Bash: How can I make a sync call until finding a match pattern in log file - bash

I have a start server script
It will run as background task &
the script need to run for sometime until it can really run in running state.
The running state could write into log file server.log when it is ready.
So I need to know when the server is really run by executing a bash cmd. If not, I need to wait until the Running state is shown in the server.log.
Can i achieve this in bash?

try something like this
mkfifo my_fifo
tail -f server.log >my_fifo &
perl -ne '/pattern/&&exit' <my_fifo
kill $tail_pid
rm my_fifo
EDIT : perl command can be replaced with
grep -l 'pattern' <my_fifo >/dev/null
or if grep support this option
grep -q 'pattern' <my_fifo


Continuously watch a socket file, run command when it doesn't exist?

It seems that when my screen is locked for some period of time, my S.gpg-agent.ssh disappears, and so in order to continue using my key I have to re-initialise it.
Obviously, this is a relatively frequent occurrence, so I've written a function for my shell to kill gpg-agent, restart it, and reset the appropriate environment variables.
This may be a bit of an 'X-Y problem', X being above this line, but I think Y below is more generally useful to know anyway.
How can I automatically run a command when an extant file no longer exists?
The best I've come up with is:
nohup echo "$file" | entr $command &
at login. But entr runs a command when files change, not just deletion, so it's not clear to me how that will behave with a socket.
According to your comment, cron daemon does not fit.
Watch socket file deletion
Try auditd
# auditctl -w /var/run/<your_socket_file> -p wa
$ tail -f /var/log/audit/audit.log | grep 'nametype=DELETE'
Howto run a script if event occurred
If you want to run a script on socketile deletion, you can use while loop, e.g.:
tail -Fn0 /var/log/audit/audit.log | grep 'name=<your_socket_file>' | grep 'nametype=DELETE' \
while IFS= read -r line; do
# your script here
thx to Tom Klino and his answer
You don't mention the OS you're using, but if it's linux, you can use inotifywait from the inotify-tools package:
while inotifywait -qq -e delete_self /path/to/S.gpg-agent.ssh; do
echo "Socket was deleted!"
# Recreate it.

Cron job won't start again after I stopped it?

I wrote a script to run constantly on startup. If for whatever reason the script were to fail, I wrote a second script to check if it has failed, and if so, run the first script again. I then set this second script as a cronjob to run every minute so that it is constantly checking if the first script is alive.
So to test this, I reboot my system. I can see in htop that the first script is running from start up as expected. Good. I kill the process to test the second script. Sure enough, the second script starts the first script again. Still good. I then kill this process, but the second script won't run again now. It still updates a txt file when I manually start the first script, but the second script just doesn't start the first script like it's supposed to. Is it because I killed the cronjob? Restarting the cron service doesn't fix anything though, so I don't know why my second script isn't running again at all.
First script:
stamp=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M)
timeout 10d tcpdump -i eth0 -s 96 -z gzip -C 10 -w /home/user/Documents/${stamp}
Second script:
echo "not running" > /home/working.txt
if (( $(ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep | wc -l) > 0 ))
echo "tcpdump is running!!!" > /home/working.txt
/usr/local/bin/ start
Any help?
You would probably be better off running a simple for loop as the main script, and that kicks off the tcpdump script in the background, so something like:
while true; do
if ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep -q tcpdump; then
: tcpdump running OK
# tcpdump not running - start it off
nohup /usr/local/bin/ start &
sleep 30
This checks that "" is in the output of the "ps -ef" command - if it is, then do nothing (note that you must have an actual command between the "then" and "else" - the ":" command, which just takes it s arguments and ignores them, is sufficient). If it isn't running, start the first script in the background. Then sleep 30 seconds and check again. (Yes, I could have inverted the test so that I didn't need an empty "then" arm, but it would have made the code less obvious)
You put this script as the one which starts at boot time.
Edit: Do you really want to check for ""? Is that what the first script is actually called? Assuming that you actually want to check for the tcpdump program, you could use:
if pgrep tcpdump; then

bash: test if a process is running with a certain option

I would to know if it's possible to detect if amarok is playing music or not, in bash.
I have tested
#! /bin/bash
if [ "$(pidof amarok --play)" ]
echo amarok is playing music!
echo amarok is not playing!
But I have this error:
pidof: invalid options on command line!
pidof thinks that --play is its option, and that is of course an error.
It would be better to check if --play is inside the commandline that was used to start amarok:
grep -- --play /proc/$(pidof amarok)/cmdline
Another option is to grep output of ps aux:
ps aux | grep [a]marok.*--play
In the both cases we suppose that there only one amarok running in the system.
Update 1.
To check if any music is playing at the moment,
you can so:
grep RUNNING /proc/asound/card*/pcm*/sub*/status

Linux crontab doesnt launch a script

I have this user crontab (accessed via the command crontab -e):
# m h dom mon dow command
*/3 * * * * sh /home/FRAPS/Desktop/
The script looks like that:
if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep -i "$SERVICE" > /dev/null
echo "######## $SERVICE service running, everything is fine ##################\n" >> CronReport.txt
echo "$SERVICE is not running. Launching it now\n" >> CronReport.txt
When I launch the script ( from its own directory, it works like a charm, but when cron launches it, it always "# $SERVICE service running, everything is fine ###"
despite 'Script' is not running.
Here's an even better way to write that conditional:
services=$(ps -e -o comm | grep -cFi "$SERVICE")
case "$services" in
# restart service
# everything is fine
# more than one copy is running
By using ps -e -o comm you avoid having to do the silly grep -v grep thing, because only the actual process name appears in the ps output, not the arguments. And grep -cFi counts up the matches and gives you a number, so you don't have to deal with the exit status of a pipeline.
Also, as other posters have implied, you should lead off this script by setting the PATH variable.
export PATH
You might or might not want to put /usr/local/bin at the beginning of that list, depending on your system. Don't do it if you don't need anything from there.
Final piece of advice: When writing scripts that will execute without user supervision (such as cron jobs), it's a good idea to put set -e at the beginning. That makes them exit unsuccessfully if any command fails.
You need to put the grep -v grep after the grep -i "$SERVICE". The way you have it now it's guaranteed to be true.
Checking the return status of a pipe like that could be problematic. You should either check the $PIPESTATUS array, or you can pipe the final grep into wc -l to count the number of lines.
cron typically does not set up a lot of the environment like a user account does. You may need to modify your script to get things setup properly.
Cron jobs don't get the same environment settings that you get at a shell prompt - those are generally set up by your shell on login - so you want to use absolute rather than relative paths throughout. (i.e. don't assume the PATH environment variable will exist or be set up the same as it is for you at a shell prompt, and don't assume the script will run with PWD set to your home directory, etc.) So:
in your crontab entry replace sh with /bin/sh (or remove it if is executable, the shebang line will do).
in add paths to the log file and the perl script. should end up looking something like:
if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep -i "$SERVICE" > /dev/null
echo "######## $SERVICE service running, everything is fine ##################\n" >> CronReport.txt
# Specify absolute path to a log file that's writeable for the user the
# cron runs as (probably you). Example: /tmp/CronReport.txt
echo "$SERVICE is not running. Launching it now\n" >> /tmp/CronReport.txt
# Specify absolute path to both perl and the script. Example: /usr/bin/perl
# and /home/FRAPS/scripts/
/usr/bin/perl /home/FRAPS/scripts/
(Again you can get rid of the /usr/bin/perl bit if is executable and has the path to the right perl in the shebang line.)

How to set the process name of a shell script?

Is there any way to set the process name of a shell script? This is needed for killing this script with the killall command.
Here's a way to do it, it is a hack/workaround but it works pretty good. Feel free to tweak it to your needs, it certainly needs some checks on the symbolic link creation or using a tmp folder to avoid possible race conditions (if they are problematic in your case).
rm -iv "$newname"
ln -s "$script" "$newname"
exec "$newname" "$#"
echo "I am $0"
echo "my params: $#"
ps aux | grep bash
echo "sleeping 10s... Kill me!"
sleep 10
Test it using:
chmod +x dummy wrapper
./wrapper some params
In another terminal, kill it using:
killall killme
Make sure you can write in your current folder (current working directory).
If your current command is:
/path/to/file -q --params somefile1 somefile2
Set the script variable in wrapper to /path/to/file (instead of ./dummy) and call wrapper like this:
./wrapper -q --params somefile1 somefile2
You can use the kill command on a PID so what you can do is run something in the background, get its ID and kill it
PID of last job run in background can be obtained using $!.
echo test & echo $!
You cannot do this reliably and portably, as far as I know. On some flavors of Unix, changing what's in argv[0] will do the job. I don't believe there's a way to do that in most shells, though.
Here are some references on the topic.
Howto change a UNIX process and child process name by modifying argv0
Is there a way to change the effective process name in Python?
This is an extremely old post. Pretty sure the original poster got his/her answer long ago. But for newcomers, thought I'd explain my own experience (after playing with bash for a half hour). If you start a script by script name w/ something like:
the process name listed by ps will be "bash" (on my system). However if you start a script by calling bash directly:
you will end up with a process name that contains the name of the script. e.g.:
results in a process name of the same name. This can be used to mark pids with a specific script name. And, this can be useful to (for example) use the kill command to stop all processes (by pid) that have a process name containing said script name.
You can all use the -f flag to pgrep/pkill which will search the entire command line rather than just the process name. E.g.
./script &
pkill -f script
#![path to shell]
Example for path to shell -
Full example
On Linux at least, killall dvb works even though dvb is a shell script labelled with #!. The only trick is to make the script executable and invoke it by name, e.g.,
dvb watch abc write game7 from 9pm for 3:30
Running ps shows a process named
/usr/bin/lua5.1 dvb watch ...
but killall dvb takes it down.
%1, %2... also do an adequate job:
# set -ex
sleep 101 &
sleep 102 &
echo $(ps ax|grep "^\(${FIRSTPID}\|${SECONDPID}\) ")
kill %2
echo $(ps ax|grep "^\(${FIRSTPID}\|${SECONDPID}\) ")
sleep 1
kill %1
echo $(ps ax|grep "^\(${FIRSTPID}\|${SECONDPID}\) ")
I put these two lines at the start of my scripts so I do not have to retype the script name each time I revise the script. It won't take $0 of you put it after the first shebang. Maybe someone who actually knows can correct me but I believe this is because the script hasn't started until the second line so $0 doesn't exist until then:
#!/bin/bash ./$0
This should do it.
My solution uses a trivial python script, and the setproctitle package. For what it's worth:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from sys import argv
from setproctitle import setproctitle
from subprocess import run
Call it e.g. run-with-title and stick it in your path somewhere. Then use via
run-with-title <desired-title> <script-name> [<arg>...]
Run bash script with explicit call to bash (not just like ./ Process name will contain script in this case and can be found by script name. Or by explicit call to bash with full path as
suggested in display_name_11011's answer:
bash # explicit bash mentioning
/bin/bash # or with full path to bash
ps aux | grep | grep -v grep # searching PID by script name
If the first line in script ( explicitly specifies interpreter:
echo 'test script'
then it can be called without explicit bash mentioning to create process with name '/bin/bash':
ps aux | grep | grep -v grep
Also as dirty workaround it is possible to copy and use bash with custom name:
sudo cp /usr/bin/bash /usr/bin/bash_with_other_name
ps aux | grep bash_with_other_name | grep -v grep
Erm... unless I'm misunderstanding the question, the name of a shell script is whatever you've named the file. If your script is named foo then killall foo will kill it.
We won't be able to find pid of the shell script using "ps -ef | grep {scriptName}" unless the name of script is overridden using shebang. Although all the running shell scripts come in response of "ps -ef | grep bash". But this will become trickier to identify the running process as there will be multiple bash processing running simultaneously.
So a better approach is to give an appropriate name to the shell script.
Edit the shell script file and use shebang (the very first line) to name the process e.g. #!/bin/bash /
In this way we would be able to grep the process id of scriptName using
"ps -ef | grep {scriptName}"
