Automapper - How to map with dependency on current Session object -

I am using Automapper within an ASP.Net MVC application to map DTO's to ViewModel objects.
in one of my mappings I need access to an object stored in the Session object.
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
SecurityToken token = SecurityTokenFactory.CreateSecurityToken(userNode);
filterContext.HttpContext.Session[securityToken] = token;
In the constructor of my controller I set up the Automapper mapping.
Mapper.CreateMap<UserReportDTO, UserDefinedReportModel>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.IsEditable, opt=>opt.ResolveUsing(src => this.IsEditable(src)));
private bool IsEditable(UserReportDTO report)
if (this.GetCurrentUserToken().UserVisibilityLevel == VisibilityLevel.Root)
return true;
return false;
public JsonResult GetVisibleUserReports()
int ID = this.GetCurrentUserToken().UserId; //This works!
var reports = Mapper.Map < UserReportDTO[], UserDefinedReportModel[] >(inputarray); //This doesn't work
What happens is that the context.Session is null.
I'm guessing this is something to do with the way Automapper resolves the mapping - maybe a reference to one Context is set when the mapping is created, and then this Context no longer exists at mapping time?
How can I resolve the issue - is there a way to pass a parameter to a mapping operation?
My temporary workaround is to map all the other fields, and then manually loop through the mapped-collection, setting the field that requires the current context, but I'm loathe to keep this approach.

A couple thoughts that might put you on the right track:
Does it make any difference if you replace ResolveUsing with MapFrom? Both seem to accept a Func<TSource, TMember>, but perhaps there are subtle differences.
Would it be possible to turn your IsEditable method into an IValueResolver then pass the required session data into the constructor using AutoMapper's ConstructedBy() feature? Here's the relevant documentation. Scroll to the "Custom constructor methods" section.


Understanding metadata in aspnet core

I got redirected from here:
I'm in the process of converting a solution over from .Net 4.6 and i'm looking at metadata.
In the old solution I had a custom implementation of the data annotations metadata provider which I had extended like this ....
public class ApiMetadataProvider : DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider, IDisposable
public IResourceProvider ResourceProvider { get; }
public ICoreDataContext CoreDb { get; }
public ApiMetadataProvider(IResourceProvider resourceProvider, ICoreDataContext core)
ResourceProvider = resourceProvider;
CoreDb = core;
protected override ModelMetadata CreateMetadata(
IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes,
Type containerType,
Func<object> modelAccessor,
Type modelType,
string propertyName)
ModelMetadata modelMetadata = base.CreateMetadata(
Type serverType = (modelType == typeof(string))
? typeof(string)
: modelType.ImplementsGenericInterface(typeof(IEnumerable<>)) ?? modelType;
if (serverType.IsGenericType && serverType.Name.StartsWith("Nullable") && typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(serverType.GenericTypeArguments) == serverType) { serverType = serverType.GenericTypeArguments[0]; }
modelMetadata.AdditionalValues.Add("ServerType", serverType.AssemblyQualifiedName);
SetCustomAttributes(attributes, modelMetadata, modelType, propertyName);
return modelMetadata;
... the key thing here is that I pull the base copy of the model meta for the given type and then manipulate it in my own custom ways (some of which is shown in the sample above).
I cut the rest out because there's quite a bit of it.
The net result is that from my own base generic controller I had an action that looked like this ...
protected MetadataContainer GetMetadataForType(Type type)
return new MetadataContainer(MetaProvider.GetMetadataForType(null, type));
Controllers would then often make decisions based on this.
I am looking to reproduce this behaviour, the key thing being the ability to get a customised version of the "final meta" from the stack (I gather from this: ... that meta is now a "chain of providers" in some fashion).
So I have a couple of questions ....
How can i add or remove / update custom "properties" / attributes in the meta information for a given type?
How can I get an instance of the meta that the stack sees as being the "final result" after all providers have been executed?
The existing solution often handed this meta information to client JS code to allow for "dynamic component construction" in the browser, is this a scenario that has any form of best practice that I can gather more advice from (perhaps you guys have a blog post or something to get me started)?
The answer was simple in the end ...
Don't bother doing any of this, build a cache of the reflection derived information and in the controller just serve it up.
This basically just means this is simple reflection code to extract the relevant type info wanted.

Dynamic connection string to Web Api

I am exposing my repository operations through web api. Repository has been implemented with Entity framework and Unit Of Work Pattern. I have many instances of the same database. Each one represent the data of a different Client. Now the issue is how can I set the connection string dynamically through each webapi call? Should I get connection string parameter with each call ? Or I should host web Api per client ?
Based on the information provided, I would use the same controller and look up the connection string rather than rather than hosting separate Web API instances for each client. There would be more complexity in hosting multiple instances and given the only difference indicated is the connection string, I do not think the complexity would be justified.
The first thing we will need to do is determine which client is calling in order to get the appropriate connection string. This could be done with tokens, headers, request data, or routing. Routing is simplest and most generally accessible to clients, so I will demonstrate using it; however, carefully consider your requirements in deciding how you will make the determination.
[Route( "{clientId}" )]
public Foo Get( string clientId ) { /* ... */ }
Next we need to get the right DbContext for the client. We want to keep using DI but that is complicated in that we do not know until after the Controller is created what connection string is needed to construct the object. Therefore, we need to inject some form of factory rather than the object itself. In this case we will represent this as a Func<string, IUnitOfWork> with the understanding it takes the 'clientId' as a string and returns an appropriately instantiated IUnitOfWork. We could alternatively use a named interface for this.
public class FooController : ApiController
private Func<string, IUnitOfWork> unitOfWorkFactory;
public FooController( Func<string, IUnitOfWork> unitOfWorkFactory )
this.unitOfWorkFactory = unitOfWorkFactory;
[Route( "{clientId}" )]
public Foo Get( string clientId )
var unitOfWork = unitOfWorkFactory(clientId);
// ...
All that remains is configuring our dependency injection container to provide us that Func<string, IUnitOfWork>. This could vary significantly between implementation. The following is one possible way to do it in Autofac.
protected override void Load( ContainerBuilder builder )
// It is expected `MyDbContext` has a constructor that takes the connection string as a parameter
// This registration may need to be tweaked depending on what other constructors you have.
// It is expected `UnitOfWork`'s constructor takes a `DbContext` as a parameter
builder.Register<Func<string, Bar>>(
c =>
var dbContextFactory = c.Resolve<Func<string, DbContext>>();
var unitOfWorkFactory = c.Resolve<Func<DbContext, IUnitOfWork>>();
return clientId =>
// You may have injected another type to help with this
var connectionString = GetConnectionStringForClient(clientId);
return unitOfWorkFactory(dbContextFactory(connectionString));
Autofac is used since comments indicates Autofac is currently being used, though similar results would be possible with other containers.
With that the controller should be able to be instantiated and the appropriate connection string will be used for each request.
Example registration based on linked project:
builder.Register<Func<string, IEmployeeService>>(
c =>
var dbContextFactory = c.Resolve<Func<string, IMainContext>>();
var unitOfWorkFactory = c.Resolve<Func<IMainContext, IUnitOfWork>>();
var repositoryFactory = c.Resolve<Func<IMainContext, IEmployeeRepository>>();
var serviceFactory = c.Resolve<Func<IUnitOfWork, IEmployeeService>>();
return clientId =>
// You may have injected another type to help with this
var connectionString = GetConnectionStringForClient(clientId);
IMainContext dbContext = dbContextFactory(connectionString);
IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = unitOfWorkFactory(dbContext);
IEmployeeRepository employeeRepository = repositoryFactory(dbContext);
unitOfWork.employeeRepositoty = employeeRepository;
return serviceFactory(unitOfWork);
If you find the registration grows too cumbersome because of needing to do a little wiring manually, you probably need to look at updating (or creating a new) container after you have determined the client so that you can rely more on the container.
You can change the connectionstring per DbContext instance
public class AwesomeContext : DbContext
public AwesomeContext (string connectionString)
: base(connectionString)
public DbSet<AwesomePeople> AwesomePeoples { get; set; }
And then use your DbContext like this:
using(AwesomeContext context = new AwesomeContext("newConnectionString"))
return context.AwesomePeoples.ToList();
Depending on how many ConnectionStrings there are you can make a DB table for the client / constring mapping or save it in the solution (array for example).
If you can't/don't want to change the constructor you can do it later as well
Add this to your DbContext override:
public void SetConnectionString(string connectionString)
this.Database.Connection.ConnectionString = connectionString;
And call the method before you do any DB operations:
using(AwesomeContext context = new AwesomeContext())
return context.AwesomePeoples.ToList();

Disable ApiController at runtime

I have a ASP.NET Web API (.NET 4) application which has a few controllers. We will run several instances of the Web API application on IIS with one difference. Only certain controllers will be available under certain IIS instances. What I was thinking is to disable/unload the controllers that are not applicable to an instance when the instance starts up.
Anyone got some information that could guide me in the right direction on this?
You can put your own custom IHttpControllerActivator in by decorating the DefaultHttpControllerActivator. Inside just check for a setting and only create the controller if allowed.
When you return null from the Create method the user will receive 404 Not Found message.
My example shows a value in App Settings (App.Config or Web.Config) being checked but obviously this could any other environment aware condition.
public class YourCustomControllerActivator : IHttpControllerActivator
private readonly IHttpControllerActivator _default = new DefaultHttpControllerActivator();
public YourCustomControllerActivator()
public IHttpController Create(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor,
Type controllerType)
if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MySetting"] == "Off")
//Or get clever and look for attributes on the controller in controllerDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes<>();
//Or use the contoller name controllerDescriptor.ControllerName
//This example uses the type
if (controllerType == typeof (MyController) ||
controllerType == typeof (EtcController))
return null;
return _default.Create(request, controllerDescriptor, controllerType);
You can switch your activator in like so:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Services.Replace(typeof(IHttpControllerActivator), new YourCustomControllerActivator());
It has been a while since I looked at this question but if I was to tackle it today I would alter the approach slightly and use a custom IHttpControllerSelector. This is called before the activator and makes for a slightly more efficient place to enable and disable controllers... (although the other approach does work). You should be able to decorate or inherit from DefaultHttpControllerSelector.
Rather than unloading the controllers, I think I'd create a custom Authorize attribute that looked at the instance information in deciding to grant authorization.
You would add the following to each controller at the class level, or you could also add this to individual controller actions:
[ControllerAuthorize (AuthorizedUserSources = new[] { "IISInstance1","IISInstance2","..." })]
Here's the code for the Attribute:
public class ControllerAuthorize : AuthorizeAttribute
public ControllerAuthorize()
UnauthorizedAccessMessage = "You do not have the required access to view this content.";
//Property to allow array instead of single string.
private string[] _authorizedSources;
public string UnauthorizedAccessMessage { get; set; }
public string[] AuthorizedSources
get { return _authorizedSources ?? new string[0]; }
set { _authorizedSources = value; }
// return true if the IIS instance ID matches any of the AllowedSources.
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
if (httpContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("httpContext");
//If no sources are supplied then return true, assuming none means any.
if (!AuthorizedSources.Any())
return true;
return AuthorizedSources.Any(ut => ut == httpContext.ApplicationInstance.Request.ServerVariables["INSTANCE_ID"]);
The IHttpControllerActivator implementation doesn't disable the routes defined using attribute routing , if you want to switch on/off a controller and have a default catch all route controller. Switching off using IHttpControllerActivator disables the controller but when the route is requested it doesn't hit the catch all route controller -it simply tries to hit the controller that was removed and returns no controller registered.

How do I get the MethodInfo of an action, given action, controller and area names?

What I have is the following extension method:
public MyCustomAttribute[] GetActionAttributes(
this Controller #this,
string action,
string controller,
string area,
string method)
How does ASP.NET MVC 3 find the action method, given the area, controller, action names and the method (GET, POST)?
To this moment I have nothing... no clues on how to do this.
I am currently looking for the stack trace inside a controller action, to find out how MVC dicovered it.
Why I need these attributes
My attributes contain information about whether a given user can or not access it... but depending on whether they can or not access it, I wan't to show or hide some html fields, links, and other things that could call that action.
Other uses
I have thought of using this to place an attribute over an action, that tells the css class of the link that will be rendered to call it... and some other UI hints... and then build an HtmlHelper that will render that link, looking at these attributes.
Not a duplicate
Yes, some will say this is possibly a duplicate of this question...
that does not have the answer I want:
How can i get the MethodInfo of the controller action that will get called given a request?
That's why I have specified the circumstances of my question.
I have looked inside MVC 3 source code, and tested with MVC 4, and discovered how to do it.
I have tagged the question wrong... it is not for MVC 3, I am using MVC 4. Though, as I could find a solution looking at MVC 3 code, then it may work with MVC 3 too.
At the end... I hope this is worth 5 hours of exploration, with a lot trials and errors.
Works with
MVC 3 (I think)
MVC 4 (tested)
Drawbacks of my solution
Unfortunately, this solution is quite complex, and dependent on things that I don't like very much:
static object ControllerBuilder.Current (very bad for unit testing)
a lot of classes from MVC (high coupling is always bad)
not universal (it works with MVC 3 default objects, but may not work with other implementations derived from MVC... e.g. derived MvcHandler, custom IControllerFactory, and so on ...)
internals dependency (depends on specific aspects of MVC 3, (MVC 4 behaves like this too) may be MVC 5 is different... e.g. I know that RouteData object is not used to find the controller type, so I simply use stub RouteData objects)
mocks of complex objects to pass data (I needed to mock HttpContextWrapper and HttpRequestWrapper in order to set the http method to be POST or GET... these pretty simple values comes from complex objects (oh god! =\ ))
The code
public static Attribute[] GetAttributes(
this Controller #this,
string action = null,
string controller = null,
string method = "GET")
var actionName = action
?? #this.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action");
var controllerName = controller
?? #this.RouteData.GetRequiredString("controller");
var controllerFactory = ControllerBuilder.Current
var controllerContext = #this.ControllerContext;
var otherController = (ControllerBase)controllerFactory
new RequestContext(controllerContext.HttpContext, new RouteData()),
var controllerDescriptor = new ReflectedControllerDescriptor(
var controllerContext2 = new ControllerContext(
new MockHttpContextWrapper(
new RouteData(),
var actionDescriptor = controllerDescriptor
.FindAction(controllerContext2, actionName);
var attributes = actionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes(true)
return attributes;
Forgot the mocked classes
class MockHttpContextWrapper : HttpContextWrapper
public MockHttpContextWrapper(HttpContext httpContext, string method)
: base(httpContext)
this.request = new MockHttpRequestWrapper(httpContext.Request, method);
private readonly HttpRequestBase request;
public override HttpRequestBase Request
get { return request; }
class MockHttpRequestWrapper : HttpRequestWrapper
public MockHttpRequestWrapper(HttpRequest httpRequest, string httpMethod)
: base(httpRequest)
this.httpMethod = httpMethod;
private readonly string httpMethod;
public override string HttpMethod
get { return httpMethod; }
Hope all of this helps someone...
Happy coding for everybody!
You can achieve this functionality by using the AuthorizeAttribute. You can get the Controller and Action name in OnAuthorization method. PLease find sample code below.
public sealed class AuthorizationFilterAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
/// <summary>
/// Use for validate user permission and when it also validate user session is active.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filterContext">Filter Context.</param>
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
string actionName = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ActionName;
string controller = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerName;
if (!IsUserHasPermission(controller, actionName))
// Do your required opeation
if you have a default route configured like
new { area = "MyArea", controller = "Home", action = "MyAction" }
you can get the route information inside the controller action like
ht tp://localhost/Admin
will give you
public ActionResult MyAction(string area, string controller, string action)
//also you can use RouteValues to get the route information
here is a great blog post and a utility by Phil Haack RouteDebugger 2.0
This is a short notice! Be sure to use filterContext.RouteData.DataTokens["area"]; instead of filterContext.RouteData.Values["area"];
Good Luck.

How to get PEX to automatically generate inputs for code involving LINQ

I'm having trouble getting PEX to automatically cover methods calling Linq extension methods, such as Where() and Contains() in this example:
public class MyEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public interface IWithQueryable
IQueryable<MyEntity> QueryableSet();
public class ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable
private readonly IWithQueryable _withIQueryable;
public ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable(IWithQueryable withIQueryable)
// <pex>
withIQueryable != null, "withIQueryable");
// </pex>
_withIQueryable = withIQueryable;
public IEnumerable<MyEntity> GetEntitiesByIds(IEnumerable<int> ids)
Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(ids != null, "ids");
// <pex>
(this._withIQueryable.QueryableSet() != (IQueryable<MyEntity>)null);
// </pex>
IEnumerable<MyEntity> entities =
entity => ids.Contains(entity.Id));
if (entities.Count() != ids.Count())
return null;
return entities;
[PexAllowedExceptionFromTypeUnderTest(typeof(ArgumentException), AcceptExceptionSubtypes = true)]
public partial class ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryableTest
public IEnumerable<MyEntity> GetEntitiesByIds(
[PexAssumeUnderTest]ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable target,
int[] ids)
var result = target.GetEntitiesByIds(ids);
PexAssert.IsTrue(result.Count() == ids.Length);
return result;
When I'm running PEX exploration on this PexMethod I'm seeing the following problems:
I keep getting the same exception and PEX keeps suggesting the same "invariant" fix in the form of the Contract.Assert that you see in the // region:
I believe the problem is somehow related to how Pex relates to Linq but I'm not sure
--- Description
failing test: ArgumentNullException, Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: source
public void GetEntitiesByIdsThrowsArgumentNullException385()
using (PexChooseBehavedBehavior.Setup())
SIWithQueryable sIWithQueryable;
ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable consumerOfIhaveIQueryable;
IEnumerable<MyEntity> iEnumerable;
sIWithQueryable = new SIWithQueryable();
consumerOfIhaveIQueryable =
int[] ints = new int[0];
iEnumerable = this.GetEntitiesByIds(consumerOfIhaveIQueryable, ints);
--- Exception details
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: source at System.Linq.IQueryable'1 System.Linq.Queryable.Where(System.Linq.IQueryable'1 source, System.Linq.Expressions.Expression'1> predicate)
c:\users\moran\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\PexTuts\PexIQueryable\PexIQueryable\ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable.cs(29): at System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable'1 PexIQueryable.ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable.GetEntitiesByIds(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1 ids)
c:\users\moran\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\PexTuts\PexIQueryable\PexIQueryable.Tests\ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryableTest.cs(34): at System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable'1 PexIQueryable.ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryableTest.GetEntitiesByIds(PexIQueryable.ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable target, System.Int32[] ids)
I can't get PEX to generate relevant inputs. As you can see, I tried to "help" it by adding a PexAssert and a branch in my code, but this branch is never covered, even though it should be relatively simple to generate a code that would walk that path. PEX only tries to pass null or an empty array as the list of Ids (I read somewhere that it is easier for PEX to work with arrays (int[]) rather than IEnumerable.
Would love to get some comments on this...
BTW, this is my first SO post, Hope I didn't spam with too much code and info.
After some time setting up the code for this, I've made a few assumptions. I'm assuming that you're stubbing the IWithQueryable via a Moles stub and also that the NullArgumentException occurs when you remove the Contract assertion that the QueryableSet() method doesn't return null.
As for the code, IMO the more code the better, as long as it's relevant- far better to have too much than too little to go on, so that's fine. As above, do try to make clear all the assumptions in the code (e.g. the Moles stubbing (as there's different ways to achieve this and it's something one has to assume).
I'm not 100% sure what you're asking. The code is failing because the stubbed IWithQueryable object doesn't have an implmementation for the QueryableSet() method and that method returns null. The PexAssert here won't help it figure out how to create a LINQ provider, which is what you're asking it to do. The PexChooseBehavedBehavior.Setup() simply replaces any calls to delegates on the Moles stubs (which don't have a custom delegate) with the default behaviour which is default(T), so that's why the source is null- the QueryableSet() is initialised to null.
You can solve this in a few ways (at least in the sense of providing a way of creating the QueryableSet() method). You can create a factory method to generate either the whole SIWithQueryable, or just the QueryableSet delegate. This is something that Pex suggests (however, with me it got the types and namespaces muddled-up). For instance:
/// <summary>A factory for Microsoft.Moles.Framework.MolesDelegates+Func`1[System.Linq.IQueryable`1[StackOverflow.Q9968801.MyEntity]] instances</summary>
public static partial class MolesDelegatesFactory
/// <summary>A factory for Microsoft.Moles.Framework.MolesDelegates+Func`1[System.Linq.IQueryable`1[StackOverflow.Q9968801.MyEntity]] instances</summary>
public static MolesDelegates.Func<IQueryable<MyEntity>> CreateFunc()
throw new InvalidOperationException();
// TODO: Edit factory method of Func`1<IQueryable`1<MyEntity>>
// This method should be able to configure the object in all possible ways.
// Add as many parameters as needed,
// and assign their values to each field by using the API.
/// <summary>A factory for Microsoft.Moles.Framework.MolesDelegates+Func`1[System.Linq.IQueryable`1[StackOverflow.Q9968801.MyEntity]] instances</summary>
public static SIWithQueryable Create()
var siWithQueryable = new SIWithQueryable();
siWithQueryable.QueryableSet = () => { throw new InvalidOperationException(); };
return siWithQueryable;
// TODO: Edit factory method of Func`1<IQueryable`1<MyEntity>>
// This method should be able to configure the object in all possible ways.
// Add as many parameters as needed,
// and assign their values to each field by using the API.
and then hook it up to the test method with one of the two lines assigning sIWithQueryable:
public void GetEntitiesByIdsThrowsArgumentNullException678()
SIWithQueryable sIWithQueryable;
// Either this for the whole object.
sIWithQueryable = MolesDelegatesFactory.Create();
// Or this for just that delegate.
sIWithQueryable = new SIWithQueryable();
sIWithQueryable.QueryableSet = MolesDelegatesFactory.CreateFunc();
ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable consumerOfIhaveIQueryable;
IEnumerable<MyEntity> iEnumerable;
consumerOfIhaveIQueryable = ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryableFactory.Create((IWithQueryable) sIWithQueryable);
int[] ints = new int[0];
iEnumerable = this.GetEntitiesByIds(consumerOfIhaveIQueryable, ints);
This will then call your factory methods when creating the stub for IWithQueryable. This is still a problem, as regenerating the explorations will wipe out the stub setup.
If you provide the parameterless factory method to create the stub (MolesDelegatesFactory.CreateFunc()), then Pex will know about this and generate the tests to use it. So, it will correctly manage the behaviour across test regenerations. Unfortuantely, Pex suggests creating this delegate as a factory method- however, it is never called, the default implementation is always used, it seems one has to mock the parent type.
However, I'm wondering why you're creating an interface IWithQueryable that simple wraps another, and also, what you expect to do with the IQueryable. In order to do anything very useful, you'll have a lot of work going on to deal with the IQueryable interface - the Provider and Expression mainly, you'll pretty-much have to write a mock query provider, which will not be easy.
