Stopping an Amazon EC2 Instance - amazon-ec2

If I stop an instance, I understand that I am not charged. However, I've installed several items on my machine in the last few hours (Mysql uploaded a db, Apache, PHP, etc...). I assume that when I stop the instance I retain these software installations, correct? Are these things stored in EBS? If so, where is the pricing listed for EBS, as I guess I will be charged every hour of every day for the whole year for my EBS storage given that it can never "stop"...
Thanks in advance.

From, the current rates are:
$0.10 per GB-month of provisioned storage
$0.10 per 1 million I/O requests
Your data will persist if the root device is EBS backed, which is default now. You can check in the EC2 control panel.
So stopping the instance (if 8GB EBS) will cost about $0.80 per month for storage if it is never running.

If your instance is EBS backed all data is safe. You will be charged for EBS storage only. Amazon EBS storage charged on per-month basis. Currently it's $0.10 per GB-month.


Can I pause a AWS DMS replication instance?

I am using AWS DMS to move data around daily.
My replication instances are not used 24/24 hours.
Can I pause them in order to save on costs ?
If I cannot pause them, would it be bad to create and destroy them daily ?
Would it be too much work for too little savings ?
DMS replication instances cannot be stopped. It is also not advisable to destroy and create it on daily basic. If you are not running a heavy migration you can take the benefit of free tier. AWS gives 750 Hours of Amazon DMS Single-AZ dms.t2.micro instance with 50 GB of included General Purpose (SSD) storage for free forever. You can check the free tier always free section.

How can i scale up an amazon ec2 instance quickly, in 2-3 mins?

I'm using AWS cloudwatch for scaling my application. I created launch configuration, autoscaling group, upscaling and downscaling alarm and policies. The problem is it is taking 5 mins to launch an instance from an AMI. Is there a way to reduce the start-up time from 5 to 2-3 mins?
No, it isn't possible to speed up the provisioning of a new EC2 instance by an AutoScaling scale up action.
I think it's important to appreciate all that EC2 is doing in those 5 minutes. It's building a new virtual machine, installing an image of an operating system on it, hooking it up to a network and bringing it into service. That's pretty impressive for 5 minutes work if you ask me.
If you're needing to scale up that quickly, then quite frankly you're doing it wrong. Even with autoscaling, you should always be a little over provisioned for your expected load. If you start getting close to that over scaled limit, then it's time to autoscale up. Don't provision exactly what you need, it won't work well.
The start up time depends on a few things:
The availability of resources for your instance type within the
availability zone.
The size of the AMI. In the case of a custom AMI image, it may need to be copied to the correct internal storage for the VM.
Initialization procedures. For windows, some images with user-data scripts can require a reboot to join the domain.
This is an old question, and as I have seen. Start times have improved for EC2 over the past years. Some providers like Google Cloud can provide servers in under a minute. So if your workload is that demanding, you may research the available providers and their operational differences.

Amazon EC2 - Fast AMI Creation in a Production Environment

We run a server architecture where we have an X number of base servers which are always on. Our servers process jobs sent to them and the vast majority of our job requests come in during the workday. To facilitate this particular spike in volume, we use EC2 auto-scaling.
I prefer to launch servers through auto-scaling with as much of a configured AMI as possible as opposed to launching from a base AMI and installing packages through long Chef or Puppet scripts.
In our current build process, we implement changes to our code base late at night when only our base servers are needed and no servers are launched through auto-scaling. But every once in a while, we'll have a critical bug fix that needs to be implemented immediately during the day.
We have a rather large EBS hard drive associated with our servers (app. 400 GB) and AMI creation of a base server with the latest changes usually takes upwards of one hour. This isn't a problem for late night deployments when no additional servers need to be launched, but causes us to lose valuable time during the day because it prevents us from launching additional servers when the latest AMI isn't ready.
Is there anything out there which can speed up the AMI creation process here? I've heard of Netflix's Aminator and Boxfuse, but are there any other alternatives? Also, how do these services stack up against one another?

ec2 high storage instances, can it be used for couchdb or other db

As far as I know instance storage on ec2 is ephemeral ie it is lost when the instance is restarted. Is this different for high storage instances? if not it would seem that you would lose any database data stored on the instance upon restart.
Ebs backed volumes should be used for storage. Either you can take standard storage or iops. This will avoid any data losses due to instance going down.
When you attach the ebs volume to instance, make sure a entry is made to fstab file. So when you reboot the instance the volume is still attached. When you stop an instance, the data is present but the hardware is released while reboot is just like your system restarts.
All ephemeral storage is lost if the instance is stopped. You can still use a database with the high IO storage instances, but you will need to replicate the data between several instances to attain persistence.

AWS instance storage pricing and selection & Reserved Instance

Trying to launch an Ubuntu 13.10 Amazon AWS instance I’ve started with a General Purpose m1.medium instance with 1x410 GB instance storage. When I come to tab 4: Add Storage it says 8 GB on the root device and N/A on another device called Instance Store 0. However I can increase the root device to up to 1024 GB. I can also change the Instance Store 0 to an EBS and get 1024 GB there.
How am I able to select more space than I have available (410GB)? Am I charged for that? Where can I see how much of each of my instances are costing? If I set the root device to 410GB will I then be charged exactly as on the Amazon list?
Reserved Instance
I also have purchased a Reserved Instance. How can I verify that the EC2 instance I have just created is actually using my reserved instance?
You have two storage options with instances. EBS and Instance storage:
EBS is somewhat like an SAN volume. It exists outside of the instance and is accessed via dedicated ethernet (This is shared between instances based on IO priority). Volumes are billed based on the provisioned size. It does have some benefits over instance storage in that it can be easily snapshotted and moved from instance to instance. EBS limits are practical ones, while you can attach quite a few volumes (up to 1TB each) the available bandwidth will likely be saturated before you can take advantage of all of them.
Instance storage is a disk attached directly to the host hardware. Its included in the instance cost. But it should not be treated as persistent. You will loose any data stored on this volume if your instance is stopped or fails for any reason. This is because at each boot, your instance is assigned to available host in a pool instead of being locked to a specific host.
You can use both types of storage on any instance (Except micro, no instance storage available). Instance storage options however need to be set at launch and can't be changed later. EBS volumes can be added/removed at any time. In most cases, instance storage is disabled by default and needs to be explicitly enabled. Helps avoid the situation of "Why did all my data get deleted?"
Reserved Instance
Reservations are a billing feature. As long as your instance matches the parameters of the reservation you will be billed at the reservation rates. Should be able to verify this with account activity.
