Update Local Workspace to SVN Repository 'Head' With Ruby SVN Bindings - ruby

I am writing a program in Ruby that necessitates downloading the most current version of my team's software from SVN upon start up.
The checkout function (from the Ruby SVN bindings) is what I believe I want to use, because an update would not ADD any files that do not exist on my machine's local "trunk" workspace. A checkout statement would both update files that do not match to HEAD, and it would download ones that don't exist at all. Effectively, after running a fully recursive checkout, I would hope to have an exact copy of the most recent SVN repository.
According to this API, a checkout statement basically takes the following:
an exact SVN URL
a local root project directory
a revision (I would be using the string 'HEAD')
recursive (integer 1 or 0)
a pool object (I cannot determine what this is for exactly, but I don't think it affects me)
Here's what I wrote, inside a block that iterates for each file in the SVN repository:
if status != NORMAL #any file that changed or is 'missing'
ctx.checkout(status.entry.url, ROOTDIR, 'HEAD', 0, nil) #update abnormal file to HEAD
As a test, I erased a directory from my local workspace, and attempted to restore it with this command. It runs through until it reaches one of the missing files, at which point it raises an error:
`svn_client_checkout3': subversion/libsvn_fs_fs/tree.c:663: Svn::Error::FsNotFound: File not found: revision 0, path '/trunk/project-gadfly/SocketServer/DiscoveryServer.cpp' (Svn::Error::FsNotFound)
I do not understand why this error would be raised, because I thought that a checkout statement would see that the directory (i.e. file) does not exist locally and then create it. Perhaps I am doing something wrong?
Looking back on what I've written, I think all of this was a long-winded way of asking the following simple question: How do I get the most current version of SVN repository onto my local hard drive with an SVN Ruby command?
Thanks in advance,
Elwood Hopkins

I don't know about Ruby-specific part of the question, but it's clear that you asked SVN API to checkout "status.entry.url" at revision 0, which of course doesn't exist here.
It's also strange that you looked into Perl documentation for writing in Ruby. I would recommend you to look at Subversion sources instead.
Here's Ruby method declaration:
def checkout(url, path, revision=nil, peg_rev=nil,
depth=nil, ignore_externals=false,
revision ||= "HEAD"
Client.checkout3(url, path, peg_rev, revision, depth,
ignore_externals, allow_unver_obstruction,
So as you can see, you've specified 0 as peg revision. But you should specify HEAD instead.
What about pools --- they are parts of SVN memory managements. Here's the explanation: http://subversion.apache.org/docs/community-guide/conventions.html#apr-pools


Go mod replace and github forks of /vN repositories

I've just sent a pull request to http://periph.io/x/devices/v3; it's already been merged, but something about the process was suboptimal:
First I cloned the repository (which is actually http://github.com/periph/devices; the module is named periph.io/x/devices/v3 though), so my fork is automatically called http://github.com/lutzky/devices. I wanted to test a separate piece of code I'm working on with the modified library, call it testclient; adding this to testclient/go.mod works:
replace periph.io/x/devices/v3 v3.6.9 => ../devices
However, this should also work (and would be useful if the pull request took longer to be accepted), and doesn't:
replace periph.io/x/devices/v3 v3.6.9 => github.com/lutzky/devices main
That gives this error:
testclient/go.mod:15: replace github.com/lutzky/devices:
version "v0.0.0-20210508194004-cae0146d8900" invalid:
go.mod has post-v0 module path "periph.io/x/devices/v3" at revision cae0146d8900
On a hunch, I figured I'd create a tag v3.6.9-newfeature and push that to my fork, and point the replace command at that. That doesn't work either:
testclient/go.mod:15: replace github.com/lutzky/devices:
version "v3.6.9-newfeature" invalid:
module contains a go.mod file, so major version must be compatible: should be v0 or v1, not v3
So I can't use a v0 tag because go.mod says it's v3, but I can't use a v3 tag because the URL doesn't have /v3. I don't think I should modify go.mod in my forked repository (for one thing, that'd make the pull request silly). What's the intended way to go about this?
Here's the fix that you are looking for, I tested the following go.mod file and it works,
module test
go 1.14
replace periph.io/x/devices/v3 => github.com/lutzky/devices/v3 v3.6.9-newfeature
require (
periph.io/x/devices/v3 v3.6.9 // indirect
I first installed periph.io/x/devices/v3,
go get periph.io/x/devices/v3
Then I inserted the replace in go.mod,
replace periph.io/x/devices/v3 => github.com/lutzky/devices/v3 main
Format: replace <original_module> => <forked_repo> <branch>
Then I ran just go get. After that, the main in the replace instruction got swapped with v3.6.9-newfeature which is the latest tag on the forked repo's main branch, thus giving you the content that you see above.
Thanks to ramaraja-ramanujan#'s answer and a bit more debugging, I found the answer.
TL;DR - the correct answer is:
replace periph.io/x/devices/v3 v3.6.9 => github.com/lutzky/devices/v3 main
// this part was missing ^^^
This will work immediately when building, and go mod tidy (or go get) will change main to a specific tag. There are a couple of interesting side-notes to this:
The go proxy
The v3.6.9-newfeature tag was my own; I had created it as part of trying to get this to work. I've deleted it, and yet go mod tidy kept replacing main with v3.6.9-newfeature - no matter how many caches I cleared! Running strace it turned out that go was contacting http://proxy.golang.org. To disable this, I ran GOPROXY=direct go get. This replaced the line with the pseudo version v3.6.10-0.20210508194004-cae0146d8900. Note that this matches the current main commit in my fork, and neither my fork nor the original repo have v3.6.10 - it appears to have started with the existing v3.6.9 and incremented it.
The /v3 is not a subdirectory
Indeed, the source repo (https://github.com/periph/devices) does not have a v3 subdirectory. I thought what was going on is that the periph.io domain is doing some trickery - indeed going to http://periph.io/x/devices/v3 with a browser does work. However, it would appear that Go's resolution takes the final /v3 in the module path not to indicate, in this case, a subdirectory (but indeed a restriction on tag names). This is apparently allowed, and is discussed in https://golang.org/ref/mod, but it isn't entirely straightforward.

scald.rb results in error (could not find or load main class)

I am trying to run the tutorial files from https://github.com/twitter/scalding/tree/develop/tutorial.
I cloned the 0.17.x branch and current develop branch and haven't had much success with either.
I have also already ran "sbt update" and "sbt assembly" to create the fat jar which is used by this scald.rb script.
Upon running the command below from the root scalding directory
scripts/scald.rb --local tutorial/Tutorial0.scala
I receive either of these errors:
Error: Could not find or load main class Files
[SUGGESTION]: Try scald.rb --clean, you may have corrupt jars lying around
Error: Could not find or load main class scala.tools.nsc.Main
[SUGGESTION]: Try scald.rb --clean, you may have corrupt jars lying around
Whatever I try to do I cannot get the scald.rb script to work. I have tried the clean option and many other stackoverflow answers such as setting scala_home in my environment variables and path to scala/bin. Many versions of sbt/scala and nothing works.
Current Software:
-Ruby 2.4.2-2-x86
-sbt 0.13.15
-Scala 2.11.8
-scalding 0.17.x branch

How to install ruby locally via rbenv/ruby-build?

I require installing ruby without internet access. As ruby-build docs suggest I can change the mirror URL via specifying the environment variable RUBY_BUILD_MIRROR_URL. I did this and although it looks at my local repo for ruby it still attempts to connect to online repo to install yaml.
env RUBY_BUILD_MIRROR_URL= /opt/rbenv/bin/rbenv install 2.0.0-p247
Downloading yaml-0.1.6.tar.gz...
-> http://pyyaml.org/download/libyaml/yaml-0.1.6.tar.gz
error: failed to download yaml-0.1.6.tar.gz
BUILD FAILED (RedHatEnterpriseServer 5.10 using ruby-build 20150928)
I tried placing the yaml-0.1.6.tar.gz file in my local repo however that makes no difference besides it will fail since the sha2 checksum provided in the URL is for ruby-2.0.0-p247.tar.gz file.
How can install ruby offline with rbenv?
Update 1
I discovered that you can modify the lookup config file to point to a local mirror instead. i.e: /opt/rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/share/ruby-build/2.0.0-p247
install_package "yaml-0.1.6" "" --if needs_yaml
install_package "openssl-1.0.1p" "ttp://" mac_openssl --if has_broken_mac_openssl
install_package "ruby-2.0.0-p247" ""
Is there a better way or is this is the best way forward?
So here's how I got it to work:
Update the contents of the download file in /opt/rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/share/ruby-build/<ruby-version> to point to your local repo.
You will also notice how each file has a long hash valued after the '#' symbol in the URL. For Example:
install_package "yaml-0.1.6" "" --if needs_yaml
This hash value is the sha256sum the file which rbenv will use to validate if it is the expected file.
So you will need to generate the value by running sha256sum <filename> and appending to each file in the URL path.
Complete example below:
install_package "yaml-0.1.6" "" --if needs_yaml
install_package "openssl-1.0.1p" "ttp://" mac_openssl --if has_broken_mac_openssl
install_package "ruby-2.0.0-p247" ""
In the example above we have a dedicated repository server at If your packages are locally available, you will need to point to the local path and verify if it works.

Using forked package import in Go

Suppose you have a repository at github.com/someone/repo and you fork it to github.com/you/repo. You want to use your fork instead of the main repo, so you do a
go get github.com/you/repo
Now all the import paths in this repo will be "broken", meaning, if there are multiple packages in the repository that reference each other via absolute URLs, they will reference the source, not the fork.
Is there a better way as cloning it manually into the right path?
git clone git#github.com:you/repo.git $GOPATH/src/github.com/someone/repo
If you are using go modules. You could use replace directive
The replace directive allows you to supply another import path that might
be another module located in VCS (GitHub or elsewhere), or on your
local filesystem with a relative or absolute file path. The new import
path from the replace directive is used without needing to update the
import paths in the actual source code.
So you could do below in your go.mod file
module some-project
go 1.12
require (
github.com/someone/repo v1.20.0
replace github.com/someone/repo => github.com/you/repo v3.2.1
where v3.2.1 is tag on your repo. Also can be done through CLI
go mod edit -replace="github.com/someone/repo#v0.0.0=github.com/you/repo#v1.1.1"
To handle pull requests
fork a repository github.com/someone/repo to github.com/you/repo
download original code: go get github.com/someone/repo
be there: cd "$(go env GOPATH)/src"/github.com/someone/repo
enable uploading to your fork: git remote add myfork https://github.com/you/repo.git
upload your changes to your repo: git push myfork
To use a package in your project
One way to solve it is that suggested by Ivan Rave and http://blog.campoy.cat/2014/03/github-and-go-forking-pull-requests-and.html -- the way of forking.
Another one is to workaround the golang behavior. When you go get, golang lays out your directories under same name as in the repository URI, and this is where the trouble begins.
If, instead, you issue your own git clone, you can clone your repository onto your filesystem on a path named after the original repository.
Assuming original repository is in github.com/awsome-org/tool and you fork it onto github.com/awesome-you/tool, you can:
mkdir -p {src,bin,pkg}
mkdir -p src/github.com/awesome-org/
cd src/github.com/awesome-org/
git clone git#github.com:awesome-you/tool.git # OR: git clone https://github.com/awesome-you/tool.git
cd tool/
go get ./...
golang is perfectly happy to continue with this repository and doesn't actually care some upper directory has the name awesome-org while the git remote is awesome-you. All import for awesome-org are resovled via the directory you have just created, which is your local working set.
In more length, please see my blog post: Forking Golang repositories on GitHub and managing the import path
edit: fixed directory path
If your fork is only temporary (ie you intend that it be merged) then just do your development in situ, eg in $GOPATH/src/launchpad.net/goamz.
You then use the features of the version control system (eg git remote) to make the upstream repository your repository rather than the original one.
It makes it harder for other people to use your repository with go get but much easier for it to be integrated upstream.
In fact I have a repository for goamz at lp:~nick-craig-wood/goamz/goamz which I develop for in exactly that way. Maybe the author will merge it one day!
Here's a way to that works for everyone:
Use github to fork to "my/repo" (just an example):
go get github.com/my/repo
cd ~/go/src/github.com/my/repo
git branch enhancement
rm -rf .
go get github.com/golang/tools/cmd/gomvpkg/…
gomvpkg <<oldrepo>> ~/go/src/github.com/my/repo
git commit
Repeat each time when you make the code better:
git commit
git checkout enhancement
git cherry-pick <<commit_id>>
git checkout master
Why? This lets you have your repo that any go get works with. It also lets you maintain & enhance a branch that's good for a pull request. It doesn't bloat git with "vendor", it preserves history, and build tools can make sense of it.
Instead of cloning to a specific location, you can clone wherever you want.
Then, you can run a command like this, to have Go refer to the local version:
go mod edit -replace github.com/owner/repo=../repo
The answer to this is that if you fork a repo with multiple packages you will need to rename all the relevant import paths. This is largely a good thing since you've forked all of those packages and the import paths should reflect this.
Use vendoring and submodules together
Fork the lib on github (go-mssqldb in this case)
Add a submodule which clones your fork into your vendor folder but has the path of the upstream repo
Update your import statements in your source code to point to the vendor folder, (not including the vendor/ prefix). E.g. vendor/bob/lib => import "bob/lib"
cd ~/go/src/github.com/myproj
git submodule add "git#github.com:$mygithubuser/$librepo" "vendor/$upstreamgithubuser/$librepo"
This solves all the problems I've heard about and come across while trying to figure this out myself.
Internal package refs in the lib now work because the path is unchanged from upstream
A fresh checkout of your project works because the submodule system gets it from your fork at the right commit but in the upstream folder path
You don't have to know to manually hack the paths or mess with the go tooling.
More info
How do I fix the error message "use of an internal package not allowed" when go getting a golang package?
The modern answer (go 1.15 and higher, at least).
go mod init github.com/theirs/repo
Make an explicit init arg that is the ORIGINAL package names. If you don't include the repo name, it will assume the one in gopath. But when you use go modules, they no longer care where they are on disk, or where git actually pulls dependencies from.
To automate this process, I wrote a small script. You can find more details on my blog to add a command like "gofork" to your bash.
function gofork() {
if [ $# -ne 2 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then
echo 'Usage: gofork yourFork originalModule'
echo 'Example: gofork github.com/YourName/go-contrib github.com/heirko/go-contrib'
echo "Go get fork $1 and replace $2 in GOPATH: $GOPATH"
go get $1
go get $2
cd $GOPATH/src/$1
remote1=$(git config --get remote.origin.url)
cd $GOPATH/src/$2
remote2=$(git config --get remote.origin.url)
cd $currentDir
rm -rf $GOPATH/src/$2
mv $GOPATH/src/$1 $GOPATH/src/$2
cd $GOPATH/src/$2
git remote add their $remote2
echo Now in $GOPATH/src/$2 origin remote is $remote1
echo And in $GOPATH/src/$2 their remote is $remote2
cd $currentDir
export -f gofork
You can use command go get -f to get you a forked repo
in your Gopkg.toml file add these block below
name = "github.com/globalsign/mgo"
branch = "master"
source = "github.com/myfork/project2"
So it will use the forked project2 in place of github.com/globalsign/mgo

Access current git commit number from within Heroku app

I know the slug compiler removes the .git directory when creating a heroku slug, but is there any way to configure Heroku so that I can access the currently running git commit number from within my scripts?
I'd like to be able to have a small link on my sinatra app (run within Heroku) which says "running version e72fb274a0" (or something similar). How can I retrieve this, or force the slug compiler to add it to an environment variable?
I reckon the best way to do this is to make a custom buildpack which writes the git commit version number to the heroku slug before the .git directory is deleted.
I've tried to do this (see my fork of the ruby buildpack) but the line I've added – line 23 – doesn't seem to be doing the job. Heroku sees & uses the new buildpack, but doesn't seem to write the file to the slug.
Anyone have any idea why my custom buildpack isn't working as expected?
A couple of options...
SOURCE_VERSION environment variable (build-time)
Since 1st April 2015, there's a SOURCE_VERSION environment variable available to builds running on Heroku. For git-pushed builds, this is the git commit SHA-1 of the source being built:
(thanks to #srtech for pointing that out!)
An example of me using that variable in a build - if you look at the HTML served by the deployed app, you'll see the commit id is coming though in an HTML comment near the very bottom: https://gu-who.herokuapp.com/
/etc/heroku/dyno metadata file (run-time)
Heroku have beta functionality to write out a /etc/heroku/dyno metadata file onto your running dyno. If you email support you can probably get added to the beta. Here's a place where Heroku themselves are using it:
The contents look like this:
..so release.commit is the field you're after. I used to use this method until the SOURCE_VERSION variable became available.
In 2018 this is what you want:
heroku labs:enable runtime-dyno-metadata -a <app name>
You can run a script before deploy that store this information (maybe on a YAML)
using these a = `ls` (note that is not ' "apostrophe" sign is ` "inverse accute" sign)
the a variable will have the result of this bash command,so you can do
git = `git log`
and then find the information you want it and store it.
So you will be able to retrieve it later.
Did this helped ?
