Makefile with dependency graph not known in advance - makefile

I'm trying to create a makefile (GNU make) that does the following:
A script generates a bunch of files--filenames not known in advance.
Each one of these files is converted to a different file.
After all are converted, all of these files are combined into a single output file.
How do I create a makefile with a "bellcurve"-patterned dependency graph, where the intermediate source and target files are not known in advance?
Conceptually I'm doing the following:
combined.pdf: $(filter combined.pdf, $(wildcard *.pdf))
cat *.pdf > combined.pdf
%.pdf: %.svg
cp $^ $#
$(wildcard *.svg):
# recipe is for simple example
# actually the *.svg files are not known in advance
echo a > a.svg
echo b > b.svg
echo c > c.svg
.PHONY: clean
${RM} *.svg *.pdf *.d
Of course this doesn't work: Make evaluates the targets and sources before it runs the target that actually creates the svg. Also, there's no way to make sure all svgs are converted before they are combined.
I realized I could create dependencies and include them into the makefile, but I had trouble getting this to work too:
.PHONY: clean
include deps.d
combined.pdf: deps.d
cat *.pdf > combined.pdf
%.pdf: %.svg
cp $^ $#
## recipe is for simple example
## actually the *.svg files are not known in advance
echo a > a.svg
echo b > b.svg
echo c > c.svg
## we know what files exist now, so we can establish dependencies
## "a.pdf : a.svg"
echo *.svg : > deps.d
## combined.pdf: a.pdf b.pdf c.pdf
ls *.svg \
| awk '{targetfn=$$0; sub(/\.svg$$/, ".pdf", targetfn); print targetfn, ":", $$0;}' \
>> deps.d
## combined.pdf: a.pdf b.pdf c.pdf
echo combined.pdf : $$(echo *.svg | sed -e 's/\.svg/\.pdf/g') >> deps.d
${RM} *.pdf *.svg *.d
However this still isn't connecting the dependency graph properly. When I run this, make quits as follows:
Makefile:3: deps.d: No such file or directory
echo a > a.svg
echo b > b.svg
echo c > c.svg
echo *.svg : > deps.d
ls *.svg \
| awk '{targetfn=$0; sub(/\.svg$/, ".pdf", targetfn); print targetfn, ":", $0;}' \
>> deps.d
echo combined.pdf : $(echo *.svg | sed -e 's/\.svg/\.pdf/g') >> deps.d
make: Nothing to be done for `a.svg'.
I still seem to have the problem that the make doesn't know about the rules in deps.d.
Also, this still doesn't solve the problem of building all the dependencies. I thought of using a marker file like this:
%.pdf: %.svg
cp $^ $#
## if all svgs are converted, touch a target allpdfs
if [ $(ls -1 *.svg | wc -l) -eq $(ls -1 *.pdf | grep -v combined\.pdf | wc -l) ]; touch allpdfs; fi
But there's no way to inform make that "allpdfs" may be created by this rule.

I'm surprised that moving the include directive makes a difference (what version of Make are you using?), but there is a simpler way. Your use of deps.d is in effect a recursive use of Make -- Make is arranging to execute itself a second time -- so we might as well make it official:
combined.pdf: ALL_SVGS
rm -f $# # just in case it exists already
cat *.pdf > $#
# recipe is for simple example
# actually the *.svg files are not known in advance
echo a > a.svg
echo b > b.svg
echo c > c.svg
# These variables will be empty in the first execution of Make
SVGS = $(wildcard *.svg)
PDFS = $(patsubst %.svg,%.pdf,$(SVGS))
%.pdf: %.svg
cp $^ $#

This isn't an answer exactly, because I don't know why this works, but I discovered that if I move the include directive after the target that creates the included file, everything works.
I.e. do this:
include deps.d
Because my deps.d includes enough dependency information, there's no need to have an intermediate target allpdfs file. Everything Just Works, even with make -j.
However, I don't know why this works. The include documentation isn't enlightening me.
I noticed the following note at the very bottom of the make manual discussing Automatic Prerequisites:
Note that the ā€˜.dā€™ files contain target definitions; you should be sure to place the include directive after the first, default goal in your makefiles or run the risk of having a random object file become the default goal. See How Make Works.
So what happened is that the first rule inside the generated deps.d became the default target, causing the mysterious premature completion of the build. So the solution is just to make sure include directives are not before your intended default target.

I was just working on this exact problem in a slightly different setting. Here is a clean solution - no need for recursion and such (and you can tweak the sed if you like):
include deps.d
cat *.pdf > combined.pdf
%.pdf: %.svg
cp $^ $#
echo a > a.svg
echo b > b.svg
echo c > c.svg
echo 'combined.pdf:' *.svg | sed 's/\.svg/\.pdf/g' > deps.d


Makefile split string and pipe it to different target

I am trying to write a simple Makefile to build .expected files and compare them but I am failing.
CASES=simple-binding1 simple-binding2
# skipping lines doesn't work ...
# run command and skip the first line
${APSSCHED} ${FLAGS} -p ${BASE} ${EXAMPLES}/$* | tail -n +2
# get all cases as an array to pipe it to different make targets
# maybe overcomplicating
echo ${CASES} | \
awk '{split($$0,numbers," ")} END {for(n in numbers){ print numbers[n] }}'
# create all .expected files from ${CASES}
$(MAKE) cases | xargs -n1 -I file /bin/bash -c '$(MAKE)'
# create single .expected file
$(MAKE) $*.aps > $*.expected
# compare result with
$(MAKE) $*.aps | diff $*.expected -
# run command for all cases and diff the result with corresponding expected
$(MAKE) cases | xargs -n1 -I file /bin/bash -c '$(MAKE)'
rm *.expected
Running make without any target and nothing happens.
echo simple-binding1 simple-binding2 | \
awk '{split($0,numbers," ")} END {for(n in numbers){ print numbers[n] }}'
I think the issue is with my cases target. I am not sure if I am on the right track.
I appreciate any help or hint.
I would avoid re-running make just to call a different target - it's a performance hit and may be unreliable (depending on rest of the Makefile) since separate calls may not be able to track dependencies correctly.
Moreover, I would avoid using | - every time a command is concatenated with pipe, exit code of piped command would be exit code of the last command. So a call like command | tail would return the exit code of tail (which would almost always succeed). Even if the command has failed, it would be covered with exit code 0 from tail and make will not detect the error and will not stop.
Thus said, I tried to rewrite your approach by just creating dependencies between the targets, like so:
$ cat Makefile
CASES=simple-binding1 simple-binding2
# Just for reproducing
$(EXAMPLES)/%.aps: ;
# Generate output and store it in a file
%.output: $(EXAMPLES)/%.aps
# echo is only for reproducing
echo $(APSSCHED) $(FLAGS) -p $(BASE) $< > $#
# Copy actual output as expected
%.expected: %.output
cp -f $< $#
# Compare actual output with expected
.PHONY: %.output | %.expected
diff $| $<
# Generate and verify all outputs
.PHONY: all
all: $(addsuffix .compare,$(CASES))
# Regenerate expected output
.PHONY: build.expected
build.expected: $(addsuffix .expected,$(CASES))
.PHONY: clean.expected
-rm -f *.expected
Now the make build.expected will create expected output files, while make all or make will check the actual output against expected:
$ make build.expected
echo ../../bin/apssched -DCOT -p .:../../base:../../examples ../../examples/simple-binding1.aps > simple-binding1.output
cp -f simple-binding1.output simple-binding1.expected
echo ../../bin/apssched -DCOT -p .:../../base:../../examples ../../examples/simple-binding2.aps > simple-binding2.output
cp -f simple-binding2.output simple-binding2.expected
rm simple-binding1.output simple-binding2.output
$ make
echo ../../bin/apssched -DCOT -p .:../../base:../../examples ../../examples/simple-binding1.aps > simple-binding1.output
diff simple-binding1.expected simple-binding1.output
echo ../../bin/apssched -DCOT -p .:../../base:../../examples ../../examples/simple-binding2.aps > simple-binding2.output
diff simple-binding2.expected simple-binding2.output
rm simple-binding1.output simple-binding2.output

Modifying file extensions using Makefiles

I'm new to Makefiles and I want to modify the extension of a set of files. The following command works on the shell:
for file in path/*.ext1; do j=`echo $file | cut -d . -f 1`;j=$j".ext2";echo mv $file $j; done
However, I'm not sure how to run this in a Makefile. I tried running
$(shell for file in path/*.ext1; do j=`echo $file | cut -d . -f 1`;j=$j".ext2";echo mv $file $j; done)
But this never did what I needed it to do. What do I need to do to make this work on the Makefile? How do I call it in a section?
The immediate answer to your question is that the $ character is special to make: it introduces a make variable. If you want to pass a $ to the shell, you'll have to write two of them: $$.
So, your shell function invocation would have to be written as:
$(shell for file in path/*.ext1; do j=`echo $$file | cut -d . -f 1`;j=$$j".ext2";echo mv $$file $$j; done)
However, this is almost certainly not a good way to do what you want. You don't really describe clearly what you want to do, however. If you just want to have a target in a makefile that can be invoked to make this change, you can use:
for file in path/*.ext1; do \
j=`echo $$file | cut -d . -f 1`; \
j=$$j".ext2"; \
echo mv $$file $$j; \
Or, taking advantage of some useful shell shortcuts, you could just run:
for file in path/*.ext1; do \
echo mv $$file $${file%.*}.ext2; \
Now if you run make fixext it will perform those steps.
But, a much more make-like way to do it would be to write a single rule that knows how to rename one file, then use prerequisites to have them all renamed:
TARGETS = $(patsubst %.ext1,%.ext2,$(wildcard path/*.ext1))
fixext: $(TARGETS)
%.ext2 : %.ext1
mv $< $#
Now you can even run make -j5 and do 5 of the move commands in parallel...
you can also add rename blocks at the top of your file eg to change a suffix
output := $(
but this won't work inside a make command as far as I can see
output := $(
$ make check
output := walkthrough.mp4
make: output: No such file or directory
make: *** [check] Error 1

Makefile: building LaTeX files in subdirectories with two versions of each file

I have the following folder structure
And I would like to create a Makefile - in the best way - to do the following:
make sure I include the common directory properly in TEXINPUTS
compile the handout.tex into a PDF (using either pdflatex or xelatex) and have it in the output directory as week01-handout-student.pdf
compile the handout.tex with a line of LaTeX prepended to the beginning of the file (that sets a flag) into a PDF and have it in the output directory as week01-handout-teacher.pdf
clean everything up (the log, aux, etc. files)
I am not sure I know how to this in any other way than manually duplicating an elementary Makefile/bash script in every subdirectory, then calling each of them one by one with a for loop.
I would appreciate help on how to build this process, ideally with a single Makefile in the root directory. Thanks.
UPDATE: I purposefully did not want to give any details about how I compile LaTeX, in case somebody has a better suggestion than my current usage. Right now I am using Latexmk (which is already a make-like wrapper of LaTeX):
latexmk -pdf file.tex generates file.pdf
to add the line of code, I do a simple echo "line of code" > temp.tex and cat handout.tex >> temp.tex, then the same latexmk command
latexmk -c file.tex in a directory cleans all temporary files used to compile file.tex
TEXINPUTS is the TeX path variable, to let TeX find (in its path) the style files: I do TEXINPUTS=full-path-to/common and then export TEXINPUTS before compiling anything.
If anybody has a better suggestion, I am a willing taker.
Something like this should do what you want I believe:
OUTDIR := output
# Tell make to export this environment variable to all recipe lines it runs.
export TEXINPUTS := $(abspath common)
# Get the list of all of our week directories.
weekdirs := $(wildcard week*)
#$(info weekdirs:$(weekdirs))
# Create student output filenames from week directory names.
STUDENT_HANDOUTS := $(patsubst %,$(OUTDIR)/%-handout-student.pdf,$(weekdirs))
# Create teacher output filenames from week directory names.
TEACHER_HANDOUTS := $(patsubst %,$(OUTDIR)/%-handout-teacher.pdf,$(weekdirs))
# Default target depends on all output files.
# Pattern rule for building pdf files.
#echo + Making $# from $^
#echo cd $(#D) && echo latexmx -pdf $(abspath $<)
#echo cd $(#D) && echo latexmk -c $(abspath $<)
# Static pattern rule mapping student output files to input files.
$(STUDENT_HANDOUTS) : $(OUTDIR)/%-handout-student.pdf : %/handout.tex
# Pattern rule to generate temporary input files from original input files.
%/handout-tmp.tex: %/handout.tex
#echo echo 'line of code' '>' $#
#echo cat $^ '>>' $#
# Static pattern rule mapping teacher output files to (temporary) input files.
$(TEACHER_HANDOUTS) : $(OUTDIR)/%-handout-teacher.pdf : %/handout-tmp.tex
Uncomment the $(info) lines to see a bit of how the variables are put together.
This uses latexmk -c to clean up auxiliary files after creating the output files.
Technique 1. The echo foo >$#; cat $< >>$# thing is something I've done before; I think it's reasonable.
Technique 2. Another technique is to have your .tex document, or a package file it uses, include a line like:
That allows you to make certain adjustments in a makefile, as in for example:
# any bits of configuration that should be in all the .config files
%-notes.pdf: %.tex
printf '$(SWITCHES)\\ExecuteOptions{sidenotes}\n' >lecturenotes.config
TEXINPUTS=styles: pdflatex $<
mv ${<:.tex=.pdf} $#
rm lecturenotes.config
%-single.pdf: %.tex
printf '$(SWITCHES)\\ExecuteOptions{oneside}\n' >lecturenotes.config
TEXINPUTS=styles: pdflatex $<
mv ${<:.tex=.pdf} $#
rm lecturenotes.config
Technique 3. A third technique for controlling LaTeX from outside is to include in your document (or in a package file):
\expandafter\ifx\csname demonstrator\endcsname\relax
\typeout{Demonstrator is TRUE}
\typeout{Demonstrator is FALSE}
Then call latex with:
%-plain.pdf: %.tex
latex $<
mv ${<:.tex=.pdf} $#
%-demo.pdf: %.tex
latex --jobname ${<:.tex=} '\def\demonstrator{x}\input{$<}`
mv ${<:.tex=.pdf} $#
Technique 1 is a bit of a blunt instrument, but if that's all that's needed, it's pretty lightweight.
Technique 2 is probably the most neatly engineered, but it is slightly more effort.
Technique 3 is probably the one I use most in this sort of circumstance.

Getting the list of dependencies of a target

Is it possible to read the dependencies of a target inside a Makefile?
I would like to do something like the following:
.INTERMEDIATE: temp1.txt
.INTERMEDIATE: temp2.txt
#echo "Temp files: $(dependencies-of .INTERMEDIATE)"
The output of make print-intermediate would be
$ make print-intermediate
Temp files: temp1.txt temp2.txt
How can I access the list of dependencies of the .INTERMEDIATE target?
Recursive call of make.
There is no built-in function for this purpose. But there are some workarounds.
For example you can use recursive call of make with command line argument -p.
.INTERMEDIATE: temp1.txt
.INTERMEDIATE: temp2.txt
deps = $(shell $(MAKE) -qp none | sed -n "/$(strip $(1)):/ p;" | \
sed -e "s/$(strip $(1)): //g")
#echo "Temp files: " $(call deps,.INTERMEDIATE)
.PHONY: none

Suppress "Clock skew" warning for future-times in Makefile

I have a Makefile that does performs a task if it hasn't happened in the last hour. It does so like this:
HOUR_FROM_NOW = $(shell perl -e '($$s,$$m,$$h,$$d,$$M)=localtime(time()+3600); printf("%02d%02d%02d%02d\n",$$M+1,$$d,$$h,$$m);')
NOW_FILE = $(shell mkdir -p .make; touch .make/now; echo .make/now )
.PHONY: externals
externals: $(PROJECTS:%=.make/proj_%)
.make/proj_%: $(NOW_FILE)
$(MAKE) -s $(*F)
touch -t $(HOUR_FROM_NOW) $#
# do stuff, specifically, clone git-repo if not exists, else pull latest
That part works great, except that I now get warnings:
make: Warning: File `.make/proj' has modification time 3.5e+03 s in the future
make: Nothing to be done for `externals'.
make: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.
Anyone know how to suppress those warnings? (Or to do a periodic task in a makefile)
Most versions of touch I have come across can do some date time maths which allows for setting the timestamp of a file directly via the --date option.
That and the fact that variables assigned with := are only "evaluated once" makes this a bit easier to read.
HOUR_AGO := .make/hour_ago
__UGLY := $(shell mkdir -p .make && touch --date='1hour ago' $(HOUR_AGO))
# The preceding line will be executed once
.make/proj_%: .make/hour_ago | .make
$(MAKE) -s $(*F)
#touch $#
mkdir -p $#
I'm using something very similar to this to periodically refresh login tokens.
Never would have thought of it if it wasn't for Dave's answer though.
The directory is created by specifying it as a order-only-prerequisite
I suspect that the + 3600 is at fault. What happens if you remove it?
I thought and thought, and then the stupid-obvious solution hit me ...
Instead of setting timestamps in the future with HOUR_FROM_NOW, I use the real time and compare with HOUR_AGO_FILE ...
HOUR_AGO = $(shell perl -e '($$s,$$m,$$h,$$d,$$M)=localtime(time()-3600); printf("%02d%02d%02d%02d\n",$$M+1,$$d,$$h,$$m);')
HOUR_AGO_FILE = $(shell mkdir -p .make; touch -t $(HOUR_AGO) .make/hour_ago; echo .make/hour_ago )
.PHONY: externals
externals: $(PROJECTS:%=.make/proj_%)
.make/proj_%: $(HOUR_AGO_FILE)
$(MAKE) -s $(*F)
#touch $#
