Xvfb top-left adjustment - x11

I have an X11 virtual frame buffer that I would like to run just one particular program in so that I can connect and disconnect from either my desktop or tablet without closing the program (and also without running a full desktop manager). Everything works great except the window top left of the window is off by a few hundred pixels each, is it possible to adjust this on an xvfb?

Try starting your application with the option ‘-geometry WIDTHxHEIGHT+0+0‘ replacing WIDTH and HEIGHT with the screen size. See ‘man X‘ for a description of the -geometry option.

seems the issue was with not running a window manager, I thought you could get away with it, guess not!


Octave GUI Command window flashes after being resized to a bigger size

I am running octave 4.0.2 on windows 7 64 bit vm hosted on a mac with El Capitan in Parallels Desktop.
I have a Thunderbolt display with the resolution 2560x1440.
When I make the main Octave GUI window bigger than a certain size, the command window starts to flash and it displays all sorts of garbage characters. I attached a screenshot I took while the command window was flashing. It seems that a threshold for the command window is approximately 1320x965 including scrollbars, i.e. when the command window becomes bigger, it starts flashing garbage characters. The window is sensitive to increasing either the width or height. Also, if the width is smaller, it will start flashing a higher height.
Any ideas on how to fix this and what might cause it?
Thank you
Update: I posted this: http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?47893
This issue is a bug in the software: http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?45220.

Changing z-index of a program

Is there any way for me 2 be able to change the z-index of a program which I downloaded, so it's always on top of whatever is on my screen? Currently it's pre-programmed to be on top of everything, but once I start a full-screen game, it's not on top anymore.
Ps: It's running on Windows 7 (64bit), & it's downloaded here: code.google.com/...
I'd try 2 figure it out from the code but I can't seem to find it, I thought programs on code.google.com are opensource, appearantly not.
No, the point of 'full screen' is 'full screen'. Once a game takes full screen control, usually via DirectX or OpenGL, they've taken over the 'hardware output context', not allowing any more games on top of them.
Many games have the option to run 'windowed' in their video options. That forces the game to remain in regular desktop drawing (at a performance cost) and as such allow interaction with the other windows in the desktop window manager.

XMonad - How to make a window appear on more than one physical screens?

As the title said, I need to show a window on two or more screens.
I tried XMonad.Actions.CopyWindow. But it seems although the window is copied to a correct workspace, it shows on only on one physical screen.
As far as I understand the problem, you simply cannot. One window is only visible once. By copying the window, you make it available to multiple workspaces, but it will only be displayed once. If you have only one monitor, e.g. the laptop screen, this will create the illusion that the window is everywhere. Even more so, if you float it and thereby keep the position fixed.
However, one window is displayed only once at a time.
You could mirror the whole desktop to all displays. If you have a laptop attached to a beamer, this might make sense. Then both physical displays will show the same windows.

vncviewer on windows connecting to linux box

I'm just starting to use vncviewer and I'm having a problem resizing windows on the client side. For example firefox defaults to a small window and I can't resize it. I have tried the following. First of all server startup:
vncserver :6 -geometry 1024x768 &
for xterms this works but the font is too small and I can't change that:
xterm -geometry 160x50
for firefox this doesn't work:
firefox -height xx -width yy
the window remains too small and anchored top/left
So, how do I get firefox to be larger?
The particular linux box seems to have a pretty barebones install and a lot of utilities are missing so I just tried a few different things and this worked for firefox:
firefox -safe-mode
I'm not sure what's causing the problem but in safe mode the browser window is pretty close to fullscreen so that will work for me.
For xterm you also want to take a look at the -fn option. In a running xterm you can also use Ctrl plus the right mouse button to get a font menu.
Firefox appears to have not bothered with any useful options. You might be able to use something like wmctrl after the fact.

X11 unable to maximize applications when no window manager is used

We have a Linux based system that does not use a Window manager. When we start certain applications (for instance Firefox) from a terminal window (e.g. Firefox &) we find that no matter what we do, we can't get the application to display full screen.
If we run xrandr, it shows the default resolution is 1280x1024, but when we try to maximize Firefox (by pressing F11) the application is only sized to 1203x650.
Another application that seems to have the same problem is the evince PDF reader.
Our application is not configured to run a window manager (and we don't want to add one), so I'm wondering if there is something else that we can do to get these applications to render full screen.
Although you don't want to use a window manager, you might need to use a window manager.
I haven't dug into the X server sources around this, so I can't definitively say X requires a window manager to run properly. But as somebody who writes X client code, and hacks the X server, on minimalist embedded devices with small screens, low CPU power and no GPU... let's just say, all the major players in that space use one, and have good reasons for it.
If you want to avoid chewing up a lot of disk space, RAM or CPU power doing window management, you should check out matchbox. It's a low-footprint window manager designed to meet those criteria, and it's what many folks in that minimalist embedded space are using. My employer uses it on cell phones, configured so that only one app at a time is visible to the user, and the foreground app takes up the whole screen with no window borders. But you can use it other ways, too - Nokia uses it for their Maemo-based network tablets.
You could use xwit(1) to forcibly resize and place the windows. But as as far as I know, X11 in itself does not have the concept of a "maximized" window; the very idea is only added by most window managers and/or applications (like Firefox).
Does passing the "-geometry=1280x1024+0+0" option to Firefox help?
Oh, also... if you don't explicitly set a window manager, you might be unexpectedly falling back to the default X11 window manager. If you're not absolutely positive there's no window manager, you should check into this possibility.
