How to make a fast context switch from one process to another? - windows

I need to run unsafe native code on a sandbox process and I need to reduce bottleneck of process switch. Both processes (controller and sandbox) shares two auto-reset events and a coherent view of a mapped file (shared memory) that is used for communication.
To make this article smaller, I removed initializations from sample code, but the events are created by the controller, duplicated using DuplicateHandle, and then sent to sandbox process prior to work.
Controller source:
void inSandbox(HANDLE hNewRequest, HANDLE hAnswer, volatile int *shared) {
int before = *shared;
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {
// Notify sandbox of a new request and wait for answer.
SignalObjectAndWait(hNewRequest, hAnswer, INFINITE, FALSE);
assert(*shared == before + 100000);
void inProcess(volatile int *shared) {
int before = *shared;
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {
assert(*shared == before + 100000);
void newRequest(volatile int *shared) {
// In this test, the request only increments an int.
Sandbox source:
void sandboxLoop(HANDLE hNewRequest, HANDLE hAnswer, volatile int *shared) {
// Wait for the first request from controller.
assert(WaitForSingleObject(hNewRequest, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
for(;;) {
// Perform request.
// Notify controller and wait for next request.
SignalObjectAndWait(hAnswer, hNewRequest, INFINITE, FALSE);
void newRequest(volatile int *shared) {
// In this test, the request only increments an int.
inSandbox() - 550ms, ~350k context switches, 42% CPU (25% kernel, 17% user).
inProcess() - 20ms, ~2k context switches, 55% CPU (2% kernel, 53% user).
The machine is Windows 7 Pro, Core 2 Duo P9700 with 8gb of memory.
An interesting fact is that sandbox solution uses 42% of CPU vs 55% of in-process solution. Another noteworthy fact is that sandbox solution contains 350k context switches, which is much more than the 200k context switches that we can infer from source code.
I need to know if there's a way to reduce the overhead of transfer control to another process. I already tried to use pipes instead of events, and it was much worse. I also tried to use no event at all, by making the sandbox call SuspendThread(GetCurrentThread()) and making the controller call ResumeThread(hSandboxThread) on every request, but the performance was similar to using events.
If you have a solution that uses assembly (like performing a manual context switch) or Windows Driver Kit, please let me know as well. I don't mind having to install a driver to make this faster.
I heard that Google Native Client does something similar, but I only found this documentation. If you have more information, please let me know.

The first thing to try is raising the priority of the waiting thread. This should reduce the number of extraneous context switches.
Alternatively, since you're on a 2-core system, using spinlocks instead of events would make your code much much faster, at the cost of system performance and power consumption:
void inSandbox(volatile int *lock, volatile int *shared)
int i, before = *shared;
for (i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {
*lock = 1;
while (*lock != 0) { }
assert(*shared == before + 100000);
void newRequest(volatile int *shared) {
// In this test, the request only increments an int.
void sandboxLoop(volatile int *lock, volatile int * shared)
for(;;) {
while (*lock != 1) { }
*lock = 0;
In this scenario, you should probably set thread affinity masks and/or lower the priority of the spinning thread so that it doesn't compete with the busy thread for CPU time.
Ideally, you'd use a hybrid approach. When one side is going to be busy for a while, let the other side wait on an event so that other processes can get some CPU time. You could trigger the event a little ahead of time (using the spinlock to retain synchronization) so that the other thread will be ready when you are.


Simulating (lazy) NAND memory on Windows

I'm running a firmware simulation in a DLL which has simulated NAND (256MB or 1GB). I want to avoid allocating memory for this on the heap and instead allocate using virtual memory.
The memory initially needs to be cleared to 0xFF (like NAND is). However I don't want to pay for that initialization (nor commit un-accessed pages). So ideally it should only allocate upon access. And I do not need to retain the data following exit of the simulation.
Initial ideas are
VirtualAlloc. Not sure but thinking perhaps could use guard page and then trap the exception on first access. Not sure its ideal that a DLL handles such SEH exceptions? Or is there a better way?
Create a big file that's initialized to 0xFF. Then map view of file with copy-on-write.
Anyone know if it is possible to create a file with a callback for providing the initial data?
Think probably 1) the way to go but wondering if that's really the best option.
3) I've come up with another method that can avoid exception handler and also avoids creating a huge file:
Create a file that is same size as dwAllocationGranularity (64KiB typically). Fill with 0xFF. Then create multiple copy-on-write views of that in contiguous memory using MapViewOfFileEx + FILE_MAP_COPY (after an initial VirtualAlloc/VirtualFree to get a suitable base address that we can hope to allocate juxtapositioned views). Need to test this a bit more fully - slight concern about potential thread races.. I'm ony actually using a single thread but the CRT does start a few too.
This means that any code that only reads the virtual NAND also does not result in all pages getting committed.
yes, basically 1 is best solution. only i be do next changes - use VEH instead SEH - SEH handler will be called only if you access memory inside it, when in case VEH - access can be ai any context and thread. and instead use guard page, i be initial only reserve region of memory without real allocation. so any access to memory region lead to exception, you handle it in VEH - commit memory and fill with 0xFF pattern. demo code
PVOID g_NandBegin;
SIZE_T g_NandSize = 0x1000000;
::PEXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord = ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord;
if (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION &&
ExceptionRecord->NumberParameters > 1)
PVOID pv = (PVOID)ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1];
if ((ULONG_PTR)pv - (ULONG_PTR)g_NandBegin < g_NandSize)
SIZE_T RegionSize = 1;
if (0 <= NtAllocateVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &pv, 0, &RegionSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE))
RtlFillMemoryUlong(pv, RegionSize, MAXULONG);
void dc()
if (PVOID pv = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(TRUE, Vex))
if (g_NandBegin = VirtualAlloc(0, g_NandSize, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE))
ULONG seed = ~GetTickCount();
int n = 0x100;
if (*(UCHAR*)((PBYTE)g_NandBegin + (((ULONG64)RtlRandomEx(&seed) * g_NandSize) >> 32)) != 0xFF)
} while (--n);
VirtualFree(g_NandBegin, 0, MEM_RELEASE);

Synchronized Block takes more time after instrumenting with ASM

I am trying to instrument java synchronized block using ASM. The problem is that after instrumenting, the execution time of the synchronized block takes more time. Here it increases from 2 msecs to 200 msecs on Linux box.
I am implementing this by identifying the MonitorEnter and MonitorExit opcode.
I try to instrument at three level 1. just before the MonitorEnter 2. after MonitorEnter 3. Before MonitorExit.
1 and 3 together works fine, but when i do 2, the execution time increase dramatically.
Even if we instrument another single SOP statement, which is intended to be executed just once, it give higher values.
Here the sample code (prime number, 10 loops):
for(int w=0;w<10;w++){
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long num = 2000;
for (long i = 1; i < num; i++) {
long p = i;
int j;
for (j = 2; j < p; j++) {
long n = p % i;
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Time>>>>>>>>>>>> " + (t2-t1) );
Here the code for instrumention (here System.currentMilliSeconds() gives the time at which instrumention happened, its no the measure of execution time, the excecution time is from obove SOP statement):
public void visitInsn(int opcode)
// Scenario 1
case 194:
visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, "java/lang/System", "out", "Ljava/io /PrintStream;");
visitLdcInsn("TIME Arrive: "+System.currentTimeMillis());
visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/io/PrintStream", "println", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
// scenario 3
case 195:
visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, "java/lang/System", "out", "Ljava/io/PrintStream;");
visitLdcInsn("TIME exit : "+System.currentTimeMillis());
visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/io/PrintStream", "println", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
// scenario 2
visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, "java/lang/System", "out", "Ljava/io/PrintStream;");
visitLdcInsn("TIME enter: "+System.currentTimeMillis());
visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/io/PrintStream", "println", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
I am not able to find the reason why it is happening and how t correct it.
Thanks in advance.
The reason lies in the internals of the JVM that you were using for running the code. I assume that this was a HotSpot JVM but the answers below are equally right for most other implementations.
If you trigger the following code:
int result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
result += i;
This will be translated directly into Java byte code by the Java compiler but at run time the JVM will easily see that this code is not doing anything. Executing this code will have no effect on the outside (application) world, so why should the JVM execute it? This consideration is exactly what compiler optimization does for you.
If you however trigger the following code:
int result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
the Java runtime cannot optimize away your code anymore. The whole loop must always run since the System.out.println(int) method is always doing something real such that your code will run slower.
Now let's look at your example. In your first example, you basically write this code:
synchronized(s) {
// do nothing useful
This entire code block can easily be removed by the Java run time. This means: There will be no synchronization! In the second example, you are writing this instead:
synchronized(s) {
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
// do nothing useful
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Time>>>>>>>>>>>> " + (t2-t1));
This means that the effective code might be look like this:
synchronized(s) {
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Time>>>>>>>>>>>> " + (t2-t1));
What is important here is that this optimized code will be effectively synchronized what is an important difference with respect to execution time. Basically, you are measuring the time it costs to synchronize something (and even that might be optimized away after a couple of runs if the JVM realized that the s is not locked elsewhere in your code (buzzword: temporary optimization with the possibility of deoptimization if loaded code in the future will also synchronize on s).
You should really read this:
Your test for example misses a warm-up, such that you are also measuring how much time the JVM will use for byte code to machine code optimization.
On a side note: Synchronizing on a String is almost always a bad idea. Your strings might be or might not be interned what means that you cannot be absolutely sure about their identity. This means, that synchronization might or might not work and you might even inflict synchronization of other parts of your code.

What's the correct method for CoreAudio realtime thread to communicate with UI thread?

I need to pass data between CoreAudio's realtime thread and the UI thread (one way, RT->UI). I know I can't use any Cocoa/Objective C methods like performSelectorOnMainThread or NSNotification and I can't use anything that will allocate memory as this will potentially block the RT thread.
What is the correct method for communicating between threads? Can I use GCD message queues or is there a more basic system to use?
Thinking about this a bit more, I suppose I could use a lock free ring buffer, which the RT thread puts a message into, and the UI thread checks for messages to pull out. Is this the best way and if so is there a system already to do this in CoreAudio or available elsewhere or do I need to code it up myself?
It turns out this was a lot simpler than I expected and the solution I came up with was just to use the Portaudio ring buffer. I needed to add pa_ringbuffer.[ch] and pa_memorybarrier.h to my project and then define a MessageData structure to store in the ring buffer.
typedef struct MessageData {
MessageType type;
union {
struct {
NSUInteger position;
} position;
} data;
} MessageData;
Then I allocated some space to store 32 messages and created the ring buffer.
_playbackData->RTToMainBuffer = malloc(sizeof(MessageData) * 32);
PaUtil_InitializeRingBuffer(&_playbackData->RTToMainRB, sizeof(MessageData),
32, _playbackData->RTToMainBuffer);
Finally I started an NSTimer for every 20ms to pull data from the ring buffer
while (PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable(&_playbackData->RTToMainRB)) {
MessageData *dataPtr1, *dataPtr2;
ring_buffer_size_t sizePtr1, sizePtr2;
// Should we read more than one at a time?
if (PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadRegions(&_playbackData->RTToMainRB, 1,
(void *)&dataPtr1, &sizePtr1,
(void *)&dataPtr2, &sizePtr2) != 1) {
// Parse message
switch (dataPtr1->type) {
case MessageTypeEOS:
case MessageTypePosition:
PaUtil_AdvanceRingBufferReadIndex(&_playbackData->RTToMainRB, 1);
Then in the realtime thread, pushing a message to the ringbuffer was simply
MessageData *dataPtr1, *dataPtr2;
ring_buffer_size_t sizePtr1, sizePtr2;
if (PaUtil_GetRingBufferWriteRegions(&data->RTToMainRB, 1,
(void *)&dataPtr1, &sizePtr1,
(void *)&dataPtr2, &sizePtr2)) {
dataPtr1->type = MessageTypePosition;
dataPtr1->data.position.position = currentPosition;
PaUtil_AdvanceRingBufferWriteIndex(&data->RTToMainRB, 1);
A ringbuffer is a good solution. Two if you need to communicate both ways ie. inbox/outbox message passing.
This is a good implementation for iOS/Mac if you don't want to use Portaudio.

Resolution of WaitForSingleObject with timeSetEvent & SetWaitableTimer

I am using a Win32 multimedia timer to put a delay between the dispatch of large numbers of UDP packets, but i am finding that the resulting delay is substantially longer than it should be. Delays of ~40ms are sometimes nearer 1000ms, even when using Windows Miltimedia timers and upping the timer resolution. Below is a simplifed version of the code i used:
if( timeGetDevCaps(&tc,sizeof(TIMECAPS)) == TIMERR_NOERROR)
timeRes = min( max(tc.wPeriodMin,1), tc.wPeriodMax);
printf("Timer Res: %u\n", timeRes);
/* ... */
while( ptrHead )
NALU_t *ptrLink = ptrHead;
unsigned long tsNALU = ptrLink->timestamp - tsFirst;
printf("Timestamp: %umsec\n", ptrLink->timestamp / 90 );
int idxPort;
ip4Addr.sin_port = htons( 60000 + idxPort );
struct sockaddr *saAddr = (struct sockaddr*)&ip4Addr;
if( 1 )
unsigned long millis = (tsNALU - tsPrev) / 90;
valTime.QuadPart = 10000;
valTime.QuadPart *= millis;
valTime.QuadPart *= -1;
tsPrev = tsNALU;
ptrHead = ptrLink->next;
free( ptrLink );
I suspect the problem is that Windows7 no longer guarantees the resolution of timers when signalled by events as opposed to call-backs, but i am loathed to use the latter. Anyone know why even supposedly high-resolution timers in single-threaded test cases are so wildly inaccurate?
If timing is critical it's best to run in a busy loop (you can give up a timeslice every iteration using Sleep(0) if you want), using the QueryPerformanceCounter() API to measure elapsed time.
From subsequent experiments, my best guess is that Windows moving threads between CPU cores (possibly for load-balancing reasons - this is on a Quad-core i7) is disruptive to timing functions. I used SetThreadAffinityMask() to lock my timing-critical thread to one CPU (and my non-timing threads to all other cores), and that has sorted out the problems.

pthread condition variables vs win32 events (linux vs windows-ce)

I am doing a performance evaluation between Windows CE and Linux on an arm imx27 board. The code has already been written for CE and measures the time it takes to do different kernel calls like using OS primitives like mutex and semaphores, opening and closing files and networking.
During my porting of this application to Linux (pthreads) I stumbled upon a problem which I cannot explain. Almost all tests showed a performance increase from 5 to 10 times but not my version of win32 events (SetEvent and WaitForSingleObject), CE actually "won" this test.
To emulate the behaviour I was using pthreads condition variables (I know that my implementation doesn't fully emulate the CE version but it's enough for the evaluation).
The test code uses two threads that "ping-pong" each other using events.
Windows code:
Thread 1: (the thread I measure)
HANDLE hEvt1, hEvt2;
hEvt1 = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TEXT("MyLocEvt1"));
hEvt2 = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TEXT("MyLocEvt2"));
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
SetEvent (hEvt1);
WaitForSingleObject(hEvt2, INFINITE);
Thread 2: (just "responding")
while (1)
WaitForSingleObject(hEvt1, INFINITE);
Linux code:
Thread 1: (the thread I measure)
struct event_flag *event1, *event2;
event1 = eventflag_create();
event2 = eventflag_create();
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
Thread 2: (just "responding")
while (1)
My implementation of eventflag_*:
struct event_flag* eventflag_create()
struct event_flag* ev;
ev = (struct event_flag*) malloc(sizeof(struct event_flag));
pthread_mutex_init(&ev->mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&ev->condition, NULL);
ev->flag = 0;
return ev;
void eventflag_wait(struct event_flag* ev)
while (!ev->flag)
pthread_cond_wait(&ev->condition, &ev->mutex);
ev->flag = 0;
void eventflag_set(struct event_flag* ev)
ev->flag = 1;
And the struct:
struct event_flag
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t condition;
unsigned int flag;
Why doesn't I see the performance boost here?
What can be done to improve performance (e.g are there faster ways to implement CEs behaviour)?
I'm not used to coding pthreads, are there bugs in my implementation maybe resulting in performance loss?
Are there any alternative libraries for this?
Note that you don't need to be holding the mutex when calling pthread_cond_signal(), so you might be able to increase the performance of your condition variable 'event' implementation by releasing the mutex before signaling the condition:
void eventflag_set(struct event_flag* ev)
ev->flag = 1;
This might prevent the awakened thread from immediately blocking on the mutex.
This type of implementation only works if you can afford to miss an event. I just tested it and ran into many deadlocks. The main reason for this is that the condition variables only wake up a thread that is already waiting. Signals issued before are lost.
No counter is associated with a condition that allows a waiting thread to simply continue if the condition has already been signalled. Windows Events support this type of use.
I can think of no better solution than taking a semaphore (the POSIX version is very easy to use) that is initialized to zero, using sem_post() for set() and sem_wait() for wait(). You can surely think of a way to have the semaphore count to a maximum of 1 using sem_getvalue()
That said I have no idea whether the POSIX semaphores are just a neat interface to the Linux semaphores or what the performance penalties are.
