What is difference between these 2 Spring Annotation and XML config - spring

What is difference between these 2 Spring Annotation and XML config
1) Annotation Based
public class MyWebConfig{
2) XML Based
<mvc:annotation-driven />
I can not see any other difference than xml and annotation.
and When to use which one ?

#Treydone wrote some examples plus expressed subjective opinion about Java based config being better.
I disagree with this statement, because there is no functional difference between Java based configuration and XML configuration, it's only matter of habit which one will you use. Some say traditional XML namespace config is better, others say Java based configuration (which is in Spring since 3.0) is the next level of IoC in Spring.
BTW Annotation based configuration is not the same as Java based one - you wrote example from the latter, so I assume you are choosing between XML and Java configs.
I think you should read:
Spring reference manual about Java based config basic concepts and Enabling MVC
some blog posts: this and this
and then decide which one is the best for you.
P.S. Annotation based configuration is IMO worse choice than these two as it moves some depedency information directly into ordinary classes.

Annotations based configuration is easier and more readable to build than the equivalent in xml. For instance setting a property as map in xml looks like this:
<property name="maps">
<entry key="Key 1" value="1" />
<entry key="Key 2" value-ref="PersonBean" />
<entry key="Key 3">
<bean class="com.mkyong.common.Person">
<property name="name" value="mkyongMap" />
<property name="address" value="address" />
<property name="age" value="28" />
In a java configuration file, this looks like this:
Map<String, Object> maps = ...
There are many others pros:
Add a bean from an instance of an anonymous inner type
See the errors during the compilation, before starting your Spring context and your tomcat...
Add some conditions in your bean construction
For instance:
public ViewResolver internalResourceViewResolver() {
ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
if (ClassUtils.isPresent("org.apache.tiles.TilesContainer", classLoader)) {
TilesViewResolver viewResolver = new TilesViewResolver();
return viewResolver;
} else {
InternalResourceViewResolver viewResolver = new InternalResourceViewResolver();
return viewResolver;
Many others....


How to use java Java configuration class in spring integration xml file related to apache kafka?

we are using xml file to implement apache kafka using spring-integration. for now producer and consumer factories are called using #bean in xml file. but I want to read configurations from java class and use that class in the xml file. How do I do that for producer and consumer?
current version for producer:
<int:chain input-channel="kafka-output-channel">
<int-kafka:outbound-channel-adapter id="kafkaOutboundChannelAdapter"
topic="${topic.name}" />
<bean id="pf" class="org.springframework.kafka.core.DefaultKafkaProducerFactory">
<entry key="bootstrap.servers" value="${broker.list}" />
<entry key="key.serializer" value="org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"/>
<entry key="value.serializer" value="org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"/>
<!-- Kafka Template -->
<bean id="template" class="org.springframework.kafka.core.KafkaTemplate">
<constructor-arg ref="pf"/>
But I want to create class like below and use beans below in the xml file,
public class KafkaProducerConfig {
public KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate() {
return new KafkaTemplate<>(producerFactory());
public ProducerFactory<String, String> producerFactory() {
Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();
props.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, appConfig.getBrokersList());
props.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class);
props.put(ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class);
return new DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<>(props);
same thing I want to do for consumer part!
could someone please help?
Nothing is changed here. The XML and Java & Annotation configurations contributes to the same ApplicationContext and bean declared in one place can be references in the other, and wise versa. So, to use that kafkaTemplate bean in the XML, you just need to use exactly this name instead of that template and remove those bean definitions in the XML.
Only the problem that annotation configuration has to be primary: use an AnnotationConfigApplicationContext. Although I see that you use Spring Boot, so everything is OK. Your XML config has to be used on some #Configuration class as a #ImportResource. On the other hand if you have already enough experience with annotations configuration, there might not be a reason to stick with XML config even for Spring Integration. Consider to investigate Java DSL which smoothly replaces whatever you can have in XML: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/dsl.html#java-dsl
Please, also pay attention that there is an auto-configuration for Apache Kafka in Spring Boot. So you might not need to configure your template and produce/consumer factories: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#messaging.kafka

Convert XML bean definition with parent to Java with annotations

I have an application using a framework that provides certain Spring beans via XML files in the framework. The configuration of my application is currently done partly in XML but mostly with Spring annotations.
Some of the XML bean definitions have parents referring to beans supplied by the framework, e.g.
<bean id="MyBean" parent="FrameworkBean">
<property name="context">
<map merge="true">
<entry key="SomeKey" value-ref="SomeValue" />
FramwworkBean is defined in an XML file in the framework. There is a chain of bean inheritance. At each step some entries are added to the context:
<bean id="FrameworkBean" parent="AbstractBean">
<map merge="true">...
<bean id="AbstractBean" abstract="true" class="ClassWithContext"/>
I understand the result of all this is construction of a ClassWithContext
instance with a map containing all the entries up the chain.
Is it possible to write Java code to do the same, without duplicating code from the framework XML files?
#Bean("MyBean") ClassWithContext myBean() {
return ??? // code that uses "FrameworkBean" somehow
The XML bean definition has no dependency on the type of AbstractBean.
If MyBean can be created by Java code, can that code be written to be equally type-agnostic? Or should I just leave this in XML?
If your "FrameworkBean" is not abstract bean you can try the following:
public SomeType myBean(#Qualifier("FrameworkBean") FrameworkBeanType frameworkBean) {
SomeType type = getSomeType();
return type;

Can I combine #controller and XML bean mapping in spring?

I currently have a #Controller declared in spring and have a bunch of mappings done like so:
#RequestMapping(value = "foo", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView foo() {
ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(
return mav;
However every time I want to add a simple JSP mapping I need to recompile and build a new war and deploy.
This isnt so bad except sometimes other members of the team have requests and it would be easier if they can just go into the test env and create the mapping themselves without having to recompile.
I know that you can do similar mapping using xml but can I do this at the same time that I have the #Controller defined?
Like in the example above how could I define that mapping in XML rather than in java?
or say I needed foo2 to map to myjsp2.jsp
I am using spring MVC 3.2
Look into BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping which allows you specify url patterns for controllers in your configuration. Documentation
<bean id="handlerMapping" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping"/>
<bean name="/editaccount.form" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleFormController">
<property name="formView" value="account"/>
<property name="successView" value="account-created"/>
<property name="commandName" value="account"/>
<property name="commandClass" value="samples.Account"/>

how to load spring properties without injection or inject a bundle or something?

I currently load my properties file like so in spring
<context:property-placeholder location="test-esb-project-config.properties"/>
<context:property-placeholder location="esb-project-config.properties"/>
This seems to work great for properties use inside the xml files. How do I load a property from inside my java code now though? OR how do I inject some kind of Bundle or Config object so I don't have to inject 10 properties in one bean?
using annotations #Value(${property}) worked much better and it injected the property into my bean without all the work of xml typing and adding a setter...way too much work going that route.
You can either have setters for each property and wire them with the property reference.
public class MyBean{
public void setFoo(String foo){ /* etc */}
public void setBar(String bar){ /* etc */}
<bean class="foo.bar.MyBean">
<property name="foo" value="${my.properties.foo}" />
<property name="bar" value="${my.properties.bar}" />
Or you can inject a Properties Object into your Spring Bean.
public class MyBean{
public void setProperties(Properties properties){
// init your properties here
<bean class="foo.bar.MyBean">
<property name="properties" value="classpath:/path.to.properties" />
Both of these would also work without XML when using the #Value annotation.
(see Expression Language > Annotation-based Configuration)

Spring's overriding bean

Can we have duplicate names for the same bean id that is mentioned in the XML?
If not, then how do we override the bean in Spring?
Any given Spring context can only have one bean for any given id or name. In the case of the XML id attribute, this is enforced by the schema validation. In the case of the name attribute, this is enforced by Spring's logic.
However, if a context is constructed from two different XML descriptor files, and an id is used by both files, then one will "override" the other. The exact behaviour depends on the ordering of the files when they get loaded by the context.
So while it's possible, it's not recommended. It's error-prone and fragile, and you'll get no help from Spring if you change the ID of one but not the other.
I will add that if your need is just to override a property used by your bean, the id approach works too like skaffman explained :
In your first called XML configuration file :
<bean id="myBeanId" class="com.blabla">
<property name="myList" ref="myList"/>
<util:list id="myList">
In your second called XML configuration file :
<util:list id="myList">
Then your bean "myBeanId" will be instantiated with a "myList" property of one element which is 6.
Not sure if that's exactly what you need, but we are using profiles to define the environment we are running at and specific bean for each environment, so it's something like that:
<bean name="myBean" class="myClass">
<constructor-arg name="name" value="originalValue" />
<beans profile="DEV, default">
<!-- Specific DEV configurations, also default if no profile defined -->
<bean name="myBean" class="myClass">
<constructor-arg name="name" value="overrideValue" />
<beans profile="CI, UAT">
<!-- Specific CI / UAT configurations -->
<beans profile="PROD">
<!-- Specific PROD configurations -->
So in this case, if I don't define a profile or if I define it as "DEV" myBean will get "overrideValue" for it's name argument. But if I set the profile to "CI", "UAT" or "PROD" it will get "originalValue" as the value.
An example from official spring manual:
<bean id="inheritedTestBean" abstract="true"
<property name="name" value="parent"/>
<property name="age" value="1"/>
<bean id="inheritsWithDifferentClass"
parent="inheritedTestBean" init-method="initialize">
<property name="name" value="override"/>
<!-- the age property value of 1 will be inherited from parent -->
Is that what you was looking for?
Updated link
Since Spring 3.0 you can use #Primary annotation. As per documentation:
Indicates that a bean should be given preference when multiple
candidates are qualified to autowire a single-valued dependency. If
exactly one 'primary' bean exists among the candidates, it will be the
autowired value. This annotation is semantically equivalent to the
element's primary attribute in Spring XML.
You should use it on Bean definition like this:
public ExampleBean exampleBean(#Autowired EntityManager em) {
return new ExampleBeanImpl(em);
or like this:
public class ExampleService implements BaseServive {
Another good approach not mentioned in other posts is to use PropertyOverrideConfigurer in case you just want to override properties of some beans.
For example if you want to override the datasource for testing (i.e. use an in-memory database) in another xml config, you just need to use <context:property-override ..."/> in new config and a .properties file containing key-values taking the format beanName.property=newvalue overriding the main props.
<bean id="dataSource"
destroy-method="close" />
<import resource="classpath:path/to/file/application-mainConfig.xml"/>
<!-- override bean props -->
<context:property-override location="classpath:path/to/file/beanOverride.properties"/>
Whether can we declare the same bean id in other xml for other reference e.x.
<bean id="inheritedTestBean" class="org.springframework.beans.TestBean">
<property name="name" value="parent"/>
<property name="age" value="1"/>
Other xml (Document.xml)
<bean id="inheritedTestBean" class="org.springframework.beans.Document">
<property name="name" value="document"/>
<property name="age" value="1"/>
Question was more about XML but as annotation are more popular nowadays and it works similarly I'll show by example.
Let's create class Foo:
public class Foo {
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
and two Configuration files (you can't create one):
public class Configuration1 {
public Foo foo() {
Foo foo = new Foo();
return foo;
public class Configuration2 {
public Foo foo() {
Foo foo = new Foo();
return foo;
and let's see what happens when calling foo.getName():
public class OverridingBeanDefinitionsApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(OverridingBeanDefinitionsApplication.class, args);
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext applicationContext =
new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(
Configuration1.class, Configuration2.class);
Foo foo = applicationContext.getBean(Foo.class);
in this example result is: configuration2.
The Spring Container gets all configuration metadata sources and merges bean definitions in those sources. In this example there are two #Beans. Order in which they are fed into ApplicationContext decide. You can flip new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Configuration2.class, Configuration1.class); and result will be configuration1.
