Visual Studio hangs for 20 seconds before start building - visual-studio

I've got a problem with the visual studio 2010 and the building time of one project ( I would say the project is large for just one DLL so I could understand when the building time itself lasts a little bit longer then on other projects.
But the weird thing is: When I start building, the following line shows up on the output window:
------ Build started: Project: kaCtrl, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
And then it looks like the compiler is doing nothing. Even if I change the output option to "diagnostic" to see every step in the building process, just nothing happens. After 20 seconds the build starts and is finished in 1 second.
But what the heck is the visual studio doing in this 20 seconds? Is there anything I can disable to make it faster?

I too had this problem, when I analysed this problem I figured out that it was eating too much CPU memory (checked in task manager-> performance) during this time.So what I did to make it faster was, I stopped some unnecessary services (which consume some specific amount of cpu memory) like office, adobe, etc and closed all other apps other then vs2010 and executed my commands. Magic happened. It build in 5 seconds approximately. Not sure whether it will work out for you or not but definitely worth a chance. All thee best


Xamarin build-times extremely slow

I have developed several (experimental and prototype) iOS apps using Xamarin and the new Visual Studio for Mac OS and the build-times intermittently take about 5-10 minutes on average. When starting a new project, build-times are fine. After a few changes in the source code while working on my apps (no specific changes). For no reason, build times start increasing to 5-10 minutes. I've tried all possible build-options (linking, no linking, SDK versions, new consigning certificate, etc..).
Upon investigation with the Activities-app (Mac OS, Sierra) i find that the "codesign" process is taking up 110% CPU and runs for as long as the build takes to complete.
Does anyone have any experience with this problem?
I have the same issue
First Try close Visual Studio then delete bin , obj from your project , finally start visual Build and Run
Second Try make sure you build in real device sometimes emulator cause trouble , how you make sure , if build success but deploy stuck many times
In my case, after wiping my PC and completely re-installing Windows 10, my build speeds increased by 2x.
Clean builds that used to take 2:20 minutes now only take 1:20 minutes, and incremental builds that used to take 40 seconds now only take 17 seconds.
Doing an incremental build + deploying to device used to take around 4 minutes. Now it takes only 55 seconds!
I'm not sure what was leading to this awful experience, but I'm glad it's not so terrible anymore (still slow though).
Go to your *.Android project => "Properties" => "Android Options" and set the following options:
Dex compiler: dx
Linking: None
This gives me a fast build speed

VS2013 C++ : slow linking process

Have you ever experienced a slow linking process in a C++ project compile (I'm using VS2013)? I get linking process taking 15 minutes after a 5 minutes Build. A Rebuild or Visual Studio restart does not fix the issue.
Task manager shows mspdbsrv.exe taking a full core (25% on a 4-core), and pdb file creation is very slow, Kb after Kb it reaches 50 Mb.
Additional info:
the same project on another computer build and link in acceptable time.
antivirus is disabled
I've tried changing the pdb file creation location: no success
I've set the linker output Verbose, but it stops at one debug row and then wait all the time there.
VS2013 is updated to SP4
Hard disk activity led on my laptop is mostly turned off, so there's no full activity on the disk.
I'm running Windows 7 Pro.
VS2013 is run with administrator rights
Thank you.
Fixed changing "Debug Information Format" from /ZI (Edit and Continue feature) to /Zi. I still have no clue why this cause a slow linking only on a specific computer and not for the others. Hope this could help people coming here for the same issue.
Is it using Link-Time Code Generation? On VS2010 that step was single threaded so it takes much longer than the apparent compile step. On later versions this step was improved to be multithreaded, according to blog posts. It also mentioned that PDB access is a bottleneck. So, maybe you have an old mspdbsrv.exe on that system? Look at the version info on the file, compared across machines. There might also be some option to control its locking and multi-use behavior, hidden away someplace.

Visual studio Ultimate 2013 slow start on debug

I have installed visual studio 2013 Ultimate on Windows 8 enterprise edition.
When I start debugging an mvc project (which pretty empty) : it takes 27 seconds to start the debugging. I assume it's because IIS express 8 is loading symbols and hangs somewhere.
I have tried an empty mvc project and it starts in 10 seconds : which is very unacceptable.
I have tried :
- deleting all breakpoints
- enabling just my code
- unchecking symbols downloading from microsoft servers and downloading them on a local folder on the computer
- disabling intellitrace (was already disabled when i went to see)
- disabling just-in-time (was already disabled when i went to see)
- unplugging the ethernet cable (yes, i am pretty desperate)
- no antivirus is turned on
The first request (when i launch debugging) always take 27 seconds according to glimpse. The controller run under 1 second which is "acceptable". All the next requests are fine.
But I can't work with the 27 seconds each time I launch debugging.
Can someone help me ? I do not know what to do next.
My computer is a dual core 3Ghz with 4 Go of Ram and a 7200 rpm hd. I don't think it's hardware related.
Thank you very much.
As soon as I start to use NLog in the code, it takes 30 sec to launch the debug mode.
If I comment all the place where I log something, It takes 10 sec. Sometimes less.
How much time you guys take to launch the debug mode ?
It's quit possible you are referencing dead or slow symbol path. For example, you're at home but accessing a symbol path on company's server. Check it under Tools -> Options -> Debug -> Symbol. If it's ok, check your system as follows.
Make sure there is no other process that runs out of your hardware resources.
First check if CPU usage is too high after staring debugging. If CPU usage is too high, use Process Explorer to check what activities VS Is performing. If they are in an extension thread, disable that extension. If they are in VS own thread, it's most likely a VS bug you can report to MS.
Check if memory usage is too high. If VS memory usage is too high, given that you just start simple debugging, it's a VS bug.
If both CPU and memory are ok, it's probably related to IO operation. Use Process Monitor to check which files are being accessed, especially files on remote machine.
This is how I troubleshoot the same problem on my machine. Hope it help you.

Visual Studio 2012 high CPU usage and unable to debug

I'm using Visual Studio 2012 Update 3. When I open a project, VS automatically creates a process called <myproject>.vshost.exe, even before starting to debug.
When I start debugging and later close the debug application, most of the times the <myproject>.vshost.exe process closes as well. When this happens, devenv.exe starts taking up 3x more memory than normal and CPU goes up to 25% (on a i7 Quadcore with 8GB ram) for around 1 minute. At the end of 1 minute, a new <myproject>.vshost.exe opens up (even though I'm not debugging), CPU falls back down to 0 and memory drops back down as well.
Trying to start debugging whilst the CPU is at 25% and <myproject>.vshost.exe is not running in the background will results in the solution building but the debug does not start.
If I wait until the CPU falls back down and <myproject>.vshost.exe process is running again then I can start debugging normally.
This happens to me 80% of the times after closing the application I am debugging. The remaining 20% of the times when I stop debugging <myproject>.vshost.exe continues running in the background and I am able to start debugging again immediately after with no delay.
This also happens regardless of code changes in between debugs.
This is a new install of VS2012 U3, I've tried resetting all settings and disabled ReSharper but still no joy.
I don't want to disable vshost debugging because of the features I would lose.
Has anyone else encountered this problem before? Is this a known issue? Are there any solutions/workarounds?
I changed the platform from Any CPU to x86 and it appears to work properly, but I still can't understand why I shouldn't be able to debug it as Any CPU. Even though this might be the workaround I'd still be interested in knowing whether this is a known issue and if there are other (better) solutions.
By 'working properly', I mean that when I stop debugging the vshost doesn't close, in fact it never closes, but the CPU of devenv stays at 0% and it allows me to start and stop debugging as many times as I want one right after the other.
Actually it appears that changing the platform to x86 only worked properly for a while, after about 20 rebuilds it is now doing the same as leaving it as Any CPU.
On another note, closing and opening VS makes no difference.
I've ended up formatting the computer again and re-installing everything from scratch. For not it appears to be working fine, let's see how long this lasts for.
I know this is several months old but I'm trying to post this answer in a few places since this is what was causing my ills: I had the Data Sources toolbox open in Visual Studio 2012. Once I closed that, it seemed to eliminate the lengthy delays when switching windows. You may also want to close Server Manager if you don't need it open.
I know this is old Post but, I think I need to share my solution for everyone.
and this is my first post so, please improve the answer if I miss something.
I have the same issue with Visual Studio 2012, When I try to build or debug it will use CPU up to 100%.
So, I try below steps to reduce the CPU usage while debugging:
Please close unnecessary opened file.
Hide unnecessary debugging panels like: breakpoints, auto, local, output, find symbol result, etc.
If still use high CPU then try to hide call stack panel.
Remove unnecessary breakpoints.

How to speed up Visual Studio 2008 for many-project solutions?

I am aware that there are a couple of questions that look similar to mine, e.g. here, here, here or here. Yet none of these really answer my question. Here it goes.
I am building a modified version of a Chromium browser in VS2008 (mostly written in C++). It has 500 projects in one solution with plenty of dependencies between them. There are generally two problems:
Whenever I start debugging (press F5 or green Play button) for the first time in a session the VS freezes and it takes a couple of minutes before it recovers and actually starts debugging. Note that I have disabled building before running, because whenever I want to build my project I use F7 explicitly. I do not understand why it takes so long to "just" start a compiled binary. Probably VS is checking all the deps and making sure everything up-to-date despite my request not to build a solution before running. Is the a way speed this one up?
Every time I perform a build it takes about 5-7 minutes even if I have only changed one instruction in one file. Most of the time is consumed by the linking process, since most projects generate static libs that are then linked into one huge dll. Apparently incremental linking only works in about 10% of the cases and still takes considerably long. What can I do to speed it up?
Here is some info about my software and hardware:
MacBook Pro (Mid-2010)
dual-core Intel i7 CPU with HT (which makes it look like 4-core in Task Manager)
500GB Serial ATA; 5400 rpm (Hitachi HTS725050A9A362)
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Visual Assist X (with disabled code coloring)
Here are some things that I have noticed:
Linking only uses one core
When running solution for the second time in one session it is much quicker (under 2-3 seconds)
while looking up information on VS linker I came across this page:
Also take a look the two additional topics on that page:
Faster Builds and Smaller Header Files
Excluding Files When Dependency Checking
I have switched to the component build mode for Chromium project, which reduced the number of files that need to be linked. Component build mode creates a set of smaller DLLs rather than a set of static libraries that are then linked into huge chrome.dll. Also I am using incremental linking a lot, which makes linking even faster. Finally linking for the second and subsequent times gets faster since necessary files are already cached in the memory and disk access is unnecessary. Thus when working incrementally and linking often, I get to as low as 15 seconds for linking of webkit.dll which is where I mostly change the code.
As for the execution it has same behavior as linking - it runs slow only for the first time and with every subsequent run it gets faster and faster until it takes less than 3-5 seconds to start the browser and load all symbols. Windows is caching files that are accessed most often into the memory.
