk '!E[$5]++{c++}END{print c}' YourFile
works with all awk version
GNU datamash has a count function for columns:
datamash -W count 5

how to sort with the third column

I know there have been some questions about it. I tried the methods they mentioned but it does not work.
My data is in Book1.csv file like this:
Then I used bash code: sort -r -n -k 3,3 Book1.csv > sorted.csv
But the outcome is not what I want:
I want the outcome to be like:
In addition, since the first colume is Id, the third column is score, I want to print the ids with the highest scores. In this case, it should print the two id whose score are 50, like this:TRAAAAY128F42A73F0 TRAAAAV128F421A322 How to achieve it?
Assuming that your csv is comma separated and not another delimiter this is one way to do it. However, I think there is probably away to do most of this if not all in awk, unfortunately my knowledge is limited with awk so here is how I would do it quickly.
First according to the comments the -t flag of sort resolved your sorting issue.
#set csv file to variable
#get the third value of the first line after sorting on the third value descending.
max_val=$(sort -t, -k3,3nr $mycsv | head -n1 | cut -f3)
#use awk to evaluate the thrid column is equal to the maxvalue then print the first column.
#Note I am setting the delimiter to a comma here with the -F flag
awk -F"," -v awkmax="$maxval" '$3 == awkmax {print $1}' $mycsv
While the printing all IDs with the highest score can be done in bash with basic unix commands, I think it's better to, at this point, switch to an actual scripting language. (unless you're in some very limited environment)
Fortunately, perl is everywhere, and this task of printing the ids with the largest scores can be done as one (long) line in perl:
perl -lne 'if (/^([^,]*),[^,]*,\s*([^,]*)/) {push #{$a{$2}},$1; if($2>$m) {$m=$2;}} END {print "#{$a{$m}}";}' Book1.csv

How to use sort for sorting file in BASH?

I have to sort file. When I use sort, it takes only first word in every line. For example. I have these words in line.
able a abundance around accelerated early acting following ad
I execute
sort file.txt
Output is:
able a abundance around accelerated early acting following ad
If I have just one column, sort works. What is the problem?
You can try something like this:
tr " " "\n" < file.txt | sort | tr "\n" " " > newfile.txt
Output to newfile.txt:
a able abundance accelerated acting ad around early following
A few options for you:
To sort the words in a line, you can use sed to replace spaces with new lines then pipe that to sort:
sed 's/ /\n/g' file.txt | sort
To sort on a specific column use awk to print the column then pipe that to sort:
awk {print $2} | sort
I've used this a lot working with data files, and I have yet to find a way to get the whole line after the sort.
You have to put each word on a separate line:
tr -s '[:blank:]' '\n' < file.txt | sort | paste -d" " -s
a able abundance accelerated acting ad around early following
Just in case you want to sort each line in a a multi line file, the following one-liner can do it for you
python2 -c"print '\n'.join(' '.join(sorted(l.split())) for l in open('FILE'))"
If the above looks useful, you can augment your ~/.bashrc with
csort(){ python2 -c"print '\n'.join(' '.join(sorted(l.split()))for l in open('$1'))";}
and later use it like in
csort FILE
The machinery of the python command is best explained exploding the command line like this
with open('FILE') as f: # f is a file object
for line in f: # iterating on a f.o. returns lines
words = line.split() # by default splits on white space
print " ".join(sorted(words)) # sorted returns a sorted list
# ' '.join() joins the list elements with spaces
