Rails, how to migrate large amount of data? - ruby

I have a Rails 3 app running an older version of Spree (an open source shopping cart). I am in the process of updating it to the latest version. This requires me to run numerous migrations on the database to be compatible with the latest version. However the apps current database is roughly around 300mb and to run the migrations on my local machine (mac os x 10.7, 4gb ram, 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo) takes over three days to complete.
I was able to decrease this time to only 16 hours using an Amazon EC2 instance (High-I/O On-Demand Instances, Quadruple Extra Large). But 16 hours is still too long as I will have to take down the site to perform this update.
Does anyone have any other suggestions to lower this time? Or any tips to increase the performance of the migrations?
FYI: using Ruby 1.9.2, and Ubuntu on the Amazon instance.

Dropping indices beforehand and adding them again afterwards is a good idea.
Also replacing .where(...).each with .find_each and perhaps adding transactions could help, as already mentioned.
Replace .save! with .save(:validate => false), because during the migrations you are not getting random inputs from users, you should be making known-good updates, and validations account for much of the execution time. Or using .update_attribute would also skip validations where you're only updating one field.
Where possible, use fewer AR objects in a loop. Instantiating and later garbage collecting them takes CPU time and uses more memory.

Maybe you have already considered this:
Tell the db not to bother making sure everything is on disk (no WAL, no fsync, etc), you now have an in memory db which should make a very big difference. (Since you have taken the db offline you can just restore from a backup in the unlikely event of power loss or similar). Turn fsync/WAL on when you are done.
It is likely that you can do some of the migrations before you take the db offline. Test this in staging env of course. That big user migration might very well be possible to do live. Make sure that you don't do it in a transaction, you might need to modify them a bit.
I'm not familiar with your exact situation but I'm sure there are even more things you can do unless this isn't enough.

This answer is more about approach than a specific technical solution. If your main criteria is minimum downtime (and data-integrity of course) then the best strategy for this is to not use rails!
Instead you can do all the heavy work up-front and leave just the critical "real time" data migration (i'm using "migration" in the non-rails sense here) as a step during the switchover.
So you have your current app with its db schema and the production data. You also (presumably) have a development version of the app based on the upgraded spree gems with the new db schema but no data. All you have to do is figure out a way of transforming the data between the two. This can be done in a number of ways, for example using pure SQL and temporary tables where necessary or using SQL and ruby to generate insert statements. These steps can be split up so that data that is fairly "static" (reference tables, products, etc) can be loaded into the db ahead of time and the data that changes more frequently (users, sesssions, orders, etc) can be done during the migration step.
You should be able to script this export-transform-import procedure so that it is repeatable and have tests/checks after it's complete to ensure data integrity. If you can arrange access to the new production database during the switchover then it should be easy to run the script against it. If you're restricted to a release process (eg webistrano) then you might have to shoe-horn it into a rails migration but you can run raw SQL using execute.

Take a look at this gem.
data = []
data << Order.new(:order_info => 'test order')
Order.import data

Unfortunaltly the downrated solution is the only one. What is really slow in rails are the activerecord models. The are not suited for tasks like this.
If you want a fast migration you will have to do it in sql.
There is an other approach. But you will always have to rewrite most of the migrations...


Why do software updates exist?

I know this may sound crazy but hear me out...
Say you have a game and you want to update it (add new features / redecorate for seasonal themes / add LTMs etc.) Now, instead of editing your code and then waiting days for your app market provider (Google/Microsoft/Apple etc.) to approve the update and roll out the changes, why not:
Put all of your code into a database
Remove all of your existing code from your code files
Add code which can run code from a database (reads it in and eval()s it)
This way, there'd be no need for software updates unless you wanted to change your database-related code, and you could simply update your database to change what the app does when it's live.
My Question: Why hasn't this been done?
For example:
Fortnite (a real game) often has LTMs (Limited Time Modes) which are available for a few weeks and are then removed. Generally, the software updates are ~ 5GB and take a lot of time unless your broadband is fast. If the code was fetched from a database and then executed, there'd be no need for these updates and the changes could be instantaneous.
EDIT: (In response to the close votes)
I'm looking for facts and statistics to back up reasons rather than just pure opinions. Answers like 'I think this would be good/bad ... ' aren't needed (that's why there's comments); answers like are 'This would be good/bad as this fact shows that ...' are much better and desired.
There are few challenges in your suggested approach.
putting everything in database will make increase the size of db. But that doest affect much.
If all the code is there in db, its possible to decompile your software and get a way to connect to your code?
too much performance overhead of evals. Precompiled code is optimized for their respective runtime
multiple versions? What to do when you want to have multiple versions of your software?
The main reason updates exists is they are easy to maintain, flexible and allows the developer to ship fastest optimized tool.
Put all of your code into a database
Remove all of your existing code from your code files
Add code which can run code from a database (reads it in and eval()s it)
My Question: Why hasn't this been done?
This is exactly how every game works already.
Each time you launch a game, an executable binary game engine (which you describe in step 3) already reads the rest of your code (often some embedded language like LUA) from a "database" (the file system) and "evals" (interprets) it to run the game, as well as assets like level geometry, textures, sounds and music.
You're talking about introducing a layer of abstraction (a real database) between the engine and its data to hide some of your assets, but the database stores its data on the file system, so you really haven't gained anything, you've just changed the way the data is encoded at rest and queried during runtime, and introduce a ton of overhead in both cases.
On the other hand, you're intentionally cheating your way through the app reviewal process this way, and whatever real technical problems you would have are moot, because your app would not be allowed in the app store. The entire point of the app reviewal process is to prevent people from shipping unverified unreviewed code to users, and if your program is obviously designed to circumvent this, your app will be rejected.
Fortnite (a real game) often has LTMs (Limited Time Modes) which are available for a few weeks and are then removed. Generally, the software updates are ~ 5GB and take a lot of time unless your broadband is fast.
Fotenite will have a small binary executable that is the game engine. Updates to this binary will account for a fraction of a percentage of that 5GB. The rest will be some kind of interpreted/embedded language describing the game's levels (also a tiny fraction) and then assets which account for the rest (geometry, textures, sound, music).
If the code was fetched from a database and then executed, there'd be no need for these updates and the changes could be instantaneous
This makes no sense. If you move that entire 5GB from the file system into a database, you still have to transfer around 5GB worth of database updates. 5GB of data in a database still lives as 5GB of data on the file system, it's just that you can't access it directly anymore. You have to transfer around the exact same amount of data, regardless of how you store it.

How to deactivate safe mode in the mongo shell?

Short question is on the title: I work with my mongo Shell wich is in safe mode by default, and I want to gain better performance by deactivating this behaviour.
Long Question for those willing to know the context:
I am working on a huge set of data like
stringdate:"2008-03-08 06:36:00"
and some other fields and there are about 250M documents like that (whole database with the indexes weights 36Go). I want to convert the date in a real ISODATE field. I searched a bit how I could make an update query like
db.data.update({},{$set:{date:new Date("$stringdate")}},{multi:true})
but did not find how to make this work and resolved myself to make a script that take the documents one after the other and make an update to set a new field which takes the new Date(stringdate) as its value. The query use the _id so the default index is used.
Problem is that it takes a very long time. I already figured out that if only I had inserted empty dates object when I created the database I would now get better performances since there is the problem of data relocation when a new field is added. I also set an index on a relevant field to process the database chunk by chunk. Finally I ran several concurrent mongo clients on both the server and my workstation to ensure that the limitant factor is the database lock availability and not any other factor like cpu or network costs.
I monitored the whole thing with mongotop, mongostats and the web monitoring interfaces which confirmed that write lock is taken 70% of the time. I am a bit disappointed mongodb does not have a more precise granularity on its write lock, why not allowing concurrent write operations on the same collection as long as there is no risk of interference? Now that I think about it I should have sharded the collection on a dozen shards even while staying on the same server, because there would have been individual locks on each shard.
But since I can't do a thing right now to the current database structure, I searched how to improve performance to at least spend 90% of my time writing in mongo (from 70% currently), and I figured out that since I ran my script in the default mongo shell, every time I make an update, there is also a getLastError() which is called afterwards and I don't want it because there is a 99.99% chance of success and even in case of failure I can still make an aggregation request after the end of the big process to retrieve the single exceptions.
I don't think I would gain so much performance by deactivating the getLastError calls, but I think itis worth trying.
I took a look at the documentation and found confirmation of the default behavior, but not the procedure for changing it. Any suggestion?
I work with my mongo Shell wich is in safe mode by default, and I want to gain better performance by deactivating this behaviour.
You can use db.getLastError({w:0}) ( http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/method/db.getLastError/ ) to do what you want but it won't help.
This is because for one:
make a script that take the documents one after the other and make an update to set a new field which takes the new Date(stringdate) as its value.
When using the shell in a non-interactive mode like within a loop it doesn't actually call getLastError(). As such downing your write concern to 0 will do nothing.
I already figured out that if only I had inserted empty dates object when I created the database I would now get better performances since there is the problem of data relocation when a new field is added.
I did tell people when they asked about this stuff to add those fields incase of movement but instead they listened to the guy who said "leave them out! They use space!".
I shouldn't feel smug but I do. That's an unfortunately side effect of being right when you were told you were wrong.
mongostats and the web monitoring interfaces which confirmed that write lock is taken 70% of the time
That's because of all the movement in your documents, kinda hard to fix that.
I am a bit disappointed mongodb does not have a more precise granularity on its write lock
The write lock doesn't actually denote the concurrency of MongoDB, this is another common misconception that stems from the transactional SQL technologies.
Write locks in MongoDB are mutexs for one.
Not only that but there are numerous rules which dictate that operations will subside to queued operations under certain circumstances, one being how many operations waiting, another being whether the data is in RAM or not, and more.
Unfortunately I believe you have got yourself stuck in between a rock and hard place and there is no easy way out. This does happen.

I have many separate installs for magento can I merge them together?

I've just started a new job and we have several installs of magneto all of different versions!
Now really it seems to me that we need to firstly upgrade them all and then get them all under one installation of magneto and using one database.
What is the best way (in general terms) of doing this.
Is it even possible or is my best bet to make the sites again under one installation and import the products into it.
There is some talk by a fellow developer that having them under different installs helps with performance. Is this true?
Once we have them all under one install things like stock control and orders as well as putting products on multiple site should also be very straightforward - correct?
We are talking quite a few stores say around 15ish and quite a few products around I would say 4000 maybe more.
My first suggestion is to consider the reasons, why you need all Magento instances to be moved under one installation. The reasons are not clear from your question. So the best developer's advice is "Does it work? Then don't touch it" :)
If there are no specific reasons, then you'd better leave it as is. All reorganization processes (upgrading, infrastructure configuration, access setup, etc.) for a software system are hard, costly, consume time, error-prone, usually have no much value from business point of view and are a little boring. This is not a Magento-specific thing, it is just general characteristic for any software.
Also note, that it is a holiday season. So it is better not to do anything with e-commerce stores until the middle of January.
If you see value in a reorganization of your Magento stores, then the best way to do it is to go gradually - step by step, store by store:
Take your most complex store. Prepare everything you need for the further steps - i.e. get ready the tools, write automatic scripts, go through the process with its copy at some testing server. Write set of functional tests
to cover it with at least smoke-tests. You'll have to repeat
such light checks many times to be sure, that the store appears to be
working. The automatic tests will save much time. Thus all these preparations will decrease your downtime.
Close public access to the store.
Upgrade store to the Magento version, you need. Move it to the new infrastructure.
Verify all the user scenarios manually and with automatic tests. Fix the issues, if any.
Open public access to the store. Monitor logs, load reports at the server machines. Fix issues, if any.
Take next store (let's call it NextStore). Make its copy at a sandbox server.
Make copy of your already converted store (let's call it ConvertedStore) at a sandbox server.
Export all the data from copy of NextStore and import it to the copy of ConvertedStore. You can use Magento Dataflow or Import/Export modules to do that. Not all data can be
imported/exported with those modules - just Catalog, Orders, Customers. You will need
to develop custom scripts to import/export other entities, if you need them.
Verify result manually and with automatic tests and manually. Write automatic scripts, that fix found issues. You will need those scripts later during the real converting process.
Close NextStore.
Move it to the new infrastructure, by engaging the already prepared procedures and scripts. You will need to consider, whether to close ConvertedStore during the converting process. It depends on your feeling, whether it is ok to have it opened or not. For safety reasons it is better to close it.
Verify, that everything works fine. Monitor logs, reports.
Fix issues, if any.
Proceed with the rest of your stores.
That is my (totally personal) view on the procedures.
There is some talk by a fellow developer that having them under
different installs helps with performance. Is this true?
Yes, your friend is right. Separating Magento (actually, anything in this world) into smaller instances makes it lighter to be handled. The performance difference is very small (for your instance of 4000 products), but it is inevitable. Consider, that after combining the instances (suppose, there are ten of them with 400 products each) you'll be handling data for 10x more customers, reports, products, stores, etc. Therefore any search will have to go through ten times more products, in order to return data. Of course, it doesn't matter, if the search takes 0.00001 second, because 0.0001s for combined instance is ok as well. But some things, like sorting or matching sets, grow non-linearly. But, as said before, for 4000 products you won't see big difference.
Once we have them all under one install things like stock control and
orders as well as putting products on multiple site should also be
very straightforward - correct?
You're right - after combining the stores together, handling orders, stock, customers will be much more simpler and straightforward process.
Good luck! :)
The most important thing to consider is what problem you're solving by having all these sites on one Magento "instance". What's more important to your business/team: having these sites share product and inventory or having the flexibility of independently modifying these sites? Any downtime or impacts to availability may affect all sites.
Further questions/areas of investigation:
How much does the product hierarchy (categories and attributes) differ?
Is pricing the same across each site or different?
Are any of these sites multi-regional and how is pricing handled for each region?
It's certainly possible to run multiple sites on one Magento instances, even if there are some rough edges within the platform.
Since there's no way to export all entities in Magento, there's no functionality to merge stores. You'd have to write custom code - it would have to take all the records from the old store, assign them new IDs while preserving referential integrity & insert them into the new store (this is what the "product import" does, but they don't have it for categories, orders, customers, etc.).
The amount of code you'd be writing to do that would take almost longer than just starting over in my opinion. You'd basically be writing the missing functionality for Magento. If it were easy they would have it done it already.
However splitting two stores apart is very easy, since you don't have to worry about reassigning unique identifiers in the DB.

5GB file to read

I have a design question. I have a 3-4 GB data file, ordered by time stamp. I am trying to figure out what the best way is to deal with this file.
I was thinking of reading this whole file into memory, then transmitting this data to different machines and then running my analysis on those machines.
Would it be wise to upload this into a database before running my analysis?
I plan to run my analysis on different machines, so doing it through database would be easier but if I increase the number machines to run my analysis on the database might get too slow.
Any ideas?
#update :
I want to process the records one by one. Basically trying to run a model on a timestamp data but I have various models so want to distribute it so that this whole process run over night every day. I want to make sure that I can easily increase the number of models and not decrease the system performance. Which is why I am planning to distributing data to all the machines running the model ( each machine will run a single model).
You can even access the file in the hard disk itself and reading a small chunk at a time. Java has something called Random Access file for the same but the same concept is available in other languages also.
Whether you want to load into the the database and do analysis should be purely governed by the requirement. If you can read the file and keep processing it as you go no need to store in database. But for analysis if you require the data from all the different area of file than database would be a good idea.
You do not need the whole file into memory, just the data you need for analysis. You can read every line and store only the needed parts of the line and additionally the index where the line starts in file, so you can find it later if you need more data from this line.
Would it be wise to upload this into a database before running my analysis ?
I plan to run my analysis on different machines, so doing it through database would be easier but if I increase the number machines to run my analysis on the database might get too slow.
don't worry about it, it will be fine. Just introduce a marker so the rows processed by each computer are identified.
I'm not sure I fully understand all of your requirements, but if you need to persist the data (refer to it more than once,) then a db is the way to go. If you just need to process portions of these output files and trust the results, you can do it on the fly without storing any contents.
Only store the data you need, not everything in the files.
Depending on the analysis needed, this sounds like a textbook case for using MapReduce with Hadoop. It will support your requirement of adding more machines in the future. Have a look at the Hadoop wiki: http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/
Start with the overview, get the standalone setup working on a single machine, and try doing a simple analysis on your file (e.g. start with a "grep" or something). There is some assembly required but once you have things configured I think it could be the right path for you.
I had a similar problem recently, and just as #lalit mentioned, I used the RandomAccess file reader against my file located in the hard disk.
In my case I only needed read access to the file, so I launched a bunch of threads, each thread starting in a different point of the file, and that got me the job done and that really improved my throughput since each thread could spend a good amount of time blocked while doing some processing and meanwhile other threads could be reading the file.
A program like the one I mentioned should be very easy to write, just try it and see if the performance is what you need.
#update :
I want to process the records one by one. Basically trying to run a model on a timestamp data but I have various models so want to distribute it so that this whole process run over night every day. I want to make sure that I can easily increase the number of models and not decrease the system performance. Which is why I am planning to distributing data to all the machines running the model ( each machine will run a single model).

Upgrading Informix - Switch to Oracle, Sybase or stay with Informix?

Previously I posted a question so I could confirm our current (albeit archaic) version of Informix here:
How do you identify Informix version on Solaris?
(Thank you Jonathan and RET for clearing that up)
We are definitely planning on upgrading but are first discussing if it would make more sense to move to Oracle or Sybase at this time. What are your opinions on this? It's my belief that while all 3 RDBMs have their own uniqueness, they must all cover the same ground essentially. So how does one go about deciding what database to use?
The big kicker is I need to know if we upgrade Informix (currently using 7.13), will we need to modify our embedded sql C programs? If not, then it makes a lot of sense to stick with Informix. Because if we went with Sybase/Oracle etc, we'd have a lot of work on our hands to update the back-end programs.
But if switching to another database can offer great return in comparison then we will still consider it. I look forward to hearing your opinions.
I'm a biassed observer (I work for IBM on Informix) - treat my comments with due caution.
If your applications are written in Informix ESQL/C, you would have to do major surgery to move them to other systems. You would need to decide which alternative interface to use - your cross-platform choice (with C as the basic language) is ODBC, but Oracle provides the OCI and Sybase provides the TDS as alternatives.
By contrast, with Informix ESQL/C, an upgrade to the current version (Informix ClientSDK 3.50, containing ESQL/C 3.50, which is more recent than the ESQL/C 6.00 which you currently use) should be painless unless you've gone out of your way to write bad code.
Even simply migrating the data might be a little traumatic - not insuperably so. In part, the complexity depends on which data types you use. (Character strings migrate easily; date and time values less easily, for example.) But migrating the applications would require a lot of work, as you say, unless you were extraordinarily prescient and wrote a really good data abstraction layer.
An upgrade to Informix SE 7.26 would be a no-brainer - get the software, install it, point it at your existing database. You'd probably want to recompile your programs to use the more modern CSDK, but you could do that incrementally with care (two INFORMIXDIR values, one for the old code, one for the new).
An upgrade to Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) 11.50 would require you to export the data (DB-Export) from SE and import it (DB-Import) into IDS. This would be very simple too, once you have IDS up and running. Getting IDS up and running takes more effort than SE, but is not all that hard.
Clearly, my recommendation is to stay put with Informix. The decision is yours, of course.
With IDS, would we have to make code changes or just recompile?
IDS is very closely related to SE, but they are different. IDS provides an almost strict superset of SE functionality. The places I can think of where there are differences are primarily edge case stuff:
SE has extra syntax to CREATE TABLE for locating C-ISAM files for the database; IDS has a wholly different set of extensions. The basic CREATE TABLE is the same (though IDS has types that SE doesn't, such as VARCHAR), but the adornments are different.
SE has CREATE AUDIT and DROP AUDIT and IDS does not (it has other audit facilities).
SE has START DATABASE and ROLLFORWARD DATABASE; IDS does not (recovery and logging in IDS is different).
The main area that may cause issues is transaction management. IDS has unlogged, logged and 'LOG MODE ANSI' database, as does SE. In IDS, you are encouraged to use a logged database - that would be a strong recommendation. IDS provides atomic statements in a logged database - either the statement works as a whole or it fails as a whole. However, many SE applications are not written with transactions in mind. There are some things you can't do when there are transactions on the database, such as open a cursor for update outside the scope of a transaction. This is what tends to bite code migrating from SE to IDS. Also, you cannot lock a table except in a transaction, and you cannot unlock a table except by COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
How much of a problem this will be depends on what you were using in SE and how the programs were designed (if they were designed rather than thrown together). An IDS unlogged database and an SE unlogged database are very close - and you could migrate from one to the other. But IDS can do things (like replication) only when the databases are logged, and you should aim to be using logged databases.
However, the migration to CSDK 3.50 should be just a recompile unless you've managed to do some really excruciatingly awful things.
Rumours of Informix's demise are greatly exaggerated.
With the investment in embedded code that you have, any apparent sticker price cost saving to be had from switching to brand O or brand S would very quickly disappear in redevelopment costs. That's just a fact of life: I've seen projects burn $100K+ on redevelopment to save $20K p.a. in licensing. That's not money well spent.
You would want to be very, very sure that the switch of RDBMS was going to offer something you really couldn't achieve sticking with what you have. Because the risk (from bitter experience - I fought against it long and hard) is that you could spend a fortune in dollars and time just running on the spot, if not going backwards.
If you're going to step back and look at your problem holistically, I think you would be far better off evaluating the possibilities of newer, loosely coupled, database-agnostic architectures than swapping one embedded model for another. This would provide you much greater flexibility down the track.
Hope that helps.
We have been supporting Informix DB for years using GeneXus. Informix is a great DB but there are not a lot of tools around it to help build in an agile way. I know many Informix shops that only use the GeneXus IDE to build web apps and smart phone apps. If you have not heard of GeneXus, check it out.
