How do I rival the speed of xcopy? - windows

Is there an open-source project or best-practices guide shows the fastest way to copy files around a local machine, lan, san, and wan, that can rival the speed of the built-in xcopy of windows7 (or 8) or windows explorer copy?
To be blunt, not all file IO is created equal. There are different overheads in certain protocols and techniques. Some libraries don't take advantage of asynchronous operations or taking advantage of the line speed of the hardware.
I'm taking inventory of the large data transfers we use and trying to rate the effectiveness of our client applications and the applications from external vendors. Certain server applications are the worst offenders (java-based being the worst of the worst).
I'm limiting the scope of this research to SMB 2 and 3 (cifs on windows7 and 8).
Is there a disadvantage in speed in using POSIX libraries. (fread, fopen, fseek, etc)
Is there any advantage to using win32 calls (CopyFile2, ReadFileEx)

xcopy actually is not the fastest way to copy files, especially across disks or across a local network. There's a commercial product called TeraCopy that is much faster. It's closed-source so I don't know entirely how it works but one of the main differences is that instead of using a single loop to read a chunk of data to a memory buffer and then write that buffer to the new location, it uses two threads and a producer/consumer queue.
The producer reads chunks of the source file and puts them into a queue. The consumer reads from the queue and writes to the target. The advantage here is that reading and writing can be done concurrently. You do need to be careful though and have the producer keep an eye on the queue size and not make the queue too big to use up too much memory--usually reading will be faster than writing, but that also depends on the source and destination locations.


what's the fastest way to copy a folder over the network to multiple servers(Python)

As the title says, what I would like to accomplish is given a package(usually the size may vary between 500Mb and 1Gb), I would like to copy over something around 40 servers at the same time(concurrently), I've been using a script that run a copy at the time, therefore I'm considering these possibilities:
1- Multiprocess library and create a single process for each copy function so that, they can run concurrently;
-although I think I might end up having an I/O bottleneck, and process cannot share the same data.
2-I m not using a single internet connection, but a huge corporate WAN.
Can anyone tell me whether is there any other more effective way(faster) to achieve the same thing? Or some other way to solve it?(I can run this task from a 2 core workstation).
1) I have no experience with this, but it looks like a fit for your use case:
sendfile(2) is a system call which provides a "zero-copy" way of copying data from one file descriptor to another (a socket). The phrase "zero-copy" refers to the fact that all of the copying of data between the two descriptors is done entirely by the kernel, with no copying of data into userspace buffers. This is particularly useful when sending a file over a socket (e.g. FTP).
When do you want to use it?
Basically any application sending files over the network can take advantage of sendfile(2).
2) Another option would be to use some torrent library. I recently learned (skip to 31:00 for the torrent stuff) that facebook distribute their daily software updates via torrent (and update 1000s of servers with 1.5GB binaries within 15min or so).
Assume your machines have 1Gbit connections. You'll get 800Mbit/s if you're lucky/work at it, and it'll take ~10s to copy each 1GByte and 6-7 minutes to update those machines. If that's good enough, the only thing you need to do is work on using the 1Gbit efficiently to hit that target (what are you seeing from your current scripts ? OK 1Gbit may be ambitous on WAN, but you can do a similar analysis). Multiprocessing might or might not help here... but it's not going to magically get you more bandwidth.
If it's not good enough, I'd either consider:
go P2P (see miku;s answer), so as soon as one machine has a bit of
the data it can share it with other machines using it's own
bandwidth. How much this helps depends to some extent on your
network topology (existence of other bottleneck points).
Look into multicast, if the network is enough under your control that you can get the stuff routed appropriately (this seems pretty
unlikely for WAN, but maybe one day in an IPv6 wonderland...).
Instead of copying the same data 40 times (assuming it is the same
each time), you just broadcast it once and all the receivers pick it
up simultaneously. Multicast UDP isn't reliable (intended more for
IPTV I think) but there have been attempts to build reliable file
transfer tools using multicast tech e.g OpenPGM and MS's
own implementation.

Read files by device/inode order?

I'm interested in an efficient way to read a large number of files on the disk. I want to know if I sort files by device and then by inode I'll got some speed improvement against natural file reading.
There are vast speed improvements to be had from reading files in physical order from rotating storage. Operating system I/O scheduling mechanisms only do any real work if there are several processes or threads contending for I/O, because they have no information about what files you plan to read in the future. Hence, other than simple read-ahead, they usually don't help you at all.
Furthermore, Linux worsens your access patterns during directory scans by returning directory entries to user space in hash table order rather than physical order. Luckily, Linux also provides system calls to determine the physical location of a file, and whether or not a file is stored on a rotational device, so you can recover some of the losses. See for example this patch I submitted to dpkg a few years ago:
This patch does not incorporate a test for rotational devices, because this feature was not added to Linux until 2012:
I also used to run a patched version of mutt that would scan Maildirs in physical order, usually giving a 5x-10x speed improvement.
Note that inodes are small, heavily prefetched and cached, so opening files to get their physical location before reading is well worth the cost. It's true that common tools like tar, rsync, cp and PostgreSQL do not use these techniques, and the simple truth is that this makes them unnecessarily slow.
Back in the 1970s I proposed to our computer center that reading/writing from/to disk would be faster overall if they organized the queue of disk reads and/or writes in such a way as to minimize the seek time and I was told by the computer center that their experiments and information from IBM that many studies had been made of several techniques and that the overall throughput of JOBS (not just a single job) was most optimal if disk reads/writes were done in first come first serve order. This was an IBM batch system.
In general, optimisation techniques for file access are too tied to the architecture of your storage subsystem for them to be something as simple as a sorting algorithm.
1) You can effectively multiply the read data rate if your files are spread into multiple physical drives (not just partitions) and you read two or more files in parallel from different drives. This one is probably the only method that is easy to implement.
2) Sorting the files by name or inode number does not really change anything in the general case. What you'd want is to sort the files by the physical location of their blocks on the disk, so that they can be read with minimal seeking. There are quite a few obstacles however:
Most filesystems do not provide such information to userspace applications, unless it's for debugging reasons.
The blocks themselves of each file can be spread all over the disk, especially on a mostly full filesystem. There is no way to read multiple files sequentially without seeking back and forth.
You are assuming that your process is the only one accessing the storage subsystem. Once there is at least someone else doing the same, every optimisation you come up with goes out of the window.
You are trying to be smarter than the operating system and its own caching and I/O scheduling mechanisms. It's very likely that by trying to second-guess the kernel, i.e. the only one that really knows your system and your usage patterns, you will make things worse.
Don't you think e.g. PostreSQL pr Oracle would have used a similar technique if they could? When the DB is installed on a proper filesystem they let the kernel do its thing and don't try to second-guess its decisions. Only when the DB is on a raw device do the specialised optimisation algorithms that take physical blocks into account come into play.
You should also take the specific properties of your storage devices into account. Modern SSDs, for example, make traditional seek-time optimisations obsolete.

Average performance measurements for local IPC

We are now assessing different IPC (or rather RPC) methods for our current project, which is in its very early stages. Performance is a big deal, and so we are making some measurements to aid our choice. Our processes that will be communicating will reside on the same machine.
A separate valid option is to avoid IPC altogether (by encapsulating the features of one of the processes in a .NET DLL and having the other one use it), but this is an option we would really like to avoid, as these two pieces of software are developed by two separate companies and we find it very important to maintain good "fences", which make good neighbors.
Our tests consisted of passing messages (which contain variously sized BLOBs) across process boundaries using each method. These are the figures we get (performance range correlates with message size range):
Web Service (SOAP over HTTP):
25-30 MB/s when binary data is encoded as Base64 (default)
70-100 MB/s when MTOM is utilized
.NET Remoting (BinaryFormatter over TCP): 100-115 MB/s
Control group - DLL method call + mem copy: 800-1000 MB/s
Now, we've been looking all over the place for some average performance figures for these (and other) IPC methods, including performance of raw TCP loopback sockets, but couldn't find any. Do these figures look sane? Why is the performance of these local IPC methods at least 10 times slower than copying memory? I couldn't get better results even when I used raw sockets - is the overhead of TCP that big?
Shared memory is the fastest.
A producer process can put its output into memory shared between processes and notify other processes that the shared data has been updated. On Linux you naturally put a mutex and a condition variable in that same shared memory so that other processes can wait for updates on the condition variable.
Memory-mapped files + synchronization objects is the right way to go (almost the same as shared memory, but with more control). Sockets are way too slow for local communications. Especially it sometimes happens that network drivers are slower with localhost, than over network.
Several parts of our system have been redesigned so that we don't have to pass 30MB messages around, but rather 3MB. This allowed us to choose .NET Remoting with BinaryFormatter over named pipes (IpcChannel), which gives satisfactory results.
Our contingency plan (in case we ever do need to pass 30MB messages around) is to pass protobuf-serialized messages over named pipes manually. We have determined that this also provides satisfactory results.

MPI Large Data all to all transfer

My application of MPI has some process that generate some large data. Say we have N+1 process (one for master control, others are workers), each of worker processes generate large data, which is now simply write to normal file, named file1, file2, ..., fileN. The size of each file may be quite different. Now I need to send all fileM to rank M process to do the next job, So it's just like all to all data transfer.
My problem is how should I use MPI API to send these files efficiently? I used to use windows share folder to transfer these before, but I think it's not a good idea.
I have think about MPI_file and MPI_All_to_all, but these functions seems not to be so suitable for my case. Simple MPI_Send and MPI_Recv seems hard to be used because every process need to transfer large data, and I don't want to use distributed file system for now.
It's not possible to answer your question precisely without a lot more data, data that only you have right now. So here are some generalities, you'll have to think about them and see if and how to apply them in your situation.
If your processes are generating large data sets they are unlikely to be doing so instantaneously. Instead of thinking about waiting until the whole data set is created, you might want to think about transferring it chunk by chunk.
I don't think that MPI_Send and _Recv (or the variations on them) are hard to use for large amounts of data. But you need to give some thought to finding the right amount to transfer in each communication between processes. With MPI it is not a simple case of there being a message startup time plus a message transfer rate which apply to all messages sent. Some IBM implementations, for example, on some of their hardware had different latencies and bandwidths for small and large messages. However, you have to figure out for yourself what the tradeoffs between bandwidth and latency are for your platform. The only general advice I would give here is to parameterise the message sizes and experiment until you maximise the ratio of computation to communication.
As an aside, one of the tests you should already have done is measured message transfer rates for a wide range of sizes and communications patterns on your platform. That's kind of a basic shake-down test when you start work on a new system. If you don't have anything more suitable, the STREAMS benchmark will help you get started.
I think that a all-to-all transfers of large amounts of data is an unusual scenario in the kinds of programs for which MPI is typically used. You may want to give some serious thought to redesigning your application to avoid such transfers. Of course, only you know if that is feasible or worthwhile. From what little information your provide it seems as if you might be implementing some kind of pipeline; in such cases the usual pattern of communication is from process 0 to process 1, process 1 to process 2, 2 to 3, etc.
Finally, if you happen to be working on a computer with shared memory (such as a multicore PC) you might think about using a shared memory approach, such as OpenMP, to avoid passing large amounts of data around.

Why does multithreaded file transfer improve performance?

RichCopy, a better-than-robocopy-with-GUI tool from Microsoft, seems to be the current tool of choice for copying files. One of it's main features, hightlighted in the TechNet article presenting the tool, is that it copies multiple files in parallel. In its default setting, three files are copied simultaneously, which you can see nicely in the GUI: [Progress: xx% of file A, yy% of file B, ...]. There are a lot of blog entries around praising this tool and claiming that this speeds up the copying process.
My question is: Why does this technique improve performance? As far as I know, when copying files on modern computer systems, the HDD is the bottleneck, not the CPU or the network. My assumption would be that copying multiple files at once makes the whole process slower, since the HDD needs to jump back and forth between different files rather than just sequentially streaming one file. Since RichCopy is faster, there must be some mistake in my assumptions...
The tool is making use improvements in hardware which can optimise multiple read and write requests much better.
When copying one file at a time the hardware isn't going to know that the block of data that currently is passing under the read head (or near by) will be needed of a subsquent read since the software hasn't queued that request yet.
A single file copy these days is not very taxing task for modern disk sub-systems. By giving these hardware systems more work to do at once the tool is leveraging its improved optimising features.
A naive "copy multiple files" application will copy one file, then wait for that to complete before copying the next one.
This will mean that an individual file CANNOT be copied faster than the network latency, even if it is empty (0 bytes). Because it probably does several file server calls, (open,write,close), this may be several x the latency.
To efficiently copy files, you want to have a server and client which use a sane protocol which has pipelining; that's to say - the client does NOT wait for the first file to be saved before sending the next, and indeed, several or many files may be "on the wire" at once.
Of course to do that would require a custom server not a SMB (or similar) file server. For example, rsync does this and is very good at copying large numbers of files despite being single threaded.
So my guess is that the multithreading helps because it is a work-around for the fact that the server doesn't support pipelining on a single session.
A single-threaded implementation which used a sensible protocol would be best in my opinion.
It's a network tool, so the bottleneck is the network, not the HDD. Up to a (low) point you can get more throughput out of a TCP link by using a few connections in parallel. This (a) parallelizes the TCP handshakes; (b) can make better use of the bandwidth-delay product if that is high; and (c) doesn't make one arbitrarily slow connection the critical path if for some reason it encounters a high RTT or failure rate.
Another way to do (b) is to use an enormous TCP socket receive buffer but that's not always convenient.
Several of the other answers about HDD are incorrect. Practically any HDD will do some read-ahead on the assumption of sequential access, and any intelligent OS cache will also do that.
My gues is that the hdd read write heads spend most of their time idle and wait for the correct memory block of the disk to apear under them, the more memory being copied means less time in idle and most modern disk schedulers should take care of the jumping (for a low number of files/fragments)
As far as I know, when copying files on modern computer systems, the HDD is the bottleneck, not the CPU or the network.
I think those assumptions are overly simplistic.
First, while LANs run at 100Mb / 1Gbit. Long haul networks have a maximum data rate that is less than the max rate of the slowest link.
Second, the effective throughput of TCP/IP stream over the internet is often dominated by the time taken to round-trip messages and acknowledgments. For example, I have a 8+Mbit link, but my data rate on downloads is rarely above 1-2Mbits per second when I'm downloading from the USA. So if you can run multiple streams in parallel one stream can be waiting for an acknowledgment while another is pumping packets. (But if you try to send too much, you start getting congestion, timeouts, back-off and lower overall transfer rates.)
Finally, operating systems are good at doing a variety of I/O tasks in parallel with other work. If you are downloading 2 or more files in parallel, the O/S may be reading / processing network packets for one download and writing to disc for another one ... at the same time.
Over long distances, networks can write much faster than they can read. With multithreading, having additional "readers" means the data can be transmitted more efficiently and not bogged down in buffers.
