Developer/Tools/sdp: No such file or directory - xcode

I am working to make my application apple scriptable,for which i use the developer material in the link here
That tutorial take CircleView Application for example, and make it into an apple Scriptable application through some procedural steps.
While following that steps,after a new run script has been added in CircleView Application as said in the tutorial , i got error
Developer/Tools/sdp: No such file or directory
I don't know how to solve

I had an error that was complaining there was no /usr/bin/sdp
I found the file in /Applications/ and fixed the error with:
cd /usr/bin
sudo ln -s "/Applications/"
Which created a symlink to where sdp was installed. I installed Xcode via the AppStore and so I'm not sure why this file / symlink was not created in the first place, but this fixed my problems.


Cocoapods - Invalid symlinks (Headers) prevents submission to App Store

I'm getting following error when trying to submit osx application:
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for
"Planiro Tracker". To process your delivery, the following issues must
be corrected:
Invalid Symlink - Your package contains a symbolic link
which resolves to a location
that does not exist or is outside of the package.
Invalid Symlink -
Your package contains a symbolic link
which resolves to a location
that does not exist or is outside of the package.
I checked contents of the applications, and all frameworks installed by cocoapods contains invalid "Headers" symlink. Cocoapods version 0.36.4.
I added mkdir -p "${destination}/$1/Versions/A/Headers" to as temporary workaround, but it's strange that dirs are not created (not sure where it should happen) and maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Delete the Header symlink and resubmit.
Worked for me.
Make sure that the folder "headers" is in the root of your framework folder
Make also sure that the binary is in the root folder.

How to package a standalone xulrunner app for OS X?

I'm trying to create a xulrunner app for OS X 10.9+. I need it to be standalone, i.e. to not require any extra additional software (including Firefox) to be installed on the box along with the app.
I was not able to google up an up-to-date guide on how to do that. It seems that I've hit every issue described here:
One of the last ones is:
$ open
LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file /Path/To/
Here is an what I have so far:
How can I create an OS X .app for a modern (v36+) xulrunner application?
You are on the right track, there is just one major issue you are facing.
If you were to run you application by the command line, you would get some output like this.
Mozilla XULRunner 33.0
Usage: xulrunner [OPTIONS]
xulrunner APP-FILE [APP-OPTIONS...]
--app specify APP-FILE (optional)
-h, --help show this message
-v, --version show version
--gre-version print the GRE version string on stdout
Application initialization file.
Application specific options
As we can see, the executable did not automatically run the Contents/Resources/application.ini like the tutorials say it will. This is a known issue, and the popular workaround among XULRunner users is to create a stub shell script to pass the required argument to the xulrunner binary.
Here is a script I've whipped up to do just that.
runpath="`dirname "$0"`"
contentsdir="`cd "$runpath"/.. > /dev/null && pwd`"
exec "$runpath/xulrunner" --app "$contentsdir/Resources/application.ini"
Save this text to a file in your MacOS directory and give it executable permissions. For sake of example, I will use sampleapplication. Here is the command to set executable permissions.
chmod +x sampleapplication
Now, modify your Info.plist to execute this script instead of executing xulrunner directly by setting the CFBundleExecutable entry to match your stub shell script.
Now when you run your application, it should work. If you are getting an error saying "The application cannot be opened because its executable is missing", you may want to rename the application bundle, or follow the advice in that question to avoid the caching issue.
Bonus Info
You can remove the Contents/Frameworks/XUL.framework directory, it is no longer used and placing the XUL.framework contents in the MacOS folder is now the correct place to put them.
You should also copy the dependentlibs.list file from the Contents/MacOS to the Contents/Resources directory, although XULRunner 33 seems to be getting on fine without it.

Xcode5 post-archive script for Sparkle package no longer works

Xcode 5 seems to have changed the way it stores the build application package ( such that ditto no longer works. In the ../BuildProductsPath/Release/ directory, the app is actually a symlink to .../InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/... -> ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-emwilkqhlayanxahjpexlpbbkato/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/MyApp/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/MyApp
This breaks the ditto command I was using to create a zip file of the application to put on my Sparkle update server.
Anyone have an updated script for building the Sparkle XML and ZIP files? Or know what environment variable I need to use to locate my actual binary after the Archive phase?
Here's the relevant lines from the post-archive script:
ditto -ck --keepParent "$" "$ARCHIVE_FILENAME"
That's from the sample script on the Sparkle website.
Turns out that in Xcode5 you need to pull the app package from the archive directory, not the Built Products directory. This works:
ditto -ck --keepParent "${ARCHIVE_PRODUCTS_PATH}/Applications/${PROJECT_NAME}.app" "$ARCHIVE_FILENAME"

p4 command not found

I'm trying to use p4 commands in my batch files on Mac like p4 login etc.
I keep getting the error "-bash p4: command not found".
I followed the top 7 steps here and got the same error:
I couldn't find anything else useful when searching.
Has anyone else encountered a similar issue and resolved it?
Just drop the "p4" executable in /usr/local/bin or even /usr/bin if you prefer. ;-)
How-To steps:
(1) Download p4 file for macOS from:
(2) Copy the item to any local folder under any custom folder. For ex: '/Users//perforce'
(3) Run the following commands in terminal.
chmod +x /Users/<yourname>/perforce/p4
export PATH=/Users/<yourname>/perforce:$PATH
(4) Now run 'p4' in terminal.
This should not fail!
To add to the existing answers, on my macOS Mojave, downloading Perforce 2019.1/1796703 for OSX 10.10+ using Safari gives me a p4.dms file.
You must rename it to p4 first before using it. Any attempt to unarchive the .dms file will fail. It is not a valid DMS archive.

Problem with Zend Framework Quickstart Tutorial and version 1.8.2

I'm trying to work through the quick start tutorial of the Zend Framework version 1.8.2, but I'm getting an error when running this code: create project quickstart
error: expecting `'{'' in /Users/andrew/Sites/_library/ZendFramework-1.8.2/library/Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Console.php on line 63
I'm doing this on Mac OS X 10.4. Is there an error in Zend Tool? or am I doing something wrong? Or is my environment not set up correctly to run this script?
I tried this on my other computer and got
-bash: command not found
I think this one is a separate problem, but not sure what to do
to the second problem:
$ chmod +x
or place it to /usr/bin (or where the other executables lives, don't know where it is in OS X)
or use
$ sh ./
first problem:
which PHP version do you use? The problem exists maybe at multi interface implementation.
you can still manually create the folder structure that Zend_Tool does, the quickstart guide does give examples of the naming conventions and there are numerous other examples. in order to better understand the framework, doing this manually can be good since your forced to think about the files your creating and how they are used.
