Component from Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3.0 - joomla

Since the release of Joomla 3.0 Alpha last night, I wanted to try my hand at starting to convert the Joomla 2.5 component I have written to the new Joomla 3.0. I have been following all of the development convos, they said the JController, JView, and JModel would be changed to have "Legacy" after each one and that would be about all you would have to change.
I have run into the other problem, getting an error message as follows:
"Strict Standards: Declaration of MYCOMPONENTController::display() should be compatible with that of JControllerLegacy::display()"
I have looked an more documentation and posts and no one has come across this or talking about it, so just wanted to get it out there, and see what I need to do to fix this. Thanks all!

Found the answer, the function display needed one more parameter that I did not have in there. So changed from this:
class MYCOMPONENTController extends JControllerLegacy
function display($cachable = false)
To this:
function display($cachable = false, $urlparams = false)
Hopefully this helps someone!


Laravel Scout how refresh index with ElasticSearch?

I'm working on a Laravel project and I'm using with ElasticSearch on a model Offer.
I already have some offers in my database, so I just run the command
`php artisan scout:import "App\Models\Offer"`
for generate the index for use my datas with ElasticSearch.
After that it's ok, I can search in my offers with, for example :
`$offers = Offer::search($request->keywords)->get();`
Now I have a function for create other offers in my database, and I dont know how can I refresh the index for use these new datas ?
In the documentation, I can read
all you need to do is save a model instance and it will automatically be added to your search index
I tried this and no, when I save() a new Offer, I can't find it in my index.
I tried to re run the command php artisan scout:import "App\Models\Offer" after add anew OFfer, but it's the same, I can't find it in my index.
Did I miss something ? Any ideas ?
Sorry for a late response on this but I ran into this issue myself when I attempted to use Scout. Everything went fine until I realized that the project's data would scale at a rate that went far beyond what scout could handle. In this case, however you can use the push() method instead of save(). I'm not sure why this isn't documented at all and it's rather frustrating but there's an answer at least.
So use:
instead of:
to update your indexes.
If that does not work for your specific version there is another way you can do it but it is "slightly" redundant. It involves a mix of using the queue system with the Artisan system and a command. In this you:
Create a queue/job php artisan make:job JobNameHere (As of Laravel 5.2 - 5.4)
Add use Artisan; to the top of that newly created Job Class so you can pull in the Artisan's functionality
In the handle of that Job Class add
class JobNameHere implements ShouldQueue {
public function handle() {
Artisan::call('scout:import', ['name' => "App\YourModelNameHere"]);
Add a dispatch call to that job class right after your DB push() process is called.
class YourController extends Controller {
public function yourUpdateMethod(Request $request) {
//Some code you wrote
//Some more code you wrote
$update_obj->push( $array_to_update_obj);
dispatch(new JobNameHere());
Test your index by searching on it
If all went well then you should no longer get any errors. Please leave a comment and let me know how it went... provided you're still having this issue.
I would also like to mention that Laravel Scout does not support ElasticSearch anymore as of August of 2016 (I believe). No one really knows why the support was removed but there are a few tutorials out there to help you get Laravel and Elastic search working together again.
I will also note, based on my research, that if your project is small then you should be fine to use Scout and not need to use ElasticSearch. If your project is going to get huge, then you're probably better off finding a package that supports and well documents how handle Laravel's relationships between models. Elastic search is capable of accomplishing this but there are tons of docs that make figuring it out difficult. Here are some semi-decent tutorials to help get you going down the right path.
Plastic is a package that I would currently recommend as it's being actively worked on. Elasticquent hasn't been touched or updated since last year in June.

Joomla - call function model within the model

In a public function of my model I call
In the same model I have
private function get_user_type()
$asd_groups = (int)$config->get('asd_groups');
$ver_groups = (int)$config->get('ver_groups');
jimport( 'joomla.user.helper' );
return $user_type;
The site give me a white page, if I comment the calling line "$this->get_user_type();" then it works...
I really don't understand what is wrong here.
There is not enough information or code here to help you… for example where is $config coming from and what is it? What version of Joomla is this on?
If $config is not defined as a global then that may be the source of the problem depending on your PHP setup.
Things you can do to help yourself find the problem, in Joomla's Global Configuration.
Set Error Messages to "Development" in Joomla (you are using a development site and not a live website right?)
Turn on Joomla's DEBUG mode
Then update your question with details of error messages, Joomla version and where this code is running (you say your model) and where $config is coming from.
Oh sure!
I have missed the two configuration variable when i moved the code from inside a function in a dedicated function.
I copied these two lines on the first row of the function and now it works!
$config = JComponentHelper::getParams(S_APP_NAME);
$user = JFactory::getUser ();

equivalent function for $this->_ci_cached_vars in CI Helpers

I'm creating a custom helper in codeigniter. There is an instance where I check if certain parameter is passed to view.
In view, i can get all the passed variables by using this function:
but it returns blank when used in the custom helper.
Is there any equivalent function of this that can be used in the helper?
Thanks in advance.
_ci_cached_vars is a property of the Loader class. So something like this should work (untested):
$CI =& get_instance();
$vars = $CI->load->_ci_cached_vars;
You can use $GLOBALS['CI']->load->get_var('your_key_here') tested in CI 2.1.2
I'm not sure if older versions of CodeIgniter support this, but in the v3 release the Loader class has a public method get_vars() that allows you to read the value of _ci_cached_vars.
Although this question is very old it's the first hit on Google that I found while searching for this problem. I hope this post helps someone out who follows the same path on Google as I did! :)

How do I get Magento to serve up the cached version of the page when I have unique URL parameters?

It's a simple question with no answer in search(google/bing/stackoverflow). The answer of course could be complicated.
I've read a couple articles on FPC within Magento, and have yet to really nail down where I need to add or create code so that when certain URL parameters are sent it serves up cached version of the page and not try and re-cache with the URL parameters.
So for example, when you go to it loads the correct cached version. however, with google analytics and any other type of 3rd party reporting, especially with unique identifiers, it will reload the page as if it wasn't cached. So would create a new cached version of that page and so on.
I would like to be able to exclude certain URL parameters and not all. Mainly any parameter I am using for tracking of customers.
As far as code, I have not come up with anything, due to the fact of the complexity of FPC and not having a dev site currently setup to test on.
Any leads as to where I can add this exception would be helpful, thanks!
EDIT: I would like to add that I am working with the Enterprise Edition. And using the Redis for cache.
I developed my own extension on the fix.
In short the get parameters are used in the cache ID. So in order to bypass this, I created an extension that changed the following:
Two functions where changed
protected function _getQueryParams()
public function getPageIdWithoutApp(Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Processor $processor)
One function was changed
public function getPageIdWithoutApp(Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Processor $processor)
Once changed, it no longer created the cache ID with my specified tracking parameters.
public function getPageIdWithoutApp(Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Processor $processor)
$queryParams = $_GET;
* unset known tracking codes
/** End Edit */
$queryParamsHash = md5(serialize($queryParams));
return $processor->getRequestId() . '_' . $queryParamsHash;

ApiController within an area

I want to have BlaController : ApiController, with BlaController located in /Areas/XXX/ ( or namespace MySolution.Areas.XXX.Controllers )
The problem is that when I browse to http://localhost:1935/XXX/Bla/SomeAction I get 404.
Normal controllers (: Controller) do not throw 404.
Note: SomeAction would be for example "public string SomeAction() { return "hi"; }", within BlaController
*Note 2: Tried* http://localhost:1935/api/Bla/SomeAction and didn't work either
Based on this SO question, looks like you need to build your own HttpControllerFactory in order to support Areas with WebAPI.
The question references an article on how to do this:
Hope this helps.
Thanks to Bertrand who pointed to an updated article about WebApi support for Areas (which is still doesn't have by default). The updated link is
