Visual Studio new files have sub application relative urls - visual-studio-2010

I have a typical solution with multiple projects.
In IIS I have configured a new website with which to access my development area. Underneath this I have another sub application, pointing back to the same place. (This allows me to have and
This all works fine.
The problem I have now, when I create a new file (say an aspx page) and specify a master page (probably other scenarios as well) the relative link that is created is ~/au/masterpage.master, not ~/masterpage.master as one would expect.
As well as not loading in the CPH's of the master page (hugely annoying) this also breaks my page. So my question: Has anyone had this happen to them and how did they solve it?
I found that if I removed the sub application and restarted VS, next time I created a file it worked as expected (without the /au/). However, it would be nice if I could leave the sub application in place.


How do I set a default static page for a ASP.Net Core Web API Project when start debug in VS2015?

I'm using VS 2015 and have a ASP.Net Core 1.1 Web API Project.
If I start debug it will launch Edge with the following url: http://localhost:XXXXX/api/values
I have since long removed this controller but it still tries to find it.
I have read the docs and made the appropriate changes to be able to show a static file.
In my wwwroot folder i have a Index.html file.
If i manually navigates to http://localhost:XXXXX the file is displayed.
My question is: How can I make VS2015 show my Index page when I start debugging.
I found the option when right clicking the project and selecting properties. Then under the tab Debug, enabled Launch URL and entered the value.
Edit Properties/launchSettings.json - it stores launch url which VS use.

Joomla Quickstart advice

Please I need some guidelines (or link of tutorials) in creating Joomla (3 - 3.5) website with the purchased template design. I wonder how professionals with experience are solving my doubts in practice.
Do you recommend the installation of the purchased blank template with a single installation and configuration of modules and components or installation of template with demo examples (Quickstart)? I know the differences but I was wondering how you are doing.
Till now I've almost always used the Quickstart installation.
I wonder if you clone the main menu (and other navigation and modules) and than you rename a copy for your needs and you change the content or you delete all navigation items except Home and than you are re-creating items according to your needs.
I'm not sure if I can copy the main menu or I copy only his necessary items and than delete overage of template.
It happens to me sometimes if I click on some of category it leads me to the main menu from original item, not to the desired custom copy, even though the path is set (the default items). Therefore, I am not sure which is better... copy main menu and items or to delete all navigation and content of the Quickstart installation and form my own navigation, content and modules.
In short, how to sort out all unnecessary items, and those that I am using should I copy and modify, modify existing, or delete all and make my own needed items.
I believe you will know my concerns.
Thank you and regards,
I have created several websites in Joomla with blank template and also with quickstart package.
Advantages with Blank Template
You will get the core theme without any unnecessary content and
basic modules and plugins. You dont have to delete any
contents/articles later.
You will be having authority to place modules at your desired positions. To check the modules position at the frontend simply do this
Disadvantage of Blank Template
There are some module style settings embedded in quickstart package that you wont be able to set yourself without going through full documentation. So sometimes your menu seems distorted.
Disadvantage of Quickstart Package
Deleteing unnecessary articles, removing unnecessary modules is a big headache.
Database size unnecessarily increases.
Steps I follow
I create a quickstart package in localhost and create a blank site with blank template in live site. Whatever settings I need I copy from the local website so that I am saved from removing unnecessary contents from live site. Also sometimes deleting some contents give rise to some other issues. Its better t go with a Blank template.

_ViewStart and _Layout.cshtml files are automatically created in ASP.NET MVC 5 (annoying)

I am having a Weird and annoying problem. In my ASP.NET MVC 5 project, time to time, I see that _ViewStart file and Shared/_Layout.cshtml files are created automatically even though I did not want. So, I deleted those files but these files are getting created time to time by itself. That cause a great problem because, sometimes, if I dont notice that these files are created, I can accidentally publish the website and then, after publish, I notice that all pages are being wrapped by the auto created _Layout.cshtml file. Is it a smart helping feature of Visual Studio 2013 ? Cant we stop this ?
I am not sure that you still need the answer but today I have also met similar problem. By some unknown reason file "Shared/_Layout.cshtml" was automatically added to my Project.
I was realy wondering why could it happen and I found which actions should be performed to make this file be created.
I have added new View to my Project and have used for it standard VS resources:
Right mouse click on Views folder.
Add -> Veiw...
Inside window for adding view I have checked "Use a layout page" and have left field below empty.
Press Add
My VS was thinking a lot and suddenly created new view and also... "Shared/_Layout.cshtml" and "Shared/_ViewStart.cshtml" files!! I do not think that this option might be switched off because it is logically to create layout page when it has been missed.
Hope this info is helpful for you and for anybody else :)

How to detect back button -vs- GoBack() in WP7 app

Maybe I'm over-thinking this, but here's what I'm trying to accomplish.
I have two MVVM projects (assemblies) in my WP7 app. One page in the main project will call another page in the second project. The second page will allow the user to browse through a list of files on the web and select one to be downloaded to Isolated Storage. The files are rather small.
For a little background: I want two assemblies because this file-selection feature is not used often in the app and I want the Main assembly to be as small as possible to decrease startup time. I also want to be able to re-use this file-selection/download component in other apps.
The simple thing I'm trying to figure out is that when the user selects the file and it is downloaded, I will execute a GoBack() to return to the calling page. On the calling page, I need to know if, in fact, the user downloaded a file or if they cancelled out of the operation by simply hitting the back button. I thought the obvious thing might be to just check for the existence of the file in Isolated storage, but that just feel like a bit of a kludge to me.
I also thought about the Messenger, but I'm not sure how that would work across two assemblies.
Any advice would be appreciated.
It is tough to know without looking at the code. However, I would suggest that you could pass back a value to the page depending on whether you successfully downloaded your file. Navigate with the value as follows (pass true or false depending on download success):
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri(("/Page.xaml?download=true", UriKind.Relative));
Then evaluate the page in the destination as follows:
string download = "";
if (NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("download", out imageurl))

ASP.NET 4 UpdatePanel and IIS7 Problem

I have an ASP.NET 4 webpage that contains an update panel which just allows me to add a few items to a drop down list without reloading the entire page.
The page works fine on the Visual Studio 2010 ASP.NET Development Server, performs the Async call and the page is properly laid out. However, when I deploy the page to IIS7, the Async call no longer works (the page is completely reloaded) and the layout of some items on the page is incorrect.
I used Fiddler to look at what's happening and it looks like there are 404's when the page tries to access ScriptResource.axd, with everything else working correctly. I think that has to do with the Javascript required for the call but I'm not sure how to fix it. Any suggestions?
I had the same issue. After reading, this and this2 I checked the ISAPI handlers definition in the root site of my IIS, but it looked fine, so I kept struggling some more.
Finally fixed it by realizing the ISAPI Handlers definition had been modified at the site level, and wasnt inheriting the same definitions as in the root site. It was fixed selecting my site in IIS Manager, going to the "Handler Mappings" section, and then clicking in "Revert To Inherited".
