I there a possibility to access MBeans of the system under test from JMeter? I have a system which has several deployments, but needs a MBean call to do final initialization and startup. I need to access and run this. Addtionally, it would be great to get some information out off MBeans for testing.
How is this possible? Do I really need to write an own sampler?
To init your component you could use à jmeter setup thread group and use a jsr223 sampler using groovy as underlying package.
With groovy it's very easy to call jmx operations:
Otherwise there is a plugin:
It contains a jmx sampler in it.
There's a project with a set of plugins for JMeter one of which supports JMX: http://code.google.com/p/jmeter-plugins/wiki/PerfMonMetrics#JMX_Metrics
The PerfMon mentioned above by mvmn will access MBeans of the system under test, but the preferred JMeter Plugin solution is to use the new JMX-specific plugin.
The following link shows how to identify a jmx metric in JConsole MBean tree (using ObjectName, attribute name, etc..) and then add that info to the JMXMon interface.
We have been using the Jmeter for the API's functional and performance test activities.
Is there a possibility to generate the documentation (similar java docs, API docs) for the JMX projects that we have been developing?
Each JMeter's Test Element has "Comments" section which can be used for explanation of what this element is for:
It's possible to create a JMeter Test Plan using Java language and JMeter API, see JMeter Command Line Overview: 5 Ways To Launch a Test for more details. There is also jmeter-from-code sample project you can use as a reference, normal JavaDoc will be available out of the box
There is JMeter DSL project which provides easy and handy way of creating a JMeter test plan, however it doesn't fully support all the features. For basic test plans it should be faster and easier than point 2
There is Taurus tool which provides possibility to create JMeter scripts in a declarative manner using YAML and YAML naturally supports comments
Hi I want to do Load test for JMS MQ using Citrus frame work integrating with Jmeter for performance test.Is there any document please refer me.
Thank You.
Why don't you test your MQ Series directlty with JMeter without using Citrus Framework? JMeter Plugins are available for this use case (Jmeter to connect to IBM MQ).
List item
1.Initially, We have to run JMS loadtest script in jmeter and if it works fine we have to save that Script in .JMX (example:jmsloadtest.jmx)
2.By invoking that .jmx file using java we can execute load test without using Jmeter.
for referenceinvoking .jmx file with java
3.Now we can use this class as a function in citrus frame work.for that have follow custom functions in citrus framework document.
Thank you.
In JMeter test plan, why do I need JDBC post (/pre)proecssor when I can just use JDBC sampler?
If the relevant sampler will be before/after the request it will be same as JDBC Pre/Post processor
Also it seems more reusable option
By default JMeter does not include the time required to execute any Pre Processors into sample result. Same applies to Post-Processors and Timers (unless you are using Transaction Controller configured to do so)
So I would use Pre Processor if it assumes some pre-requisities setup and I am not interested in its results timings.
If I need to measure the time required to execute a request - I would go for Sampler
Check out A Quick Guide to JMeter PreProcessors article for comprehensive information on using Pre Processors in JMeter tests.
Could you please suggest if it is possible to use Jmeter for performance testing of JAVA RMI based application. This application is a external product hence we do not have source code or classes available.
can you suggest a way to test this application.
Out of the box there is no way, you will need to write some code using one of the following elements:
JSR223 Sampler
Java Request
JUnit Request
Given I don't know anything about RMI methods exposed by your application I cannot suggest any sample code, use the following reference material:
Getting Started Using Java™ RMI
Use JMeter to Load Test RMI (Remote Method Invocation) Server
NB. JMeter uses RMI for communication between master and remote slaves so you can take a look at RemoteJMeterEngineImpl class to get an idea regarding how to implement your test scenario.
I've implemented a testing unit using spring (mock mvc), and I'm looking for a tool to run this unit in many threads/processes (so it will act as load testing for my server). I've seen applications like the grinder and jmeter but I don't want to re-write the entire unit, but just to use the existing one. Any ideas?
JMeter is able to execute existing JUnit tests via JUnit Request sampler, all you need to do is to drop jar(s) with your test along with dependencies somewhere in JMeter classpath and restart JMeter. Once done you'll be able to see your classes and methods in JUnit Request sampler dropdown and execute them in multithreaded manner.
See How to Use JUnit With JMeter guide for more detailed instructions and explanations.