Jirafe work on magento v1.7? - magento

We were unable to connect with the Jirafe service. We will try again later, or you can try connecting yourself
Last Status: 400: Bad Request
when jirafe install on magento v1.6, it works ok,but have some problem on v1.7...
i need some help,please.
sorry for my poor english

Please follow the instructions in the troubleshooting section here: https://github.com/jirafe/magento-plugin/wiki/FAQ
and forward us the results to support#jirafe.com.


Getting started with Open Liberty: 404

I'm trying to follow the guide here - https://openliberty.io/guides/getting-started.html. I'm on the Building and running the application step. I ran "mvn liberty:run" and Open Liberty started without any errors but when I go to http://localhost:9080/system/properties I get the error below.
Error 404:
com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.exception.NoTargetForURIException: No
target servlet configured for uri: /system/properties
Any suggestions?
At the end of each guide in the "Nice Work! Where to next?" section, each guide has link:
Raise an issue to share feedback
which I would recommend for these kind of questions as you're likely going to get a quicker response if you open an issue directly against the code you're using.

Magento 2.2.1 Checkout 500 (Internal Server Error)

Using Magento 2.2.1 freshly installed
I use php 7.1.1
I am using Adyen payment gateway
the extension developer says its not due to their extension. I have enabled every php extension on server side thats needed. So now it comes to magento 2
Tried to checkout as guest and then I see
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
When I try to use COD or Check the checkout process is smooth. Haven't tried with paypal or others
**Can you please help ??
If you need me to perform any steps in either server side or magento 2 please tell me the steps on what to do I will post the output here**
I have solved the issue
Solution : I used a third party extension and installed it through magento 2 admin directly which resulted the extension was not installed properly. I have used composer to install the extension and it solved the issue
I work for Adyen.
It is indeed required to install the Adyen plugin on Magento through Composer. This will include all the dependencies and prevent the issue that is shown here.
For further references you could visit our Github page:
Hope that it helps!
For the unexpected error (e.g 500), we should enable error reporting on the bootstrap:
ini_set('display_errors', -1) // enable this line remove # from start.
you will get the real issue on screen

Winhost Error after fresh install of BlogEngine.Net

After installing BlogEngine.net through the WinHost control panel I'm getting the following error
Ooops! An unexpected error has occurred.
This one's down to me! Please accept my apologies for this - I'll see
to it that the developer responsible for this happening is given 20
lashes (but only after he or she has fixed this problem).
I am able to add new blog entries on the main site, so I do have write access to App_Data... I only receive the error when going to "users" or "settings", etc.
Can anyone help on this one?
Received response from BlogEngine.Net on CodePlex. Answer is at https://blogengine.codeplex.com/discussions/523930
Their response was to change web.config
> In web.config, change from: <!--<trust level="Medium"/>--> to: <trust level="Full"/>
Hope this helps someone else who installed through WinHost.

Unable to upload files to AWS S3 buckets using CORS

I was just trying out the example which is specified in this blog, but I am getting this error "Could not contact signing script. Status = 404". I followed all the steps specified in the blog and also carefully changed the CORS configuration in AWS management Console too. I am not able to figure out the problem. Kindly help me out.
Here is the blog link http://www.ioncannon.net/programming/1539/direct-browser-uploading-amazon-s3-cors-fileapi-xhr2-and-signed-puts/
I faced the same problem you did trying to follow the example in this blog post. I wrote an article showing everything I had to do to make it work for me.
Hope it'll work for you.

Magento export to CSV File shows "Error 503"

Good morning.
I've been having this issue for some days and have been lokking for a solution, but I haven't found one yet.
The problem is, I have this Magento store and some grids can be exported to CSV files, while others shows:
Error 503 Service Unavailable
Service Unavailable
Guru Meditation:
XID: 853411302
Varnish cache server
The Magento version I'm using is 1.6.2. I guess the problem is not about PHP code, since the error shown is this generic error, instead of a PHP one (I even found the code used for exporting files and it seems to be ok).
I would like to know why is this error being showed to me.
This is a Varnish Cache related error, I would suggest following the guide below on how to identify what the XID is returning for more insight on how to fix the issue:
