Hierarchical undirected graph representation - prolog

I need to represent the graph like this:
Graph = graph([Object1,Object2,Object3,Object4],
I have no restriction for code, however I'd stick to this representation as it fits all the other structures I've already coded.
What I mean is the undirected graph in which vertices are some objects and edges representing undirected relations between them. To give you more background in this particular example I'm trying to represent a rectangle, so objects are its four edges(segments). Those segments are represented in the same way with use of vertices and so on. The point is to build the hierarchy of graphs which would represent constraints between objects on the same level.
The problem lays in the representation of edges. The most obvious way to represent an arc (a,b) would be to put both (a,b) and (b,a) in the program. This however floods my program with redundant data exponentialy. For example if I have vertices a,b,c,d. I can build segments (a,b),(a,c),(a,d),(b,c),(b,d),(c,d). But I get also (b,a),(c,a), and so on. At this points its not a problem. But later I build a rectangle. It can be build of segments (a,b),(b,c),(c,d),(a,d). And I'd like to get the answer - there's one rectangle. You can calculate however how many combination of this one rectangle I get. It also take too much time to calculate and obviously I don't want to finish at the rectangle level.
I thought about sorting the elements. I can sort vertices in a segment. But if I want to sort segments in a rectangle the constraints are no longer valid. The graph becomes directed. For example taking into consideration the first two relations let's say we have arcs (a,b) and (a,c). If arcs are not sorted the program answers as I want it to: arc(b,a,connected),arc(a,c,connected) with match: Object1=b,Object2=a,Object4=c. If I sort elements it's no longer valid as I cannot have arc(b,a,connected) and arc(a,b,connected) tried out. Only the second one. I'd stick with the sorting but I have no idea how to solve this last issue.
Hopefully I stated all of this quite clearly. I'd prefer to stay as close to the representation and ideas I already have. But completely new ones are also very welcome. I don't expect any exact answer, rather poitning me in the right direction or suggesting something specific to read as I'm quite new to Prolog and maybe this problem is not as uncommon as I think.
I'm trying to solve this since yesterday and couldn't come up with any easy answer. I looked at some discrete math and common undirected graphs representation like adjacency list. Let me know if anything is unclear - I'll try to provide more details.

Interesting question although a bit broad since it is not stated what you actually want to do with the arcs, rectangles etc; a representation may be efficient (time/space/elegance) only with certain uses. In any case, here are some ideas:
the obvious issue is the one you mentioned; you can solve it by introducing a clause that succeeds if the sorted pair exists:
; arc_data(Y,X).
note that you should not do something like:
since this will result in a infinite loop if the arc does not exist.
you could however only check if the first arg is larger than the second:
This approach will not resolve the multiple solutions that may arise due to having an arc represented in two ways.
The easy fix would be to only check for one solution where only one solution is expected using once/1:
3 ?- arc(X,Y).
X = a,
Y = b ;
X = b,
Y = a.
4 ?- once(arc(X,Y)).
X = a,
Y = b.
Of course you cannot do this when there could be multiple solutions.
Another approach would be to enforce further abstraction: at the moment, when you have two points (a, b) you can create the arc (arc(a,b) or arc(b,a)) after checking if those points are connected. Instead of that, you should create the arc through a predicate (that could also check if the points are connected). The benefit is that you no longer get involved in the representation of the arc directly and can thus enforce sorting (yes, it's basically object orientation):
( arc(X,Y),
Arc = arc(X,Y))
; ( arc(Y,X),
Arc = arc(Y,X)).
(assuming as a database arc(a,b)):
6 ?- cv_arc(a,b,A).
A = arc(a, b).
7 ?- cv_arc(b,a,A).
A = arc(a, b).
8 ?- cv_arc(b,c,A).
Of course you would need to follow a similar principle for the rest of the objects; I assume that you are doing something like this to find a rectangle:
besides the duplicates due to the arc (which are resolved) this would recognise ABCD, DABC etc as different rectangles:
28 ?- rectangle(A,B,C,D).
A = a,
B = b,
C = c,
D = d ;
A = b,
B = c,
C = d,
D = a ;
A = c,
B = d,
C = a,
D = b ;
A = d,
B = a,
C = b,
D = c.
We will do the same again:
and running with arc(a,b). arc(b,c). arc(c,d). arc(a,d).:
27 ?- rectangle(R).
R = rectangle(a, b, c, d) ;
Note that we did not re-order the rectangle if the arcs were in the wrong order; we simply failed it. This way we avoided duplicate solutions (if we ordered them and accepted it as a valid rectangle we would have the same rectangle four times) but the time spent to find the rectangle increases. We reduced the overhead by stopping the search at the first arc that is out of order instead of creating the whole rectangle. Also, the overhead would also be reduced if the arcs are ordered (since the first match would be ordered). On the other hand, if we consider the complexity of searching for all rectangles this way, the overhead is not that significant. Also, it only applies if we want just the first rectangle; should we want to get more solutions or ensure that there are no other solutions, prolog will search the whole tree, whether it reports the solutions or not.


Establishing chronology of a list based on a directed graph tree

So, in a personal project I've been working on I came across a following problem, and I've been struggling to come up with a solution since my maths skills are not terribly great.
Lets say you have a following tree of numbers a b c d e f g h:
/ \
b c
/ | |
g d f
| |
h e
Each step down the tree means that the next number is bigger then the previous one. So a < b, d < e, a < c. However, it is impossible to determine whether b > c or c < b - we can only tell that both numbers are bigger then a.
Lets say we have an ordered list of numbers, for instance [a, b, c, d, e]. How do we write an algorithm that checks if the order of the numbers in the list (assuming that L[i] < L[i+1]) is, in fact, correct in relation to the information we have accoring to this tree?
I. E, both [a, c, b, d, e] and [a, b, d, c, e] are correct, but [c, a, b, d, e] is not (since we know that c > a but nothing else in relation to how the other numbers are structured).
For the sake of the algorithm, lets assume that our access to the tree is a function provably_greater(X, Y) which returns true if the tree knows that a number is higher then another number. I.E. provably_greater(a, d) = True, but provably_greater(d, f) = False. Naturally if a number is provably not greater, it also returns false.
This is not a homework question, I have abstracted the problem quite a lot to make it more clear, but solving this problem is quite crucial for what I'm trying to do. I've made several attempts at cracking it myself, but everything that I come up with ends up being insufficient for some edge case I find out about later.
Thanks in advance.
Your statement "everything that I come up with ends up being insufficient for some edge case I find out about later" makes it seem that you have no solution at all. Here is a brute-force algorithm that should work in all cases. I can think of several possible ways to improve the speed, but this is a start.
First, set up a data structure that allows a quick evaluation of provably_greater(X, Y) based on the tree. This structure can be a set or hash-table, which will take much memory but allow fast access. For each leaf of the tree, take a path up to the root. At each node, look at all descendant nodes and add an ordered pair to the set that shows the less-than relation for those two nodes. In your example tree, if you start at node h you move up to node g and add (g,h) to the set, then move up to node b and add the pairs (b,h) and (b,g) to the set, then move up to node a and add the pairs (a,h), (a,g), and (a,b) to the set. Do the same for leaf nodes e and f. The pair (a,b) will be added twice to the set, due to the leaf nodes h and e, but a set structure can handle this easily.
The function provably_greater(X, Y) is now quick and easy: the result is True if the pair (Y,X) is in the set and False otherwise.
You now look at all pairs of numbers in your list--for the list [a,b,c,d,e] you would look at the pairs (a,b), (a,c), (b,c), etc. If provably_greater(X, Y) is true for any of those pairs, the list is out of order. Otherwise, the list is in order.
This should be very easy to implement in a language like Python. Let me know if you would like some Python 3 code.
I'm going to ignore your provably_greater function and assume access to the tree so that I can provide an efficient algorithm.
First, perform a Euler tour of the tree, remembering the start and end indexes for every node. If you use the same tree to check a lot of lists, you only have to do this once. See https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/euler-tour-tree/
Create an initially empty binary search tree of indexes
Iterate through the list. For each node, check to see if the tree contains any indexes between its start and end Euler tour indexes. If it does, then the list is out of order. If it does not, then insert its start index into the tree. This will prevent any provably lesser node from appearing later in the list.
That's it -- O(N log N) altogether, and for each list.
A TreeSet in Java or std::set in C++ can be used for the binary search tree.

Fair division of a kingdom [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 7 years ago.
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Recently, I've attended programming competition. There was a problem from it that I am still mulling over. Programming language does not matter, but I've wrote it in C++. The task was this:
As you already know, Flatland is located on the plane. There are n
cities in Flatland, i-th of these cities is located at the point (xi,
yi). There are ai citizens living in i-th city. The king of
Flatland has decided to divide the kingdom between his two sons. He
wants to build a wall in the form of infinite straight line; each of
the parts will be ruled by one of the sons. The wall cannot pass
through any city. To avoid envy between brothers, the populations of
two parts must be as close as possible; formally, if a and b are
the total number of citizens living in cities of the first and the
second part respectively, the value of |a - b| must be minimized.
Help the king to find the optimal division. Number of cities is less
than 1000. And all coordinates are integers. Output of algorithm
should be integer number of minimal |a-b|
Okay, if I knew the direction of line, it will be really easy task - binary search:
I don't want code, I want ideas because I don't have any. If I catch idea I can write code!
I don't know optimal direction, but I think it could be found somehow. So could it be found or is this task solved other way?
An example where the horizontal/vertical line is not optimal:
2 \ 1
The Ansatz
A brute force method would be to check all possible division...
First it should be noted, that the exact orientation of the line does not matter. It can always be shifted by small amounts and there are cases with more than one minimum. What matters it what cities go to which side of the kingdom. Even when simply trying all such possible combinations, it is not trivial to find them. To do so, I propose the following algorithm:
How to find all possible divisions
For each pair of cities x and y, the line connecting them, divides the kingdom in "left" and "right". Then consider all possible combinations of left, right, x and y:
left + x + y vs right (C)
left + x vs right + y (A)
left + y vs right + x (D)
left vs right + x + y (B)
Actually I am not 100% sure but I think in this way you can find all possible division with a finite number of trials. As the cities have no size (I assumed 0 radius), the line connecting x and y can be shifted slightly to include either city on either side of the kindom.
One counter example where this simple method will definitely fail is when more than 2 cities lie on a straight line
This picture illustrates one step of my above algorithm for the example from the OP. x and y are the two cities with 1 inhabitants. Actually with this pair of cities one gets already all possible divisions. (However 3 points is trivial anyhow, as there is no geometrical restriction on what combinations are possible. Interestingly only starting with 4 points their location on the plane really matters.)
Colinear points
Following some discussion and fruitful comments, I came to the conclusion that colinear points are not really a problem. One just has to consider these points when evaluating the 4 possible divisions (for each pair of points). E.g. assume in the above example is another point at (-1,2). Then this point would lie on the left for A and C and on the right for B and D.
For each angle A, consider the family of parallel lines which make an angle of A with the x-axis, with special case A=0 corresponding to the family of lines parallel to the X-axis.
Given A, you can use a binary search to find the line in the family which divides the kingdom most nearly equally. So we have a function f from angles to integers, mapping each angle A to the minimum value of |a-b| for lines in the family corresponding to A.
How many angles do we need to try? The situation changes materially only when A is an angle corresponding to a line between two points, an angle which I will call a "jump angle". The function is continuous, and therefore constant, away from jump angles. We have to try jump angles, of which there are about n choose 2, approximately 500,000 at most. We also have to try intervals of angles between jump angles, doubling the size, to 1,000,000 at most.
Instead of angles, it's probably more sensible to use slopes. I just like thinking in terms of angles.
The time complexity of this approach is O(n^2 log n), n^2 for the number of angles, log n for the binary search. If we can learn more about the function f, it may be possible to use a faster method to minimize f than checking every possibility. For example, it seems reasonable that the minimum of f can be found at an angle not equal to a jump angle.
It may also be possible to eliminate the binary search by using the centroid of the cities. We calculate the weighted average
(a1(x1,y1) + a2(x2,y2) + ... + an(xn,yn))/(a1+a2+...+an)
I think that lines balancing the population will pass through that point. (Hmm.) If that's the case, we only have to think about angles.
Case where n is less than 3
The base case is where there are two cities: in which case you simple take the perpendicular line on the line that connects the two cities.
Case with three or more cities
You can discretize the tangent by taking every pair of two cities, and see the line that connects them as the direction of the infinite line.
Why this works
If you split the number of cities in two parts, there is at least one half with two or more cities. For that part, there are two points that are the closest to the border. Whether the border passes "very closely" to that line or has the same line does not matter; because a "slightly different tangent" will not swap any city (otherwise these cities were not the closest). Since we try "every border", we will eventually generate a border with the given tangent.
Say you have the following scenario:
2\ 1
With the numbers showing the values. In this case the two closest points at the border are the one at the top and the right. So we construct a line that points 45 degrees downwards. Now we use binary search to find the most optimal split: we rotate all points, order them by ascending rotated x-value, then perform binary search on the weights. The optimal one is to split it between the origin and the two other points.
Now with four points:
1 2
2 1
Here we will investigate the following lines:
\ 1\|/2 /
\ /|\ /
/ \|/ \
/ 2/|\1 \
And this will return either the horizontal or the vertical line.
There is a single possibility - as pointed out by #Nemo that all these points are lying on the same line. In such case there is no tangent that makes sense. In that case, one can use the perpendicular tangent as well.
for v in V
for w in V\{v}
calculate tangent
for tangent and perpendicular tangent
rotate all points such that the tangent is rotated to the y-axis
look for a rotated line in the y-direction that splits the cities optimal
return the best split found
Furthermore as nearly all geometrical approaches, this method can suffer from the fact that multiple dots are located on the same line in which case by adding a simple rotation one can either include/exclude one of the points. This is indeed a dirty hack to the problem.
This Haskell program calculates the "optimal direction" (if the above solution is correct) for a given list of points:
import Data.List
type Point = (Int,Int)
type WPoint = (Point,Int)
type Direction = Point
dirmul :: Direction -> WPoint -> Int
dirmul (dx,dy) ((xa,ya),_) = xa*dx+ya*dy
dirCompare :: Direction -> WPoint -> WPoint -> Ordering
dirCompare d pa pb = compare (dirmul d pa) (dirmul d pb)
optimalSplit :: [WPoint] -> Direction
optimalSplit pts = (-dy,dx)
where wsum = sum $ map snd pts
(dx,dy) = argmin (bestSplit pts wsum) $ concat [splits pa pb | pa <- pts, pb <- pts, pa /= pb]
splits :: WPoint -> WPoint -> [Direction]
splits ((xa,ya),_) ((xb,yb),_) = [(xb-xa,yb-ya),(ya-yb,xb-xa)]
bestSplit :: [WPoint] -> Int -> Direction -> Int
bestSplit pts wsum d = bestSplitScan cmp ordl 0 wsum
where cmp = dirCompare d
ordl = sortBy cmp pts
bestSplitScan :: ((a,Int) -> (a,Int) -> Ordering) -> [(a,Int)] -> Int -> Int -> Int
bestSplitScan _ [] l r = abs $ l-r
bestSplitScan cmp ((x1,w1):xs) l r = min (abs $ l-r) (bestSplitScan cmp (dropWhile eqf xs) (l+d) (r-d))
where eqf = (==) EQ . cmp (x1,w1)
d = w1+(sum $ map snd $ takeWhile eqf xs)
argmin :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> a
argmin _ [x] = x
argmin f (x:xs) | (f x) <= f ax = x
| otherwise = ax
where ax = argmin f xs
For instance:
*Main> optimalSplit [((0,0),2),((0,1),1),((1,0),1)]
*Main> optimalSplit [((0,0),2),((0,1),1),((1,0),1),((1,1),2)]
So the direction is a line in which if the line moves one element to the left, it moves one element to the top as well. This is the first example. For the second case, it picks a line that moves in the x-direction so it splits horizontally. This algorithm allows only integral points and does not take into account slightly tweaking the line in case the points are placed on the same line: these are all in or all out for a line parallel.
[Edit: Bold-faced text is relevant to concerns expressed previously in comments.]
[Edit 2: As I should have pointed out earlier, this answer is a supplement to the earlier answer by tobi303, which gives a similar algorithm. The main purpose was to show that the basic idea of that algorithm is sound and sufficiently general.
Despite minor differences in the details of the algorithms proposed in the two answers, I think a careful reading of the "why it works" section, applied to either algorithm, will show that the algorithm is in fact complete.]
If all the cities are in one straight line
(including the case where there
are only one or two cities), then the solution is simple.
I assume you can detect and solve this case, so the rest of the
answer will deal with all other cases.
If there are more than two cities and they are not all collinear,
the "brute force" solution is:
for each city X,
for each city Y where Y is not X
construct a directed line that passes through X and then Y.
Divide the cities in two subsets:
S1 = all the cities to the left of this line
S2 = all the other cities (including cities exactly on the line)
Evaluate the "unfairness" of this division.
Among all subdivisions of cities found in this way,
choose the one with the least unfairness. Return the difference. Done.
Note that the line found in this way is not the line that divides the cities "fairly"; it is merely parallel to some such line.
If we had to find the actual dividing line we would have to do a little more work to figure out
exactly where to put that parallel line. But the requested return value
is merely |a-b|.
Why this works:
Suppose that the line L1 divides the cities in the fairest way possible.
There is not a unique line that does this;
there will be (mathematically speaking) an infinite number of lines
that achieve the same "best" division, but such lines exist, and
all we need to suppose is that L1 is one of those lines.
Let the city A be the closest to L1 on one side of the line
and the city B be closest to L1 on the other side.
(If A and B are not uniquely identified, that is if there are two or more
cities on one side of L1 that are tied for "closest to L1",
we can set L2 = L1 and skip forward to the procedure for L2, below.)
Consider rotations of L1 in each direction, using the point where L1 crosses
the line AB as a pivot point. In at least one direction of rotation,
a rotated image of L1 will "hit" one of the other cities,
call it C, without touching either A or B.
(This follows from the fact that the cities are not all along one line.)
At that point, C is closer to the image of L1 than A or B (whichever
of those cities is on the same side of the original L1 as C was).
The Mean Value Theorem of calculus tells us that at some point during
the rotation, C was exactly as close to the rotated image of L1
as the city A or B, whichever is on the same side of that line.
What this shows is that there is always a line L2 that divides the cities
as fairly as possible, such that there are two cities, D and E,
on the same side of L2 and tied for "closest city to L2" among all
cities on that side of L2.
Now consider two directed lines through D and E: L3, which passes through
D and then E, and L4, which passes through E and then D.
The cities that are on the other side of L2 than D and E consist either of
all the cities to the left of L3, or all the cities to the left of L4.
(Note that this works even if L3 and L4 happen
to pass through more than two cities.)
The procedure described before is simply a way to find all possible
lines that could be line L3 or line L4 in any execution of this
procedure starting from a line L1 that solves the problem.
(Note that while there are always infinite possible choices of L1,
every such L1 results in lines L3 and L4 selected from the finite set of
lines that pass through two or more cities.)
So the procedure will find the division of cities described by L1,
which is the solution to the problem.

In search of an algorithm for sorting collection in nodes to satisfy a layout constraint

Firstly, I apologize for the poor title; I cannot think of a good name for this algorithm.
I have an ordered list of stages. Each stage has a cast of characters, unordered. Characters can occur in multiple stages.
A crossing occurs when two consecutive stages cannot have their casts concatenated, with overlap allowed where it would unify the same character on both casts, in a way that leaves a character duplicated in the concatenation. Or, informally, a crossing is when a character would need to be at two different spots at once in a line-up of the combined casts. In code:
uncrossed = [D, F], [N, V, S]
overlap = [D, F, V], [V, N, S]
crossed = [D, V, F], [N, V, S]
In the first example, V isn't with D and F, so there aren't any crossings. In the second example, V is with D and F and then with N and S, but this isn't a problem because the ordering permits (with overlap) a crossing-less concatenation. On the third example, though, the ordering forces a crossing.
For my purposes, crossings can occur on non-consecutive stages as if characters did not actually stray from their previous order in the cast when they are not "on-stage."
I would like to order each stage's cast such that there are as few crossings as possible, understanding that it is definitely possible to have situations where crossings are inevitable. An example series which requires crossings:
required = [A, B], [B, C], [A, C], [A, B]
This all sounds very abstract and silly, so I'll provide a concrete example of a human solving this algorithm for a purpose similar to mine: http://xkcd.com/657/ In this case, the constraint is deliberately ignored for aesthetic purposes, but it's still possible to get a visual idea of what I'm talking about.
I already have some crude ideas for how to solve this, but nothing affordable, and I'm wondering if this is isomorphic to some problem already covered in the literature. It sounds vaguely topological as well.
Since people asked, this algorithm appears to be key to automatically generating pretty timelines for storyboards of characters in stories, and that's what I'm intending to use it for.
This isn't an answer, but I think maybe a more precise or even more correct formulation of what you are looking for:
There is a set, call it C, of characters, and there is a finite ordered sequence S_1, ... S_n of scenes, where a scene is a set consisting of some of the characters. Characters may (and typically do) appear in multiple scenes.
I'd like to phrase your desired outcome in a slightly different way from how you phrased it, because I think it makes it clearer how one may search for a solution (or at least, it makes it totally clear how to brute-force a solution):
The output of our algorithm is a sequence of arrangements of the characters. An arrangement of the characters is just a permutation of the ordered tuple [c_1, ... c_m], where the c_i are the characters, and there are m of them in total, so C = {c_1, ..., c_m}. We want n arrangements in total, call them A_1, ..., A_n, one per scene.
What arrangement A_n corresponds to is the top-to-bottom ordering of the characters in your storyboard, during scene n, in the following sense: draw a vertical line through your storyboard passing through scene n. This line should hit the characters' life-lines in the order specified by A_n.
We require the following property of our arrangements: given scene S_n, the arrangement A_n needs to put the characters contained in S_n into a contiguous chunk, in the following sense: suppose that S_n = {c_2, c_3, c_5}. Then A_n may yield [c_1, c_4, c_2, c_3, c_5], but may not yield [c_2, c_1, c_3, c_4, c_5]. This is because you don't want an errant character "cutting through" the scene in the storyboard.
We hope to minimize the number of "crossings." Here, crossings are easy to define: the number of crossings between A_i and A_(i+1) is exactly equal to the number of transpositions of adjacent characters required to go from permutation A_i to permutation A_(i+1).
I haven't given you an answer, but I think that given the above setup, a brute-force approach isn't too hard to code up, and will give you an answer overnight without a problem, if the storyboard isn't too big.
I think that if you posted this problem on MathOverflow, you could possibly get someone interested in it. Or maybe it has been solved, who knows?

I have a function f(w,x,y,z) and a target value A, how can I discover values for w,x,y,z that produce A?

So I have a function that takes four numerical arguments and produces a numerical argument.
f(w,x,y,z) --> A
If I have the function f and a target result A, is there an iterative method for discovering parameters w,x,y,z that produce a given number A?
If it helps, my function f is a quintic bezier where most of the parameters are determined. I have isolated just these four that are required to fit the value A.
R,S,T,U,V,W are vectors where R and W are known, I have isolated only a single element in each of S,T,U,V that vary as parameters.
The set of solutions of the equation f(w,x,y,z)=A (where all of w, x, y, z and A are scalars) is, in general, a 3 dimensional manifold (surface) in the 4-dimensional space R^4 of (w,x,y,z). I.e., the solution is massively non-unique.
Now, if f is simple enough for you to compute its derivative, you can use the Newton's method to find a root: the gradient is the direction of the fastest change of the function, so you go there.
Specifically, let X_0=(w_0,x_0,y_0,z_0) be your initial approximation of a solution and let G=f'(X_0) be the gradient at X_0.
Then f(X_0+h)=f(X_0)+(G,h)+O(|h|^2) (where (a,b) is the dot product).
Let h=a*G, and solve A=f(X_0)+a*|G|^2 to get a=(A-f(X_0))/|G|^2 (if G=0, change X_0) and X_1=X_0+a*G. If f(X_1) is close enough to A, you are done, otherwise proceed to compute f'(X_1) &c.
If you cannot compute f', you can play with many other methods.
If you can impose 3 (or more) additional equations that you know (or suspect) must be true for your 4-variable solution that gives target value A, then you can try applying Newton's method for solving a system of k equations with k unknowns. Otherwise, without a deeper understanding of the structure of the function you are trying to make equal to A, the only general type of technique I'm aware of that's easy to implement is to simply define the error function as g(w,x,y,z) = |f(w,x,y,z) - A| and search for a minimum of g. Typically the "minimum" found will be a local minimum, so it may require many restarts of the minimization problem with different starting values for your parameters to actually find a solution that gives a local minimum you want of g = 0. This is very easy to implement and try in a few lines e.g. in MATLAB using fminsearch

Comparison Based Ranking Algorithm (Variation)

This question is a variation on a previous question:
Comparison-based ranking algorithm
The variation I would like to pose is: what if loops are solved by discarding the earliest contradicting choices so that a transitive algorithm could actually be used.
Here I have pasted the original question:
"I would like to rank or sort a collection of items (with size potentially greater than 100,000) where each item in the collection does not have an intrinsic (comparable) value, instead all I have is the comparisons between any two items which have been provided by users in a 'subjective' manner.
Consider a collection with elements [a, b, c, d]. And comparisons by users:
b > a, a > d, d > c
The correct order of this collection would be [b, a, d, c].
This example is simple however there could be more complicated cases:
Since the comparisons are subjective, a user could also say that c > b. In which case that would cause a conflict with the ordering above. Also you may not have comparisons that 'connects' all the items, ie:
b > a, d > c. In which case the ordering is ambiguous. It could be : [b, a, d, c] or [d, c, b, a]. In this case either ordering is acceptable.
The Question is:
Is there an algorithm which already exists that can solve the problem above, I would not like to spend effort trying to come up with one if that is the case. If there is no specific algorithm, is there perhaps certain types of algorithms or techniques which you can point me to?"
The simpler version where no "cycle" exists can be dealt with using topological sorting.
Now, for the more complex scenario, if for every "cycle" the order on which the elements appear in the final ranking does not matter, then you could try the following:
model the problem as a directed graph (i.e. the fact that a > b implies that there is an edge in the resulting graph starting in node "a" and ending in node "b").
calculate the strongly connected components (SCC) of the graph. In short, an SCC is a set of nodes with the property that you can get to any node in the set from any node in the set by following a list of edges (this corresponds to your "cycles" in the original problem).
transform the graph by "collapsing" each node into the SCC it belongs to, but preserve the edges that that go between different SCC's.
it turns out the new graph obtained in the way mentioned above is a directly acyclic graph so we can perform a topological sort on it.
Finally, we're ready. The topological sort should tell you the right order in which to print nodes in different SCC's. For the nodes in the same SCC's, no matter what the order you choose is, there will always be "cycles", so a possibility might be printing them in a random order.
