Windows phone 7 - how to connect to remote services - windows-phone-7

I want to connect to remote machine using windows phone 7.5. Is there any inbuilt classes in .net for this.
For regular desktop application same can be done using ServiceController class. I am looking for the similar class for windows phone application.

ServiceController is used to control state of services on local or remote machine.
WP apps don't have a way of controlling remote or local services.
You would have to write SOAP or REST API for managing services and then connect WP app to those, but do make sure it is secured properly - you don't want to give access to service control to everyone.


Send notification to UWP app from remote server without cloud support

How can I notify a UWP app from remote server? Is it possible with Windows notification service, I don't want implement with cloud service. Is there any possibility?
Yes, That's absolutely possible. The server-side component can be any cloud hosted service or it can be your own custom implementation and hosted somewhere on your on-prem servers.
You can create a simple service using and host that on your remote server.

how to connect windows phone emulator to local server

I Want just to know how
How we can do to access the OpenERP server (on localhost) via a Json request using windows phone application (emulator)?
how to connect to a local server = (localhost access) because I think there is no relationship between my application and the local server
For connect to OpenErp from Visual Studio for Windows Phone, I use XmlRcp
It's simple use and fast developing.

Create WCF service with Integrated Windows Security on IIS7

I'm trying to create a WCF service that uses Integrated Windows Security and will be hosted on IIS7.
This service is going to be used inside a domain and will be consumed by a java client.
My questions are:
What bindings should I use ?
How do I set up Integrated Windows Security on IIS7? (not the same as IIS6)
How do I get the credentials inside the service (C#), that is, how to read the user name.?

Windows Store App, VPN, RAS Api

Our windows store app allows user to manage (create or dial) VPN profiles.
For this functionality we use
RAS Api (create and dial VPN profile)
Wlan Api (listen to wifi networks) - will be changed to classes with Windows.Networking.Connectivity in windows8
Wlan Api
We face following troubles for Windows Store application:
RAS API functions don't work properly under windows store application template (as example RasEnumDevices return error code 5 - Access Denied).
However it works good from desktop application launched on windows 8.
Question: how we could get RAS API to work under window store applications? If that is absolutely impossible - is there any other way to create VPN connection in app developed for Windows Store?
All user's VPN profiles stored by Windows OS in "..\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\rasphone.pbk", file could be found on file system manually, but we don't have access to this file via API, either we can't access it directrly. Current workarround uses own created PBK file located in users profile folder.
Question: how we could get access to system VPN connections stored in OS.
Hotspot Shield VPN for Windows offers private browsing to ensure the privacy of your web session.
Check it out here:

wcf windows service interaction

I have a windows service in which i host a wcf service.
What is the best approach to control the windows service via the wcf service? I already created the interfaces for the wcf service, but I have no idea how to interact with the windows service's classes and functions.
just to check that I'm understanding your problem correctly - you want to run a wcf service, so you create a windows service to host it, and you want your desktop client to be able to control the windows service (that's hosting the wcf service) by talking to the wcf service?
If that's the case, what is it that you're trying to do with the windows service? In some of the work I've done, I've set up the server such that there's the windows service hosting all the wcf services I want to run, and in order to interact with that windows service remotely (e.g. starting/stopping/restarting) I have another service running on the server (usually baked into the Amazon instance image so it's running on every new server that gets brought up) which my remote client can talk to instead. That way I have a means to trigger a service restart on all my servers without having to manually connect/remote desktop to each server. Of course, the second wcf service is secured by some means so it can't be exploited easily.
Is that the sort of thing you're looking to do?
