Arc Based Text Alignment in D3 - d3.js

I'm trying to create a Radial Hub and Spoke diagram ( with D3 that uses arcs of a pie to represent relationships to and/or from a node of context. In other words, I'm trying to create a 360 degree view of a node's relationships.
In the example above, "Node 1" is in the center. I can't get the textual node names for related nodes #8 - #18 to align "outside" the wheel. Would anyone know what the best way is to do so?
The code that I'm using looks as follows...
// Add node names to the arcs, translated to the arc centroid and rotated.
arcs3.filter(function(d) {
return d.endAngle - d.startAngle > .2; }).append("svg:text")
.attr("dy", "5px")
.attr("angle", function(d) { return angle(d); })
.attr("text-anchor", function(d) { return angle(d) < 0 ? "start" : "end"; })
.attr("transform", function(d) { //set text'ss origin to the centroid
// Make sure to set these before calling arc.centroid
d.innerRadius = (height/2); // Set Inner Coordinate
d.outerRadius = (height/2); // Set Outer Coordinate
return "translate(" + arc3.centroid(d) + ")rotate(" + angle(d) + ")";
.style("fill", "Black")
.style("font", "normal 12px Arial")
.text(function(d) { return; });
// Computes the angle of an arc, converting from radians to degrees.
function angle(d) {
var a = (d.startAngle + d.endAngle) * 90 / Math.PI - 90;
return a > 90 ? a - 180 : a;
The issue seems to be that I need to evaluate the X and Y coordinates of where the Node labels are placed. However, I can't seem to correctly find/access those X and Y values.
Thanks, in advance, for any help you can offer.
My Best,

Thanks to Ger Hobbelt for this... In short, the angle function needs to be parameterized:
function angle(d, offset, threshold) {
var a = (d.startAngle + d.endAngle) * 90 / Math.PI + offset;
return a > threshold ? a - 180 : a;
The complete answer can be found d3.js Google Group:!topic/d3-js/08KVfNmlhRo
My Best,


Add text in rect svg and append it to arc in donut chart

I wanted to add labels to each arc in donut chart. I've added by taking the centroid of each arc and adding, but somehow it is not adding in correct position. I can't figure it out so I need some help regarding it. I've added my code in codepen. The link is here.
My donut should look like this.
Sample code is:
.each(function (d) {
var centroid = arc.centroid(d);
.attr("class", "dataBG_" +
.attr('x', (centroid[0]) - 28)
.attr('y', (centroid[1]) - 5)
.attr('rx', '10px')
.attr('ry', '10px')
.attr("width", 50)
.attr("height", 20)
.style("opacity", 1.0);
.attr("class", "dataText_" +
.style('fill', 'white')
.style("font-size", "11px")
.attr("dx", (centroid[0]) - 7)
.attr("dy", centroid[1] + 7)
.text(Math.round(( + "%");
Thanks in advance.
The difference between the "bad" state on codepen and the desired state is that in the one you don't like, you take the centroid and then you center your text on it. The centroid of a thick arc is the midpoint of the arc that runs from the midpoint of one line-segment cap to the other. This is roughly "center of mass" of the shape if it had some finite thickness and were a physical object. I don't think it's what you want. What you want is the midpoint of the outer arc. There's no function to generate it, but it's easy enough to calculate. Also, I think you want to justify your text differently for arcs whose text-anchor point is on the left hand of the chart from those on the right half. I'm going copy your code and modify it, with comments explaining.
// for some reason I couldn't get Math.Pi to work in d3.js, so
// I'm just going to calculate it once here in the one-shot setup
var piValue = Math.acos(-1);
// also, I'm noting the inner radius here and calculating the
// the outer radius (this is similar to what you do in codepen.)
var innerRadius = 40
var thickness = 30
var outerRadius = innerRadius + thickness
.each(function (d) {
// I'm renaming "centroid" to "anchor - just a
// point that relates to where you want to put
// the label, regardless of what it means geometrically.
// no more call to arc.centroid
// var centroid = arc.centroid(d);
// calculate the angle halfway between startAngle and
// endAngle. We can just average them because the convention
// seems to be that angles always increase, even if you
// if you pass the 2*pi/0 angle, and that endAngle
// is always greater than startAngle. I subtract piValue
// before dividing by 2 because in "real" trigonometry, the
// convention is that a ray that points in the 0 valued
// angles are measured against the positive x-axis, which
// is angle 0. In D3.pie conventions, the 0-angle points upward
// along the y-axis. Subtracting pi/2 to all angles before
// doing any trigonometry fixes that, because x and y
// are handled normally.
var bisectAngle = (d.startAngle + d.endAngle - piValue) / 2.0
var anchor = [ outerRadius * Math.cos(bisectAngle), outerRadius * Math.sin(bisectAngle) ];
.attr("class", "dataBG_" +
// now if you stopped and didn't change anything more, you'd
// have something kind of close to what you want, but to get
// it closer, you want the labels to "swing out" from the
// from the circle - to the left on the left half of the
// the chart and to the right on the right half. So, I'm
// replacing your code with fixed offsets to code that is
// sensitive to which side we're on. You probably also want
// to replace the constants with something related to the
// the dynamic size of the label background, but I leave
// that as an "exercise for the reader".
// .attr('x', anchor[0] - 28)
// .attr('y', anchor[1] - 5)
.attr('x', anchor[0] < 0 ? anchor[0] - 48 : anchor[0] - 2)
.attr('y', anchor[1] - 10
.attr('rx', '10px')
.attr('ry', '10px')
.attr("width", 50)
.attr("height", 20)
.style("opacity", 1.0);
.attr("class", "dataText_" +
.style('fill', 'white')
.style("font-size", "11px")
// changing the text centering code to match the box
// box-centering code above. Again, rather than constants,
// you're probably going to want something a that
// that adjusts to the size of the background box
// .attr("dx", anchor[0] - 7)
// .attr("dy", anchor[1] + 7)
.attr("dx", anchor[0] < 0 ? anchor[0] - 28 : anchor[0] + 14)
.attr("dy", anchor[1] + 4)
.text(Math.round(( + "%");
I tested. this code on your codepen example. I apologize if I affected your example for everyone - I'm not familiar with codepen and I don't know the collaboration rules. This is all just meant by way of suggestion, it can be made a lot more efficient with a few tweaks, but I wanted to keep it parallel to make it clear what I was changing and why. Hope this gives you some good ideas.

Rotate every arc of pie chart 180 (like sun) with D3 JS. How to calculate translate parameters

I am working on pie chart with d3 js. I want to rotate every arc of my pie chart 180. I know that I am unable to explain completely show here is my fiddle link.
How can i get dynamic parameters for translate() function.
Basically you need to work out the centre point of the edge of each arc. I used this example for help : How to get coordinates of slices along the edge of a pie chart?
This works okay, but I needed to rotate the points to get them in the correct positions. As it is in radians the rotation is the following :
var rotationInRadians = 1.5708 * 1.5;
Now using the example before I used the data for the paths, so the start and end angle and got the center points like so :
var thisAngle = (d.startAngle + rotationInRadians + (d.endAngle + rotationInRadians - d.startAngle + rotationInRadians) / 2);
var x = centreOfPie[0] + radius * 2 * Math.cos(thisAngle)
var y = centreOfPie[1] + radius * 2 * Math.sin(thisAngle)
I created a function to show circles at these points to clarify :
function drawCircle(points, colour) {
.attr('cx', points[0])
.attr('cy', points[1])
.attr('r', 5)
.attr('fill', colour);
Called it inside the current function like so :
drawCircle([x, y], color(
And then translated and rotated accordingly :
return 'translate(' + (x) + ',' + y + ') rotate(180)';
I added a transition so you can see it working. Here is the final fiddle :
In your comments you say you want the biggest segment to be kept in the middle. So we need to run through the segments and get the biggest. I have also taken care of duplicates, i.e if two or more segments are the same size.
Here is the added code :
var biggestSegment = {
angle: 0,
index: []
path.each(function(d, i) {
var thisAngle = (d.endAngle - d.startAngle).toFixed(6);//i had to round them as the numbers after around the 7th or 8th decimal point tend to differ tet theyre suppose to be the same value
if (i == 0) {
biggestSegment.angle = thisAngle
} else {
if (biggestSegment.angle < thisAngle) {
biggestSegment.angle = thisAngle;
biggestSegment.index = [i];
} else if (biggestSegment.angle == thisAngle) {
Now this goes through each path checks if its bigger than the current value, if it is overwrite the biggest value and make note of the index. If its the same, add index to index array.
Now when translating the paths, you need to check the current index against the index array above to see if it needs rotating. Like so :
if (biggestSegment.index.indexOf(i) > -1) {
return 'translate(' + (centreOfPie[0]) + ',' + (centreOfPie[1]) + ')' // rotate(180)';
} else {
return 'translate(' + (x) + ',' + y + ') rotate(180)';
Updated fiddle :
I have editted 3 values to be different to the rest. Go ahead and change these, see what you think :)
This is a pure middle school geometry job.
CASE 1: The vertex of each sector rotation is on the outer line of the circle
// ... previous code there
.attr('fill', function(d, i) {
return color(;
.attr("transform", function(d, i) {
var a = (d.endAngle + d.startAngle) / 2, // angle of vertex
dx = 2 * radius * Math.sin(a), // shift/translate is two times of the vertex coordinate
dy = - 2 * radius * Math.cos(a); // the same
return ("translate(" + dx + " " + dy + ") rotate(180)"); // output
CASE 2: The vertex on the center of the chord
// ... previous code there
.attr('fill', function(d, i) {
return color(;
.attr("transform", function(d, i) {
var dx = radius * (Math.sin(d.endAngle) + Math.sin(d.startAngle)), // shift/translation as coordinate of vertex
dy = - radius * (Math.cos(d.endAngle) + Math.cos(d.startAngle)); // the same for Y
return ("translate(" + dx + " " + dy + ") rotate(180)"); // output

D3.js fixed position group in chord diagram

I am looking for a way to have a fixed position and width of a group in a d3.js chord diagram. Is there a way to do this?
This is how it is shown by default when drawing the chord diagram:
This is how I would like the top (1st group) to show (wider than the other groups and centered at the top):
If you a fixed data set then you know how much to rotate so that you get your desired position.
I applied rotation on this example:
So that it become very much of your proposed chart fiddle below:
To achieve this you will need to give rotation to the main g group like this:
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")rotate(100)");
//Rotating this by 100 degrees but this can be your choice depending on your dataset.
Next is the rotation of the text this is governed by this code
.attr("x", 8)
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.attr("transform", function(d) { return d.angle > Math.PI ? "translate(16)" : null; })//I am just giving translate no rotation
.style("text-anchor", function(d) { return d.angle > Math.PI ? "end" : null; })
.text(function(d) { return d.label; });

How to move a point from d3 arc start to end without wrapping?

I am attempting to use d3.js to move a point along an arc from 0 to PI, say, without the point moving back along the innerRadius as seen here
I removed innerRadius hoping (unsuccessfully) that would work ( I had also tried setting the innerRadius with the same value as outerRadius.
Fragment I changed (changes marked with //) ...
var path = svg.append("svg:path")
.datum({endAngle: Math.PI}) //
.attr("d", d3.svg.arc()
// .innerRadius(h / 4) // Hoping removal would prevent inner transition
.outerRadius(h / 3)
Entire code ...
var svg ="body").append("svg:svg")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + w / 2 + "," + h / 2 + ")");
var path = svg.append("svg:path")
.datum({endAngle: Math.PI}) //
.attr("d", d3.svg.arc()
// .innerRadius(h / 4) // Hoping removal would prevent inner transition
.outerRadius(h / 3)
var circle = svg.append("svg:circle")
.attr("r", 6.5)
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + -h / 3 + ")");
function transition() {
.attrTween("transform", translateAlong(path.node()))
.each("end", transition);
// Returns an attrTween for translating along the specified path element.
function translateAlong(path) {
var l = path.getTotalLength();
return function(d, i, a) {
return function(t) {
var p = path.getPointAtLength(t * l);
return "translate(" + p.x + "," + p.y + ")";
The problem I think is that the arc shape has area, so the path must be closed, while the line shape does not. Eventually I'd like to be able to separately animate object movement along a series of consecutive arcs similar to the answer to Interpolating along consecutive paths with D3.js, but first I need to avoid the loop back movement.
Is a simple solution maybe to not use d3's arc generator, but instead use another where the end point actually is the terminus of the path?
Paul is right.
You can do next
var arc = d3.svg.arc(); //plus params
var d = arc();
return d.split('L')[0]; //will return half of arc without lines

D3 placing nodes labels inside circles in Mobile Patent Suits

I'm new to D3 and I'm using this template ( to visualize my graph. However, my nodes' labels are shore and I want to place them inside circles not on their right hand-side.
Can anybody help me with that?
Thanks a lot
Append circle and text inside a group element and use text-achor property to align the text to the middle.
var nodes = svg.selectAll(".node")
var circles = nodes.append("circle")
.attr("r", 6);
var texts = nodes.append("text")
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.text(function(d) {
Change tick function as shown below.
function tick() {
path.attr("d", linkArc);
nodes.attr("transform", transform);
JSFiddle 1 for aligning text to the center.
If you would like enclose the text label within the circle, increase the radius of circle using the length of name property. Note that, you will have to update the link target positions this time, to adjust the marker positions relative to the circle radius.
var circles = nodes.append("circle")
.attr("r", function(d){ d.radius =*3; return d.radius; }
function linkArc(d) {
var tX =,
dx = tX - d.source.x,
dy = - d.source.y,
dr = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
return "M" + d.source.x + "," + d.source.y + "A" + dr + "," + dr + " 0 0,1 " + tX + "," +;
JSFiddle 2
