Kaminari and Capybara conflict - ruby

I seem to have some sort of conflict between the page method of capybara and the page method of Kaminari.
That's what I guessed, anyway, here is the error :
Failure/Error: before { sign_in_as user }
wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
# ./app/models/feed.rb:9:in `microposts'
[Rest of the backtrace]
The code sample :
class Feed
def microposts(opts = { urgent: false })
urgent = opts[:urgent]
p Microposts.where(id: 1).page # <Capybara::Session>
p Microposts.where(id: 1).page(1) # Error
If I remove the pagination, the test works fine.
I don't understand how this is possible, I guess Capybara is adding the "page" method to the Object scope, but as Kaminari add its page method to ActiveRecord::Base (if I recall correctly) it should override Capybara's one.
I did not see anyone having this kind of trouble, how is it possible ?

I had the same problem with Capybara 2.x
My feature specs are in the spec/feature directory. I realised from reading the Capybara documentation that there is no need to include the Capybara::DSL in your spec_helper if your using the features directory. It's already included.
There is a warning given if you include Capybara::DSL in the spec_helper that it will pollute the global namespace and this is exactly why it's a bad idea!
Check out this rspec-rails page on Capybara for details

This is a little bit of a hack but I was able to work around the problem (where Capybara 'pollutes' the object space) by undef-ing the method in my spec:
# Capybara adds a 'page' method to the Object class which conflicts with the Kaminari scope
# Remove it here to allow things to work
Object.send :undef_method, :page
I have traced back where this is happening and essentially:
The #page method comes from Capybara::DSL
The Capybara::DSL method is included into the Object class via RSpec's #configure.include method (see lib/capybara/rspec.rb).
RSpec then includes it into the 'group', however I believe this is where it drops into Object.
The solution here might just be to change the name of the method in Capybara, but I guess thats not a decision I'm willing to make :)


Configuring fixture_path in ActiveRecord test fixtures

I'm using ActiveRecord with Sinatra instead of Rails, and I want to use fixtures in my tests. The documentation for ActiveRecord's FixtureSet says that you have to use fixture_path to tell it where the fixture files are:
placed in the directory appointed by ActiveSupport::TestCase.fixture_path=(path)
How can I write to that setting? I tried #fixture_path and ##fixture_path, but both of them left the value nil when FixtureSet tried to read it.
Here's the only thing I could get to work, but it can't possibly be right:
# test_helper.rb
require_relative '../app'
require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'active_record'
#Set up fixtures and such
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
include ActiveRecord::TestFixtures
include ActiveRecord::TestFixtures::ClassMethods
class << self
def fixtures(*fixture_set_names)
self.fixture_path = 'test/fixtures'
super *fixture_set_names
self.use_transactional_fixtures = true
self.use_instantiated_fixtures = false
The full source code is posted as a small demo project for ActiveRecord and Sinatra.
I tried to leave this as a comment on your answer, but it got too long so I thought I might as put it in an answer.
The reason #fixture_path and ##fixture_path didn't work is that fixture_path is an ActiveSupport class attribute, which is like a Ruby attr_accessor except it's defined as a singleton method on the class. You can see where the fixture_path attribute is defined with class_attribute :fixture_path in the ActiveRecord::TestFixtures module source.
Class attributes are part of ActiveSupport and not native to Ruby. You can read more about them in the Active Support Core Extensions Rails Guide and in the API docs, and see how class_attribute works in the Rails source. As you can see,
the value is stored in the instance variable "##{name}" (e.g. #fixture_path), but that happens inside a singleton method, which means it's an instance variable on the singleton class and you can only access it from within the singleton class.
That's all a little bit moot, though, because the point of attributes (and feel free to disregard this if it's old news to you) is that they allow you to keep instance variables private and change your implementation without breaking code that subclasses or includes your code. When an attribute reader or writer exists, you should always use it instead of accessing the instance variable directly, because at some point the implementation might change and the attribute methods could be replaced by methods with more complex logic, and accessing the instance variable directly will no longer produce the same results as using the attribute reader and writer.
As you discovered, you need to use self.fixture_path = instead of fixture_path = because in the latter case Ruby assumes you want to assign to a local variable.
I can't believe I didn't see this, but I didn't. I had to use self, just like the settings for transactional fixtures and instantiated fixtures.
# test_helper.rb
require_relative '../app'
require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'active_record'
#Set up fixtures and such
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
include ActiveRecord::TestFixtures
include ActiveRecord::TestFixtures::ClassMethods
self.fixture_path = 'test/fixtures'
self.use_transactional_fixtures = true
self.use_instantiated_fixtures = false
The trick is understanding the meaning of self in a class definition; it refers to the class, not an instance of the class. I guess when I'm monkey patching ActiveSupport::TestCase, that's the only way to set a class variable. For some reason #fixture_path and ##fixture_path don't work.

Want help regarding 'module' usage in ruby project (using 3rd party gem of 'ruby-jmeter'

I am trying to create performance automation framework for my company . Beinbg newbie to ruby field , I thought to keep it simple . Here is structure for performance framewrok
I do have multiple ruby files , as request.rb,payload.rb etc in 'common' folder(as these are containing some utilities) and then my test in test.rb (under one of 'TestFlows->SimpleFlow->test.rb) .
See above structure for more detail
Exact Code , which I am having right now under those files are
require 'ruby-jmeter' #(Consider any 3rd party gem )
require 'rubygems'
module Company #Note that i am using same module name 'company'
module Request
def self.send_request()
visit '' # this is function defined under ruby-jmeter
require 'ruby-jmeter' #(Consider any 3rd party gem )
require 'rubygems'
module Company #Note that i am using same module 'company'
module Payload
def self.get_payload()
------- Again some 'ruby-jmeter' function calls
etc files as well
require 'ruby-jmeter' #(Consider any 3rd party gem )
require 'rubygems'
require 'require_all' #(gem to load all files from folder)
require_all '../../common/'
module Company #Note that i am using same module 'company'
test name:'GooglePerformanceTest' do
defaults domain: 'http://google.com' ,protocol: http
threads name: 'NoOfUsers',scheduler: false,continue_forever:
false, count: 2 do
end #end of testPlan
end.jmx(file: Dir.pwd+"/CreatedJMeter_DB2Navigation.jmx")
When I run this programme , it goes to above , I am getting errors of those (3rd party ruby gem's function undefined).
Can anyone point me out my problem regarding above structure & suggest me proper way to do this ?
edit :
I am getting below error
Test.rb:3:in `send_request': undefined method `visit ' for
company::Request:Module (NoMethodError)
Have defined my changes here & it is working fine
Facing issues while calling method of module(having object of class , contained in another ruby file)
I'm assuming you're using the gem hosted at this repository: https://github.com/flood-io/ruby-jmeter, latest release version (2.13.8).
Looking through the source code and examples, there are a couple things to think about.
The 'visit' method is an alias for a method called 'get' defined here
That is an object method, for an object of class RubyJmeter::ExtendedDSL. You are using module methods, and should probably consider making an object and calling the method on that.
obj = RubyJmeter::ExtendedDSL.new
obj.visit '' # 'visit' is a method alias for 'get'
However, the examples listed by the gem developer follow a different pattern, calling 'visit' from within a closure (the do..end code block, known simply as a 'block' in Ruby). You could rewrite your code to build test plans and run them in this fashion.
It's not clear from what you post why you are using modules. Typically, you use 'include' within a Module or Class to mix in the gem's methods into your namespace. But since you're attempting to use module methods, I'm not sure mixing in object methods will be fruitful.
Since I can't see how your Test.rb file is run, I can't say for sure that your test code is loading your own modules. Typically a 'load' or 'include' statement would be used to load the code you wrote in request.rb and payload.rb
Personally, I'd try to follow the pattern shown by the developer of RubyJmeter; as a second approach, I'd write a class that inherits from RubyJemeter's subclass and extend its behavior to suit. My test code would initialize an object and call its methods directly. (Your Mileage May Vary.)
Updated to add: if you want your module method to stand in place of the object method mentioned, you can simply call the latter inside your method:
def self.send_request()
RubyJmeter::ExtendedDSL.new.visit ''
Doing this essentially creates a disposable object, which is destroyed after the :visit method returns its data.
P.S. Always capitalize your class and module names. It's a Ruby best practice and your module name 'company' will raise warnings from the interpreter.

How to use rspec-expectations outside cucumber step-definitions

I'm using watir-cucumber for test automation. I wrote following method in a separate .rb, this method is not in step definitions.
def has_logged_in?
$browser.text.should include("t788")
When I call this method from step definition this error comes,
wrong argument type String (expected Module) (TypeError)
the same code works fine in step definitions. I searched around and found out that include method is used to include module but that is ruby-include method and should include comes under rspec\expectations. So how do I call should include method outside step definition like above.
I'm using watir-cucumber on linux
The include method that you want is in the RSpec::Matchers module.
If your has_logged_in? method is in a class (not part of main), you can include the RSpec::Matchers module in your class. This would give you access to the include method.
So your class would look like:
class YourClass
include RSpec::Matchers
def has_logged_in?
$browser.text.should include("t788")
Note: I have not had to do this before, but from a quick check, it does work as long as the RSpec::Matchers are included in a class rather than the main. Including it in the main does not appear to do anything (ie include continues to call the standard include module method). I did not explore to see if if there are any negative side effects of doing this.
In your gem file:
gem 'rspec', "1.3.2", :require => "spec/expectations"
Or in your env.rb for RSpec 1.X.X:
require 'spec/expectations'
Or in your env.rb for RSpec 2.X:
require 'rspec/expectations'

Kaminari and Mongoid 'undefined method page' when model defined in separate gem

I have a simple logging application consisting of ruby scripts and a "read-only" Rails application that reads from the MongoDB documents. To keep the models consistent they both use a common gem where the Mongoid documents have been defined.
The problem I'm having is that Mongoid documents that are defined in the gem are not getting the Kaminari decoration. In other words (simplified as much as possible).
# User is a Mongoid document defined in the Rails app (i.e. standard behavior)
require 'kaminari'
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def index
User.page(params[:pg]) # works great
# SharedLogging::LogEntry is a Mongoid document defined in a separate gem
require 'kaminari'
class LogEntriesController < ApplicationController
def index
SharedLogging::LogEntry.page(params[:pg]) # undefined method 'page' for ...
I think the solution is to do something in /config/initializers/kaminari_config.rb to force the pagination to be applied to the shared models but I haven't been able to stumble across the correct solution.
Alternately, I've also tried adding Kaminari as a dependency in the shared gem, but no luck there.
It seems to be resolved with the same solution described here: https://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job_mongoid/issues/10
In my kaminari_config.rb I've added the following lines:
SharedLogging::LogEntry.send(:include, Kaminari::MongoidExtensions::Document)
SharedLogging::LogEntry.send(:include, Kaminari::MongoidExtensions::Criteria)
The first line is required if I do SharedLogging::LogEntry.page(params[:pg]) the second if I apply a scope first (e.g. SharedLogging::LogEntry.by_date(params[:dt]).page(params[:pg]) ).
The biggest problem is that I need both lines for each model in my gem; and there are a lot of models.
Rather than manually extending, use Kaminari's hooks initializer. There are details in another answer I posted:
undefined method page for #<Array:0xc347540> kaminari "page" error. rails_admin

Cucumber/Capybara - Using RSpec matchers with a "Page Object" pattern

I'm currently refactoring a whole load of cucumber tests to use a "Page Object" pattern, but I'm having a lot of problems using the RSpec matchers.
The existing step I have is as follows:
Then /^I should (not )?see the following alerts:$/ do |negate, alerts|
expectation = negate ? :should_not : :should
within(ALERT_TABLE_ID) do
alerts.hashes.each do |alert|
page.send(expectation, have_content(alert["Original ID"]))
My refactored step is:
Then /^I should (not )?see the following alerts:$/ do |negate, alerts|
expectation = negate ? :should_not : :should
#alert_reporting_panel = AlertReportingPanel.new(Capybara.current_session)
#alert_reporting_panel.verify_contents expectation, alerts
And my Panel Object is:
class AlertReportingPanel
def initialize(session)
#session = session
def verify_contents(expectation, alerts)
#session.within(ALERT_TABLE_ID) do
alerts.hashes.each do |alert|
#session.send(expectation, have_content(alert["Original ID"]))
Unfortunately, I get undefined method 'have_contents' for #<AlertReportingPanel:0x3f0faf8> (NoMethodError).
I have tried adding require 'rspec' to the top of the class and also tried fully qualifying the have-content method thus: Capybara::RSpecMatchers::HaveMatcher.have_content, but I just get uninitialized constant Capybara::RSpecMatchers (NameError).
I'm pretty new to Ruby and I'm sure this is trivial to fix... but I just can't seem to work it out for myself.
Please help. Thankyou.
This was a while back so I'm guessing you may have your answer by now but here goes.
You need to include the necessary modules in order bring in and have access to the likes of *have_content*. So your Panel Object would look like:
class AlertReportingPanel
include Capybara::DSL
include Capybara::Node::Matchers
include RSpec::Matchers
def initialize... etc
Instead of writing your own Page Object system you could try using SitePrism
I'm a little biased (I wrote that gem) but it might make life easier for you.
