Joomla 1.7 - Failed login gets 500 error - joomla

When a user logs in to the front end incorrectly, they get a 500 error page.
In previous installations, the page just refreshes. Ideally, I'd like an error message displayed but this isn't happening either (even on previous installations). I assumed that this was achieved by:
<jdoc:include type="message" />
Paths to log/tmp files are correct. Permissions seem OK. Any ideas?

I thought it was something with the logs dir. Change the permissions and try again.
Update the configuration file
update the full URL of temp and log folder


500 Internal Server Error when logging into Magento front end?

This used to work fine but we've just moved the site from the development area to httpdocs. I've changed all relevant MySQL entries and file paths, but still we're having this error.
In the Apache error log, This is the corresponding error:
client denied by server configuration: /var/www/vhosts/
It looks like it is getting the wrong path somehow, as the /var/www/vhosts is repeating.
I did try using powergrep to locate where the path is getting set, but it didn't return any results.
Is there a setting which I can specify the exact path?
First of all, check your PHP log, it will give you a detailed info about this error.
Have you checked your permissions?
The folders var and media must be writtable.
And also, could you see correctly the homepage, categories and the error only appears when you log in?
Best regards.

Problems with the magento installation

Whenever I open localhost/testm, where testm is the folder that contains all the magento files, the following error is displayed:
There has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 1202944296
Whenever I am refreshing the page the error number keeps on changing.
Try this,
Rename file local.xml.sample to local.xml
file location : magentoRootDirectory/errors/
Please check your server max_execution_time using phpinfo(); and increase it if its value is too less. I hope this will solve your problem

Getting (404 - File or directory not found) running site. in Umbraco 6

Surprisingly I am getting 404 error message while navigating to pages.
And when I re-publish that particular page, it get start rendering , but again when I try to access it using direct url (Eg. http://SiteName/PageName.aspx) it again gives 404 error.
But when I access home page any time it get rendered.
I have tried the following
1) I have cleared cache (By manually Deleted AppData/ Temp & Config files)
2) Have re-publish entire site.
But not able to resolve it .
Kindly Guide me.
I am using using V6+
I use razor can it be it's cache issue , or any other hint so I can start drilling in that direction ?
Thank in Advance. :)
Have re-structured the content tree (moved respective page under root node)
And Have done following changes to /config/404handlers.config
<notFound assembly="Sample" type="HandleMySpecialUrls" />
<notFound assembly="umbraco" type="handle404" last="true" />
view Detail Post

Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons. Error log record number:

I just re-installed Magento and restored the old database with PhpMyAdmin.
The front page of the website is OK. But in the backend I've got this error when I go to Manage Categories.
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 986836145855
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Go to magento/var/report and open the file with the Error log record number name (986836145855 in your case).
In that file you can find the complete description of the error.
For log files like system.log and exception.log, go to magento/var/log/.

Magento Admin Backend Blank Page after login

i have a serious problem in Magento Admin Backend. After login its shows a BLANK Page. i used the same files and database in different server, there it was working fine but when i have transferred files into LIVE then Admin issues came. Please help me over this as i got frustrated from last some dayz. If you need any more dertails then plz ask but i need to resolve this soon. Link:
Magento ver: 1.7
flush your magento root /var/cache folder and /var/session folders, It may have previous server session that may cause problems.
Otherwise disable all third party modules and try again. I think this will help
I had the Same problem,
i have also debug the any errors occured, i tried index.php file
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
pleced above code in index.php file. after that i have tried admin login.
showing the errors are session related, header already send errors.
i have to add the code in root/index.php file in top add the following line.
after that tried the login its worked.
Is url changes to this after click login button or not? value)/
if url changes but not not show the dashboard page then go to
make copy of this file
Find the code for setting session cookie parameters these started on line 77
Comment out the final three lines and be sure to remove the comma after $this->getCookie()->getPath(). You should end up with this:
// set session cookie params
// $this->getCookie()->getDomain(),
// $this->getCookie()->isSecure(),
// $this->getCookie()->getHttponly()
also line 104 comment out :
//call_user_func_array('session_set_cookie_params', $cookieParams);
If there is no change in url after click login then try to uncomment display error and see error_log file of your server
I think this problem is due to file permissions. As you added files from one server to another, permissions might be get changed.. Try to give the permissions to all the files. Check this
There are a number of things that can cause it, but it's most common after migrating to a new server, last time it happened to me it was an excessively low php memory_limit setting on the new server - the Admin part of the site uses a lot more resources per user than the frontend.
In general when having this issue:
Flush out your cache by emptying var/cache
Clear out sessions by emptying var/sessions
Check the magento error logs/reports for an error code in var\logs and var/reports
Turn on magento error logs in mysql if logging isn't already on! (look in core_config_data for WHERE path like 'dev/log/active'
Check if your php configuration is displaying errors
Check your apache/php error logs for more clues - memory errors will show up here for example
Try this solution
It sounds like you want to enable Developer mode. Add this to your .htaccess file:
You may also want to enable display errors in index.php:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
The best way I have found to debug is with X-Debug in a local environment. You can also use log files to help debug in a production environment, if your unable to run X-Debug in the environment.
I've got a more detailed posting here:
Consider also installing XDebug
Hope this helps you!
Just to complete the other answers....
I am upgrading a magento install, and got the same problem, in the end I had another folder inside of var/
Only worked after clear deleting the files inside of this folder.
I had the same problem after uninstalling an extension. I thought that clearing cache would be enough, and I did without success... later speaking with the technical team, they commented me that it did not work because I hace memcache installed, and needed to be done the cleaning via system - backend (that i coudl not see...)
