Large (20x20) correlation scatterplots in SAS? - correlation

I'm doing some exploratory analysis on a dataset with 27 variables, of which maybe 24 have interesting numerical content. I'd like to look at a big draftsman's plot to see how each pair interact, however when I try to do something like that in CORR or SGSCATTER it continues to spit out the same 640x640 plot and shrinks the graphs.
Is there a way to make it create a big plot, instead of having to macro through and create a bunch of 6x6?
EDIT - my code:
ods rtf;
ods graphics on;
proc sgscatter data=home.byEpisode;
matrix var1
var3 %* and so on until 27;
ods rtf close;
ods graphics off;

It's not totally clear from your question whether this is being caused by PROC CORR itself, or if it's an issue with the output. ODS allows you to adjust the size of outputs, as illustrated at the link below. This permits the adjustment of graphics, but the same is true for adjusting the size of the page you are working on (see reference 2 for a SUGI paper on the topic).
I would suggest adjusting the papersize to something rather large, and then using ODS PDF with the PROC CORR to pipe the output there. Hopefully that should resolve your issue.


Buzzwords effect in a mogrt

I’m trying to build a mogrt file for PR which will work just like the out of the box buzzwords effect in AE.
So far, I have set up some 20 text layers which are hidden and will work as text fields and I have main text layer with ‘buzzwords’ expression that feeds from text fields 1-20.
My knowledge of expressions is rather basic but I got it to work somehow by altering the first line of expression to
buzz_words = (thisComp.layer(“1”).text.sourceText +’|’+ thisComp.layer(“b”).text.sourceText+’|’)
I realise if I set this up for 20 text layers, this would be rather lengthy code, do you have any recommendations for making this a little bit less so?
Thanks in advance.
(raw code of Buzz words effect below)
buzz_words = "One|Two|Three|Four|Five|Six|Seven|Eight|Nine|Ten";
split_buzz_words_array = buzz_words.split('|');
buzz_frame_rate = effect("Buzz Frame Rate")(1);
buzz_frame = Math.floor(time * buzz_frame_rate);
buzz_index = buzz_frame % split_buzz_words_array.length;

Extracting data from text file in AMPL without adding indexes

I'm new to AMPL and I have data in a text file in matrix form from which I need to use certain values. However, I don't know how to use the matrices directly without having to manually add column and row indexes to them. Is there a way around this?
So the data I need to use looks something like this, with hundreds of rows and columns (and several more matrices like this), and I would like to use it as a parameter with index i for rows and j for columns.
0.0 40.95 40.36 38.14 44.87 29.7 26.85 28.61 29.73 39.15 41.49 32.37 33.13 59.63 38.72 42.34 40.59 33.77 44.69 38.14 33.45 47.27 38.93 56.43 44.74 35.38 58.27 31.57 55.76 35.83 51.01 59.29 39.11 30.91 58.24 52.83 42.65 32.25 41.13 41.88 46.94 30.72 46.69 55.5 45.15 42.28 47.86 54.6 42.25 48.57 32.83 37.52 58.18 46.27 43.98 33.43 39.41 34.0 57.23 32.98 33.4 47.8 40.36 53.84 51.66 47.76 30.95 50.34 ...
I'm not aware of an easy way to do this. The closest thing is probably the table format given in section 9.3 of the AMPL Book. This avoids needing to give indices for every term individually, but it still requires explicitly stating row and column indices.
AMPL doesn't seem to do a lot with position-based input formats, probably because it defaults to treating index sets as unordered so the concept of "first row" etc. isn't meaningful.
If you really wanted to do it within AMPL, you could probably put together a work-around along these lines:
declare a single-index param with length equal to the total size of your matrix (e.g. if your matrix is 10 x 100, this param has length 1000)
edit the beginning and end of your "matrix" data file to turn it into appropriate format for a single-index parameter indexed from 1 to n
then define your matrix something like this:
param m{i in 1..nrows,j in 1..ncols} := x[j+i*(ncols-1)];
(not tested, I won't promise that I have rows and columns the right way around there!)
But you're probably better off editing the input file into one of the standard AMPL matrix formats. AMPL isn't really designed for data wrangling - you can do it in a pinch but if you're doing this kind of thing repeatedly it may be less trouble to code it in a general-purpose language e.g. Python.

Configure larger limit of columns on Format module

The Format module
The Format module is used to model and combine pretty printers with a syntactic extension that allows typed formats and it helps a lot when you are writing something like a code generator or a data structure printer.
The problem
However, there is a limit of 78 columns that is initialized on the margin of the formatter and will pull to the left anything that takes more than this limit.
I'm printing a lighter version of a Yojson.Basic.json program using the Format module, but when the input is too large, the output is collapsed, and that is not really "prettily".
Here is how it is is formatted when it is short:
Here is how it is formatted when the indentation becomes too large
I've been trying to exceed and configure this limit to 120 columns, but didn't have any success.
What have I tried?
Using Format.pp_set_margin ppf 120 to reconfigure
Using Format.pp_set_max_indent to a larger value
But they doesn't seem to have any effect and there is no documentation easily available about this limit. I've discovered it only by reading the source code.
What am I doing?
let string_of_cst program =
let ppf = Format.str_formatter in
(* I've enabled colors. *)
Format.pp_set_tags ppf colors;
Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions ppf with_colors;
(* [print_json] is my printer. *)
print_json ppf program;
(* Get string out of printer. *)
Format.flush_str_formatter ()
How can I configure a larger limit?
The issue is that the values for margin and max_indent are implicitly constrained to the cone 1 < max_indent < margin and the function set_max_indent silently fails and does nothing if this constraint is not respected.
To avoid this issue, in OCaml ≥4.08, it would be possible to use the new set_geometry function that requires to set both value simultaneously and fails with an exception if the required max_indent is greater than the margin.
Otherwise, you should always set both values at the same time, and always in the order
margin first, and max_indent second. If you don't know which value to chose for max_indent, margin - 10 is generally an alright choice.

Other options to resize barcode for zebra printer using ZPL?

I want to print a Code 128 barcode with a Zebra printer. But I just can't get exactly where I want because the barcode is either too small or too big for the label size of 40x20 mm. Is there anything else I can try besides using the ^BY (Bar Code Field Default) module width and ratio?
Above script gives me a label that looks like this:
But when I just decrease the module width to 0.1 (which is the lowest) the barcode becomes too small and may be problematic to scan with a hand scanner:
Code-128 is a fixed-ratio code, so you would appear to have the choice of two sizes. You may be able to solve the problem by using a 300dpi printer in place of a 200.
If you can change the format (and I'm intrigued by the barcode and readable being different values) then you could save a little by printing one number-sequence and one alpha-sequence, as an even count of numerics will be encoded as alphabet C so you'd save one change-alphabet element.
Do you really need the * on each end?
Otherwise, perhaps code 39 (which prints the * if you use the print-interpretation-line option) would suit your purposes better.
Another Possibility is to do on the fly code-set changes, Try something like
This will allow less symbols to encode your data
If you can structure content to have all the alpha chars a one end or the other.
or (Depending on your firmware) you could use auto ^BCN,10,N,N,N,A

Creating animation with multiple plots in Octave

I'm using Octave to write a script that plots a function at different time periods. I was hoping to create an animation of the plots in order to see the changes through time.
Is there a way to save each plot for each time point, so that all plots can be combined to create this animation?
It's a bit of kludge, but you can do the following (works here with octave 4.0.0-rc2):
x = (-5:.1:5);
for p = 1:5
plot (x, x.^p)
print animation.pdf -append
im = imread ("animation.pdf", "Index", "all");
imwrite (im, "animation.gif", "DelayTime", .5)
Basically, print all your plots into a pdf, one per page. Then read the pdf's as images and print them back as gifs. This will not work on Matlab (its imread implementation can't handle pdf).
This creates an animated gif
data=rand(100,100,20); %100 by 100 and 20 frames
%data go from 0 to 1, so lets convert to 8 bit unsigned integers for saving
%Write the first frame to a file named animGif.gif
%Loop through and write the rest of the frames
for ii=2:size(data,3)
Had to come chime in here because this was the top Google result for me when I was looking for help with this. I had issues with both answers, and some other issues, too. Notably:
For Rick T's answer, the code snippet doesn't write a plot figure, it just writes matrix data. Getting the plot window was a pain.
For carandraug's answer, writing to a PDF took a very long time and made a gigantic PDF.
On my own machine, I'm pretty sure I used apt-install to get Octave, but the getframe function I found referenced in other answers wasn't found. Turns out I had installed version 4.4, which was from 2018 (>3 years old).
I removed the old version of Octave sudo apt remove octave, then installed the new version with snap. If you try octave from a terminal without it installed it should prompt you to the snap install - be sure to include the # 6.4.0 or whatever is included in the command.
Once I had the current version installed, I got access to the getframe command, which is what lets you convert directly from a figure handle to image data - this bypasses the hackey (but previously necessary step) in #carandraug's answer where you had to write to PDF or some other image as a placeholder.
I used #RickT's answer to make my own MakeGif function, which I will share with you all here. Note that MakeGif stores the filename in a persistent variable, meaning it is retained across calls. If you change the filename it will make (or overwrite!!) the new file. If you need to overwrite the current file (i.e., running the same script multiple times and want new results) then you can use clear MakeGif between calls and that will reset the persistentFilename.
Here is the code for the MakeGif function; code to test it with is provided after this:
function MakeGif(figHandle, filename)
persistent persistentFilename = [];
if isempty(filename)
error('Can''t have an empty filename!');
if ~ishandle(figHandle)
error('Call MakeGif(figHandle, filename); no valid figHandle was passed!');
writeMode = 'Append';
if isempty(persistentFilename)|(filename!=persistentFilename)
persistentFilename = filename;
writeMode = 'Overwrite';
imstruct = getframe(figHandle);
imwrite(imstruct.cdata, filename, 'gif', 'WriteMode',writeMode,'DelayTime',0);
And here is the code to test the function. There's a commented-out call to clear MakeGif between the blue and green colors. If you leave it commented out it will append the green sine wave to the blue sine wave, resulting in alternating colors after every cycle - again the filename is persistent in the function. If you uncomment that call then the MakeGif function will treat the green's call as "new" and trigger the overwrite of the blue sine wave and all you'll see is green.
clear all;
time = 0:0.1:2*pi;
nSamples = numel(time);
figHandle = figure(1);
for i=1:nSamples
plot(time,sin(time + time(i)),'Color','blue');
MakeGif(figHandle, 'test.gif');
% Uncomment the 'clear' command below to clear the MakeGif persistent
% memory, which will trigger the green sine wave to overwrite the blue.
% Default behavior is to APPEND a green sine wave because the filename
% is the same.
%clear MakeGif;
for i=1:nSamples
plot(time,sin(time + time(i)),'Color','green');
MakeGif(figHandle, 'test.gif');
I spent several hours on this after being super dissatisfied with laggy screen captures so I really hope this helps someone in the future! Good luck and best wishes from the Age of Covid lol.
#Chuck thanks for that code; I've been using it to save 1500-frame GIFs of simulation output, and I find that after maybe ~500 frames the time to save the next frame to the output during the call to MakeGif starts to become ... unnerving. I guess imwrite reads and writes the entirety of the output file at each call that includes the 'WriteMode','Append' pair. At frame 1500 my output is 480Mb so that becomes untenable.
An apparent rescue for this is hinted at in the doc for Octave 7.1.0's imwrite, with the suggestion that you can pass it a 4-dimensional array and write the entire image sequence with one call. I haven't been able to make this work, though: Calling imwrite that way seems to simply write the very first image in the sequence into every frame in the output file.
