Software Interrupt in system call - linux-kernel

In fork system call in arm,
swi #0
instruction is used, what exactly it does?
Thank you.

If you google on 'swi arm instruction' the first hit for example is:...
SWI : SoftWare Interrupt
This is a simple facility, but possibly the most used. Many Operating System facilities are provided by SWIs. It is impossible to imagine RISC OS without SWIs.
Nava Whiteford explains how SWIs work (originally in Frobnicate issue 12½)...
In this article I will attempt to delve into the working of SWIs (SoftWare Interrupts).
What is a SWI?
SWI stands for Software Interrupt. In RISC OS SWIs are used to access Operating System routines or modules produced by a 3rd party. Many applications use modules to provide low level external access for other applications.
Examples of SWIs are:
The Filer SWIs, which aid reading to and from disc, setting attributes etc.
The Printer Driver SWIs, used to well aid the use of the Parallel port for printing.
The SWIs FreeNet/Acorn TCP/IP stack SWIs used to transmit and receive data using the TCP/IP protocol usually used for sending data over the Internet.
When used in this way, SWIs allow the Operating System to have a modular structure, meaning that the code required to create a complete operating system can be split up into a number of small parts (modules) and a module handler.
When the SWI handler gets a request for a particular routine number it finds the position of the routine and executes it, passing any data.


Why is having an userspace version of eBPF interesting?

I've seen that userspace version of ebpf (runtime, assembler, dissasembler) are being developped (uBPF, rbpf).
Why is having an userspace version of eBPF interesting ?
Do those alternatives focus on the same goal than the eBPF program types (network, observability and security) ?
One of the main advantages of eBPF is that it runs code in the kernel. Observability, in-kernel data aggregation, early packet processing: it all happens in kernel space. So the question sounds legit: Why were uBPF or rbpf created?
I think they were created mostly as prototypes. uBPF was introduced very early in eBPF history, and was probably a proof-of-concept implementation of an eBPF interpreter and x86_64 JIT in user space. I wrote rbpf, which is strongly based on uBPF, and the main objective for me was to get more familiar with two things: eBPF and Rust. Very little afterthought :).
I've always been curious to see what people could do with it. Truth to tell, there are not so many users. The biggest users for rbpf are probably the people from Solana, who implement some blockchain tool with smart contracts run in the eBPF machine. One other use case I've had in the past was to debug some eBPF bytecode, because it is easy to have breakpoints in an user space interpreter (by contrast, runtime debugging for regular kernel eBPF is quite limited at this time).
uBPF had more success and was used as a basis for other projects like DPDK as a filtering library or Oko, an extension to Open vSwitch (both about high-performance network processing). [Edit August 2021] More recently, it was chosen to serve as an eBPF runtime for the implementation of eBPF for Windows (references: announcement, my analysis).
As you can see, the interest of having these user space eBPF machines entirely depends on what you do with it. They're available to run eBPF programs, they don't have a specific focus by themselves, but they can help if you have a use case. In that regard, one of the particularities for uBPF and rbpf is their licenses (Apache, MIT): They are not under GPL, which means that you could reuse them with a larger number of projects, including proprietary ones. This is not the case with code from the kernel.
One big limitation for those user space eBPF machines is also that they tend to be quite out-of-date with regards to what happens in the kernel, where things evolve fast. They don't have a solid verifier, so you cannot assert security or safety of the programs. They hardly support eBPF maps if at all, they do not support function calls, or BTF, or even the latest eBPF instructions for that matter. Some of it could be added, but this would require some engineering efforts and time. [Edit August 2021] uBPF is getting a lot of activity now that Microsoft contributes to it for its eBPF implementation. They also use a user-space verifier, PREVAIL.

how can i access my system resources without the operating system intermediation?

i want to access my system resources such as CPU without the use of OS system calls.
is there any way to make this possible?
The only way to access the hardware directly on most modern operating systems, Linux and Windows included, is via kernel code. Linux Device Drivers is an excellent starting point for writing such code on Linux, even if it is a bit dated.
Otherwise, the OS provides various I/O facilities and controls the allocation of resources to the user applications, using the system call interface. The system call interface is omnipresent in its basic concept among all operating systems that actually have some sort of separation between kernel and user code. The use of software interrupts is the standard way to implement system calls on current hardware.
You need a system call to allocate the slightest amount of memory and even to read or write a single character. Not to mention that even a program that does absolutely nothing generally needs a few system calls just to be loaded.
You could gain more direct access to the hardware if you used DOS or an exokernel design.
But why would you want to do that anyway? Modern hardware is far from trivial to work with directly.

Stepping through a TCP/IP stack

I was working as a QA engineer for a proprietary embedded operating system. They built their own ATN stack and stepping though it with a debugger was the most eye opening experience I have had with networking. Watching each layer of the stack build their part of the packet was amazing. Then finally being able to see the built packet on the wire had more meaning.
As an educator I would like share this experience with others. Does anyone know of a straight forward method stepping though a TCP/IP stack? Ideally I would like something easier than debugging a *BSD or Linux kernel, although if this is the only option then some tips and tricks for this process would be nice. A reference stack written in C/C++ that could be run in user mode with Visual Studio or Eclipse would be ideal.
This all depends on what you want to focus on. From your question, the thing you are most interested in is the data flow throughout the different layers (user-space stream -> voltage on the cable).
For this, I propose you use, which is a full network simulator. It allows you to step through all levels of the stack.
Real systems will always have a clear distinction between Layer3, Layer2 and Layer1 (Ethernet and CRC-checking firmware on chip, hardware MAC). You will have trouble getting into the OS and some implementation details will be messy and confusing for students. For Linux, you'll have to explain kernel infrastructure to make sense of the TCP/IP stack design.
If you are only interested in the TCP/IP part, I recommend you use an embedded TCP/IP stack like . You can incorporate this into a simple user-space program and fully construct the TCP/IP packet.
Please note that there are a lot of network communication aspects that you cannot address while stepping through the TCP/IP stack. There is still a MAC chip in between which regulates medium access, collisions etc. Below that, there is a PHY chip which translates everything into electric/optical signals, and there is even a protocol which handles communication between MAC and PHY. Also, you are not seeing all aspects related to queueing, concurrency, OS resource allocation ea. A full picture should include all of these aspects, which can only be seen in a network simulator.
I would run Minix in a virtual machine and debug that. It is perfect for this.
Minix is a full OS with TCP/IP stack so you have the code you need. However, unlike Linux/BSD its roots and design goal are to be a teaching tool, so it eschews a certain level of complexity in favor of being clear. In fact, this is the OS Linus Torvalds started hacking on when he started out with Linux :-)
You can run minix in an VM such as VirtualBox or VMware and debug it. There are instruction on the web site:
I personally learned TCP/IP stack using DOS and SoftICE (oops, leaked that I'm an old guy). Using DOS on a virtual machine and debug through a TCP/IP driver will be much simpler since your goal is to educate how TCP/IP works. Modern OS does a lot of optimization on network I/O and it's not easy to debug through. has a bunch of open source packet drivers. Debugging with source code shall be a bit easier.
This not exactly what you are looking for but I hope this helps
1995 - TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2: The Implementation (with Gary R. Wright) - ISBN 0-201-63354-X
Just walk through the code side by side. Near stepping through experience. Mr Steven's explains key variables too. Just awesome. Note: Code may have changed since the book but still awesome.
Probably lwIP project is what you are looking for because it can be run without an operating system.
As for debugging Linux kernel, there is not very simple, but well-known way to do it. Use KGDB. Install debugging version of Linux kernel on virtual machine or on separate box. And remotely connect GDB to this machine. Probably you would like to use some GDB frontend instead of text-only interface. If you need more details on kernel debugging from more competent people, just add "linux" tag to the question.
I actually wrote a small subset of a TCP/IP stack in a 8051 once, it was a very enlightening experience.
I believe that the best way to learn something is by doing it. Once you finished your task, go and get feedback with other developers and compare your implementation with other existing ones.
My opinion might be biased here, but I think that doing this in a embedded platform is the best way to go. What you are trying to do is very low level, and a PC will just add more complexity into the problem. A embedded chip has no operational system to get in your way. Besides that, it is very satisfying to see a simple 8051 respond to ping requests and telnet calls.
They key is to start small, don't try to create a full TCP/IP stack all at once. Write the code to handle the MAC first, then IP, Ping, UDP and finally TCP.
I don't think that studying an existing implementation is a good ideia. TCP/IP implementations tend to be bloated with code that is unrelated with your goal.
I work in the TCP/IP industry. In BSD and variants, the function tcp_input() is an ideal starting point to explore the innards of TCP. Setting a breakpoint on this function and stepping through it on a live system can give a lot of enlightenment. If that is hard, you can simply browse through the source to get a broad feel of it:
It will take time, many weeks at least, to understand the big picture. Quite exhilarating. :-)
You can run the NetBSD IP stack in userspace in Linux or other OS, with gdb or whatever see and and then eg feed it to a tun/tap device so you can see whats on the wire.

Quick CPU ring mode protection question

I am very curious in messing up with HW. But my top level "messing" so far was linked or inline assembler in C program. If my understanding of CPU and ring mode is right, I cannot directly from user mode app access some low level CPU features, like disabling interrupts, or changing protected mode segments, so I must use system calls to do everything I want.
But, if I am right, drivers can run in ring mode 0. I actually don´t know much about drivers, but this is what I ask for. I just want to know, is learning how to write your own drivers and than call them the way I should go, to do what I wrote?
I know I could write whole new OS (at least to some point), but what I exactly want to do is acessing some low level features of HW from standart windows application. So, is driver the way to go?
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: Managing access to low-level hardware features is exactly the job of the OS kernel and if you only want access to a single feature there's no need to start your own OS from scratch. Most modern OSes, such as WIndows, Linux, or the BSDs, allow you to add code to the kernel through kernel modules.
When writing a kernel module (or device driver), you write code that is going to be executed inside the OS kernel and will thus be running in CPU ring 0. Great power comes with great responsibility, which in this case means that you should really know what you're doing as there will be no pre-configured OS interface to prevent you from doing the wrong things. You should therefore study the manuals of your hardware (e.g., Intel's x86 software developer's manuals, device specs, ...) as well as standard operating systems development literature (where you're also going to find plenty on the web -- OSDev, OSDever, OSR, Linux Device Drivers).
If you want to play with HW write some programs for 16-bit real-mode (or even with your own transition to protected-mode). There you have to deal with ASM, BIOS interrupts, segments, video memory and a lot of other low-level stuff.

Debugging an Operating System

I was going through some general stuff about operating systems and struck on a question. How will a developer debug when developing an operating system i.e. debug the OS itself? What tools are available to debug for the OS developer?
Debugging a kernel is hard, because you probably can't rely on the crashing machine to communicate what's going on. Furthermore, the codes which are wrong are probably in scary places like interrupt handlers.
There are four primary methods of debugging an operating system of which I'm aware:
Sanity checks, together with output to the screen.
Kernel panics on Linux (known as "Oops"es) are a great example of this. The Linux folks wrote a function that would print out what they could find out (including a stack trace) and then stop everything.
Even warnings are useful. Linux has guards set up for situations where you might accidentally go to sleep in an interrupt handler. The mutex_lock function, for instance, will check (in might_sleep) whether you're in an unsafe context and print a stack trace if you are.
Traditionally, under debugging, everything a computer does is output over a serial line to a stable test machine. With the advent of virtual machines, you can now wire one VM's execution serial line to another program on the same physical machine, which is super convenient. Naturally, however, this requires that your operating system publish what it is doing and wait for a debugger connection. KGDB (Linux) and WinDBG (Windows) are some such in-OS debuggers. VMWare supports this story explicitly.
More recently the VM developers out there have figured out how to debug a kernel without either a serial line or kernel extensions. VMWare has implemented this in their recent stuff.
The problem with debugging in an operating system is (in my mind) related to the Uncertainty principle. Interrupts (where most of your hard errors are sure to be) are asynchronous, frequent and nondeterministic. If your bug relates to the overlapping of two interrupts in a particular way, you will not expose it with a debugger; the bug probably won't even happen. That said, it might, and then a debugger might be useful.
Deterministic Replay
When you get a bug that only seems to appear in production, you wish you could record what happened and replay it, like a security camera. Thanks to a professor I knew at Illinois, you can now do this in a VMWare virtual machine. VMWare and related folks describe it all better than I can, and they provide what looks like good documentation.
Deterministic replay is brand new on the scene, so thus far I'm unaware of any particularly idiomatic uses. They say it should be particularly useful for security bugs, too.
Moving everything to User Space.
In the end, things are still more brittle in the kernel, so there's a tremendous development advantage to following the Nucleus (or Microkernel) design, where you shave the kernel-mode components to their bare minimum. For everything else, you can use the myriad of user-space dev tools out there, and you'll be much happier. FUSE, a user-space filesystem extension, is the canonical example of this.
I like this last idea, because it's like you wrote the program to be writeable. Cyclic, no?
In a bootstrap scenario (OS from scratch), you'd probably have to introduce remote debugging capabilities (memory dumping, logging, etc.) in the OS kernel early on, and use a separate machine. Or you could use a virtual machine/hypervisor.
Windows CE has a component called KITL - Kernel Independent Transport Layer. I guess the title speaks for itslf.
You can use a VM: eg. debug ring0 code with bochs/gdb
or Debugging NetBSD kernel with qemu
or a serial line with something like KDB.
printf logging
attach to process
serious unit tests
Remote debugging with kernel debuggers, which can also be done via virtualization.
Debugging an operating system is not for the faint of heart. Because the kernel is being debugged, your options would be quite limited. Copious amount of printf statements is one trick, and furthermore, it depends on really what 'operating system' is being debugged, we could be talking about
Memory management
Raw Disk input/output
Screen input/output
Again, it is a widely varying exercise as in the above, they all interact with one another. Even more complicated is the fact, supposing you were to debug the kernel, how would you do it if the runtime environment is not properly set (by that, I am talking about the kernel's responsibility for loading binary executables).
Some kernels may (not all of them have them) incorporate a simple debug monitor, in fact, if I rightly recall, in the book titled 'Developing your own 32bit Operating System' by Richard A Burgess, Sams publishing, he incorporated a debug monitor which displays various states of the CPU, registers and so on.
Again, take into account of the fact that the binary executables require a certain loading mechanism, for example a gdb equivalent, if the environment for loading binaries are not set up, then your options are quite limited.
By using copious amount of printf statements to display errors, logs etc to a separate terminal or to a file is the best line of debugging, it does sound a nightmare but it would be worth the effort to do so.
Hope this helps,
Best regards,
