Is there a tool for Visual Studio which can show the list of all called functions? - visual-studio

When debug application, it may be usefull to see in what sequence methods are called. It is possible to write Debug.WriteLine("Called MethodName") in earch method but there are big number of methods in my project.
Is there tool that logging method calls?

Runtime Flow (developed by me) shows all function calls in a .NET application.

As mentioned in a comment, the Visual Studio Call Stack window already implements this.
However, if you really wanted more information you can always look in to adding Tracing information.

You could use an AOP (aspect oriented programming) framework to make your life a bit easier.
There is a worked example of how to use PostSharp to log method calls here:


Is it possible to programmatically set trace points in VS 2010?

This is in reference to the Visual Studio automation interface. It is possible to set breakpoints in a program using the method:
However, I don't think it's possible to configure trace points this way. Any ideas?
Check out the answers in this post particularly the BreakWhenHit = false, Message, and Macro properties of the Breakpoint2 interface.
Or you could also look at a logging framework like Log4Net.

Create Language Service for VisualStudio 2010

I want to build a language service for visual studio 2010. I was first trying to follow the tutorial and documentations from MSDN.
The problem is i don't succeed to make this works (i'll explain later my problem). So i digged into existing implementations, i found Ook! and lua . both of these projects doesn't use the tutorial or documentation i found on MSDN, but something based on MEF. Lua used this only with previous Visual Studio versions.
So i'm wondering if i'm using an obsolete method to create a language service (But the documentation aims Visual Studio 2010), or there is different ways to do this, which depends on needs.
In my case, i've got a language that doesn't need to be compiled into cli, but i want to have an editor that have colorization, syntax warnings and errors, intellisense ...
The problem i mentionned is that when launching exp instance, there is no text editor with my file extension, and visual studio begins to have many lags. The language service is registered using 3 attributes : ProvideServiceAttribute, ProvideLanguageServiceAttribute and ProvideLanguageServiceExtension. Also initialized in Package intialize method, like mentionned in Proffer the Language.... The package is loaded when i try to open the file with my extension, the language service is initialized.
So i don't get it why i does not work, could you please help me to understand how language service works, and what is the best way to implement it
Good chance your IScanner implementation has an endless loop, happened to me.

Is there a tool that will track/log managed code?

I'm working on a bug where we have a use case that works, and a subtly different use case that doesn't. The code base has next to no logging, and I don't want to spend time now sprinkling logging throught the code base, though I do have time budgeted to do that at a later date.
Is there a tool that logs a program's actions ie, logs each function call?
Apparently Appsight does do this but costs 100,000's.
You could try using our logging tool SmartInspect together with the aspect oriented programming (AOP) framework PostSharp. By using our aspect library, you can automatically instrument and log all method calls, exceptions and even field/property changes.
A solution that doesn't require any code change / recompile would be to use a tool that's based on the .NET Profiling API, which injects its hooks at runtime.
The only free-open-source project i know that traces not just method entry/exit but also the return values/method parameters is SAE (Simple Assembly Explorer). When you open it up, just navigate to your exe, right click on it, and choose Profile.
There are some limits to this tool - specifically, it won't print out the values of generic types, and the text output is not indented/prettified.
Runtime Flow (developed by me) can log each function call with parameters for .NET 2.0 - 4.0 applications without any additional instrumentation.

Adding Runtime Intelligence Application Analytics for a library and not an application

I want to add usage statistics for a .NET 4.0 library I write on CodePlex.
I try to follow the step described here but my problem lies with the fact that what I write is a library and not an application.
One of the steps is put the Setup and Teardown attributes. I thought about adding the Setup attribute on a static constructor or a different place that will run once per usage of the library. My problem lies with the Teardown attribute that should be placed on code that ends the usage. I don't know where to put this attribute.
Is it possible to get usage statistics on a library?
Maybe I can register on an event that will fire when the application unloads the dll?
This looks like a typical honeypot giveaway, designed to commit you to the retail edition of their obfuscator. It's a tough business, few play this game better than Preemptive. Yes, using attributes is not going work for a library. The only possible candidate would be a finalizer. And you do not want your code to contact some website while the finalizer thread is running.
Take a look at the retail edition of their product. I bet it has a way to invoke the methods that are normally injected by their obfuscator directly. The class constructor is an obvious candidate for "Setup". An event handler for the AppDomain.ProcessExit event could be a possible location for the "Teardown" call. This also might avoid having to run the obfuscator at all, not undesirable in an open source project.

Visual Studio - Edit source code located in a database

I am building something similar to Server Explorer for Apache CouchDB. One of the things necessary is to be able to edit CouchDB view definitions which in CouchDB are JavaScript functions.
How can I trick Visual Studio into using my object to retrieve and save the content of the JavaScript function but still use the rest of it - I am happy with editor itself and have no intention of writing my own Editor/Language Service, etc. The latter would be much bigger effort than what this project warrants
After more digging I am still stuck. Here is what I know: IVsUIShellOpenDocument interface provides a method OpenStandardEditor which can be used to open the standard Visual Studio editor. As one of the parameters this method takes a Pointer to the IUnknown interface of the document data object. This object is supposed to implement several interfaces described in many places all over the MSDN.
Visual Studio SDK also provides a 'sample' implementation of the document data object VsTextBufferClass. I can create an instance of this class and when I pass the pointer to the instance to the OpenStandardEditor I can see my editor and it seems to work ok.
When I try to implement my own class implementing the same interfaces (IVsTextBuffer, VsTextBuffer, IVsTextLines) OpenStandardEditor method returns success, but VS bombs out on call editor.Show() with an access violation.
My suspicion is that VsTextBufferClass also implements some other interface(s) but not in C# way but rather in the good old COM way. I just do not know which one(s).
Any thoughts?
What if you had a program that would export the javascript to files on disk, then imported them back into the database once you were done editing them with Visual Studio? That might be the simplest way to do this.
