Correct Event to check user authentication in BaseController class -

I'm in the process of converting a web application of mine to an MVC application. I think it will benefit from it but I'm a newb and a half at MVC. I want all of my controllers to inherent from a base controller and the first thing I want to do is redirect the User to the Login view if they are not authenticated. The method already written basically looks for a Cookie and if it doesn't find it does a Response.Redirect() to the login screen. I want to move this method to the BaseController but I'm not positive what's the best way to go about it. So in essence what BaseController Event should I invoke to check for authentication before loading the page?

The MVC way to handle this is to decorate controller actions with the AuthorizationAttribute.
When you mark an action method with AuthorizeAttribute, access to that action method is restricted to users who are both authenticated and authorized. If you mark a controller with the attribute, all action methods in the controller are restricted.
The Authorize attribute lets you indicate that authorization is restricted to predefined roles or to individual users. This gives you a high degree of control over who is authorized to view any page on the site.
If an unauthorized user tries to access a method that is marked with the Authorize attribute, the MVC framework returns a 401 HTTP status code. If the site is configured to use ASP.NET forms authentication, the 401 status code causes the browser to redirect the user to the login page.


Want to do preauthorization but without authentication, authentication was done by wsso link

All the request comes after wsso authentication now in my api i don't want to authenticate the request but i want to implement preauthorization on controller method.
In request header I am getting the user ID only nothing else.
I have one method which gives all the authority based on user ID.
Could any one guide how to approach this task in a spring boot application.
So in request header only user ID coming and I want to implement #preAuthorize("hasAnyAuthority('Admin')")in a controller method.
We don't have passwords access in our application.

auth0.js checkSession() returns a login_required error after logging in with login() from an embedded page

I am trying to add ‘keep me logged in’ functionality to my auth0 v9.3.0 authentication flow in my SPA. I have an embedded page at where the user enters their credentials. When they hit the sign-in button, the app calls the login() method from auth.js, passing in the username and password. If they checked the box, a permission cookie is set to true.
When the user launches the page later, after the token expires, a router guard calls auth0.js’s checkSession() method to get a new token. At this point, checkSession returns a login_required error even after the user logged in with auth0.js’s login() method. If I instead call the authorize() method and have the user log in on the hosted page, checkSession succeeds and does not return a login_required error.

Why does calling the login() method from the embedded page not fulfill the login_required requirement that authorize() fulfills? I want to get this working without ever redirecting the user to the hosted auth0 page.
Update: 03/28/18
I am currently using auth0 v9.3.0.
Instead of calling the login() method, I am now using axios to make a request to the co/authenticate endpoint. This succeeds and returns a login_ticket, co_id, and co_verifier.
When I call authorize() from auth0.js and pass in the login_ticket as mentioned in the documentation (, I get a ‘No verifier returned from client’ error. I have the co_verifier, but I’m not sure what to do with it.
Here is a fully working sample to follow (SPA using plain JavaScript). The sample illustrates both embedded login and universal login (auth0 hosted login page) approaches.
If you have a codebase on Github and don't mind sharing, then I can take a look for you. Please also update your question to indicate version of auth0.js you are using (or put in comment section below). Do you know (you can check using web browser developer tools) whether you are using co/authenticate endpoint when authenticating using auth0.js embedded login? If so, then you would have a Single Sign On session. However, if you are using oauth/token endpoint then this would not create a single sign on session. the checkSession() function calls authorize?prompt=none under the covers, which detects whether a SSO session is present as part of the authentication process.
Finally, and just for the record, the strong recommendation is to use Auth0 Hosted Login Page (Universal Login). It is a superior approach from security standpoint, and offers other benefits like easy opt-in to services like MFA out of the box. Finally, you could also enable Custom Domains so that your website and the Auth0 Hosted Login Page share the same URL base origin (domain) - end users of your site would not recognise they have been redirected to Auth0 for the authentication. So it is pretty seamless from a UX perspective too.
This issue was solved by calling auth.crossOriginAuthentication.login() instead of auth.client.login(). auth.crossOriginAuthentication.login() goes through co/authenticate, auth.client.login() goes through oauth/token.

Programmatic authentication

I am using Spring Security in my application.
I have all the pages secured. But couple of URL needs to be available both for system user and anonymous user.
But anonymous user should not have direct access to the URLs. He gets a link with unique token and gets access to some URLS if this token is valid.
What I want to do is:
In controller check if token in URL is valid
If it is - authenticate user in the system programmatically using some predefined login and password. This user will be configured to have authority to access necessary URLs.
The question is:
Is this a correct approach to perform user authentication programatically with some roles in controller if token is valid? Is this safe approach?
Security is an aspect. An aspect can be decoupled from your main code (controller) to reduce code duplication and improve flexibility. Move authentication code from controller to new filter (be sure that this filter executed after spring security filter chain). You will be able secure new URLs via web.xml (zero lines of code).
I think the better way to do this is:
move the shared operations into service layer
define a controller for those anonymous user and make its authority
as anonymous
check the validity of token in this controller
if valid, call some services method to perform the operations.
render the result in this controller

ASP.NET Web API and Authorization

So I have an existing Windows Phone 7 app that uses my own authorization (player logs in with an alias and password and it verifies it against a db) going to an MVC web services.
Now I'm looking to move over to ASP.NET Web API and I'm a little confused as to how to add security for it?
I see there is the AuthorizeAttribute, but what do I need to do to allow them to be authorized?
Any guidance here would be appreciated.
AuthorizeAttribute is only checking against Thread.CurrentPrincipal to see if the user authorized to access the specified resource (in this case it is controller action) or not. It doesn't provide any type of authentication mechanism.
In your case, as you have username and password in place, you can do basic authentication. Best place to do this is inside a Message Handler. Here is an example: BasicAuthenticationHandler
I don't encourage you to use this as it is because there is no test behind this implementation but this should give you an idea. That class is an abstract class and when you set this as you base class for a message handler, you need to override the AuthenticateUser method and return IPrincipal. If the return value is null, that means user is not authenticated. If you provide an IPrincipal, that IPrincipal will be set and your AuthorizeAttribute can check against it.
You can, for instance, use GenericPrincipal class to create an IPrincipal. Assuming you are on ASP.NET host, you can register your authentication handler as below:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.MessageHandlers.Add(new MyAuthHandler());
To sum it up, do the authentication through a Message Handler somehow, no matter what type of authentication you use (Basic Auth, OAuth, etc.). And then, do the authorization through AuthorizeAttribute.
Also, Dominick Baier has a nice presentation on Securing ASP.NET Web
APIs and I recommend you to check that out.
maybe this will help you: Custom AuthorizeAttribute for Web API controllers

my own view after denied acces

I have created a controler for Admin only and I add:
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
before class definition. When I try get sites for Admin as a User I'm redirected to LogOn site. How can I change redirect to LogOn or add a extra information to logon site?
Bouncing users to the LogOn page when they're logged in but don't have access to a page is one of the downsides of using the out-of-the-box AuthorizeAttribute. You have two options:
Create a custom authorize attribute (See: Redirecting unauthorized controller in ASP.NET MVC)
Change the "loginUrl" attribute of your "forms" element in the web.config to point to an action method that handles redirection based on whether you're logged in or not. You can check in the action method to see if the user is logged in. If they are, you can display an unauthorized access view, and if they aren't you can send them on to the log in page. e.g. <authentication mode="Forms"><forms loginUrl="~/error/unauthorized" timeout="2880"></authentication>
