How to include links at the end of a row in a WebGrid? -

I am trying to display data in an MVC3 application that shows data from a database. Originally I hacked together a solution using tables which can be seen here: .
I later updated my view so as to use a Webgrid instead:
I would like to include the Edit and Delete links from my first effort into the Webgrid solution. Does anyone know how I can do this (I could make some of the entries in the webgrid into links-this would be suitable for the edit option but not for the delete)
Current View code:
#model IEnumerable
ViewBag.Title = "DisplayMembers";
#{ var grid = new WebGrid(Model, canSort: false, canPage: true, defaultSort: "UserRoleId"); }
tableStyle: "dataGrid",
headerStyle: "header",
alternatingRowStyle: "evenRow",
columns: grid.Columns
grid.Column(header: "User Role ID", columnName: "UserRoleId"),
grid.Column(header: "UserName", columnName: "UserName"),
grid.Column(header: "Role ", columnName: "Role"),
grid.Column(header: "Active", columnName: "ActiveInd")

this should help
grid.Column(header: "Edit", format: #<text>#Html.ActionLink("Edit", "EditAction", "ControllerName", new{#userRoleId=#item.UserRoleId})</text>),
grid.Column(header: "Delete", format: #<text>#Html.ActionLink("Delete", "DeleteAction", "ControllerName", new { #userRoleId= #item.UserRoleId})</text>)

I solved it be using an HTML.Actionlink as follows:
grid.Column(columnName: "Select", header: "",
format:#<text>#Html.ActionLink("Select", "Create", new {item.Name},null) </text>)


Pagination on WebGrid deactivates after adding entries

I'm using a WebGrid with pagination in conjunction with an AJAX popup window to add new entries. I've noticed that after I've added an entry the pagination links at the bottom of the WebGrid become inactive.
The popup calls the controller's Save action which finishes with the following:
return PartialView("_PersonGrid", pModel.Persons);
There are three views that are used here. An index, a grid and a popup. The grid is embedded in the index and the popup can be called by clicking on buttons on the grid and index.
The index view has the following code:
#using (Ajax.BeginForm(new AjaxOptions { InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace, UpdateTargetId = "myUserGrid" }))
<div id="myUserGrid">
#Html.Partial("_PersonGrid", Model.Persons)
<br />
//other code
The grid view (_PersonGrid.cshtml) is:
#model IEnumerable<CIMsWebApp.Client.Group.Entities.IPerson>
#{ var grid = new WebGrid(Model, canSort: true, canPage: true, defaultSort: "UserName", ajaxUpdateContainerId: "myUserGrid"); }
tableStyle: "dataGrid",
headerStyle: "header",
alternatingRowStyle: "evenRow",
columns: grid.Columns
grid.Column(header: "User Name", columnName: "UserName", format: item => Html.Raw("<a href='#' class='userNames' data-personid='"+item.PersonId+"'>" + item.UserName + "</a>"), canSort: false),
grid.Column(header: "Role(s)", columnName: "Rolebuilder", canSort: false),
grid.Column(header: "Active", columnName: "ActiveIndBuilder", canSort: false),
grid.Column(header: "Action", format:
#<span><input type="button" class="edit-user" id="#item.PersonId" value="EDIT" />
</span>, canSort: false)
finally the popup view is:
#model CIMsWebApp.Models.PersonModel
#using (Html.BeginForm("Save", "Person", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "formUser" }))
When I first arrive at the page or If I refresh it they become active again.
I'm guessing your "ajaxUpdateContainerId: "myUserGrid"" is a div with an id="myUserGrid" and the partial is loaded in there.. So correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that div should be in your partial. It's a bit confusing sometimes but you should try this out..
#*Everything else except the div*#
#{Html.RenderPartial("_PersonGrid", Model)
#model IEnumerable<CIMsWebApp.Client.Group.Entities.IPerson>
<div id="myUserGrid">
#{ var grid = new WebGrid(Model, canSort: true, canPage: true, defaultSort: "UserName", ajaxUpdateContainerId: "myUserGrid"); }
tableStyle: "dataGrid",
headerStyle: "header",
alternatingRowStyle: "evenRow",
columns: grid.Columns
grid.Column(header: "User Name", columnName: "UserName", format: item => Html.Raw("<a href='#' class='userNames' data-personid='"+item.PersonId+"'>" + item.UserName + "</a>"), canSort: false),
grid.Column(header: "Role(s)", columnName: "Rolebuilder", canSort: false),
grid.Column(header: "Active", columnName: "ActiveIndBuilder", canSort: false),
grid.Column(header: "Action", format:
#<span><input type="button" class="edit-user" id="#item.PersonId" value="EDIT" />
</span>, canSort: false)
If this doesn't work, give some additional data (the view in which you call the partial, where and how you call the save action, etc...)
After looking into how the WebGrid pagination actually works it seems that after carrying out a save it then tries to call a GET method on the Save method. So I created a method for this very purpose and then redirected it back to the Index method. The final two parameters get passed directly to the query string which are then used in the pagination.
public ActionResult Pagination(string page, string __, long id = 0)
return RedirectToAction("Index", new {id = id, page=page, __ = __ });

Inserting links into a WebGrid

I'm looking to create some hyperlinks in a Webgrid. I'd like to have the "User Name" column display it's values as hyperlinks instead of text. Is it possible to incorporate the #Html.ActionLink function into the WebGrid below?
The columnName expects a string which corresponds to a property of the model that is being passed to the view. So the problem is how to get that into a link.
#model IEnumerable<CIMsWebApp.Client.Group.Entities.IUser>
#{ var grid = new WebGrid(Model, canSort: true, canPage: true, defaultSort: "UserName", ajaxUpdateContainerId: "myUserGrid"); }
tableStyle: "dataGrid",
headerStyle: "header",
alternatingRowStyle: "evenRow",
columns: grid.Columns
grid.Column(header: "User Name", columnName: "UserName", canSort: false),
grid.Column(header: "Role(s)", columnName: "Rolebuilder", canSort: false),
grid.Column(header: "Active", columnName: "ActiveInd", canSort: false),
grid.Column(header: "Action", format:
#<span><input type="button" class="edit-user" id="#item.PersonId" value="EDIT" />
</span>, canSort: false)
So the problem is how to get that into a link.
You could use the format parameter to provide any custom format you like for this cell (btw you already did this for the last column):
header: "Subject",
columnName: "UserName",
format: item => Html.ActionLink((string)item.UserName, "SomeAction", new { id = (int)item.PersonId })

MVC3 WebGrid - #Url.Action using image button

I got a problem that actually I do not yet solved. For some reasons I had a request to replace the text used in Html.ActionLink with a more visual design using images as button inside a WebGrid for the usuale operations like modify, duplicate, publish and delete.
Reading I have tried many ways but none led me to the final stage:
var grid = new WebGrid(Model, new List<string>(), canPage: true, rowsPerPage: 5);
#grid.GetHtml(tableStyle: "webGrid",
htmlAttributes: new { id = "DataTable" },
headerStyle: "header",
alternatingRowStyle: "alt",
grid.Column("Description", header: "Description"),
grid.Column("DateCreation", header: "Creation Date"),
grid.Column("CompanyOwner", header: "Company"),
grid.Column("Owner", header: "User"),
grid.Column("Status", header: "Status"),
grid.Column("Action", header: "Action",
format: (item) => #Url.Action("publish",
new { id = item.ID })))
To do that I start with a model created with a linq to entities where I added the column Action, the one that I want to use to place my buttons. How do I place the images to work as buttons as I done in a normal table:
<a href="#Url.Action("PublishPill", new { id = item.ID })">
<img src="../../Images/world_32px.png", alt="Edit" title="Publish" border="0" /></a>
You can use
grid.Column(header: "ContraseƱa", format: #<text><a href="#Url.Action("ChangePassword", "Home", new { id = item.Identification })" ><img src="../../Content/images/password.png" alt="" style="border:none;" /></a></text>, style: "colOperation")

I want to call loader image when I click sorting and paging for MVC webgrid?

I create a div and tried calling Jquery like But not sure how to trigger it when I page or sort the mvc webgrid?
My web grid:
<div id="grid">
var grid = new WebGrid<MemberSearch>(ajaxUpdateContainerId: "grid",
rowsPerPage: Model.PageSize, defaultSort: "LastName");
grid.Bind(Model.Member, rowCount: Model.TotalRows, autoSortAndPage: false);
// NOTE: I've created another html helper to allow a server-paged grid to be rendered in one call (complete with compiler type inference) as shown below
//var grid = Html.ServerPagedGrid(Model.Products, Model.TotalRows, rowsPerPage: Model.PageSize);
#grid.GetHtml(tableStyle: "webgrid",
headerStyle: "webgrid-header",
footerStyle: "w-footer",
alternatingRowStyle: "webgrid-alternating-rows",
columns: grid.Columns(
grid.Column(format: #<text>#Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { Id = item.Id }) </text>),
grid.Column("fullname", header: "Name", format: #<text>#item.fullname</text>),
grid.Column("Email", header: "Email", format: #<text>#item.Email</text>),
grid.Column("companyname", header: "Company", format: #<text>#item.companyname</text>),
grid.Column("regDate", header: "Registration Date", format: #<text>#item.regDate</text>),
grid.Column("country", header: "Country", format: #<text></text>),
grid.Column("modifiedDate", header: "Profile Modified", format: #<text>#item.modifiedDate</text>),
grid.Column("ciscontactid", header: "CIS ID", format: #<text>#item.ciscontactid</text>)
In your document.ready add the following:
$('thead > tr > th > a[href$="sort"]').click(function () {
This will select the th tags and the a tags that the WebGrid getHtml generates for you. This will handle when the grid is sorted.

Trying to Submit View WebGrid Data to Controller - MVC3

I successfully added a WebGrid with a DropDownList that displays the correct data. I have each row set up for a user can set an error level for an error alert. So my question is how do I submit (HttPost) the WebGrid back to the Controller? I created a property in my model but this being the first time I working with a WebGrid I am not sure how to accomplish this.
Here is a snippet from my View:
var grid = new WebGrid(Model.UserAlerts,
defaultSort: "ErrorCategory",
rowsPerPage: 20);
#using (Html.BeginForm())
<div id="grid">
tableStyle: "grid",
headerStyle: "head",
alternatingRowStyle: "alt",
columns: grid.Columns(
grid.Column("ErrorCategory", "Error Category"),
grid.Column("Error", "Error Name"),
grid.Column(header: "Error Level", format: #<text> #Html.DropDownList("ErrorLevelList")</text>)
