XCode-prototype cell, cell identifier - xcode

I have created three prototype cells in a split view master view controller, each will hold an NSArray. I also gave each cell a unique identifier.
I need for the cell, when pressed by user to go to its own individual view controller. Please tell me how to code/format the cellForRowAtIndexPath part. I have read many posts saying---now you just need to change the cell for row part--making it sound like something really simple---but code example not given and I just don't see it.
Please Help--been trying to figure this out for hours now!

If you are using storyboards you can do it in the storyboard because you are using prototype cells. You can just make a new push to the view controller for example for each of your three cells. I beleive that the cellForRowAtIndexPath is more for dynamic cells.


IOS Swift how can stop re-creating cells on drag or scroling in tableview

I am Creating a tableview using custom cell with textfield. When i enter text in tableviewcell textfield and when i scroll the tableview the data is changing . Means re painting cells . How can i stop reloading cell on drag or scroll in IOS 8 swift
If your want your cell not re-used, try to make it a subclass of UITableViewCell with a unique identifier, and do not use the identifier with other cells. I haven't test it yet, just hope it will solve your problem.
Ps. If the textfield's text is still overwritten, make a check at the cell's class file (like making an if-else statement checking if the textfield's text is empty).
Detailed workflow:
In cellForRowAtIndexPath(), after you dequeue the cell, normally you will set some property of your custom cell to refresh the data it holds. To implement this, you need to add a didSet observer on the property at the cell's class file. To achieve the goal you want, you can also add the checking code in the didSet observer.
In Your case. You need to customize your keyboard.
Add [Prev][Next] buttons on top of the keyboard and avoid scrolling.
Basically this idea is useful in form based app. May be your doing that kind.
And yes, Stop relaoding of cells is not good to app. If you will implement this. Apple will not approve your app. So avoid this kind of stuffs.
This is how cells work in a UITableView. The standard implementation of the cellForRowAtIndexPath: method dequeues cells and reuses them.
And ideally your app should save the text from the text fields and change the correct text in the cells depending on their indexPath in the same method's implementation.
If you do not want to do that, a dirty workaround would be to create a new cell every time in the cellForRowAtIndexPath: method instead of dequeuing rows.*
*Do not do this unless absolutely necessary. This is very bad coding practice

TableView to change with UIButton on another viewcontroller

I have a custom cell table view showing arrays with 4 different infos, on 4 labels.
On another view controller I have a UISwitch, which if switched off, should lead to one of the labels to not show anything.
I was thinking to create a boolean, but this does not get picked up in the tableview.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can set the label conditionally in cellForRowAtIndexPath and just call reloadData on the tableView when you hit the switch.

Prototype Cells in UITableView not on top

It's really strange. The Prototype-Cell in my second UITableView isn't on top as it should be:
If I start moving it, than it's on top again, but after i drop it on my View, it is still in this strange way.
How can I change that?
As you see, the first Cell is okay, but the second isn't.
Well, it's difficult to understand using only an image, but I will give you some possible causes for that:
Have you applied a table header view by accident in the second table view? If you did, removing it will be the solution
Have you applied the proper view constraints in the table view and its cells?
If I were you, I would not try to embed two UITableViews in the same view controller this way, especially since you use storyboards with iOS 7. What I would do is to use embed segues. Just drag a container view for each of your view table views, and connect their embed segues to their appropriate table view controllers ( you need to create in the storyboard those, two). That way, you can set the constraints much easier, separate the logic between the two and have a cleaner interface. You can do that and see if that helps.

Switching from a UITableview controller to a viewcontroller

I'm just learning and playing with the apple Seismic XML example
I've got most of it figured out, but the one area I can't get past is, if I want to remove the tableview controller and create a view controller populated with a tableview. I can get the tableview to appear fine, but no matter what I try I can never get it to populate.
In the viewdidload area I can setup the tableview, color the background, do whatever I want to do, but I seem to 'lose' control of it somehow.
In short, would someone please be able to give me the steps involved in correctly changing the tableviewcontroller to a viewcontroller with a tableview in the apple example?
Thank you.
Lian, you need to read the documentation on UITableViewController. http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/TableView_iPhone/AboutTableViewsiPhone/AboutTableViewsiPhone.html
I'm not sure what you mean by "remove the tableview controller and create a view controller populated with a tableview" or why you would want this configuration. If you're having trouble with populating the tableViewController, you just pass in the data, usually from an NSArray or NSDictionary in the cellForRowAtIndexPath method. You either need to select the UITableViewController template when you create the class file or include the UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate if you're adding a tableView to a ViewController.
If you mean you want to change the view controller on screen, then you're looking to pop to another view using the navigation controller.

Cocoa: How to make table view draw custom views in each cell

I am learning Cocoa and trying to create an application for Mac that displays a simple book list. Each book is an NSView with its cover image, title and author. I want to present this list as a NSTableView with a single column and a book view in each cell. However i can't yet figure out how to display a custom view inside a table cell in interface builder or programmatically. Any tips would be very appreciated :)
If all of your "book views" are the same size, why not use NSCollectionView / NSCollectionViewItem? It's a much cleaner solution (provided they're all sized the same).
Assuming a collection view wouldn't be a better solution, what you need to do is to write a custom cell. The column owns exactly one such cell, which the table view will use to draw the column's value for each row.
(If you came from the iPhone, yes, this is completely different from UITableView. Each NSTableColumn has exactly one cell, which it uses for every row.)
If you're using your NSView class somewhere else, then you could make it into a subclass of NSControl and have it use another instance of the same cell class. Like most controls, all the real work would be done by the cell, which enables you to reuse that behavior in multiple controls (your single control and your table view).
See Control and Cell Programming Topics for more info.
Apple added view-based table views in Lion, so you should be able do this natively with NSTableView, now.
(You still can't put an NSView in an NSCell—that wouldn't make sense. But you can have views instead of cells in a table view.)
