Does should_receive do something I don't expect? - ruby

Consider the following two trivial models:
class Iq
def score
#Some Irrelevant Code
class Person
def iq_score #error here
And the following Rspec test:
describe "#iq_score" do
let(:person) { }
it "creates an instance of Iq with the person" do
When I run this test (or, rather, an analogous one), it appears the stub has not worked:
Failure/Error: person.iq_score
undefined method `iq_score' for nil:NilClass
The failure, as you might guess, is on the line marked "error here" above. When the should_receive line is commented out, this error disappears. What's going on?

Since RSpec has extended stubber functionality, now following way is correct:
It will (1) check expectation (2) return control to original function, not just return nil.

You're stubbing away the initializer:
returns nil, so is nil. To fix, just do this:
Iq.should_receive(:new).with(person).and_return(mock('iq', :iq_score => 34))
person.iq_score.should == 34 // assert it is really the mock you get


Rspec error in ruby code testing

Rspec code is
it "calls calculate_word_frequency when created" do
expect_any_instance_of(LineAnalyzer).to receive(:calculate_word_frequency)"", 1)
Code of class is
def initialize(content,line_number)
#content = content
#line_number = line_number
def calculate_word_frequency
h =
abc = #content.split(' ')
abc.each { |word| h[word.downcase] += 1 }
sort = h.sort_by {|_key, value| value}.reverse
puts #highest_wf_count = sort.first[1]
a ={|key, hash| hash == #highest_wf_count }
puts #highest_wf_words = a.keys
This test gives an error
LineAnalyzer calls calculate_word_frequency when created
Failure/Error: DEFAULT_FAILURE_NOTIFIER = lambda { |failure, _opts| raise failure }
Exactly one instance should have received the following message(s) but didn't: calculate_word_frequency
How I resolve this error.How I pass this test?
I believe you were asking "Why do I get this error message?" and not "Why does my spec not pass?"
The reason you're getting this particular error message is you used expect_any_instance_of in your spec, so RSpec raised the error within its own code rather than in yours essentially because it reached the end of execution without an exception, but without your spy being called either. The important part of the error message is this: Exactly one instance should have received the following message(s) but didn't: calculate_word_frequency. That's why your spec failed; it's just that apparently RSpec decided to give you a far less useful exception and backtrace.
I ran into the same problem with one of my specs today, but it was nothing more serious than a failed expectation. Hopefully this helps clear it up for you.
The entire point of this test is to insure that the constructor invokes the method. It's written very clearly, in a very straight forward way.
If you want the test to pass, modify the constructor so it invokes the method.

Rspec 3.0 How to mock a method replacing the parameter but with no return value?

I've searched a lot and just cannot figure this out although it seems basic. Here's a way simplified example of what I want to do.
Create a simple method that does something but doesn't return anything, such as:
class Test
def test_method(param)
puts param
But in my rspec test I need to pass a different parameter, such as "goodbye" instead of "hello." I know this has to do with stubs and mocks, and I've looking over the documentation but can't figure it out:
If I do:
#test =
it tells me to stub out a default value but I can't figure out how to do it correctly.
Error message:
received :test_method with unexpected arguments
expected: ("hello")
got: ("goodbye")
Please stub a default value first if message might be received with other args as well.
I am using rspec 3.0, and calling something like
is not allowed.
How to set a default value that is explained at
and_call_original can configure a default response that can be overriden for specific args
require 'calculator'
RSpec.describe "and_call_original" do
it "can be overriden for specific arguments using #with" do
allow(Calculator).to receive(:add).and_call_original
allow(Calculator).to receive(:add).with(2, 3).and_return(-5)
expect(Calculator.add(2, 2)).to eq(4)
expect(Calculator.add(2, 3)).to eq(-5)
Source where I came to know about that can be found at
For your example, since you don't need to test the actual result of test_method, only that puts gets called in it passing in param, I would just test by setting up the expectation and running the method:
class Test
def test_method(param)
puts param
describe Test do
let(:test) { }
it 'says hello via expectation' do
expect(test).to receive(:puts).with('hello')
it 'says goodbye via expectation' do
expect(test).to receive(:puts).with('goodbye')
What it seems you're attempting to do is set up a test spy on the method, but then I think you're setting up the method stub one level too high (on test_method itself instead of the call to puts inside test_method). If you put the stub on the call to puts, your tests should pass:
describe Test do
let(:test) { }
it 'says hello using a test spy' do
allow(test).to receive(:puts).with('hello')
expect(test).to have_received(:puts).with('hello')
it 'says goodbye using a test spy' do
allow(test).to receive(:puts).with('goodbye')
expect(test).to have_received(:puts).with('goodbye')

Mocha expected at most once, invoked twice, but method is clearly invoked only once

I'm using Mocha for mock testing. Below is the relevant code:
# test_player.rb
should "not download the ppg more than once for a given year" do
ppg = #durant.points_per_game
ppg2= #durant.points_per_game
assert_equal ppg, ppg2, "A player should have a points per game"
# player.rb
class Player
# ...
def points_per_game(
#points_per_game ||= fetch_points_per_game(year)
alias_method :ppg, :points_per_game
def fetch_points_per_game(
The test failed, complaining that there was an "unexpected invocation: #.fetch_points_per_game(any_parameters)"
My understanding of my code is if #point_per_game is nil, fetch_points_per_game will be called, otherwise, the result is cached for future calls to points_per_game. So why is the test complaining that fetch_points_per_game was called twice?
In your expectation, you're not specifying a return value, so the stubbed call returns nil. This is why it's being called a second time. If you change the expectation to:
You should find that the tests now pass.

rails rspec - how to check for a model constant?

How can I do something like:
it { should have_constant(:FIXED_LIST) }
In my model (active record) I have FIXED_LIST = 'A String'
It's not a db attribute or a method and I haven't been able to use responds_to or has_attribute to test for it (they fail). What can I use the to check for it. - btw I have the shoulda-matchers installed.
Based on David Chelimsky's answer I've got this to work by slightly modifying his code.
In a file spec/support/utilities.rb (or some other in spec/support) you can put:
RSpec::Matchers.define :have_constant do |const|
match do |owner|
Note the use of "RSpec::Matchers.define" in stead of "matchers"
This allows to test for constants in your specs, like:
it "should have a fixed list constant" do
YourModel.should have_constant(:FIXED_LIST)
Note the use of "have_constant" in stead of "have_const"
It reads a little silly, but:
describe MyClass do
it { should be_const_defined(:VERSION) }
The reason is that Rspec has "magic" matchers for methods starting with be_ and have_. For example, it { should have_green_pants } would assert that the has_green_pants? method on the subject returns true.
In the same fashion, an example such as it { should be_happy } would assert that the happy? method on the subject returns true.
So, the example it { should be_const_defined(:VERSION) } asserts that const_defined?(:VERSION) returns true.
If you want to say have_constant you can define a custom matcher for it:
matcher :have_constant do |const|
match do |owner|
MyClass.should have_const(:CONST)
If you're trying to use the one-liner syntax, you'll need to make sure the subject is a class (not an instance) or check for it in the matcher:
matcher :have_constant do |const|
match do |owner|
(owner.is_a?(Class) ? owner : owner.class).const_defined?(const)
See for more info on custom matchers.
Another option to simply make sure the constant is defined – not worrying about what it's defined with:
it 'has a WHATEVER constant' do
expect(SomeClass::WHATEVER).not_to be_nil
A warning to anyone trying to test that constants are defined: If your code references an undefined constant while defining a class, then your specs will crash before they get to your test.
This can lead you to believe that
expect { FOO }.to_not raise_error
is failing to catch the NameError, because you'll get a big stack trace, instead of a nice "expected not to raise error, but raised NameError."
Amidst the huge stack trace, it can be difficult to notice that your test is actually crashing on line 1: requre "spec/spec_helper" because your entire application is failing to load before it gets to your actual test.
This can happen if you have dynamically defined constants, such as is done by ActiveHash::Enum, and you then use them in the definition of another constant. Don't bother testing that they exist, every spec in your app will crash if one of them fails to be defined.
You could use
In RSpec 2, I was able to get this to work in one line as follows:
it { subject.class.should be_const_defined(:MY_CONST) }
That is, check against the class, instead of the instance.
In My model
class Role < ActiveRecord::Base
ROLE_ADMIN = "Administrador"
In My rspec
RSpec.describe Role, type: :model do
let(:fake_class) { }
describe "set constants" do
before { stub_const("#{described_class}", fake_class) }
it { expect(described_class::ROLE_ADMIN).to eq("Administrador") }
For ruby 2.1.5 and rspec 3.5.0 I am able to test that constant SEARCH_CHARS_TO_IGNORE is defined in the class DiffAlertsDatatable as follows:
expect(DiffAlertsDatatable.const_defined?(:SEARCH_CHARS_TO_IGNORE)).to eq(true)

rspec expect throws "undefined method"

I am a complete Ruby newby and am playing around with rspec
I am testing a class (Account) that has this line:
attr_reader :balance
When I try to test it with this method:
it "should deposit twice" do
expect {
}.to change(Account.balance).to(125)
I get this error:
NoMethodError in 'Account should deposit twice'
undefined method `balance' for Account:Class
I don't understand why I get the error since the attribute 'balance' exists, however I can see that it is not a method, but shouldn't rspec be able to find it anyway?
As Jason noted I should be #acc.balance, since this is what I am asserting. But I get 'nil is not a symbol' when doing this.
It should be #acc.balance
it "should deposit twice" do
#acc =
#acc.balance.should == 75
expect {
}.to change(#acc, :balance).to(125)
i think it should be
expect {#acc.deposit(50)}.to change(#acc.balance}.to(125)
It should be:
it "should deposit twice" do
expect {
}.to change { #acc.balance }.to(125)
Please note that you need use curly braces { ... } instead of parentheses ( ... ) around #acc.balance. Otherwise #acc.balance is evaluated before it is passed to change method which expects either symbol or block.
