How to add Dispatcher timer in for loop? - windows-phone-7

I have to add Dispatcher timer in for loop.I have a multiple pushpin buttons and at run time i wants to retrieve this pushpin buttons in some time interval so how to add dispatcher timer in my loop...
my C# code is....
for (int i = 0; i <= ClsGetDeviceMap.lstLongLatitude.Count - 1; i++)
string lat, lon;
lat = ClsGetDeviceMap.lstLatitude.ElementAt<string>(i).Trim();
lon = ClsGetDeviceMap.lstLongLatitude.ElementAt<string>(i).Trim();
Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(lat);
LongLatitude = Convert.ToDouble(lon);
GpsSpeed = 44.21811;
map1.Center = new GeoCoordinate(Latitude, LongLatitude, GpsSpeed);
map1.ZoomLevel = 17;
map1.ZoomBarVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
pin[i] = new Pushpin();
pin[i].Location = new GeoCoordinate(Latitude, LongLatitude);
myCoorditeWatcher = new GeoCoordinateWatcher(GeoPositionAccuracy.High);
myCoorditeWatcher.MovementThreshold = 20;
//DispatcherTimer newTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
//newTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
//// newTimer.Tick += map1.Children.Add(pin[i]);
var gl = GestureService.GetGestureListener(pin[i]);
gl.Hold += new EventHandler<GestureEventArgs>(GestureListener_Hold);
gl.Tap += new EventHandler<GestureEventArgs>(GestureListener_Stack_Tap);
myCoorditeWatcher.PositionChanged += new EventHandler<GeoPositionChangedEventArgs<GeoCoordinate>>(myCoorditeWatcher_PositionChanged);
timer = new DispatcherTimer();
timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000);
timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);

newTimer.Tick += () =>
// probably you need to stop this timer after one tick


How to dynamically create a few pushpin for bing map

How can I dynamically create a few pushpin which I need to add them to the bing Map. Say, I need 10 pushpin.
Below is the code.
for( int i =0 ; i <=10 ; i++)
Pushpin pp = new Pushpin();
--- Update :
Pushpin[] pp = new Pushpin[intcount];
int PinNbr = 1;
//---- get the items out one by one:
foreach (var c in Cat)
if (c.GpsLat != null && c.GpsLon != null)
//--default fixed location : Lat/Lon
double KM = CalculateDistance("1.xxxxx", "103.xxxxxx", c.GpsLat, c.GpsLon);
if ((KM < 2.0)) )
//--- show the pushpin
pp[PinNbr] = new Pushpin();
pp[PinNbr].Content = c.BizId.ToString() + "," + c.BizName;
pp[PinNbr].Width = 180;
pp[PinNbr].Height = 120;
//-------- All use the same eventHandler
pp[PinNbr].MouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(Pushpin_MouseLeftButtonUp);
//-- using Lat/lon
map1.Center = new GeoCoordinate(1.2xxxx, 103.3xxx);
map1.ZoomLevel = 13;
//-------- All use the same eventHandler
If you are using BingMaps in Windows Phone 7.1, you can do it like this:
for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
Pushpin pp = new Pushpin();
pp.Location = new GeoCoordinate(latitude, longitude);
pp.Content = //Content for the Pushpin;
myMap.Children.Add(pp); //myMap is your map control

How to show polynomial tread line in Am-Line chart

How can i show a polynomial tread line in Am-line chart. I'm getting a straight trend line here, i need a polynomial trend line. My javascript code is shown below. Please someone help me to solve this issue.
function GenChartData() {
var data1 = [0.234761158, 0.23816127, 0.263960124, 0.282558558, 0.300607979, 0.318197719, 0.316059534, 0.319133276, 0.322505238, 0.323926338, 0.323720379, 0.3203703, 0.318837626, 0.318380371, 0.321465339, 0.316398839, 0.310238176, 0.301206892, 0.278454166, 0.268778255, 0.250299958, 0.23754735, 0.216277621, 0.182483871, 0.152057602, 0.129372542, 0.079524595, 0.044074801, 0.007279248, -0.021369877, -0.022801251, -0.043247196, -0.060677351, -0.055932729, -0.055847788, -0.032625365, -0.027289726, -0.022615401, -0.010850169, 0.015833104, 0.043923065, 0.055500831, 0.048043121, 0.054154849, 0.064038257, 0.049914887, 0.046542406, 0.03154397, 0.033614909, 0.030570225, 0.035606699, 0.001179461, -0.028934007, -0.019034206, 2.30344E-05];
var dates = ["12/31/2001", "1/31/2002", "2/28/2002", "3/31/2002", "4/30/2002", "5/31/2002", "6/30/2002", "7/31/2002", "8/31/2002", "9/30/2002", "10/31/2002", "11/30/2002", "12/31/2002", "1/31/2003", "2/28/2003", "3/31/2003", "4/30/2003", "5/31/2003", "6/30/2003", "7/31/2003", "8/31/2003", "9/30/2003", "10/31/2003", "11/30/2003", "12/31/2003", "1/31/2004", "2/29/2004", "3/31/2004", "4/30/2004", "5/31/2004", "6/30/2004", "7/31/2004", "8/31/2004", "9/30/2004", "10/31/2004", "11/30/2004", "12/31/2004", "1/31/2005", "2/28/2005", "3/31/2005", "4/30/2005", "5/31/2005", "6/30/2005", "7/31/2005", "8/31/2005", "9/30/2005", "10/31/2005", "11/30/2005", "12/31/2005", "1/31/2006", "2/28/2006", "3/31/2006", "4/30/2006", "5/31/2006", "6/30/2006"];
for (var i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) {
date: new Date(dates[i]),
data1: data1[i]});
AmCharts.ready(function () {
chart = new AmCharts.AmSerialChart();
chart.pathToImages = "JS/AmFiles/amcharts/images/";
chart.marginTop = 0;
chart.marginRight = 10;
chart.autoMarginOffset = 5;
//chart.backgroundColor = "#CCCCC";
chart.zoomOutButton = {
backgroundColor: '#000000',
backgroundAlpha: 0.15
chart.dataProvider = chartData;
chart.categoryField = "date";
// listen for "dataUpdated" event (fired when chart is rendered) and call zoomChart method when it happens
chart.addListener("dataUpdated", zoomChart);
// category
var categoryAxis = chart.categoryAxis;
categoryAxis.parseDates = true; // as our data is date-based, we set parseDates to true
categoryAxis.minPeriod = "MM"; // our data is daily, so we set minPeriod to DD
categoryAxis.dashLength = 1;
categoryAxis.gridAlpha = 0.15;
categoryAxis.axisColor = "#DADADA";
categoryAxis.labelFrequency = 1;
categoryAxis.equalSpacing = true;
// value
var valueAxis = new AmCharts.ValueAxis();
valueAxis.axisAlpha = 0.2;
valueAxis.dashLength = 1;
graph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
graph.type = "smoothedLine";
graph.lineColor = "#180ad1";
graph.negativeLineColor = "#180ad1";
graph.bullet = "round";
graph.bulletSize = 5;
graph.lineThickness = 2;
graph.valueField = "data1";
chartCursor = new AmCharts.ChartCursor();
chartCursor.cursorPosition = "mouse";
// first trend line
var trendLine = new AmCharts.TrendLine();
trendLine.initialDate = new Date(chartData[0].date); // 12 is hour - to start trend line in the middle of the day
trendLine.finalDate = new Date(chartData[chartData.length-1].date);
trendLine.initialValue = 0.234761158;
trendLine.finalValue = 2.30344E-05;
trendLine.lineColor = "#CC0000";
Thanks for your help
You would need to basically have another graphline on there rather than a trendline.
You can look at this example -
to see how to equip multiple data graphs.

How to add bounce effect to dynamically created images in winRT?

My objective is to give bounce effect to dynamically created images within a for loop.
var sb = new Storyboard();
Storyboard.SetTarget(sb, imageTranslateTransform);
sb.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;
sb.AutoReverse = true;
var da = new DoubleAnimation();
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(da, "Y");
da.From = 0;
da.To = 100;
da.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1d);
da.EasingFunction = new QuadraticEase {EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut};

An error is occur when i called Web browser....

for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {
ds = new Discription();
PivotItem pivotItem = new PivotItem();
pivotItem.Header = list.ElementAt(i).header.ToString();
StackPanel sta = new StackPanel();
WebBrowser wb = new WebBrowser();
pivotItem.Content = sta;
an error is occur when calling web browser control
You cannot call WebBrowser methods until it is in the visual tree.
Subscribe to the Loaded event of the Webbrowser control and move your navigation code to the loaded handler.
Replace the line
var address = list.ElementAt(i).Detail.ToString();
wb.Loaded += (sender, e) => { wb.NavigateToString(address); }
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {
ds = new Discription();
PivotItem pivotItem = new PivotItem();
pivotItem.Header = list.ElementAt(i).header.ToString();
Grid sta = new Grid();
WebBrowser wb = new WebBrowser();
var address = list.ElementAt(i).Detail.ToString();
wb.Loaded += (sender, e) => { wb.NavigateToString(address); };
pivotItem.Content = sta;

Actionscript - randomly drop from moving plane MC

I wasn't quite sure how to describe my problem in the subject. I have a plane MC and a crate MC. The plane only flies along the y axis from the bottom of the screen to top. Along the way I want it to randomly drop the crate MC. My code is below. The problem is that the crates spontaneously keep spawning and not near the plane.
function movePlane():void
var tempY:Number;
var tempX:Number;
var tempCrate:MovieClip;
var tempPlane:MovieClip;
for (var j:int =planes.length-1; j>=0; j--)
tempPlane = planes[j];
tempPlane.y += tempPlane.planeSpeed;
tempCrate = new Crate();
tempY = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempPlane.y);
tempX = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempPlane.x);
tempCrate.y = tempY;
tempCrate.x = tempX;
Edited answer:
To make a crate drop on each plane once you can create this behavior by creating a timer on each plane with a random time value. Like this:
function addRandomCreation():void{
var animationTime:Number = 5000; //The time the planes will be animating in ms
for(var i:int = 0; i < planes.length; i++){
var planeTimer:Timer = new Timer(Math.round(animationTime * Math.random()));
planeTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerComplete(i));
function timerComplete(planeID:int):function{
return function(event:TimerEvent):void{;, arguments.callee);
var tempCrate:MovieClip = new Crate();
tempY = Math.round(Math.random() * planes[planeID].y);
tempCrate.y = tempY;
tempCrate.x = planes[planeID].x;
Edited answer:
This will create a crate on the same x axis as the plane it's being created by.
function movePlane():void
var tempY:Number;
var tempX:Number;
var tempCrate:MovieClip;
var tempPlane:MovieClip;
for (var j:int =planes.length-1; j>=0; j--)
tempPlane = planes[j];
tempPlane.y += tempPlane.planeSpeed;
tempCrate = new Crate();
tempY = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempPlane.y);
tempCrate.y = tempY;
tempCrate.x = tempPlane.x;
You have have to use addChild each time you create a new Crate otherwise it will just create a lot of crates which only the last one will be added to the stage. To do this you have to move the addChild into the loop.
function movePlane():void
var tempY:Number;
var tempX:Number;
var tempCrate:MovieClip;
var tempPlane:MovieClip;
for (var j:int =planes.length-1; j>=0; j--)
tempPlane = planes[j];
tempPlane.y += tempPlane.planeSpeed;
tempCrate = new Crate();
tempY = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempPlane.y);
tempX = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempPlane.x);
tempCrate.y = tempY;
tempCrate.x = tempX;
