I've Googled this already and usually the responses are fairly complex and I don't really understand all the jargon. Is there a simple explanation for why Debug mode is so slow? Why not just always run in Release?
Debug mode has all optimizations turned off, to make sure the connected debugger works as expected. A Release will have a lot of optimizations switched on.
Simpler than that I cannot state it.
I am wondering if is possible run xcode in mode debug as you can run Java. I am mean not only for debug your app is more, debug and write code in the same time without re-run the compiler again.
Now each time that I write something new I have to restart the compiler and I lost a lot of time.
as far as i know xcode does not provide a clean native way to do this kind of stuff.
you can try using this project :
I haven't used it intensively yet but it seemed to work pretty well and it is quite easy to set up.
If I understand your question correctly and remember it right, there used to be some “quickfix” mode in the early Xcode versions that could offer something like this. I’ve never used it, I don’t know how well it worked or why it was discontinued. Nowadays you have to do with the plain edit → compile → run cycle.
At the moment, I’m writing a small console program. It is small enough that I have not bothered to use an IDE, so I’m just using Notepad2 and cl.exe to edit and build the program, and the command-prompt to run and test it.
This works just fine for the most part (don’t freak out, but I’m actually using a bit of “printf debugging” here and there). Unfortunately certain problems are not quite as easy to fix. For example, a pointer/array problem can cause the program to crash.
I know about—and have—Visual Studio, Ollydbg, Windbg, etc. but those are all fancy, schmancy graphical IDEs and debuggers that are too cumbersome to fire up for what usually amounts to a five-second check before going back to the editor. My edit-compile-test cycle is often as low as 10-15 seconds, so such debuggers become an unacceptable bottleneck.
I’m trying to find out if there is a fast and easy method to debug a console application from the command-prompt. Is there a modern text-mode debugger? (Obviously debug isn’t going to be of much use.) Is there some other way—TSR‽—to view values, catch exceptions, or set breakpoints and step through a program?
You need ntsd (part of the same package as WinDbg, shares all comands) - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/gg463009
Also using free Visual Studio Express may make search for debugging advices easier...
I'd like to realease a Java application in debug mode to allow for easier debugging when random or hard to reproduce problems occur on the customer side.
However, I want to get a heads up on potential side effects of doing this? From the Java HotSpot Documentation it seems that there should be no performance penalty.
From the link
Full Speed Debugging
The Java HotSpot VM now uses
full-speed debugging. In previous
version of the VM, when debugging was
enabled, the program executed using
only the interpreter. Now, the full
performance advantage of HotSpot
technology is available to programs,
even with compiled code. The improved
performance allows long-running
programs to be more easily debugged.
It also allows testing to proceed at
full speed. Once there is an
exception, the debugger launches with
full visibility to code sources.
Is this accurate or are there hidden caveats, what about memory footprint and are there any other hidden gotchas while using debug mode.
PS: I found this article from AMD which confirmed my initial suspiciion that the original article from oricale doesn't show the full story.
I can't speak for HotSpot, and won't officially for IBM, but I will say there are certainly legal kinds of optimization that aren't possible to undo fully should a decompilation be required in the middle of them, and thus aren't enabled when debug is being asked for in the production JVMs you are likely to use.
Imagine a situation where the optimizer discovers a part of the program is provably not required and by the various language rules (including JSR 133) is legal to remove, the JVM will want to get rid of it. The one wrinkle is debug: removing the code will look odd to the human stepping through it (variables not updating, possibly not stopping on lines when stepping) so the choice is to disable said optimizations in those cases. The same might also be true for opts like stack allocated objects, etc.. so while the JVM says it's "full speed" it's actually closer to "nearly full speed, with some of the funkier opts that can't quite be undone removed".
This question is old but came up while I was searching for any performance impact if you just leave -agentlib:jdwp... on but are not actively debugging.
Summary: Starting with debugging options but not connecting shouldn't impact the speed now (Java 7+).
Before java 6 (ish) you used -Xdebug and this had a definite impact, it shut off the JIT!
In java 6 they changed it to -agentlib and made it better. there were some bugs though that did cause a performance penalty. Here is one of the bugs that was filed against openjdk, My guess is that there were similar problems with The oracle/sun version: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6902182
Note however that the stated goal is that simply enabling debugging by opening the port should not cause any performance penalty.
It looks like, at least in openjdk, the bugs were cleaned up by java 7. I didn't see anything about performance impacts after that.
If you research this further and find negative results, take note of the java version the testing was done under--everything I saw was referring to versions before 7.
I'd love to hear if anyone encountered performance problems in a recent VM just leaving the port enabled.
If you plan to run the app with remote debugging enabled, it can affect security also. Remote debugging leaves a port open on your machine, and by connecting to it, I can do all sorts of fun things with your application.
The program definitely does lot more than simply running when in debugging mode, so it is obvious that performance can not be same. However if you read the statement carefully, it says that new release can run fully optimized code even if in debugging mode which was not possible earlier. Thus the new jvm is much more faster than previous one which could only run in interpreted mode which no optimization.
In Visual Studio 2008 there is an option "Optimize Code" that probably corresponds to the /optimize option. It is never enabled, not even when in "Release" mode.
Why should I not want this option to be enabled at all times?
It is on per default for release builds (perhaps you changed the settings for Release builds?). Turn it off to make debugging easier. For release code, turn it on.
Code optimisation has gotten pretty good in C#3 - it does lots of clever performance tweaks that change your code quite a lot more in the IL than you might expect.
Some obfuscation tools (and some other IL tools like ILMerge) can sometimes break the assembly with optimisation on. The more IL tools you use the more likely you are to get serious issues with optimisation.
Also as #Brian Rasmussen already said (+1) - you want it off for debugging, on for releases.
To make this clear, optimization does inline functions and eliminate some variables. When debugging optimized code, you won't get as much help by the IDE as usual, since some of the code actually does not exist anymore. So for debugging, turn if off (default).
In languages like C++ optimization sometimes (often) has critical side effect that need to be considered. As far as i know, this is not or almost not the case for C#, so from the point of correctness of your code, it probably does not matter if you optimize or not.
Im sure this has happened to folks before, something works in debug mode, you compile in release, and something breaks.
This happened to me while working on a Embedded XP environment, the best way i found to do it really was to write a log file to determine where it would go wrong.
What are your experiences/ discoveries trying to tackle an annoying Release-mode bug?
Make sure you have good debug symbols available (you can do this even with a release build, even on embedded devices). You should be able to get a stack trace and hopefully the values of some variables. A good knowledge of assembly language is probably also useful at this point.
My experience is that generally the bug is related to code that is near the area of breakage. That is to say, if you are seeing an issue arising in the function "LoadConfigInfoFromFile" then probably you should start by closely analysing that for issues, rather than "DrawControlsOnScreen", if you know what I mean. "Spooky action at a distance" type bugs do not tend to arise often (although when they do, they tend to be a major bear).
Tracefile is always a good idea.
When it's about crashes, I'm using adplus, which is part of debugging tools for windows. basically what adplus does, is, it attaches windbg to the executable you're monitoring. When the application crashes, you get a crash dump and a log file. You can load the crash dump in your preferred debugger and find out, which instruction lead to the crash.
As release builds are heavily optimized compared to debug builds, the way you compile your code affects its behaviour. This is basically true when crashes in multithreaded code happen in the release version but not the debug version. adplus and windbg helped me, to find out, where this happened.
ADPlus is explained here:
Basically what you have to do is:
1. Download and install WinDbg into C:\debuggers
Start your application
open a cmd and cd to c:\debuggers
start adplus like this:
"adplus.bat -crash your_exe.exe"
reproduce the crash
analyze the crashdump in vs2005 or in windbg
If it's only a small portion of the application that needs debugging then you can change those source files only to be built without optimisations. Presumably you generate debug info for all builds, and so this makes the application run mostly as it would in release, but allows you to debug the interesting parts properly.
How about using Trace statements. They are there for Release mode value checking.
I agree on log file debugging to narrow it down.
I've used "Entering FunctionName" "Leaving FunctionName" until I can find what method it enters before the crash. Then I add more log messages re-compile and re-release.
Besides playing with turning off optimization and/or turning on debug information for your Release build as pauldoo said, a log file will good data can really help. I once wrote a "trace" app that would capture trace logs for the app if it was running when the release build started (otherwise the results would go to the debugger's output window if running under the debugger). I was able to have end-users email me log files from them reproducing the bugs they were seeing, and it was the only way I would have found the problem in at least one case.
Though it's probably not usable in an embedded environment, I've had good luck with WinDbg for debugging release-mode Windows applications. Even if the application is not compiled with symbol information, you can at least get a usable stack trace and plenty of other useful crash information.
You could also copy your debug symbols to the production environment even if it's compiled in relase mode
Here's an article with more information
If you problem is synchronization related dumping log in the file might be problematic.
In this case i usually will use some big array of string and dump this to screen/file after the problem was reproduces.
This is of course depend on your memory restriction, sometime i use just few symbols and numbers to store in the array if the memory on the platform is limited. Reading such logs is not a big pleasure, but sometimes this is the only choice.