Installling.exe using MSIEXEC in NSIS (Program doesn't install at all) - installation

I try to install a program (.exe)in the NSIS Script here is my code
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\PdfViewer"
File /r "file\PdfViewer\PDFXV.exe"
ExecWait 'msiexec /i "file\PdfViewer\PDFXV.exe" /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /DIR="$INSTDIR\PdfViewer"'
However, during the installation i got a windows installer popup ! :
and the program is not installed at all.
Can anyone point me my error??

msiexec is for installing .msi files (And remember to use full paths). You should be able to execute the .exe file normally...

exec doc:
Note that the file specified must exist on the target system, not the compiling system.
"file\PdfViewer\PDFXV.exe" is the file on the compiling computer, not the target system, you should change it to "$INSTDIR\PdfViewer\PDFXV.exe"


Silent uninstall command for Avira AntiVirus

I'm trying to remove Avira Antivirus from my PC using PDQ deploy and i need a silent uninstall command to do so.The standard command seems to be: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\setup.exe" /REMOVE
but this requires a prompt from the user to complete. I've tried /SILENT, /S /QUIET but no joy. Any ideas?
found it. If anyone needs it it's:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\setup.exe" /REMSILENTNOREBOOT

Running an installation program from Team City

Is it possible to execute a setup program, which requires user input, from TeamCity?
It is an MSI installer file and using all the defaults is just fine, I just need to run the installation program automatically.
Use msiexec /i foo.msi /quiet to avoid the installer prompting.
There are other possibly relevant options; see msiexec /?.

Silent install vcredist 2010 and do nothing if already installed

I need to install vcredist_x86|x64.exe 2010 from a batch file to be sure that all the needed dependencies are present in the PC.
If already installed, it should do nothing but it keeps showing the following GUI:
I tried all I've found in MS documentation and examples online but the result is always the same.
Tried /q /quiet /qn /qb /passive /repair.
Is it possbile to tell it to do nothing if already installed?
Important detail: I call the batch file from a javascript in a Qt installer.
var vcredistCmd = "#TargetDir#/vcredist.bat";
component.addElevatedOperation("Execute", vcredistCmd, targetDir);
The batch file:
%1\vcredist_x86.exe /q
exit 0
OK, I don't know the reason but I've found the solution.
Executing the file from the directory where it's located, solves the problem.
The batch file:
cd %1
vcredist_x86.exe /q
exit 0

Silent Installation of setup.exe

I'm trying to run a silent installation for a couple of setup.exe. I searched for this topic and the suggested command was:
setup.exe /q
I ran the command and still received the setup wizard. The applications I'm trying to install are VB6 apps. I believe the installers where created using the Package & Deployment Wizard tool. I'm unsure if this has anything to do with it.
To do a silent install, you have to use the following syntax (with log file) :
setup.exe /s c:\yourlogfilename.log
You must include the full path after /s which will launch a silent installation.
The only thing which could interupt the silent installation is the "Setup is attempting to copy a file that is older than the one currently..." dialog box.
I believe the "s" switch should be used. setup.exe /s should work, but if not, you can try setup.exe /silent. If you want a log add a path to the log file after the switch.
setup.exe /sc:\path\to\yourlogfilename.log<br />
In Visual Basic installers there must be no blank between /s and the path for log file.

Can I configure an MSI to install silently to a non-default directory?

I have a vendor supplied MSI file, and we want to automate the install to a couple thousand pcs/servers. Unfortunately, we would like to install it to our default apps directory, which is not c:\program files. Is there a way to do this easily? I'm experimenting with Orca, but I'd rather get a solid method on how to do this quickly and easily.
Thanks in advance for any help.
You can specify the target directory on the command line:
msiexec /i /qn setup.msi INSTALLDIR=c:\customfolder\program\
