why I do not have video infomation with this url - gdata-api

I don't have the video infomation with this url

The closest thing I see in that XML is the feed/media:group/media:content element, which references http://www.youtube.com/p/DC4048825BC38BD7, which is the desired(?) flash video.


YouTube Video Topics/Categories

I'm working with YouTube videos and I noticed the field topicDetails.topicCategories (see in the API). It's not clear to me if this field is autogenerated by YouTube or if the user has to fill it. I tried to find some relevant field when editing the video but I didn't find it anywhere. So I guess YouTube fills this field based on tags, keywords etc. Is that correct?
google Api Explorer Check this site to see for which api you need which parameters.
I couldn't find a definitive answer for your question in the YouTube documentation for topicCategories, but I have some evidences that it is automatically calculated by YouTube.
First I couldn't find a way to set it in the configuration options of the channel I created.
Second, they used to have a (now deprecated) attribute called Guide Category they explicitly say:
A guideCategory resource identifies a category that YouTube algorithmically assigns based on a channel's content or other indicators, such as the channel's popularity. The list is similar to video categories, with the difference being that a video's uploader can assign a video category but only YouTube can assign a channel category.
So I believe that this Topic Category is automatically calculated by You Tube.

What HTML tags to display video preview in iMessage?

I'm trying to understand how Amazon does it to make this page play a video preview when its link is sent in iMessage:
After a bit of research, I've read multiple times that OGP og:video tags do the trick, however that page contains none.
The video that shows in iMessage is the one that appears as the last product image.
Any idea?

Extract the number of views/revenue for a specific video (Youtube CMS)?

My friend works as a CMS admin for a Youtube Network and asked me if there is a way to automatically extract the number of views and the revenue for specific videos. Let me explain. If some people upload copyrighted material, as a CMS admin you have 2 options, either remove the video or claim it/add an asset so that ads appear on the video when being watched but the problem is that those videos are not connected to an partnered account so you can't see the revenue for that channel but have to check each video individually. So if I have a video (making it up) with the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=123abcEFG56, you can take the code of the video, "123abcEFG56", paste it into the search-box of the Youtube CMS analytics and you get all the information for that video if you claimed it/added an asset to it (he tried to search by using words which are part of the video title (he tried even the exact title) in the YT CMS analytics but this works only for videos that are uploaded on a partnered channel/account so for videos uploaded on non-partnered channels, you can only view the statistics for that video if you put in the code of the video into the search box).
I came up with an idea, I visited some of the channels with the claimed videos, clicked on the video's tab and copied the html code. Then, by using a regular expression and PowerShell (Win7), I extracted all the video codes into a .txt file. Each line of the .txt file contains one video code, for example, it would look something like this:
So, this is not about a regular Youtube account but a CMS account and since analytics offers it, I would like to extract the data from the "Last Month" (default on Youtube is: "Last 30 days").
I am not familiar with the Youtube-API, so my question is, is it possible (and if yes, how) to make a batch script which would take one code per line and request the views and revenue made last month for the video with the corresponding code, and then "write" that info into another .txt or .csv file (ideally: "Video name", "Number of views", "Revenue")?
Thanks in advance for your answers!
You can use the Content ID API for this. Please reach to your partner manager for details.

How do I upload a video to a specific playlist?

This is the first time I am working with Brightcove. I have been given access to an existing account with many playlists and videos.
I am looking at the create_video example. I don't see where I am supposed to specify the playlist for the video.
How do I upload a video to a specific playlist?
If you are using a tag-based "smart playlist", you just need to add the appropriate tag to the video.
{"method": "create_video", "params": {"video": {"name": "Name","tags": ["playlistTag"],"shortDescription": "...","itemState": ""},"token": "TOKEN","encode_to":"","create_multiple_renditions": ""}}
If the video is to be added to a manual playlist, use update_playlist after create_video.

Switching embedded youtube video playback with Images

I am looking to have an embedded youtube video with several images below it that correspond to different youtube videos. I want to set it up so that when an image is clicked on, the video above changes to whichever video corresponds with the clicked image. An implementation of this can be seen here: http://www.seanhayesmusic.com/2012/media/
I am trying to implement this into a wordpress site and I really only have skill in HTML and CSS. I would very greatly appreciate if someone could help me with the code for this!
Just look at the source. it's just html. He's got the youtube video in an iframe, and there's an <a> tag around the thumbnails with target= attribute making the link change the iframe.
Alternatively, you could actually embed the video on the page, and use javascript (and jquery if you want it to be easier) to alter the embed code when you click on the thumbnails. This method would probably be better and easier.
Go to the youtube page for each video, click "share" then "embed" and copy the html.
While you're there, take a screenshot. Crop/resize to make the video thumbnail.
For the default video (the one that plays/shows before you click thumbnail) paste in the full embed code (from step 1) into your page. add this to the <iframe> tag: id="video_player"
For the other videos, put your thumbnail image on your page as normal, then add a <a> tag around the image like this: <a href="#" onclick="$('#video_player').attr('src', 'http://www.youtube.com/embed/paPT5qxM9m0'); return false"> (except of course you need to fix the url, with the one in the embed code for that video
If you don't already have it, source jquery into your page. That means adding something like the following to your <head> tag: <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
