How to create Transparent Hole in Plane in three.js - three.js

In Three.js, How do I create transparent hole inside a plane so that only objects below the hole are visible. Something like clearRect of canvas.

I'm doing this with Blender and PSP.
So my scenario is the following:
Create a trensparent image with a hole in PS or PSP.
Open Blender and create your plane. Use the transparent texture you just created on it.
Export the Blender scene into a collada file.
Use on of the sample .html-s to display the collada file.
This is my working solution. If you wish I can give you working codes.
Or if you are not familiar with Blender and this collada related things then you should use that example files they using transparent images (for example: webgl_particles_billboards.html).
Take a look at "textures/sprites/disc.png" It's a transparent image as well. You can replace it with your transparent image with the hole.


Move a camera inside a GLTF exported with blender using ThreeJS

I'm working with game dev. He has implemented all the boardgame using Blender. He also added some sprites inside directly and linked the sprite to the Camera inside Blender so that when this camera moves, all the sprites will move accordingly to always face the Camera.
Now my question is, how can I implement this using react-three-js. I see that I can export the Camera object from blender (after exporting the GLTF with the Camera inside) and see it in my GLTF in threejs (under gltf.cameras[0])
My question is, How can I change the camera position of the GLTF (not a copy in threejs) so that I can keep the rules he added for the sprite to always face the camera?
Any constraints created in Blender will not be included when exporting files to other formats. Those would need to be recreated in three.js. In this case I'd recommend using gltfjsx to create a JSX representation of your model, and then using the <Billboard /> component to keep objects facing the camera.
If you have many (100+) sprites, it may be necessary to export them as points, and then assign a THREE.PointsMaterial that applies whatever appearance you need with a texture. Those points will face the camera automatically, as shown in this example.

Fix Three.js model when scale hasn't been applied in Blender

I built a .glb viewer with Three.js. Whenever I want to display a model from Blender where the scale has not been applied before exporting (e.g. scale at 0.5 instead of 1), I get sizing issues in Three.js. It usually manifests in the model appearing smaller than its bounding box.
Is there a way to get consistent scale with Three.js?
Downloadable files:
This is the file that causes the problem:
This is the file with transforms applied in Blender which works as expected in Three.js:
Instead of scene.add(yourModel) ing your model to the scene.. try scene.attach(yourModel)

Importing a downloaded .obj file to blender, how do I add textures that are provided in .png format?

So, as a starter on Blender, I've downloaded a 3d file from the internet. I've been able to import the object (.obj file) to the scene, but noticed one thing: There are 12 pictures in a folder called "Textures" that come with the downloaded object. How do I import these textures to the scene and apply them to the object? It is a good note that the object itself is not a whole, it is a combination of other objects.
Blender objects use materials to add color and shading to each mesh face. We assign textures to each material. The UV map image textures are assigned to a material in a process called skinning. You might just need to select the object and then look in the Material and Texture properties. Each Texture will have a folder icon to set the location of the texture image file.
YouTube offers many how-to videos about how to UV wrap an object. Just don't make your task too difficult. You probably only need to set the correct image texture png for each UV texture.
Hang in there and good luck.

Sketchup to blender WITH textures?

I am working on a game in three.js and have some trouble adding some textures. When I put textures in Sketchup and then export the file as a collada file (.dae) and import it in blender, the textures is missing. Anyone know how tot fix this?
First, you need go to edit mode and select all faces. Then in UV / Image editor, click Browse image (beside + icon) and select the texture of your model.
Done! Now, go back to Object mode and changes the 3d viewport to display textures.

Messed up UVs and Lightmap

I want to bake my model lightmap in blender then load them all in three.js.
So in blender i set two uvs for each objects and baked ambient occlusion in second uv. finally i exported whole scene via three.js exporter into js file.
(exporter has problem that the baked texture goes for diffuse-map not light-map which is correctable by editing exported js file).
But the problem is when i load js with SceneLoader, the textures especially for my floor goes wrong, like upside down.
here is my test files: Test Light Map
So is there something wrong with my blender file or ...? Which loader i should use for it?
I just upload some images to see what i mean:
Messed up textures:
After edit js file, it's get better. but still there is problem at the edges:
And specially at floor, the light-map goes wrong:
Ok, i don't know why, but it seems my uvs was messed up in blender. i did some recaculate normals and flip normals in blender and now textures map fine on objects.
But i still need to edit exported scene to change map:texture.png to lightMap:texture.png.
Actually this is a bug related to three.js scene exporter: Blender Exporter - Scene Exporting
[Final Answer]
The problem was about my model which had a negative scale in blender. i select my model, hit crtl+a then choose scale. now everything's fine.
