Curl command not loading contents in windows 7 - windows-7

I have installed Cygwin & curl(through cygwin installer) on my Windows7 32bit. Then opened cygwin terminal and typed curl --help. Everything works fine with curl showing its command arguments list.
But curl or any other url takes more time and results
"curl: (52) Empty reply from server
". What is the problem?
Update:Iam behind a proxy server. Any pblm with that?

If your proxy server is the only way to get out at the web, then yes, that's the problem. Curl couldn't care less about what OS you're running under, so won't get for OS-specific proxy settings (ie: Internet Explorer options), so it'll try to do a direct connection. Try adding the --proxy option (curl --help will give the format).


Downloading a file using a windows CMD line using wget/curl

I have a client [Windows 10 VM] and a server [say a linux based VM].
I have Apache running on the Linux Server.
I have a file on the linux server that I want to download on my windows client.
I want to do it in 2 ways from the windows CMD:
-Using curl
-using wget
I tried the foll commands on my windows CMD. But doesnt work. Is something wrong with my CLI?
curl http://x.x.x.x/home/abc/ -O
wget http://x.x.x.x/home/abc/ -O
From curl side, most probably curl.exe is missed on Windows Client machine or could not find it. One of the options is to download curl:
Download curl zip for Windows from this page:
Unzip and you will find the ..\bin\curl.exe
Also add ...\bin\ to your Path variable in System Settings.
To use wget in Windows, you can follow this link and it worked for me:
Short tutorial:
Download the GnuWin setup
Install it
Open the wget directory
Add to Environmet Variables as well.

curl hangs while uploading on Windows

I am using curl on mac and other windows machines to upload my artifacts to HockeyApp service. On one of my machines that runs windows , "curl" constantly "hangs/freezes" during upload.
Here is the command :
curl -F notify=0 -F status=2 -F ipa=#app/build/outputs/apk/app-production-release-2.4.2-SNAPSHOTv42.apk -F dsym=#app/build/outputs/mapping/production/release/mapping.txt -H X-HockeyAppToken:[MY_TOKEN_HERE][MY_APP_REFERENCE]/app_versions/upload
On windows there is no curl by default , so I use the one installed with this git distribution. I just add the path to curl to path environmental variable. This approach works well on 2 other windows machines. In fact when I open git-bash , the curl command also executes fine. But any attempt to run it from cmd.exe leads to "hanging/freezing".
Any idea on how can I troubleshoot/debug it ?
I have already tried other curl distributions for windows , same result...
I've been struggling with the same issue of curl as well when trying to deploy my app from VSTS to Hockeyapp. in the end I've chosen for not using curl but just using plain powershell on Windows. it's a bit more complicated but it works the same way.
I've uploaded this script to GitHub and can be found there:
so instead of curl I use Invoke-RestMethod from powershell to do the same call to Hockeyapp.
Try to upgrade your curl to the latest version
where curl
find out where current path of curl, using cywin cli
Come here to find version you want update, download and give it a try.
Reason for this freezing is base on Windows config. I have laptop that need to ghost new installation of Windows 10. Before ghost, curl run well. After ghost, sometime it freezing.
I updated and it runs well now.
Also notice that when run
curl -s
curl will run in silent mode, that never hang out

Why is 'curl' not recognized when running in Windows?

I am trying to run a Curl command wrapped inside Ruby code as below:
f=IO.popen("C:\Windows\System32\curl.exe -H 'Authorization: Bearer #{token}' -s -v -D - --debug 2>NUL").readlines
However, the output I get is:
'curl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
I am running on Windows 7.
I also have "C:\Windows\System32" set in the environment path.
Please help.
curl is not a component of Windows. Unless you have specifically installed it, it won't exist on the system.
I am not a Ruby expert, but I suspect that you should really be using the Net::HTTP Ruby library here, or something similar to it. Even on a system where curl is installed, launching it is not a sensible way of running an HTTP request.
Curl does not come with Windows, but it has been ported to Windows.
You can download it here:
I know nothing about Ruby, but I do know you shuld be using a native libary for your HTTP needs.
CURL is not a Windows component. Download curl.exe and keep it in your path.
Alternatively download curl.exe and invoke the command from the same folder.
Windows 10 now provides C:\Windows\System32\curl.exe but I still see that error message when I try to call it from a service (Jenkins user in my case).
I'll post an update when I find out something more (e.g. which user rights are necessary).
I've installed curl now with chocolatey. See

Git Bash on windows 7 behind proxy no longer working

I'm on a windows 7, 32 bit box, and working behind a proxy. I just upgraded my git client (Git Bash) to Git-1.8.3-preview20130601, and all of the sudden, I'm getting the following error whenever I try to push/pull:
fatal: unable to access '
Received HTTP code 407 from proxy after Connect
I was able to do this just fine before upgrading, and even when I tried to revert back to the last version that I think I had, I still get the error. When I run git config -l, it lists out the following variables (among others):
What's odd is that I seem to be able to use the Git Bash client to curl just fine
curl --proxy http://user:password#server:port
and can even curl into a dummy https site I set up on my computer:
curl https://localhost:3000 --insecure
Any ideas what I'm missing? Thanks
I could be wrong, but I think there might be an issue with curl in version 1.8.3. I uninstalled all git related applications I could think of on my computer, and installed Git-1.8.0-preview20121022, ran a pull on a repo and was successful.
For giggles, I uninstalled the working version, and kept the cert file; then reinstalled version 1.8.3 to see if this didn't have anything to do with it, but I got the same error I was originally trying to resolve.
Also, after re-installing version 1.8.0, I tried to curl an https website (gmail), with the following command: curl --proxy http://user:pass#server:port, which was successful. When I did this under 1.8.3, I got an error about code 407. The version switch seems like it solved this.
I had the same issue resolved it by using two proxy filters:
"--proxy or -x" and "--proxy-user".
curl -x http://proxyserverurl:port --proxy-user username:password -L http://url
Though what you have tried is also not wrong but might not be compatible with your curl version.
Hope this helps!
I had the same issue. Exporting the environment variables https_proxy and http_proxy resolved the issue. So I ended up adding the following lines to the .bashrc file in the home directory:
# Configure proxy settings
export https_proxy=''
export http_proxy=''

Using Curl to get a Https webpage in Windows 7

I just need to fetch an https page, and I'm using curl currently by having the curl.exe application in my Path and calling it with a Perl file. However, then I get the error "* Protocol https not supported or disabled in libcurl". I've been looking around and I can't find a solid set of instructions to get it to work. I have installed cygwin, and OpenSSL-Win32 but something tells me I'm going to have to compile curl from scratch. I have no experience with this. How do you do it?
I found the below steps worked well
Download and unzip 64-bit cURL with SSL.
Download the latest bundle of Certficate Authority Public Keys from
Rename this file from cacert.pem to curl-ca-bundle.crt
Make sure both of them are in the PATH environment.
curl -L
If you are open to try other tools, I think httpie is also a good alternative.
curl --insecure
If you'd like to turn off curl's verification of the certificate, use
the -k (or --insecure) option.
