VS not responding when I click "choose items" - visual-studio-2010

I have a problem where when I click on the toolbox, then click "choose items" VS begins to not respond and then closes.
I'm trying to add AJAX Control Toolkit but can't because VS has a fit each time I click to add the items.
Does anybody know why or how to solve it?
I am running on a website instead of an application, does this matter?

Try starting Visual Studio 2010 with devenv / safe mode.


Stop visual studio opening layout page everytime I refresh mvc web app

I'm using Visual Studio 2015.
If you create a new MVC project with all the basics it gives you (home controller, account controller, etc..), then press F5 to start it, visual studio shows the "_layout.cshtml" page in a preview window.
This gets rather frustrating if you're trying to make "on-the-fly" changes to a specific view, press F5 to refresh and see your changes, then alt-tab back to visual studio, only for it to have auto-previewed the layout page again.
How do you turn this feature off?
In Visual Studio, you should disable the checkbox for 'Enable browser link'.
I was able to reproduce on a new install. For me, the offender was "Web Essentials" extension. Try to disable and restart VS.
Also, it only happens with Edge's developer tools open. Haven't seen this with Firefox nor Chrome.
This is caused by the F12 Developer Tools where the page of the selected element in the DOM Explorer/Elements tab is automatically opened and synchronized in Visual Studio.
If you want to keep the Browser Link feature enabled, the F12 Developer Tools window open, and not lose your currently focused tab in Visual Studio, here's a work-around:
1. Right-click on the _Layout.cshtml tab in Visual Studio and select New Vertical Tab Group.
If you already have a tab group open, select Move to Next Tab Group.
2. Resize the splitter control of the tab group so that the tab group is barely visible.
3. Repeat these steps for all other files that automatically open in Visual Studio which disrupt your workflow.
I am unable to replicate your exact problem, but the following should disable the preview tab:
Type "preview" into Quick Launch
Select "Environment --> Tabs and Windows"
Disable "Allow new files to be opened in the preview tab"

Visual Studio's Toolbox is empty

I am using visual studio 2015. I have my toolbox open and I checked on Show All. I unchecked this an now my entire toolbox is empty except for the General Tab (which there is nothing in). I tried resetting the toolbox but that did not fix the problem. Has anyone encountered this before? If so, what was the fix? Thanks.
Try right clicking in the toolbox and select 'show all'... I hope this help. =)
you can also start /reset
Thank you for posting.
Could you please capture some screenshots for me?
From your description, it seems that your issue might be related with IDE. I suggest you to try to execute the following command.
Devenv.exe /SafeMode
Devenv.exe /ResetSettings
If you have any concern, please feel free to let me know.
Best Regards,
I just had the same thing happen to me in Visual Studio 2022 with a .NET 6 WinForms application. After updating VS 2022 to version 17.2.0, my Toolbox entries were blank when I tried to use them to drag and drop into the designer of a project I had just recently created in version 17.1.x.
I ended up fixing this by:
Right-click the Toolbox
Select Choose Items from the resulting context menu
Press the Reset button in the resulting Choose Toolbox Items dialog
Press the OK button when the reset process completed.
I have that problem still after using repair in VisualStudio Instaler. But find solution her : https://thinkaboutit.be/2012/10/my-toolbox-is-empty/
. The localization off that files can be in diffrent places, for VS 2022 i find her: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\17.0_dbab3d69
That files are hiden.
I had the same problem. I have tried with right click on the design windows and add " Toolbox" (SSIS Toolbox in my case). This worked for me.
In the case of an SSIS toolbox not appearing. On the top ribbon menu click on View -> Other Windows -> SSIS Toolbox, this will show the toolbox with SSIS related items.
SSIS Menu image
I had a similar problem(Visual Studio 2022). None of the solutions solved my problem. Eventually my problem was solved by repairing the visual studio.
Go to Start >> All Programs >> “Visual Studio 2022” >> “Visual Studio Installer”. Now, click Visual Studio Installer.
After clicking repair options progress options open. The repair will take some minutes to complete.
I encountered the same problem and solved it by:
closing the toggled/opened toolbox
opening any windows form [designer]
re-opening the toolbox
toolbox components will be reloaded again
I don't know why this bug exists, but I fixed mine using the steps below:
Right click on toolbox -> Show All -> Check.
Wait it to load the controls, then click OK
Rigth click on Toolbox and select -> Show All -> Uncheck
This is an old question but I could fix it easily by just stopping the program running.
If you run your app to test it the toolbox will be empty until you stop the debugger!
In my case, I had opened with ctrl+alt+x. I noticed in the newer versions of VS, there is some confused crossover of toolboxes. In my case, it opened the SSRS toolbox, which was not applicable to my SSIS file.
Closed that, right-clicked in design area, and chose SSIS Toolbox. This opened a toolbox called "SSIS Toolbox" rather than just "Toolbox". All fixed.
I just right-clicked on toolbox area and choose "show all" :) Now it works
Just restart visual studio and it will pop right back
In Visual Studio 2019 you can just right click the dark area inside the toolbox and select "Reset Toolbox".
This will remove custom-added controls or any other auto-detected control, and you will be left only with the standard controls.
The issue should be fixed without completely reseting Visual Studio's settings.

Unable to open Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition

As shown in the image. I am not able to open VS 2013 CE. If I click the link, it just opens a new instance of VS2013 with the same dialog window. So I am not able to click the Sign In link at the upper right corner of the main window. And if I click the Close button, the whole app closes.
It looks like you can't click on the HELP menu to get to the "Register Product" option, as the message box won't let you click on anything else.
My next suggestion is to try to Repair the product.
Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2013 > Repair (it's one of the options). It will restart your computer, and when you launch VS again, it will display more options on the screen, including Register / Sign in. Sign in using your Microsoft account here. Let me know if this helps!

Visual Studio 2013 Express Toolbox empty

I am trying to learn Visual Basic with the guidance of some YouTube Tutorials. They have recommended the use of Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 as it has a built in compiler. I encountered a problem where my toolbox bar on the left of my screen is empty. Does anyone know how to fix this?
http://gyazo.com/328ade3754613c971dd6d4745a0ed171 This is a link to my screenshot.
Just right click inside tools and click on "show all"
Your code may be running. Make sure to stop all processes and view the toolbox again.
On Visual Studio C++ 2012, it also happen sometimes. Try, to right click inside the Toolbox dialog and click on "Reset Toolbox" item. It should solve your problem.
See same question: How to rebuild the Visual Studio Toolbox?
What you need to do is to open your code in [Design] view. In this view you don't see the code as text, but rather as windows and buttons and so on.
Choose your favorite way to switch to the [Design] view :
A. View > Designer
B. Shift + F7
C. In the Solution Explorer window double click Form1.cs
How do I open a Visual Studio project in design view?

visual studio 2010 toolbox standard controls missing

I have created an asp.net project in visual studio 2010 ultimate edition.
I can't see Standard, Data etc toolbox tabs, I can only see Telerik and HTML controls.
I tried to reset the toolbox, tried to delete C:\Users\mypcuser\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\*.tbd.
I also tried devenv /ResetSkipPkgs but nothing worked for me.
Please suggest a Solution thanks!
This may help you.
In the Toolbox, select the tab where you want to add the control.
Right-click the Toolbox and select Choose Items from the shortcut menu.
The Choose Toolbox Items dialog box opens. The following illustration shows the Choose Toolbox Items dialog box.
Try to right click on the Toolbox and select "Reset Toolbox"
The common controls should appear in the Dialog Editor list along with all the MFC ones that I seem to be limited to when the problem happens.
I have this happen frequently. I don't know what causes it, but this fix always works and is fine for me since I didn't customize anything.
This will help you...
In Visual studio, go to view-toolbar-check standard and layout..
Then restart the visual studio and be sure on design page and check for toolbox..
Now the standard toolbox items will appear.. Thanks.
Just for the Future Viewer of this page
VS 2010 standard ToolBox cannot be viewed.
Mostly this is happen on a first run.
It solved the problem with Ctrl + Alt + X in your keyboard.
