Nokogiri next_element with filter - ruby

Let's say I've got an ill formed html page:
<th class="what_I_need">Super sweet text<th>
I also need this
and this (all td's in this and subsequent tr's)
...all td's here too
...all td's here too
On BeautifulSoup, we were able to get the <th> and then call findNext("td"). Nokogiri has the next_element call, but that might not return what I want (in this case, it would return the tr element).
Is there a way to filter the next_element call of Nokogiri? e.g. next_element("td")?
For clarification, I'll be looking at many sites, most of them ill formed in different ways.
For instance, the next site might be:
<th class="what_I_need">Super sweet text<th>
I also need this
and this (all td's in this and subsequent tr's)
...all td's here too
...all td's here too
I can't assume any structure other than there will be trs below the item that has the class what_I_need

First, note that your closing th tag is malformed: <th>. It should be </th>. Fixing that helps.
One way to do it is to use XPath to navigate to it once you've found the th node:
require 'nokogiri'
html = '
<th class="what_I_need">Super sweet text<th>
I also need this
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
th ='th.what_I_need')
th.text # => "Super sweet text"
td ='../../tr/td')
td.text # => "\n I also need this\n "
This is taking advantage of Nokogiri's ability to use either CSS accessors or XPath, and to do it pretty transparently.
Once you have the <th> node, you could also navigate using some of Node's methods:'td').text # => "\n I also need this\n "
One more way to go about it, is to start at the top of the table and look down:
table ='table')
th ='th')
th.text # => "Super sweet text"
td ='td')
td.text # => "\n I also need this\n "
If you need to access all <td> tags within a table you can iterate over them easily:'td').each do |td|
# do something with the td...
puts td.text
If you want the contents of all <td> by their containing <tr> iterate over the rows then the cells:'tr').each do |tr|
cells ='td').map(&:text)
# do something with all the cells


how to exclude a table inside in another table in xpath?

I have the follow html file:
<table class="pd-table">
<caption> Tech </caption>
<tr data-group="1">
<td> Electrical </td>
<td> Design </td>
<tr data-group="1">
<td> Output </td>
<td> Function </td>
<tr data-group="7">
<td> EMC </td>
<td> EN 6547 ESD </td>
<td> EN 8901 ESD </td>
<tr data-group="8">
<td> Weight [8] </td>
<td> 27.7 </td>
I can isolate EN 6547 ESD and EN 8901 ESD with the follow xpath:
Any other way is always welcome :)
Another data which I would like to get is to get all the rest of the data without the previous isolated.
Is there any way to do it? :)
Looks like table tag is not closed properly in data-group-7...
Anyway in such cases you can stick to text content of the cell using contains() or text()="some exact text"
response.xpath('//td[contains(text(), "EMC")]').css('td~table tbody td::text').extract()
Your used Xpath uses a lot of unwanted double slash.
See meaning of double slash in Xpath.
The less you use double slash, the better it will perform.
So just use single slash like this:
Another way of selecting td's that have two ancestor::table
And that leads to the answer of your second question:
An other possibility would just be:
Or(assuming the second tabel does not have tr's with #data-group):
So you see there are many Xpath's lead to Rome ;-).

XPath find text according last word in the string

I need to find the whole text according last word in the string. I have something like this:
<td style='white-space:nowrap;'>
<a href=''>test</a>
<td>any text</td>
<td>text text texttofind</td>
<td>Not Available</td>
<td class='aui-lozenge aui-lozenge-default'>text</td>
<td style='white-space:nowrap;'>
<a href=''>test</a>
<td>any text</td>
<td>text text texttofind2</td>
<td>Not Available</td>
<td class='aui-lozenge aui-lozenge-default'>text</td>
<td style='white-space:nowrap;'>
<a href=''>test</a>
<td>any text</td>
<td>text text texttofind3</td>
<td>Not Available</td>
<td class='aui-lozenge aui-lozenge-default'>text</td>
I need to find whole text vallue according last word texttofind
<td>text text texttofind</td>
I cant use contains, because it will find multiple values. I need something like ends-with but I am using xpath 1.0.
I tried something like this, but I am not sure what is wrong because it is not working
//tr[substring(., string-length(#td)
- string-length('texttofind') + 1) = 'texttofind']
or maybe it would be better to use matches?
You're almost there; try changing your xpath expression to
//tr//td[substring(., string-length(.)
- string-length('texttofind') + 1) = 'texttofind']
and see if it works.

Scraping page with correct xpath using Mechanize and nokogiri

I am trying to access data contained in a table that is itself contained in a table with class ='L1'.
So basically my html structure is like this:
<table class="L1">
I need to catch the data contained in a all <a> </a> that are in the second contained in <tr> </tr> but only starting with the second <tr> of the table.
So far I came up with that:
html_body = Nokogiri::HTML(body)
links = html_body.css('.L1').xpath("//table/tbody/tr/td[2]/a[1]")
But seems to me that this doesn't express the fact that I want to start only after the second <tr> (second <tr> included?
What would be the right code to do this ?
You can use position() to select the later elements that you want.
html_body = Nokogiri::HTML(body)
links = html_body.css('.L1').xpath("//table/tbody/tr[position()>1]/td[2]/a[1]")
As the comments on that SO answer say, remember XPath counts from 1, so >1 skips the first tr.

How to select elements when there is a space in an HTML class

How do I use CSS selectors to get the "This is the text I need" line below?
I don't know how to deal with spaces in the table class.
<table class="some name">
<td style="text-align:center;">50</td>
<td style="text-align:left;">This is the text I need</td>
If there are spaces in the class attribute value, that means there are multiple classes applied to the element. To locate an element with multiple classes, the css selector is just a chain of the classes. Generally, the form looks like:
Therefore, assuming the link is the first in the table with class "some" and "name", you can do:
require 'nokogiri'
html = %Q{
<table class="some name">
<td style="text-align:center;">50</td>
<td style="text-align:left;">This is the text I need</td>
doc = Nokogiri::XML(html)
# Assuming you need both classes to uniquely identify the table
p doc.at_css(' a').text
#=> "This is the text I need"
# Note that you do not need to use both classes if one of them is unique
p doc.at_css(' a').text
#=> "This is the text I need"

Webdriver in Ruby, how to check elements exist

I am using Webdriver in Ruby and I want to verify three text exists on a page.
Here is the piece of html I want to verify:
<table class="c1">
<thead>many subtags</thead>
<tbody id="id1">
<tr class="c2">
<td class="first-child">
manny other <td></td>
<tr class="c2">
<td class="first-child">
manny other <td></td>
<tr class="c2">
<td class="first-child">
manny other <td></td>>
How do I verify "test1", "test2" and "test3" presents on this page using
What is the best approach for it?
Thank you very much.
I would go with #find_elements method,because with other 2 options there will be a chance to get no such element exception.
First collect it in an array -
array = driver.find_elements(:xpath,"//table[#class='c1']//tr[#class='c2']//span[text()='test1']")
Now check the array size
"test1 is present" unless array.empty?
The same way we can test for test2 and test3.
Following sample code will help you to perform your task :
def check_element_exists
arr = ["test1", "test2", "test3"]
arr.each do |a|
if $driver.page_source.include? a
puts a
print a
puts " Not present"
