How to check that group has a value in Oracle? - oracle

For example, I have a table tbl like
on this table by the condition I have GROUP BY like this:
FROM tbl
GROUP BY values
I need to check that group has some value, for example 30
In real task a have a table with many columns and other operations on them and in one column i need to check whether value in every group of this column.
I need something like this:
CASE WHEN event_type has (1704 or 1701 or 1703) THEN return found value END
CASE WHEN event_type has (1707) THEN return 1707 END
from subscriptions
group by guid

MIN(CASE WHEN event_type IN (1704, 1701, 1703)
THEN found_value
WHEN event_type = 1707
THEN 1707
FROM subscriptions
GROUP BY guid ;

I did not get what you have in the select clause .. but if you want to see the values also in the out put when you run the group by query try this
select function(), values from tbl group by values
function() -- could be any function like -- count or sum
and if you want only specific to value 30 .. then add a where clause values = 30.

You dont need to use group by clause if your aim is to find if some value exists.
Use this method if you also consider the performance.
SELECT DECODE (COUNT(1),0,'Not Exist','Yes has some values')
FROM dual
FROM tbl
WHERE VALUES='&Your_Value_To_Check'


Trying to display top 3 amount from a table using sql query in oracle 11g..column is of varchar type

Am trying to list top 3 records from atable based on some amount stored in a column FTE_TMUSD which is of varchar datatype
below is the query i tried
WHERE rownum <= 3
o/p i got
972,9680,963 -->FTE_TMUSD values which are not displayed in desc
I am expecting an o/p which will display the top 3 records of values
That should work; inline view is ordered by FTE_TMUSD in descending order, and you're selecting values from it.
What looks suspicious are values you specified as the result. It appears that FTE_TMUSD's datatype is VARCHAR2 (ah, yes - it is, you said so). It means that values are sorted as strings, not numbers - and it seems that you expect numbers. So, apply TO_NUMBER to that column. Note that it'll fail if column contains anything but numbers (for example, if there's a value 972C).
Also, an alternative to your query might be use of analytic functions, such as row_number:
with temp as
(select f.*,
row_number() over (order by to_number(f.fte_tmusd) desc) rn
from fse_tm_entry f
select *
from temp
where rn <= 3;

Hadoop Hive MAX gives multiple results

I am trying to get a maximum value from a count selecting 2 label srcip and max, but everytime I include srcip I have to use group by srcip at the end and gives me result as the max wasnt even there.
When I write the query like this it gives me the correct max value but I want to select srcip as well.
Select max(count1) as maximum
from (SELECT srcip,count(srcip) as count1 from data group by srcip)t;
But when I do include srcip in the select I get result as there was no max function
Select srcip,max(count1) as maximum
from (SELECT srcip,count(srcip) as count1 from data group by srcip)t
group by srcip;
I would expect from this a single result but I get multiple.
Anyone has any ideas?
You may do ORDER BY count DESC with LIMIT 1 to get the scrip with MAX of count.
SELECT srcip, count(srcip) as count1
from data group by srcip
let's consider you have a data like this.
Let's see what happens when you run following query, what happens to data.
SELECT srcip,count(srcip) as count1 from data group by srcip
Output: table1
Now let's see what happens you run your outer query on above table .
Select srcip,max(count1) as maximum from table1 group by srcip
Same Output
Reason being your query says to select srcip and maximum of count from each group of srcip. And we have 3 groups, so 3 rows.
The query below returns exact one row having the max count and the associated scrip. This is the query based on the expected result; you would rather look more into sql and earlier comments, then progress to hive analytical queries.
Some people could argue that there is better way to optimize this query for your expected result but this should give you a motivation to look more into Hive analytical queries.
select scrip, count1 as maximum from (select srcip, count(scrip) over (PARTITION by scrip) as count1, row_number() over (ORDER by scrip desc) as row_num from data) q1 having row_num = 1;

Group by subquery

I have following query
Select id, name, add1 || ' ' ||add2 address,
when subId =1 then 'Maths'
else 'Science'
nvl(col1, col2) sampleCol
From Student_tbl
Where department = 'Student'
I want to group by this query by address as default
I tried
Group by add1 ,add2 ,id, name, subId, col1, col2
Group by add1 || ' ' ||add2,id, name,
when subId =1 then 'Maths'
else 'Science'
nvl(col1, col2)
Both group by returns same result. I am unsure which query is right.
Anybody help me on this?
Always try to implement all the columns (with same format) that you mentioned in the select statement in "Group By" except aggregated columns. In your case I would prefer the second approach.
,add1 || ' ' || add2 address
WHEN subId = 1
THEN 'Maths'
ELSE 'Science'
,nvl(col1, col2) sampleCol
FROM Student_tbl
WHERE department = 'Student'
,add1 || ' ' || add2
WHEN subId = 1
THEN 'Maths'
ELSE 'Science'
,nvl(col1, col2)
I can't see any aggregated columns in your Select. If your select does not require aggregation then you can simply get rid off group by. You can implement distinct in case of any duplicate records in your result set.
The two queries will not necessarily give the same result. Which is correct depends on your requirement. Here is an example, using just the new ADDRESS column which you get by aggregating the input columns ADD1 and ADD2.
Suppose in one row you have ADD1 = 123 Main Street, Portland, and ADD2 = Oregon. Then in the output, ADDRESS = 123 Main Street, Portland, Oregon
In another row you have ADD1 = 123 Main Street, and ADD2 = Portland, Oregon. For this row, the resulting ADDRESS is the same.
If you group by ADDRESS the two output rows will land in the same group, but if you group by ADD1, ADD2 they will be in different groups. In this example it is likely you want to group by ADDRESS, but in other, similar-structure cases that wouldn't be what you want or need.
After your last comment I THINK to finally understand what you are expecting from us.
Both queries are correct basically because for both approaches you've listed in your SELECT clause all the fields present in your GROUP BY clause
What you are doing is a bit strange here because the GROUP BY contains the id, I guess this is the unique identifier of each row so you are finally not grouping anything. You'll get as much as rows as your table contains.
The reason why it returns the same reults is purely data based. There might be scenarios where the 2 queries returns different results.
In your case, if it returns the same results, it would mean that col1 is never NULL

Using rownum in subquery

In an algorithm the users passes a query, for instance:
SELECT o_orderdate, o_orderpriority FROM h_orders WHERE rownum <= 5
The query returns the following:
1996-01-02 5-LOW
1996-12-01 1-URGENT
1993-10-14 5-LOW
1995-10-11 5-LOW
1994-07-30 5-LOW
The algorithm needs the count for the select attributes (o_orderdate, o_orderpriority in the above example) and therefore it rewrites the query to:
SELECT o_orderdate, count(o_orderdate) FROM
(SELECT o_orderdate, o_orderpriority FROM h_orders WHERE rownum <= 5)
GROUP BY o_orderdate
This query returns the following:
1992-01-01 5
However the intended result is:
1996-12-01 1
1995-10-11 1
1994-07-30 1
1996-01-02 1
1993-10-14 1
Any idea how I could rewrite the parsing stage or how the user could pass a syntactically different query to receive the above results?
The rows returned by the inner query are essentially non-deterministic, as they depend on the order in which the optimiser identifies rows as part of the required data set. A change in execution plan due to modified predicates might change the order in which the rows come back, and new rows added to the table can also change which rows are included.
If you always want n rows then either use distinct(o_orderdate) in the innerquery, which will render the GROUP BY useless.
Or you can add another outer select with rownum to get n of the grouped rows, like this:
select o_orderdate, counter from
SELECT o_orderdate, count(o_orderdate) as counter FROM
(SELECT o_orderdate, o_orderpriority FROM h_orders)
GROUP BY o_orderdate
WHERE rownum <= 5
Although the results will most likely be useless as they will be undeterministic (as mentioned by David Aldridge).
As your outer query makes no use of "o_orderpriority", why not just get rid of the subquery and simply query like this:
SELECT o_orderdate, count(o_orderdate) AS order_count
FROM h_orders
WHERE rownum <= 5
GROUP BY o_orderdate

Oracle aggregate function to return a random value for a group?

The standard SQL aggregate function max() will return the highest value in a group; min() will return the lowest.
Is there an aggregate function in Oracle to return a random value from a group? Or some technique to achieve this?
E.g., given the table foo:
group_id value
1 1
1 5
1 9
2 2
2 4
2 8
The SQL query
select group_id, max(value), min(value), some_aggregate_random_func(value)
from foo
group by group_id;
might produce:
group_id max(value), min(value), some_aggregate_random_func(value)
1 9 1 1
2 8 2 4
with, obviously, the last column being any random value in that group.
You can try something like the following
select deptno,max(sal),min(sal),max(rand_sal)
select deptno,sal,first_value(sal)
over(partition by deptno order by dbms_random.value) rand_sal
from emp)
group by deptno
The idea is to sort the values within group in random order and pick the first.I can think of other ways but none so efficient.
You might prepend a random string to the column you want to extract the random element from, and then select the min() element of the column and take out the prepended string.
select group_id, max(value), min(value), substr(min(random_value),11)
from (select dbms_random.string('A', 10)||value random_value,foo.* from foo)
In this way you cand avoid using the aggregate function and specifying twice the group by, which might be useful in a scenario where your query is very complicated / or you are just exploring the data and are entering manually queries with a lengthy and changing list of group by columns.
