Using Padrino and DataMapper to access an existing Database - ruby

I'm migrating a sinatra app I have that acts as a backend UI for our DNS database. I've already got the DM configs in the sinatra app but want to migrate it to padrino so I can make it cleaner and easier to read, but also because I want to play around to padrino. If I just generate a new model, can I perform the datamapper mapping in that model, including specifying the db application and get away with doing that instead of using a generator?
What do I need to do to be able to access models on a different database, ideally without damaging that data base (read only)

Right so you actually can do this I found out with a bit of trial and error. Specify the datamapper database source in the config/boot.rb there's a section labelled Padrino.after_load, you'll want to add in your new DataMapper source here
DataMapper.setup(:myalternatedatasource, "MY_ALTERNATE_DB_URL
Then in your model file you'll want to specify
def self.default_repository_name
And it'll all work as intended!


rails generate ckeditor:install --orm=active_record --backend=active_storag not worked Rails 5

I want to use in my project ckeditor with active storage, but when I generate to install ckeditor using orm active record and active storage, it create an initializer but not create any migration file.
Running via Spring preloader in process 23128
create config/initializers/ckeditor.rb
route mount Ckeditor::Engine => '/ckeditor'
Could not find "active_record/active_storage/ckeditor/asset.rb" in
any of your source paths. Your current source paths are:
So I ran into this as well, and after poking around the code I figured I'd just run the generator without the flags like the docs. If you run into this problem just run the generator with no flags rails g ckeditor:install. Also, you'll need to look at these files and make sure your models match.
EDIT: It looks like active_storage is only available on the master branch as of this post.

Is there a right way to add an existing SQLite database to a Xamarin project?

Every example I've found creates the database for you and then has you create tables and populate them in code. My problem, though, is that I would like to create and populate the database elsewhere (SQLiteStudio) and then include it in my app.
I sense (through the general feel of ...whatever I've been looking at. We'll call it documentation) that you are supposed to copy the database to the Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal directory. So my workflow is to include the database as a resource and then copy it to the Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal directory. Is that right? Has anyone written any of this down succinctly and authoritatively (as opposed to loose collections of articles)?
I'd prefer not to have two copies of the same database but if that's what everyone else is doing then ...okay.
I have not been able to find an answer on any of the following web pages.
Since you tagged pcl, have you tried treating this as an embedded resource? You pretty much just make a folder, drop in the database, and set the build action as an embedded resource. You can access the file through your SQLite library by linking up to the path of where the database is.

Sequel model doesn't find connection defined in a Sinatra app file

I'm building a simple Sinatra application to show some items stored in a database. I happened to find the gem sinatra-sequel that was supposed to make things easier.
To mantain the modularity I'm defining the Sinatra app in a file and the model in a different file. Unfortunately the model can't find the connection and mais my app crash. The same thing is described in this sequel-sinatra issue
I could define my model in the app class, but I prefer a more elegant solution if there is any.

data factory for cucumber, watir

We have a isolated test automation team responsible for automating only watir+cucumber functional test cases. Their code base is not attached with the rails app that other developers are working on, but kept separate. We have automated several test cases so far, and now what problem we have is, some (watir/cucumber specs)test cases require some data to be preexist into db, so it(testcase) should focus only on the problem stmt, and not creating any data-require itself.
Example, say if it has to check whether rating is working for a post, it requires a post object should preexist and it just checks rating. And not creating 1st post object and then checking its rating.
What are the best approaches here? Like we have fixtures and factory-girl for rails unit testing, what is there for cucumber specs? Or Shall we make use of features only here? These testers may not have idea of all models that exist, do they be aware of them so to make use of fixtures by calling Rails-Model interface.
My idea was, when we write feature file, it should not point or talk about any Model which looks meta stuff. Watir/specs test cases should only be aware of "Web-application"/browser only as the interface to talk/deal with the application. They should not know any other interface(fixture/Models). Hence they should create their own data on their own, by making use of the single interface they know.
Again, what I want to know that, is there any ruby lib/code, given table names, column names, and values(all most like fixtures yml), along with db parameters. It will simply insert them into db, without context of rails environment. And so testers those are having their environment isolated from rails web developers would able to work on their own. Rails fixtures, or factory girls seem to be well coupled with rails. Or am I incorrect?
Like Chirantan said you could use Factory girl with cucumber.
As require your factories in test unit or RSpec, you can do the same in the cucumber's env.rb file or any custom config file.
When using cucumber, the Given statement sets the test situation up:
Given I have a basic user with a password
and the When statement triggers the test:
When the user logs in
and the Then statement checks the test results
Then they see the basic menu
The data gets loaded in the Given statement.

using doctrine with codeigniter

I am planning to use doctrine to write a module of my app which is built with codeigniter.
I have a very basic question :
lets say I have a table called "user", with doctrine generate-models from db, 3 classes are generated BaseUser.php, User.php and UserTable.php. Now as I saw in the examples they use User class straigtaway. Should I be doing this ? I need additional business functionality for the user objects. So should I create a codeigniter model user_model and then use User class inside it (aggregation) or somehow extend user class ( i dont know how this will be done as user_model extends model)
Am little confused on this one and cannot locate any appropriate literature for the same.
Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance,
For anyone who is interested - I’ve posted up a project starter on my blog - a dev ready incorporation of the following technologies:
ExtJS : client side JS library,
CodeIgniter : presentation + domain tier,
Doctrine : ORM data layer framework
Some features of this project starter are:
- CodeIgniter Models have been replaced with Doctrine Records
- Doctrine is loaded into CI as a plugin
- RoR type before and after filters….
- Doctrine transactions automatically wrapped around every action at execution time (ATOMIC db updates)
Basic Role based security (I think Redux may be in there as well?)
Simply extract, hook up the database.php config file and viola…. You can start coding your layouts, views and models. Probably a few things to iron out - but enjoy!
Hope it helps
Check out this info on Doctrine_Table class.
To your 3 generated files:
Holds the definition of your models so that Doctrine is able to handle the operations on the database. This class tells the ORM what colums are available, their types, advaned functions (like Timestampable,...) and more. You should not put your own data into this file since it will be over-written when re-creating the models from the database.
Your actual model. This won't be re-created with each new generation process and this is were you keep most of your code. You can overwrite functions of the BaseXXX.php if you have to.
Check my link from the top, This gives you access to the table itself. Personally, I do not use it that often since I put most of the code into XXX.php.
Of course you can create new classes and use them inside your XXX.php file. In order to actually do something with the data (save, read,...) you need classes that are connected (exteneded) from Doctrine's classes.
edit: also check this on a more infos with extending from the Doctrine_Table class
