install windown7 from usb pen error - windows-7

I tried to install windows7 from USB according to the instructions of following page.
But at the location where i select the partition it says me something like "device not found."(Cant give the exact machine as i came to somewhere else to search the internet, coz my machine's not working).
How can i overcome this?? I've formatted the whole disk. Got nothing to do now!!!

You have formatted the whole hard disk. That is the problem. It's a windows 7 specific problem. I'll describe the case in brief. the setup detects your pen drive as a part of the hard disk(at least something like this). Therefore you can overcome the issue by not letting this to happen.
Which means, you can make the pen drive read only (or make don't allow setup to use pen drives storage). One possible solution will be fill the empty space of the pen drive with bulky data. then there will be no space for the setup program to use in the pen.
Or else you can remove pen drive at the time where the setup is trying to access it (for the above mentioned purpose). How to know the exact time??? well it's trial and error. I myself have done it and it worked. It will require some Patience.
Of course, you can install some other os and then try install win7 after that.
Hope that helps..!!


OSXFUSE - what exactly does the "local" mount option mean?

I've implemented an OSXFUSE-based file system. It works fine on 10.8, but on Mavericks MS Word opens existing documents as blank (although I am, apparently, returning the correct data - I see the contents in the preview icon. Also, if I copy a file to a real hard drive and open it, it opens fine).
This issue is fixed on Mavericks if I mount my filesystem with the "local" flag. However, using this flag introduces other problems - e.g., it looks like it causes Finder to do some more aggressive caching, hence some file are not visible in Finder (although I can ls them in terminal).
Ideally I want to be able to mount the filesystem without this local flag (my implementation stores file on the network, so passing this flag looks wrong), but the problem with blank Word documents really puzzles me.
We have been able to track down the problem to - wait for it - Google Chrome. When Google Chrome is running while the volume is mounted, the problem appears. If Google Chrome is not running, Word/Excel/etc. files open just fine.
We've been in contact with Benjamin (OSXFUSE developer). Please also see his answer regarding this issue on the OSXFUSE mailing list:
So far I have not found any bugs in osxfuse that might explain this behavior. The odd thing is that the files are not corrupted or empty. After copying the files to another volume they open just fine. Using LibreOffice to open the file on the FUSE volume works, too.
Chrome and Office seem to be based on the Carbon framework (which is deprecated since Mountain Lion). I believe the issue is somehow related to Carbon since non-Carbon apps do not seem to be affected. Every time a volume is mounted Chrome queries the volume’s capabilities and attributes (and maybe more). As far as I can tell all these file system operations return successful without any errors. But from this point on Office will fail to open documents.
In my opinion the two most likely reasons for this are:
osxfuse might break the VFS file system contract on Mavericks. I’ve been looking into this for some time now but I have not found any clues supporting this.
There might be a bug in the Carbon/CarbonCore framework. The odd thing is that there are no issues when using the stock network file systems afp or smb.
The two possible "fixes" (or rather "workarounds") for this issue seem to be (for now):
Use the "local" mount option (which might introduce other problems and is generally not recommend to use)
Do not use the "volname" mount option. The problem seems only to occur when the "volname" mount option is used. If no custom volume name is set, the problem seems not to occur and Excel/Word/etc. files open just fine - regardless whether Google Chrome was running at mount time.
I've seen the same and likewise local is not an option. Similar problems with Photoshop.
Some findings from my implementation
The problem doesn't occur on first run after reboots.
The problem begins occurring after program exit.
I solved this problem by manually dismounting (and waiting a few seconds) before exiting my program. If unmount is successful, on next run the mount again performs fine.
If the program ever terminates or dismounting fails (file in use, etc) then the volume's read-access is borked in Word/Photoshop on next mount.
Rebooting resolves issue.
Does this match what you're seeing?

C++ Builder - Handle to OS to Iterate Through All Drives

I'm using Borland C++ Builder for a project which connects to a database.
There is a configuration which does backups to a USB drive. The problem with the current approach is that the drive is manually configured by the end user and sometimes things get messed up. E.g. People move the USB drive to a different port, get a different letter and then the back up process no longer works. As a side note, we have other "better" processes for backing up to the cloud, etc., however some locations don't have internet access and aren't running on a RAID... so backing up to USB gives them a saving grace from a HD crash.
I'm hoping to do some coding to help remove this issue. I'm hoping to be able to get a handle to the OS (Windows 8/7/XP) and be able to identify the drives on the machine. Once I have those, I can then iterate through them and check for a path location (e.g. File marker, so if a the file exists, I know its the USB we supplied). Then once I have that, I can do the back up.
As a worse case scenario, I will be able to iterate through all 26 letters to test each drive. However I'm using this as a learning opportunity and hoping to get a handle to the OS so reduce the number of checks/fails I can run into. Besides, I'm curious if anyone has a better approach :)
I don't think there's much to be gained by trying to do something more advanced than iterating over the 26 drive letters.
Before attempting to check whether or not the marker path exists you could add a call to GetDriveType and compare the return value against DRIVE_REMOVABLE. This will make sure that your code doesn't spin up the CD/DVD drive, or hit the network in the case of a mapped share.

Making a soft copy(file) of everything printed to any printer from a Windows workstation?

I have been looking into the possibility of creating a soft copy(image/EMF file) of everything printed from Windows - for archival purposes. Does anyone know if it is possible to create a hooking DLL that can grab the printed data in such a general way?
A low tech way of solving it might be to install pdf printer driver as the default printer and remove all others and set it up to automatically write all the files to certain directory on the network and then write a tiny app on another computer to monitor that folder for changes and if any new pdfs appear just print them out to a real printer.
Edit: Otherwise there's apparently something called the Print Monitor API. Here's an article that describes using that from VC++ 6 and seems to be pretty much what you want (assuming it's still supported by the OS you use).
Having looked at this problem in more detail the best solution seems to handle it through Spooler notifications in the Win32.

Looking for advice on solving problems that occur only on your machine

I'm stuck trying to debug a problem which only occurs on my machine. It doesn't exhibit on any of the other devs' systems, nor on our production test server. I've tried pretty much everything I can think of short of completely wiping my hard disk and starting from scratch, or sneaking into the office in the middle of the night to swap my computer with someone else's.
This brings to mind the titular question, then: short of those drastic measures, what do you do when trying to resolve issues that no one else has? I'm open to advice that's general or specific.
[Not sure if this should be CW or not.]
Have you attached a debugger to the program to find the exact point of failure? That is what I would do first.
Sometimes third party software can be the root cause of these sorts of issues. Things like Anti-virus software install low-level filesystem and network drivers that can cause random intermittent failures. You can try killing all processes that aren't base OS services and your app.
Depending on your OS there are different tools that you can use to see what's going on under the covers. E.g. on Windows you can use Process Monitor to see what Registry keys it opens, what DLLs get loaded, etc. You can run this on your machine and on the success machines and compare to see if perhaps some required module is missing .
But seriously, use a debugger. That's what they are there for.
Two things:
I start with the obvious: What's different on your box? More memory? Odball PCI card? Different Microsoft APIs or service packs?
For oddball random software and/or OS crashes:
Check your system for heat issues.
Check your RAM for bad bits.
In this situation, I would try to check out the code and cleanly rebuild it from a different directory to make sure that there are no miscellaneous files in your working directory that are causing a problem.
If you are doing work against a database, I would also try tearing down the database and reconstructing it, possibly using a dump from another developer's machine.
Check the versions of any external third party software - database version, OS version, even software patches.
Look at the configuration on someone else's machine who doesn't have the problem and compare.
Get another developer to sit at your workstation and try to reproduce the problem and also go to their workstation and try it. True story - a fellow developer had a bug that he could only reproduce on his turns out that he was doing something slightly different in the GUI that no one else was doing (tabbing to a button and then hitting enter, everyone else just hit enter). It never occurred to him that other people might just hit enter to submit, because that "didn't make sense" to him.

Compiling code on an external drive

To make things easier when switching between machines (my workstation at the office and my personal laptop) I have thought about trying an external hard drive to store my working directory on. Specifically I am looking at Firewire 800 drives (most are 5400 rpm 8mb cache). What I am wondering is if anyone has experience with doing this with Visual Studio projects and what sort of performance hit they see.
It depends on the size of the project. The throughput is low and the latency is high, so you're going to get hit every which way, but due to the latency you'll be hit harder if you have a lot of little files rather than a few large ones.
Have you considered simply carrying around a GIT or other distributed repository and updating the machine repositories as you move around? Then you can compile locally and treat the drive and a roving server. Since only changes will be moved across, it should be faster, and your code will be 'backed up' in more places.
If you forget the drive, it breaks, or is lost/stolen, then you can still sit down at a PC and program with no code missing if you're at the last PC you used, or very little code missing (which will be updated later with a resync anyway).
And it's just a hop skip and a jump away from simply using the network to move the changes between the systems if you don't want to carry the drive around later.
I use vmware and the virtual machines are on an external usb drive. Performance is fine. You might have some issues with the drive name changing - not an issue if you use virtual machines.
Granted I work in an industry were Personal Information and Intellectual Property are king, but I don't like that idea at all. That hard drive disappears and you have a big problem.
Why not Remote Desktop into the work machine?
EDIT Stipud Spelingg
