ZMQ REP, knowing who send the request - zeromq

I m currently using zmq with python. Server is using REP socket.
Do I have a way, when recv a message, to know who send it ? If a receive 2 messages, I just need to know if they come from the same user or not, so an uid for example would be enough.

It looks like you want to implement async request handling on the server side: you let the server accept requests, process them asynchronously, and send the responses back to clients whenever the response data is available for each request. Now of course: how would you know, after you're done processing a request, which client to send it back to?
With simple REP sockets, ZMQ makes sure you won't run into this kind of problem by enforcing a recv() -> send(), recv() -> send() sequentiality. In other words, after you do a recv() on a REP socket, you must do a send() before recv()ing from it again. The response will be sent back to the client you got the message from, and there's no doubt about client's address because it's only one client at a time.
But this doesn't really help when you want to parallelize the request handling, does it? There are many cases when the behavior of REP is too restrictive, and that's exactly what Multipart messages and ROUTER (or XREP) sockets are for. XREP breaks the recv() -> send() lockstep of REP, but that causes a problem as we saw earlier - how do you know which client to send the reply back to, if multiple clients are connected? In order to make this work, XREP in ZMQ adds a message part to the front of a message, like an envelope, that includes the identity of the connection that it recv()'d the request from.
There's a whole chapter in the ZMQ Guide about the advanced Request-Reply patterns. You can also find an example for handling async requests here and a good short explanation of the ZMQ connection handling here.

Reading, you can only get the identity of the socket you're working with... not the socket of any peers you're connected to.
This being said, just build the sender information into the message. This should be trivial to do (either with a UUID or specific name per client).


ZeroMQ, async blocking sockets

I'm building a distributed system and I would like asynchronous send and recv from both sides with blocking after high water mark.
PUSH/PULL sockets works great, but I wasn't able to bind a PUSH socket. Meaning I can't have a client-PUSH to server-PULL and a server-PUSH to client-PULL, if the client is behind a firewall, since the server can't connect to the client.
In the book, the following is written, but I can't find an example of it.
"REQ to DEALER: you could in theory do this, but it would break if you added a second REQ because DEALER has no way of sending a reply to the original peer. Thus the REQ socket would get confused, and/or return messages meant for another client."
I only need a one-to-one connection, so this would in theory work for me.
My question is, what is the best practice to obtain asynchronous send and recv with ZeroMQ without dropping packets?
Most ZeroMQ sockets can both bind (listen on a specific port, acting as a server) and connect (acting as a client). It is usually not related to the data flow. See the guide for more info.
Try to bind on your servers PUSH socket and connect from your clients PULL socket.

ZeroMQ Request/Response pattern with Node.js

I'm implementing a distributed system for a project and am a bit confused as to how I should properly implement the Req/Res pattern. Basically I have a few endpoints that will send a request to a client for processing tasks and responding.
So basically:
Incoming request is received
The endpoint opens a req and res socket type with the broker
Broker receives the request, proxies it to an available worker
Worker responds and the endpoint receives the processed value, reports it back via the endpoint.
I've found a decent load balance broker script here: There's also an async client/server pattern I'm interested in implementing: which I might adapt into a load balanced implementation.
My question is perhaps a bit simplistic but, would each endpoint open a new socket on EVERY request or maintain and open socket for every request? That means there would be n connections for every request made to the endpoint.
You'd keep the sockets open, there's no need to close them after each request. And there'd be a single socket one every endpoint (client and server). At the server end you read a request from the socket, and write your response back to the socket; zmq takes care of ensuring that the response goes back from the right client.

Using ZeroMQ to send replies to specific clients and queue if client disconnects

I'm new to ZeroMQ and trying to figure out a design issue. My scenario is that I have one or more clients sending requests to a single server. The server will process the requests, do some stuff, and send a reply to the client. There are two conditions:
The replies must go to the clients that sent the request.
If the client disconnects, the server should queue messages for a period of time so that if the client reconnects, it can receive the messages it missed.
I am having a difficult time figuring out the simplest way to implement this.
Things I've tried:
PUB/SUB - I could tag replies with topics to ensure only the subscribers that sent their request (with their topic as their identifier) would receive the correct reply. This takes care of the routing issue, but since the publisher is unaware of the subscribers, it knows nothing about clients that disconnect.
PUSH/PULL - Seems to be able to handle the message queuing issue, but looks like it won't support my plan of having messages sent to specific clients (based on their ID, for example).
ROUTER/DEALER - Design seemed like the solution to both, but all of the examples seem pretty complex.
My thinking right now is continuing with PUB/SUB, try to implement some sort of heartbeat on the client end (allowing the server to detect the client's presence), and when the client no longer sends a heartbeat, it will stop sending messages tagged with its topic. But that seems sub-optimal and would also involve another socket.
Are there any ideas or suggestions on any other ways I might go about implementing this? Any info would be greatly appreciated. I'm working in Python but any language is fine.
To prepare the best proposition for your solution, more data about your application requirements. I have made a little research about your conditions and connnect it with my experience about ZMQ, here I present two possibilities:
1) PUSH/PULL pattern in two direction, bigger impact on scalability, but messages from server will be cached.
Server has one PULL socket to register each client and get all messages from clients. Each message should have client ID to for server knowledge where send response.
For each client - server create PUSH socket to send responses. Socket configuration was sent in register message. You can use also REQ/REP pattern for register clients (assign socket number).
Each client has own PULL socket, which configuration was sent to server in register message.
It means that server with three clients required to (example port numbers in []):
server: 1 x PULL[5555] socket, 3 x PUSH[5560,5561,5562] sockets (+ optional 1 X REQ[5556] socket for registrations, but I think it depends how you prepare client identity)
client: 1 x PUSH[5555] socket, 1 x PULL[5560|5561|5562] (one per client) (+ optional 1 X REP[5556])
You have to connect server to multiple client sockets to send responses but if client disconnects, messages will not lost. Client will get their own messages when it reconnect to their PULL socket. The disadvantage is requirements of creating few PUSH sockets on server side (number of clients).
2) PUB/SUB + PUSH/PULL or REQ/REP, static cocket configuration on server side (only 2), but server has to prepare some mechanism for retransmit or cache messages.
Server create PUB socket and PULL or REQ. Client register it identity by PULL or REQ socket. server will publish all messages to client with this identity as filter. Server use monitor() function on PUB socket to count number of connected and disconnected clients (actions: 'accept' and 'disconnect'). After 'disconnect' action server publish message to all clients to register again. For clients which not re-register, server stop publish messages.
Client create SUB socket and PUSH or REQ to register and send requests.
This solution requires maybe some cache on server side. Client could confirm each message after get it from SUB socket. It is more complicated and have to be connected with your requirement. If you just would like to know that client lost message. Client could send timestamps of last message received from server during registration. If you need guarantee that clients get all messages, you need some cache implementation. Maybe other process which subscribe all messages and delete each confirmed by client.
In this solution server with three clients required to (example port numbers in []):
server: 1 x PUB[5555] socket, 1 x REP or PULL[5560] socket + monitoring PUB socket
client: 1 x SUB[5555] socket and own identity for filter, 1 x REQ or PUSH[5560] socket
About monitoring you could read here: (NodeJS implementation, but Python will be similar)
I think about other patterns, but I am not sure that ROUTER/DEALER or REQ/REP will cover your requirements. You should read more about patterns, because each of it is better for some solutions. Look here:
official ZMQ guide (a lot of examples and pictures)
easy ROUTER/DEALER example:

Correct socket types for a message catchup mechanism?

I have a single publisher application (PUB) which has N number of subscribers (SUB)
These subscribers need to be able to catch up if they are restarted, or fall down and miss messages.
We have implemented a simple event store that the publisher writes to.
We have implemented a CatchupService which can query the event store and send missed messages to the subscriber.
We have implemented in the subscriber a PUSH socket which sends a request for missed messages.
The subscriber also has a PULL socket which listens for missed messages on a seperate port.
The subscriber will:
Detect a gap
Send a request for missed messages to our CatchupService, the request also contains the address on which to send the results to.
The catchup service has a PULL socket on which it listens for requests
When the CatchupService receives a request it starts a worker thread which:
Gets the missed messages
Opens a PUSH socket connecting to the subscribers PULL socket
Sends the missed messages to the subscriber.
This seems to work quite well however we are unsure if we are using the right socket types for this sort of application. Are these correct or should be using a different pattern.
Sounds okay. Otherwise 0MQ is able to recovery from message loss when peers go offline for a short time. Take a look at the Socket Options and specifically option ZMQ_SNDHWM.
I don't know just how guaranteed the 0MQ recovery mechanisms are so maybe you're best to stay with what you've got, but it is something to be aware of.

Can anyone explain the request-reply broker zeromq example?

I'm refering to the 'A Request-Reply Broker' in the Zeromq documentation:
I'm getting the general gist of the app: it acts like an intermediary and routes messages from the client to the server and back again.
What I'm not getting though is how it makes sure the correct response from a server is sent to the correct client which originally made the request. I don't see anything in the code example which makes sure about this.
Now in the example they only send 1 message (hello) and 1 response (world), so even if messages are mixed up it doesn't matter, but I'm guessing that the testclient and server are kept deliberately simple.
Any thoughts are welcome...
All zeromq sockets implicitly have an identity associated with them. (You can obtain this identity with zmq_getsockopt().)
For bi-directional socket types not XREQ or XREP, this identity is automatically transferred as part of every message sent over the socket. The REP socket uses this identity to route the response message back to the appropriate socket. This has the effect of automatic routing.
Under the hood, identities are transferred via multipart messages. The first message in a multipart message will contain the socket identity. An empty message will follow, followed by all messages specified by the user. The REQ and REP sockets deal with these prefixed messages automatically. However, if you are using XREQ or XREP sockets, you need to populate these identity messages yourself.
If you search for "identity" on the ZMQ Guide, you should find all the details you will ever want to know about how identities and socket routing works.
Ok in chapter 3 they all of a sudden explain that there is an underlying concept of an 'envelope' which the req/resp pattern invisubly uses.
This explains how it works.
